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84 №1277128  

Дваче! А давай вспомним старое. http://www.omegle.com.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: what are you doing?
Stranger: nothihng much reallu you?
You: i dont understand..please write correctly
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

>> №1277148  

семеню в тред.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: 야
You: hello
Stranger: 원숭이야
You: блеать китайцы
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

>> №1277228  


>> №1277345  

Он кореец, обмудок

>> №1277395  

>>1277345 and then?

>> №1277412  

And then, you suck my dick.

>> №1277421  

Stranger: hi
You: Hi
You: Do you suck cocks?
Stranger: depends
Stranger: u?
You: Well. Suck please.
Stranger: wait
Stranger: I said it depends
You: I said SUCK
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: need to romance first
Stranger: well
You: What is this shit?
Stranger: ahhhh
Stranger: I sense confusion
Stranger: let me help
Stranger: walk on the beach
Stranger: dinner by moonlight
Stranger: two glasses of merlot

>> №1277463  

Бездушное говно.

>> №1277519  

So what?

>> №1277540  

>>1277421 ти злой =(

>> №1277551  

Внезапно познакомился с кем-то из кореи, оказывается у них тоже обязательный призыв в армию. Пока что еды мало, но я работаю над этим.

>> №1277584  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: I am faggot
You: And im proud of it
Stranger: really?
You: yeah
You: I like when two guys brutally rape my ass
Stranger: you m?
You: Yes
Stranger: good
You: U girl?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: but i like faggot
You: I too
Stranger: you girl?
You: no
Stranger: wow
You: Mans are so manly
You: So i cant hold myself
Stranger: Do you really have sex in the ass?
You: Yeah
You: Its cool
You: To man its very much pleasure
Stranger: Is not that sick?
You: No
You: All guys love anal sex
Stranger: It's amazing
You: I know
Дальше просто досужняя болтовня и неинтересно

>> №1277640  

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hello
Stranger: what film should i watch
You: you should wath brutal pron
You: *watch
You: any questions?

уже 5 минут не отвечает..странно.

>> №1277710  

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hi
You: hi, faggot
Stranger: bastard!!

>> №1277714  

/r пасту про Have someone been far even so decided или что-то в этом роде

>> №1277746  

You: hi fag!
Stranger: hi :)
Stranger: mf??
Stranger: im f
You: i do have both penis and tits
Stranger: thats hott
You: yeah
Stranger: r they man tits
You: no
You: thats a problem

>> №1277813  

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> №1277824  

Если у меня хуево с английским, я быдло??

>> №1277835  

>>1277824 да

>> №1278044  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: I gonna kill myself
Stranger: kill yourself?
You: That world is horrible
You: Suicide is only what can help me
Stranger: hey wait
You: Im going to jump from roof
Stranger: hey where are you from?
You: If i fly at head, im die fast and without much pain
You: Russia
Stranger: hey
You: That all that fuckin bears
Stranger: you think your family
Stranger: your mom and daddy
You: Bears ate my familt
You: family
Stranger: I'm sorry
You: I killed them
Stranger: you kill bears
Stranger: but you don't die
Stranger: ok?
Stranger: you most live
You: But that fuckin greenpeace said that i wouldnt kill them
Stranger: no
Stranger: you most live
Stranger: for your family..
You: I'll go to the zoo and kill all bears
You: All problems in russia are from bears
Stranger: no
You: they rape our women
Stranger: please..
You: They ate our chidren
You: They are satan animals
You: And im gonna save my motherland from that beasts
You: Im going to be suicide bummer
Stranger: come down
You: And blow off all my town
You: Bears everywhere
You: U might be bear
You: Are u bear?
Stranger: no
You: Sure?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: bear can't use internet
You: They just say it for people
You: They most intellegent animals at earth
Stranger: bears can't talk
Stranger: hey
Stranger: you lie to me?
You: I hear when main bear raped my mother, he sad:"Dat good bitch"
Stranger: hey
Stranger: bear is animal
You: Humants to
Stranger: bear can't rape
You: Yeah, hi just hugged my mother
You: he just
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1278107  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1278150  
Файл: 1248798541239.jpg -(78кб, 750x600) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.


>> №1278169  

Вин и без вариантов. Сейчас использую ту же схему. Анон, сотни нефти тебе :3

>> №1278209  
Файл: 1248798706636.jpg -(393кб, 1000x500) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.


>> №1278287  

Может увековечить копипасту на лурке?

>> №1278493  

а как это?

>> №1278498  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hi desu!
Stranger: may i fuck you?
You: where r u from?
Stranger: may i fuck you? you are so beautiful
Stranger: like dog the fucking dog
You: ну ты долбоеб
You: i mean, strange fantasies u have!
Stranger: ?
You: rly
Stranger: I just want fuck you
You: oh, u so wired but...
Stranger: but?
You: prepare ur anus!
Stranger: OH...
You: srsly desu
Stranger: you are a fucking man
You: do u know how large strapon could be?
You: enormous
Stranger: stop!
You: no
You: too late
You: an i gonna penetrate
Stranger: i talk you!
Stranger: i talk you!
Stranger: i talk you!
Stranger: i talk you!
Stranger: i talk you!
You: HARD!!!
Stranger: i talk you!
You: desu
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: my father is maychel
Stranger: okok
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: beat it~~~~~~~~
Stranger: OK?
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
You: desu
Stranger: = =
Stranger: = =
You: maybe you will able to feel it with stomach
Stranger: 老實跟你講我是中國人!
You: be able
You: вот долбоебина
Stranger: 你他媽妳根本長得跟智障一樣
Stranger: 你他媽妳根本長得跟智障一樣
Stranger: 你他媽妳根本長得跟智障一樣你他媽妳根本長得跟智障一樣你他媽妳根本長得跟智障一樣你他媽妳根本長得跟智障一樣你他媽妳根本長得跟智障一樣你他媽妳根本長得跟智障一樣你他媽妳根本長得跟智障一樣你他媽妳根本長得跟智障一樣
You: you disappoint me
Stranger: OH...
Stranger: SORRY
You: oh my
You: excuse me
Stranger: I just want fuck you!
You: u r guy?
Stranger: but...
Stranger: beat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: beat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!beat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!beat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!beat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!beat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!beat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!beat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!beat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: so
Stranger: i fuck you
You: no
You: u missed something
You: not u
You: u have just tiny penus, fag!

>> №1278539  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hello
You: hi desu
Stranger: from?
You: canada desu
You: u r desu?
Stranger: indonesia
You: DESU!!!
Stranger: stupid
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1278622  

смотрите что мне дали http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/8648/j7cbd3.jpg

>> №1278627  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: Hi
Stranger: hi
You: Do you want to talk about bears?
You: They are gonna kill all humans
You: I know it
Stranger: really?
You: They killed my familly
You: And raped me
Stranger: woah
Stranger: sounds bad
You: That was painful
Stranger: yes it probably was
You: Bears are hiding
Stranger: they are hiding everywhere
You: someday they are kill your children
You: And rape u
Stranger: i have been banned from reproducing
You: Why?
Stranger: it is too dangerous
You: This is funny
Stranger: the world will be at risk if i reproduce
You: Even with bears
Stranger: even with bears
Stranger: in fact it will be even more dangerous with bears
You: Go to bear comunna, they will give you lots of hugs
Stranger: aww
You: They are so fluffy
Stranger: they can be
You: and warm
Stranger: but you must not be fooled by this
You: yeah
Stranger: that is how they get you
Stranger: they pretend to be all nice and fluffy and cuddly....
You: Under warm and fluffyness they are very brutal animals
Stranger: yes they are
You: All bears have 666 tatoos on their ass
Stranger: ha ha
You: I seen when bear raped me
You: Many bears
You: about 10
Stranger: oh god
Stranger: have you been to counselling?
You: Maby that was gang
Stranger: i think it was a gang
You: Beara-satanists
Stranger: lol
You: I must kill them all
Stranger: :-o
You: Where is my topol-M
Stranger: lol
You: Im russian
You: We all have topol-M at our home
Stranger: i am english
You: ooooh
You: Good to be you
Stranger: thanks
You: U havent much bears at england
Stranger: no
Stranger: only teddy bears
You: russian bears are like to dance
Stranger: but teddy bears attack you when you are asleep
You: O_O
You: Horrible
Stranger: yes they pretend to be all cute and fluffy
You: Fluufy toy, are in fact brutal murderer
Stranger: yes i know i have heard about this
Stranger: they do such terrible things
You: Iknow
You: Even now, bear are hiding in my bathroom
Stranger: really?
You: Im going to kill him and fuck his fluffy corpse
Stranger: :-o
Stranger: i think one is watching us type...
Stranger: if you know your enemy you can stop them
You have disconnected.

>> №1278637  

>>1278493 Сделать отдел в статье архив копипасты.

>> №1278648  

Пиздец, примерно на середине разговора я перестал понимать, кто кого кормит - я его или он меня. Просто беседа двух умалишенных.
Stranger: JACX R U THERE?
You: IT'S RAPE TIME!!!!!!!
Stranger: JACX!!!!!
Stranger: WHERE IS JACX??
You: YEP
Stranger: HAVE YOU FOUND HER? :(
Stranger: JACX!!
Stranger: SHE RAN AWAY !
You: WHO?
Stranger: JACX RAN AWAY. :(
If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
Stranger: BUT WE NEED TO FIND MAHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: AW SHI~ HERE IT IS: 3452957483
Stranger: OH NO. THE LINE IS BUSY!!@!!!! WHAT DO I DO?
You: OK
Stranger: goodbye stranger. plz help mahone take down the company... -dies-
You have disconnected.

>> №1278670  

Stranger: hi
You: hi there
Stranger: im Parrot
You: i'm Anonymous
Stranger: i'm Anonymous
You: Lol, thats fun
Stranger: Lol, thats fun
Stranger is typing...

Он меня обманул.

>> №1278713  

You: Suicide is only thing that can help me
Stranger: why?
Stranger: haha
Stranger: what?
Stranger: there's always a way.. calm down..
Stranger: okay i'm not laughing...
You: Im going to jump from roof. It won't be painful...
Stranger: nope.. don't do that..
Stranger: what's your problem maybe i can do some help...
You: And what can i do?? Fuckin' Russia. Fuckin' bears. Fuckin' vodka...
Stranger: you're russian?
You: Yes. And i'm gonna die. I hate bears. They killed my family. Now i'm gonna die too
Stranger: i don't exactly your problem is.. but God is exist.. do you believe in God?
Stranger: that's a test in your life...
You: I DON'T. After everything that happened
Stranger: whether you can pass or not...
Stranger: tell me your story..
Stranger: no no....
Stranger: just be patient..
You: The bear's killed my family. They raped my mother
You: All problems in russia are from bears
Stranger: where??
You: They are satan animals
You: And im gonna save my motherland from that beasts
Stranger: yeah i know..
You: They are everywhere
You: Are you a bear?
Stranger: but this is a part from a "life"... your life..... that you have to go along with..
Stranger: no i'm a human
Stranger: i';m on your side
You: They use the internet. They are everywhere. TELL GOVERNMENT THE TRUTH
Stranger: okay what exactly your problem?
You: The bears killed my family. I ran away. Now i'm gonna tell the truth. And then kill myself
Stranger: no way !
Stranger: don't kill yourself...
You: WHY? What should i do? BEARS
Stranger: be patient... i'm really2 sorry to hear that......
You: They know everything about us
Stranger: a real animal?
You: They'l kill us all
Stranger: they know everything about you?? why didn't you ran away?
You: They will hunt me. Bear's will kill al human, when the time will come..
You have disconnected.

Сам знаю. Ничтожный подражатель. Но очень доставляет

>> №1278729  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: good day
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

И так каждый раз, блеать. Меня что, боятся?

>> №1278761  

You: Hi
Stranger: hi
You: How к г?
Stranger: what na?
You: Ya ebal tvoj ruka!
Stranger: zdarova :D
You: :3


>> №1278782  
Файл: 1248800473783.jpg -(212кб, 1200x1861) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.


>> №1278830  

БАААМП годному треду!

>> №1278851  

>>1278713 У тебя получилось лучше чем у меня, правда. Я просто порол чушь на ходу и мысль оформил только ближе к концу разговора.

>> №1278864  
Файл: 1248800711191.jpg -(108кб, 500x511) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

You: Russia
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1278886  

чота многовато там анонов, я тока что на одного нарвался.

>> №1278908  

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: labas
Stranger: hello
You: hi
You: labas?
You: italian?
Stranger: it means hello in my language
Stranger: lithuania
You: i understood
You: oh my
You: do u rly suck cocks?
Stranger: what
Stranger: ?
You: never mind
You have disconnected.

>> №1278930  

В любом случае продвигаем в массы пиндосов теорию о заговоре медведей :3

>> №1278942  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hi!
You: hi
You: i'm a little girl
You: i want hard anal sex
Stranger: do little girls like touching bacon?
Stranger: OK
Stranger: but only if you touch yourself with bacon
Stranger: & I can rub pizza against your body
You: bacon not so good
You: i love fresh meeat
Stranger: BACON NOT GOOD? ;;_____;
You: Not
Stranger: YOU MAKE KITTY SAD (((
You: :-3
You: i want eat
You: feed me, plz
Stranger: you can eat the bacon after masturbating with it
Stranger: !
You: no
Stranger: you suck(
You: i love living pigs
Stranger: :<<<
You: niph-niph my favorite
You: xD love you too
Stranger: oh, I see what you did there
Stranger: liking a much about yourself, are you?
You: not rly
Stranger: well, it's easy if you're yourself your own lover
Stranger: well you just said you love living pigs (
You: i'm not a pig
You: did you are the nigga?
You: yoyo man
You: hate black asses
You: but if serios
You: from, man?:D
Stranger: nah, as aryan as you can be
You: lol
Stranger: I'm a little girl actually ;___;
You: :D
You: don't trust you
You: you are bad man
You: you make my cry
Stranger: why is that? 'cause little girls don't like touching bacon? :<<<
Stranger: and where was that you were born?
Stranger: don't remember you mentioning it
You: t.t
You: i was born in hell yeah
You: you ass will be burn
Stranger: so US, I guess
Stranger: or russia
You: rofl
You: mb some other country?
Stranger: well you said hell
You: hell in you room, man
Stranger: sauna in my room, more likely
You: barac obama are good man
You: rofl
You: you need go to shower then
You: or you love vhen you stink?
You: when*
Stranger: you don't stink in sauna!
You: you love how smell you'r ass
You: see that
You: kk
You: but you in you'r own room
You: no window here?
You: no dors?
You: t.t sad for you
Stranger: how do you know my room isn't really a sauna?
You: coz you sit in internet
You: but any way
Stranger: whyb do you think you can't use internet in sauna?
Stranger: never heard of laptops?
You: how hot in you'r room?
Stranger: ~30
You: laptos sux pfff
Stranger: celcius
You: cold here
You: yeah
You: +32 <<<
Stranger: :<<<
You: and not sauna
Stranger: I'm fat 'cause I eat so much bacon!
Stranger: that makes it even moar hot
You: you'r fat, ha?
Stranger: yeah, just like all the little girls
You: not rly
You: :D
Stranger: who like to touch bacon
Stranger: ....
Stranger: I was talking about the little girls who like to touch bacon ((
Stranger: not the ordinary, boring little girls
You: why you love touch bacon?
Stranger: 'cause it's AWESOME
You: do't like touch some else?
Stranger: makes me horny
You: O_o
Stranger: well I like masturbating with a pizza
You: pasta rullez
You: with a bacon
Stranger: don't really know what they're
Stranger: with one bacon only? ;_;
You: SURE!
You: did you feel the world?
You: peace, brother
You: go smoke some weed with me
You: i'm love meew
You: i'm love smoke weed
Stranger: so, 'cause I'm a genious I can see that you're not a native english speaker
You: after soooo coool
Stranger: weed is nice yeah
You: better' than bacon
Stranger: I like touching bacon with my dreadlocks
You: yoyo
You: did you listning bob marly?
You: haa rasta rullez
Stranger: smoking bacon & eating weed
You: rasta*
You: damn i'm drink too many
You: don't see what writing
Stranger: never heard of bob marly but the marley guy is nice, though
You: eat weed?
You: h'm that's must bee cool
Stranger: yeah, space cake
You: boom chaka-chaka boom
You: :3
Stranger: so are you trolling, retarded or just not that good at spelling?
You: What your' think then?
You: i'm waitning...
Stranger: I'm saying all 3
You: ohh sry
You: i'm liyyle girl
You: don't know what is that
You: you make me sad
Stranger: :<<<<
You: nah
You: not so funny
Stranger: not really
You: need search not troll
You: coz wanna eat
You: mb bacon
You: :3
Stranger: :D
Stranger: bacon pizza
Stranger: omnomnom
You: yeah
You: well, bye
You: mb see you later
You: :D
Stranger: bye, has funz
You: same

>> №1278986  

>>1278930 Я имел в виду что мой разговор был скорее похож на бред умалишённого, а твой был уже больше на параноидальный бред походил.

>> №1278993  

Школота не знает английского и держится подальше от этого треда

>> №1278999  


>а твой уже


>> №1279034  

Stranger: Hi.
You: good day
Stranger: How are you?
You: i dunno
You: something between terrible and really terrible. you?
Stranger: Well, I'm alright, what's wrong with you?
You: that's not important
Stranger: Of course it is. What's wrong?
You: i think i don't want to discuss that. i just have some problems, that's all i can tell
Stranger: That's fine.
Stranger: Where are you from?
Stranger: US here.
You: oh. great. i'm from russia. srsly.
Stranger: Cool.
Stranger: I'm 19/m.
You: 20/m
Stranger: brb phone
You: ok
Stranger: actually bye, sorry.
You: ok. goodbye
Вот так всегда. Интересно, действительно телефон, или товарищ просто так с темы соскочил аккуратно?

>> №1279134  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: japam
You: Recently I started to like covering myself in stale feces and masturbating. Almost every morning I walk around my neighborhood with a large garbage bag and collect all the crap I see. It takes a whole day to get two bags full of shit. But it all pays off when I come home after a hard day, go to the bathroom, turn on the hot water and... pour all the crap into the bathtub. And then I masturbate, imagining that I'm being devoured by all the feces. All in all, I think, that poo has its own mind, each pile of shit has its own family, place, feelings, we shouldn't just flush them down the toilet, we should take care of them, talk to them, pet them... And you know what, I had a wonderful dream while lying in the bathtub yesterday, I dived into the sea and it turned into shit, fish, seaweed, jellyfish, everything turned into poo, even Allah himself.
Stranger: what
Stranger: sssssssso longgggggggg
Stranger: boring.
Stranger: making love
Stranger: What does
You: Do you like to do something like that&
Stranger: wwwwwwhat?
Stranger: sHuit

>> №1279143  

>>1278993 Предлагаю создавать такие треды почаще, авось в омегле прославимся своими медведями. Стыдно немного это говорить, но возможно мы присутствуем при рождении нового мема.

>> №1279171  

Ессесно соскочил, даже слишком вежливо, обычно там ищут телок или типа телок. Или лулзы, ага.

>> №1279202  

И чем он новый? Итак всем известно, что в России медведи ебут балалайками, выпивая водку из матрешек.

>> №1279222  

Stranger: hello! do you like taiwanese penis??
You: Yes. Are you a faggot too?
Stranger: faggot?
Stranger: means what?
You: Yes. You like fucking men?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Он неправильно понял

>> №1279272  

Лол, я тоже его встречал.

>> №1279284  

>>1279222 You like to fuck men

>> №1279316  

You're gay?
Вот и всё

>> №1279327  
Файл: 1248802235574.jpg -(39кб, 332x709) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Stranger: hey
You: hui
Stranger: male, 17, Liverpool UK
You: trap, 18, poland
Stranger: trap?
You: yep
Stranger: i have no idea what you mean
You: Oh, but " It's a trap!" etc.
Stranger: so are you male or female
Stranger: ?
You: I'm trap, dude!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1279359  

You: Fucking bears. I'm here again
Stranger: bears?
You: Lol yeah
You: They are everywhere
Stranger: do you fight them barehanded?
You: Oh, nope. My dad does
You: They not dangerous
You: Just thief's
Stranger: how large are these bears?
You: A bit larger then actual man
Stranger: and they can be scared off by people? :\
You: Sure
You: But not all
You: Some types can kill with one hit
You: Thats sad
Stranger: i guess
Stranger: i don't meet many bears that can kill people in one hit
Stranger: or other kinds
You: Lucky for you
Stranger: probably, yes

>> №1279412  

А оппонент то ведь мог подумать что ты прыгнул после этого. Я более чем уверен что так и получилось.

>> №1279441  

Stranger: Russian male 17 with webcam you?
You: Кто-то сказал русский? Ты хуй
Stranger: idi nahoi pidaras
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Вот такие наши соотечественники приветливые..

>> №1279452  

>>1279441 Ты какбе первый начал

>> №1279482  

Душевно получилось

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hey
Stranger: how are you
You: I gonna kill myself
Stranger: why?
You: realy
Stranger: no
You: jump from the roof
Stranger: no no
Stranger: don't
You: i' m fuckin' tired
Stranger: no
You: of this life
Stranger: why is that
You: i'm feel sorry for that you mere the last man i spoke with
You: were
You: slffix
Stranger: hey
Stranger: don't kill yourself
You: i don't know what to do anymore
You: wmat'z ypur name dude?
Stranger: heidi
Stranger: sorry about not being a dude
You: female? or what do u mean
Stranger: female
You: oh
You: female
You: itz a reason of my suicide
Stranger: whyy
You: where u from, heidi?
Stranger: Korea
Stranger: you?
You: south? i'm from russia
You: fuck
Stranger: yes south
You: one more minute
Stranger: what
Stranger: no
You: and i will leave
You: this
You: fuckin'
You: world
Stranger: no
Stranger: are you crazy
Stranger: your life
Stranger: is precious!
You: i have no will anymore
You: if u can write a little poem 'bout me
Stranger: everyone is just precious for being human
You: about a man from a random chat
You: who was a little crazy
Stranger: poem..
Stranger: i suck at making poem
You: fcuk poem
You: write anything
Stranger: ok
You: that will live after me
Stranger: what?
You: how old are u, heidi? i'm 21
Stranger: promise you won't kill yourself
Stranger: i am 18
You: can't be true that i wom't kill myself
You: shit
You: i can't carry on
Stranger: tell me, why will you stop your life?
You: cause of one girl...old story(
Stranger: omg
Stranger: just a girl?
Stranger: that's it?
Stranger: don't be absurd man
You: u don't understand
Stranger: well
You: u're to young
Stranger: is that long story
Stranger: my boy friend cheated on me, how about you?
You: i' stupid
You: this puosy bitch ...oh i can't go on..the pain iz so hard(
Stranger: oh ok
You: damn
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: try to forget her
Stranger: it's no good for you to think of her
Stranger: right?
Stranger: just forget her
Stranger: meet a better girl
You: as in Slipknot's : but now it's over....
You: i cant's find the strenghth to live aneymore
You: fuck
You: forgive me
You: for this shit

You: i'm saying
You: please, stop making me an optimistic one
Stranger: optimistic is good
You: i gave up
Stranger: why do you avoid to be?
Stranger: don't give up
You: bye
Stranger: hey
Stranger: what the f
You: my last
Stranger: never say bye to me
You: yhe last man
You: no
Stranger: hey
Stranger: hey
You: tje last female i
Stranger: hey
You: 've
You: talked
Stranger: are you kidding me
You: so
You: noway
Stranger: there is hope
You: no fun
Stranger: omg
Stranger: people who are like 60, are so jealous of your juvenile
You: there's no place for fun
Stranger: omg
Stranger: there is no fun place there?
Stranger: come to Korea then
Stranger: you are invited
You: maybe next life
You: i leave
Stranger: do you beliven in next life
Stranger: there is no next life!!
Stranger: life is once
Stranger: and it's short
You: "close the door"...
You: and say goodbye
Stranger: and you give up when you have lived only quarter of it?
Stranger: that's ridiculous
You: u are the same
Stranger: same as who
You: just one more annoyning bitch
Stranger: i want to be no one else
You: as my last chick
Stranger: don't call me bitch
You: sorry
Stranger: it's ok
Stranger: What's your name
You: but i'm so excited now
Stranger: excited to what? :)
You: cause of .....u know 'bout what
You: my name iz nick
Stranger: nice to meet you nick
Stranger: are you sure you are from russia ? :P
You: nice to meet you
You: what do u mean?
Stranger: are you really russia
Stranger: russian*?
You: the weird question
You: yeah
Stranger: oh ok
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: your english is great
Stranger: :P
Stranger: ok
You: i'm sick
You: i'm fuckin'sick
Stranger: why
Stranger: i am sick too
Stranger: i have flu
Stranger: :(
You: some in russian: я действительно не в ладах с собой. Ты гриппом болеешь? Херово. Лето же
Stranger: WOW
Stranger: what is thatttt
You: spelling in russian
Stranger: ohhhh wow
Stranger: how come they are so long :P
Stranger: ok nick
Stranger: listen
Stranger: it's 2:20 am here
You: and?
Stranger: and i am sick
Stranger: and tired
Stranger: so i need to go to bed
You: what do u suggest?
Stranger: and i hope you were just joking when you said you will kill yourself
You: well go,
You: i don't know
You: really
You: i'n in a fuckin' bad mood
Stranger: remember, your life is precious
Stranger: and your mood won't kill you
You: mood won't but me
You: listen
You: korean girl
Stranger: yes?
You: 2"20?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: AM
Stranger: in the morning
You: smellz like shit, i've got 0:23
You: and i live in 4 hours from your place
You: i'm sure
Stranger: really?
Stranger: where in russia are you
You: in a middle of
Stranger: moscow?
Stranger: i see
Stranger: :)
Stranger: well..
You: look
Stranger: yes
You: i have some
Stranger: some what :P
You: i don't believe u
Stranger: believe me?
Stranger: why
You: i was right
Stranger: what you don't believe about me
You: all chicka are same
Stranger: :(
Stranger: what are you talking about
You: nevermind
You: Kurt was right
Stranger: hm...
Stranger: i got to go...
Stranger: nice talking to you nick
You: bye forver and ever
Stranger: and nice to meet you
You: forever
Stranger: fuck
You: and
You: e
You: v
You: e
You: r
Stranger: lol
Stranger: plz
You: u're not korean girl don't u? ^_^
Stranger: i ammm
You: fuck
Stranger: you want me to write in Korean?
Stranger: 안녕
Stranger: 닉
Stranger: 난 한국인이야
Stranger: 너가 자살하지 않길 바래 ^^
Stranger: lol
You: translate it plz)
Stranger: hi
Stranger: nick
Stranger: i am Korean
You: я нихуя не понял
Stranger: I hope you won't kill yourself
You: oh
Stranger: translate plz
You: i didn't undertsand anything
You: Корея
You: korea in russian
Stranger: Korea?
Stranger: ^^
Stranger: hey
Stranger: do you have msn
You: no i have icq
Stranger: ohh...
Stranger: too bad...
Stranger: i need to talk to you again^^
Stranger: but my stomach hurts
Stranger: :(
You: email or smthng like this?
Stranger: which means i have to go to bed :(
Stranger: yes
Stranger: yes
Stranger: называет свое мыло
Stranger: yours?
You: stomah? sounds awull i hate whan my stomach is hurtz
Stranger: yeah,,
Stranger: it happens when i am tired
You: называю свое мыло
Stranger: it happens only to me
You: well
Stranger: i wrote it down :P
You: there iz nothing more to say
You: to add
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: ok gotta go
You: good night
Stranger: you too :)
You: and don't worry 'bout me
Stranger: ok :)
Stranger: i trust you
Stranger: bye <3 ^^
You: bye
You: пока
Stranger: noka? :)
You: in russian
You: poka
Stranger: oh ok :)
Stranger: poka ^^
Stranger: <3
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1279533  

You: But i still learning :3
You: It's better then drink vodka and play on balalaika
Stranger: balawhatnow?
Просвятите насчет балалайки.

>> №1279600  

You: But most weird things are not fun
You: like a Petrosyan
You: one of the fear of our country
Stranger: Petrosyan?
You: yeah
You: Russian comic artist
You: Totaly weird
Stranger: never heard of him
You: http://dic.academic.ru/pictures/wiki/files/80/Petrosyan_eugene_vaganovich.jpg
You: There he is
Stranger: never seen his face either
You: Lucky for you. Again
Stranger: well not anymore
Stranger: i saw his face now
Stranger: and it's all your fault
You: :3
Stranger: you bastard :P

>> №1279630  

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: Im going to jump from roof
Stranger: and your going to do this why exactly?
You: Bears
You: U lnow, im from russia and we have horrible problems with wild bears
You: *know
Stranger: -_-
Stranger: whatever
Stranger: I would of loved it if you really did talk like a russian
Stranger: that would be so hot
You: Our goverment dont say that, but wild bears are coming to our towns
Stranger: assuming your a woman of course
You: Im man
Stranger: you know what else the government don't tell you
Stranger: aliens rule the world
You: At last raid they killed my parents
Stranger: the end
Stranger: well sorry to hear it
Stranger: sad story
Stranger: should we both cry
Stranger: and mourn for the pasting
You: I runned lile little girl
Stranger: of your parents
You: like
Stranger: who wouldn't
You: But now im ready for REVENGE
Stranger: I would to
Stranger: with what
Stranger: you want to slap bear
Stranger: with hands
You: Im going to zoo at our town, and kill all bears there
Stranger: and they will just fall over and die
Stranger: well good luck to you mate
You: Bears in zoo are spies for wild bears
Stranger: good for you
Stranger: go kill them bears
Stranger: just make sure you dont end up in crazy hospital
You: They are planning to own the world
You: i know that
Stranger: sure they are
Stranger: so you have to stop them
Stranger: well go buy a gun
Stranger: and shot them bears
You: I hear they punchung in my window
Stranger: I know
Stranger: and they are monsters those things
Stranger: they want to kill humans
You: I will not going to give them my body
Stranger: then don't
You: I going to the roof
Stranger: set your body on fire if you have to
Stranger: for what
You: I will stand till the last bullet in my gun
Stranger: I thought you just said you wanted to go to the zoo
Stranger: good thinking
You: Then i will jump to the earth
Stranger: great thinking
Stranger: yes
Stranger: good idea
You: They already in hall
You: I hear
You: They talk
Stranger: good
You: Talk
Stranger: so get your fun
You: RRrrRRRrRRrwwWW
Stranger: gun
Stranger: so shot them
Stranger: go for it
You: I see
You: Thev eyes
Stranger: you see what
You: Looking
Stranger: so shot their eyes
You: They wanna rape and kill me
Stranger: so shot them
You: Imm going tothe rtooof
Stranger: get them
Stranger: then go
Stranger: hurry
You: bye
Stranger: before they do like that
Stranger: ok
You: sdfsdfdgdfesyreuisthl324h5 mjnughlfz
Stranger: bye
You have disconnected.

>> №1279758  

>>1279482 Я бы тебе отсосал

>> №1279963  

You: Hi
Stranger: hey
You: are you a faggot?
Stranger: um.. no im not
Stranger: are you?
You: And i am. After two bears raped me. Sad story
Stranger: something to joke about is it?
You: WHAT JOKES?? Bear's are not like everyone think. They are killers
Stranger: i dont give a fuck about the bears
You: They killed my family. They raped me.. I ran away. Now i'm gonna have my revenge
Stranger: are you serious? this aint nothing to joke about
Stranger: people are getting raped every day
Stranger: not by bears, but
You: FUCK YOU. Bears are KILLING and RAPING people. I saw it. The government don't tell us true
Stranger: okay..
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


>> №1280070  


>> №1280168  

>>1279963 Упор нужно делать не на медведей как таковых, а на сумасшествие и готовность замовыпилиться. При правильном собеседнике вы получите тонны еды, если же попадётся похуист как мне в >>1279630, то будет скучно.

>> №1280302  

Все представляются Vasya'ми из Russia. Мы не можем больше жить в таких условиях, пить водку и играть на балалайках. Смотреть на медведей на улицах. Мы хотим убить себя. Ну вы понели

>> №1280423  



>> №1280499  

Stranger: Hi
You: Oo!
You: hi
You: i look in window and i se how bear drink vodka!
You: meaby need go drink with him?
You: how you are think?
Stranger: DRINK WITH HIM!!!!!
Stranger: DO IT!!!!
You: did you love vodka?
Stranger: I did until Newyears day
You: oh you lost so many
You: vodka make a soo goood feeling
You: just like when you smoke weed
You: did you smoke weed?
Stranger: No i did ex once
Stranger: that makes you feel good
You: ex not so good
You: he's kill you brain so fast
You: but!
You: when you drink vodka
You: you feel good
You: from any way?
Stranger: US
You: ohh i'm from siberia
You: i'm daning with bear just like now
You: and drink best vodka ever
You: Did you like banans?
You: :3
Stranger: No
Stranger: do you
You: ofc!
You: eat banan
You: save the world
You: know that?
Stranger: ya lol
You: so
You: you must kill all banans
You: see that?
You: and you save the world
Stranger: lol ill do that. what should i kill them with
You: cool!
You: Kill beaver save the tree
You: and you can smoke weed
You: from the coca ofc
You: never don't smoke weed?
You: you must smoke!
You: and eat banans!
Stranger: and shoot guns!
You: no
You: then you will be gangsta
You: gansta not good
You: ofc if you are not raper
You: you like rap?
Stranger: not really
You: then not shoot
Stranger: i dont like gangsta
You: or you can go to italy
You: and bee true gangsta
You: gangsta not good, yes
You: rasta!!
Stranger: American Gangsta is stupid
Stranger: they dont know how to shoot
You: lol
You: rly?
You: don't know that
You: than, they must eat banans
Stranger: they are all from africa they probably like bananas
You: rly all?
You: but they afro-americans
You: free country, or not that?
Stranger: we are losing our freedom because of them
You: did you don't like black skin color, or some other?
Stranger: i dont like any gangsta.....to me the color doesnt matter
Stranger: they are all stupid
You: gangsta can be not only from africa!
You: chinise and japanese mafia?
You: they gangsta too
Stranger: they come from mexico to
You: but, they have small penis
You: african's have big
You: mexico?
You: free work power
You: or not so free?
Stranger: they drain our economy
You: build free country, smoke weed, drynk beer, fuck girls
You: th'ats true life, man!!
You: don't know
You: mb they take small cash for fork
You: than other ppl?
Stranger: I should buy an island and start my own country
You: just like an free land
You: where you can live for you'r own hapines
You: and all will be cool
Stranger: free weed beer and women for eveyone
You: yeah
You: but when all womens
You: will be with mans
You: what need do next?
You: no free

>> №1280528  

Stranger: hi
You: hello
Stranger: from?
You: russia
Stranger: canada
Stranger: male/female
You: well, i have tits
Stranger: can u send me youre photo plzz!
You: sure, one second
You: http://yfrog.com/0wmantitsj here it is
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1280546  

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hey
You: hi
Stranger: you a girl?
You: no
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1280650  

You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: 29 sexy guy east coast
You: 26 trap.
Stranger: trap?
You: Yep. You know, a girl with a dick
Stranger: nice got boobs?
You: Yes
Stranger: how big
You: 3-rd.
Stranger: where do you live
You: Do you want to try a trap?
Stranger: ive been with a tranny before babe it was good
You: Okay. Where do yo live?
Stranger: washington dc
You: Goddamned. Me to.. So... Give me your contacts..
Stranger: do you have gmail chat?
You: Nope. Maybe e-mail? Or phone number
Stranger: ill write you there so we dont get disconnected
Stranger: still there?
You: Just give me an e-mail or phone number. Then we'll talk with them/
Stranger: Мыло hit me there im signed in right now ok?
You: Ok
You have disconnected.
Тиреч, что писать на мыло? Быстраблядь.

>> №1280691  

>>1280302 Забей на клюкву, медведи здесь не главное. Главное, чтобы вас уговаривали не прыгать с крыши, а вы при этом должны пороть бред про нашествие медведей. Заканчивать лучше всего в стиле: "Я не дамся этим тварям в зубы, лучше убью себя сам". Потом прощание и дисконнект. Чем драматичней, тем лучше.

>> №1280734  

Stranger: hello stranger
You: hi
Stranger: are you a nice girl ?
You: well, i'm a nice
You: let's say it
You: nearly girl
Stranger: err... how come ' nearly girl ' ?
You: do u like mantits btw ?
Stranger: HELL NO
You: /sigh
You: nobody likes
You: i'm so lonely damn it
Stranger: yes
Stranger: they are gross
Stranger: stick a finger on your ass and be happy
You: oh yes i am !
You: but you know
You: it's kinda dangerous
You: last time i nearly broke mah arm playin with it
You: it's like damn black hole
Stranger: o0
You: practise makes perfect
You: oh cmon
You: don't be shy
You: i see that you become envy
Stranger: ..../
Stranger: hell no
Stranger: fuck oyu
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1280740  

>>1280650 Расскажи об этом на форчане, они что нибудь придумают. Возможна поломка всей жизни этого мужика с рассказами всем его близким о сексе с трапами.

>> №1280787  

На угрозы самоубийства реагируют хорошо. Угрожайте и вас будут отговаривать, потму что страшно, что это правда. А вот медведи хуйня.

>> №1280817  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi there. I'm Michael Jackson. I found a computer in Heaven.
You: Hello, Kinga
You: How's the God?
You: Nice guy?
Stranger: Looks like morgan freeman
You: He's a black dude?
Stranger: Yeah
You: Holy shit!
You: I promise I will never ever lynch a nigger anymore!
You: How can I atone for my sins (((
Stranger: Did you ever lynch a nigger?
Stranger: That's BADDD
You: Oh yes, and many times
You: Once we with my pals caught a nigger swarm
You: And blocked them all in a sauna
You: And then we've burned it down to ashes
Stranger: How did it smell?
You: Like a damn big nigger barbecue, man
Stranger: I used to be black
Stranger: But I was affraid of people like you :(
Stranger: And I really wanted to make A BIG FUCKING NIGGER BARBECUE
You: So we were right!
You: We thought you did it to join our happy kukluxclan feasts!
Stranger: Right !
Stranger: Oh and
Stranger: I never raped Children
Stranger: THEY raped me
You: WHAT???
Stranger: :(
You: But we followed your example and raped a hlluvalot of'em
Stranger: Damn
Stranger: Noooo
Stranger: You shouldn't do that
Stranger: that's BAD
You: Why?
You: Raping children is fun!
Stranger: You shouldn't do BAD things :(
You: You know, when you sodomize a 6 y.o. girl, and another one rims your asshole
You: Damn, I got a boner
You: Gotta find a loli
You: or two
Stranger: Stop it !
Stranger: God is a black dude
Stranger: But is a young girl too
You: Stop wut? I haven't yet started
Stranger: Don't start then
You: But I have a boner
Stranger: Michael said it was BAD
You: I need to raep a loli in her tight asshole
Stranger: Put your dick in the fridge
You: And fill her guts with my Arian cum
You: HEIL HITLER, by the way
Stranger: Hitler was a bitch
You: No
Stranger: I AM A LEGEND
You: He was a kind gramps of us all
You: He did a lot for the children!
You: He almost cleared our mother europe from motherfucking judeobolshevist scum
Stranger: I'm not european anyway
You: It doesn't matter now, you know
You: BTW, best regards to Adolf
You: I thing you'll bump in him soon, if not already
Stranger: I don't think so
Stranger: Didn't see his name in heaven
Stranger: Maybe in hell
You: No way. He IS in heaven
Stranger: Maybe he changed name
You: Where else can such glorious and pure man be?
Stranger: And Shaved
Stranger: In neverland !
You: I heard neverland was taken over by sodomizing niggerj just two days after you went to meet Adolf
Stranger: Niggaz in my ranch?
You: Yep
You: A helluva lot o'em
Stranger: DAMN IT
Stranger: You have to burn them
Stranger: I can't
Stranger: I'm dead
You: Can't you tell god to throw a lightning or two?
You: Just as a personal favor?
Stranger: You already forgot he is a black dude
You: Don't tell him about niggaz
You: Tell him you'd like to... hmmm... say, exterminate cockroaches
Stranger: He'll ask me why
You: because they are fucking black
Stranger: Who cares about cockroaches when he is dead
Stranger: BLACK cockroaches
Stranger: Even worse
You: Nope
You: It's all truth
You: Aint the cockroaches black?
You: Aint they have no cock?
You: That is all true
You: God will buy it, man
You: No shit
Stranger: Wait what...?
Stranger: Why do you say they have no cock
You: They have
Stranger: Insects have no cock
You: They are COCKroaches after all
You: Special roaches with a cock
You: You know, when they roam in the night, they produce a faint sound?
You: This is because their cocks scrape against walls etc
Stranger: You seems to know a lot about them
Stranger: Kinda scary
You: You should not worry
You: They won't get to you
You: Just tell that old black dude to launch a few lighnings
You: It's just as easy for him, as to piss on two fingers
Stranger: It will destroy my ranch :(
You: Wake up, man!
You: And they propagate their species!
You: There are times when hard choises are to me made, Michael
Stranger: But ... but.... My ranch
Stranger: It's made outta dreams
Stranger: It's a wonderful place
You: We will restore it later
You: Without niggers
Stranger: And what about the children who were there?
You: Who cares?
You: They probably got eaten
Stranger: Oh no :(
You: C'mon, King, we are waisting time. Launch lightnings right fucking away!
Stranger: Last time I met god, he tried to rape me
Stranger: :( :(
You: OK, find Adolf and have him help you
Stranger: Can he launch lightnings?
You: He knows his way around celestial bureaucracy
Stranger: Maybe he turned black
You: No fucking way. He just settled down and makes no fuss
You: That's why he's not in the know up there
Stranger: DAMN
You: That's what you get for wasting time instead of bashing niggers
Stranger: But...
Stranger: I'm so PURE
You: If you meet buddah, kill buddah
You: If you meet nigger, kill nigger
Stranger: WTF man, Buddah is cool
You: Niggers are fucking crazy here
Stranger: The only thing I can do...
You: They made a bronze gloryhole right in the middle of your ranch!
Stranger: Moonwalk?
Stranger: Did you buy my best of CD?
Stranger: HOPE YOU DID
You: Sure I did
You: Amazon has no more of them now
You: Just swept their shelves fucking clean
Stranger: Nice !
Stranger: Maybe we could sell back all that niggaz to Africa
You: Ooops, sorry, looks like I gotta go
You: My loli sister is back home
Stranger: Cya in heaven
You: And she brought her friend along!
Stranger: Damn
Stranger: Don't rape them
You: Oh, her friend is black. Just all the better
You: After I'm done with'em, I'll kill the black bitch and make burgers for the whole family!
Stranger: Ah nice
Stranger: You know how to cook
Stranger: Never knew :(
You: Sure I do!
You: After all, I'm a cookroach!
Stranger: DAMN
Stranger: You ARE a cockroach
Stranger: I knew it
You: No, I'm a cookroach
You: Don't mess us up
You: Two big fucking differences
Stranger: You've no cock?
You: that's not the point
You: I have, but it aint my main trait
You: Imma roach with a cock who can cook, that's the idea here
You: Got it?
Stranger: Then
Stranger: You're a CockCookRoach
You: And yes, not only cook, but also rape
Stranger: CockCookRapeRoach?
You: So, essentialy, a RapeCookCockRoach
You: Well, I'm off
You: Rape time, after all
Stranger: Cya in heaven! Learn da moonwalk
You have disconnected.

>> №1280854  
Файл: 1248806281746.jpg -(7кб, 119x144) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hi
You: good day
Stranger: good night
You: where is night now?
Stranger: no kiddin
You: do you like taiwanese penis?
Stranger: umm.. cought never tried it..
You: u must do
You: taiwanese penis is pretty thing
Stranger: pretty small thing?
You: some small, some ok
You: u don't like small thing?why?
Stranger: u dont feel a thing
You: it's bad, really
You: u maybe ill?
You: we just want fix u
Stranger: fix me how?
You: u can love small taiwanese penis, but never tried it
Stranger: oh really?
You: Yes, you must try my penis
You: come for a weekend in Taiwan
You: we with our litlle thing help to love it
Stranger: whats your name bro?
You: Ten Cha-Ru
You: and u'r?
Stranger: the really hot actor Jiro Wang is from taiwan too roght?
Stranger: right*
You: i thing no why then
You: *think
You: my bad language, sorry
Stranger: okey
Stranger: cuz hes a rlly hot taiwanese actor
You: our Hollywood sucks, we wath your films
You: *watch
You: where a u by the way?
Stranger: sweden
You: it's cold i think ^_^
Stranger: u been here?
You: no, i just imaging mountain and snow everywere
Stranger: -.-'
Stranger: its pretty warm here now on the summers
You: do u think in russia, snow alltime?
Stranger: dunno
You: it near swegen i think
Stranger: we al,ost never have snow in sweden anymore
Stranger: HAHAHAH its not near sweden at all
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: hahaha
You: what i say lol?
You: russia is very big, all near it
Stranger: i think u should look on a world map
Stranger: cuz russia isnt close to sweden
You: i now, russia is 1/6 of all Earth
You: we must capture it
Stranger: huh? u most capture what?
You: sweden do it with us?
Stranger: what?
You: Do u want capturing russia with great taiwanese nation?
Stranger: umm... no?
You: but why? we have lot of AK-47 from Vietnam war
Stranger: i dont like wars or anything like tht
You: Why? Adolf Hitler example, our kumir, we want been such he
You: With friendly country we got all Earth! I'm from taiwanese Intelligence, we kept people to us. U with us in war?
Stranger: wait, wait, wait..
Stranger: u want to be like adolf hitler?
You: Our president want, and all our nation want been how great Reich
You: Germany lost all, but we try do it
Stranger: -.-
Stranger: loooooooooooooooooool
You: Do you want in taiwanese SS?
Stranger: ss?
You: yep, Zonder Brigada, Elite warriors of emperror!
Stranger: ok
You: coz if not, we go in Europe and destroy u home, rape u and u family in ass
Stranger: okey..
Stranger: you folks are just small asians,
You: ok, we send u ammo and party-list with password to our agent
Stranger: umm..
You: i need our adress to mail it
Stranger: one thing u may not know, cuz if you search in the world history swedish ppl, often dont want to be in wars
Stranger: and if we are in wars
Stranger: we often switch sides and all tht crap
You: sweden SS was one of brutal example
Stranger: what do you mean?
You: SS-Gebirgs-Division „Nord“
You: they fuck and burn all in Europe, one of best
Stranger: if your ppl cant speak real english, then no fuckin country will understand you
You: it is very difficult to learn your language when talking to the hieroglyph
You: but our agents speak wery good, they work in u goverment already
You: Good news! I just found out that the testing of chemical weapons are successful!
You: we want attack Tourkey at next week with it
Stranger: lol
Stranger: no shit
You: Buy iodine. While northern Europe, this is not dangerous, I think
Stranger: what a hell is iodine?
You: Iodum, i dont how it names on sweden
You: it chemical element
Stranger: ok
You: what ammo u want? mp-40 it's was ok to u?
Stranger: hell no, i want something larger
You: we want startin war in january
You: Automat Kalashnikova?
Stranger: hell no!
Stranger: larger!
You: we has some russian topol-m
You: but in not send on mail
Stranger: what?
You: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RT-2UTTH_Topol_M
You: it strong weapon of reich!
You: also we have some tanks Abrams
Stranger: basoca
You: ooooh, u want rpg system, ok we can it
Stranger: ok what ever, basoca
You: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1f/M-32_Grenade_Launcher.jpg
You: ше цфы щл ш ерштл
You: ops
Stranger: ok
You: General wants to hold a briefing, we now need to assemble at Platz. weapons, we will send our techniques have identified your IP address on
You: ok?
Stranger: ok
Stranger: i dont get it?
You: u get it on next week on mail
You: special agent get it to u
You: good by agent, and not lose u password in mail!!!
Stranger: u want my emial?
Stranger: email*
Stranger: öhhhhhhhh
You: no, we already get it from IT-department with ur adress and IP
You: bye! good luck in our battle!
Stranger: ok?
Stranger: anyways my email is
Stranger: [email protected]
Stranger: good bye
Stranger: Ten Cha-Ru
Stranger: and i hope your small penis dont bring you down
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1280855  

Stranger: hello
You: hello
Stranger: i am Sean in Taiwan
You: im here in my room
You: bwahahahaha
Stranger: really
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1280865  

You: Бочку сделал?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1281072  


>> №1281076  

>>1280787 Угрозы самоубийства - наш путь, просто медведи какбе визитная карточка.

>> №1281119  

Stranger: hi
You: yo dawg
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1281128  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hi
You: i'm male
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Что какбе намекает...

>> №1281254  

У меня такой тут лол. Турок проходит собеседование в SS
Скоро выложу

>> №1281315  


Бля, съебал сучёнок.

Stranger: hi
Stranger: i am male before you ask
You: Heil
You: I am Friedrich von Toetenheim, of Third Reich HR
You: We are recruiting now
Stranger: really ?
Stranger: is that joke? if its please dont, i am already unemployment industrial engineer
You: That is no Joke. Our Schutzstaffel brigades are in desperate need of qualified personnel
You: We are planning extensive development of our organisation and therefore more manpower is needed.
Stranger: i see
Stranger: so i am looking for job
Stranger: already , means can i apply ?
You: That is very good to hear, we appreciate your interest. However, not all applicants can be approved. Obviously, there are some conditions of eligibility.
You: First, do have you ever performed military service?
You: Second, do you have any special skills, or have you undergone special training (firearms, explosives, etc)
Stranger: i am back sorry
You: Please respond to the 2 questions above
Stranger: yes i have done my army obligation
You: How many years?
Stranger: for 6 moths as I am turkish citizen
You: That is very good. Half-year is a good achievement.
You: Were you in infantry or navy?
Stranger: navy
You: Have you gained any special skills while on service?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1281448  

Stranger: hi
You: Hello, Stranger!
Stranger: hi. whats up?
You: Tell me, do You have a dream ?
Stranger: of what?
You: Don't you have a dream ?
You: A purpose to live ?
You: An ultimate target ?
Stranger: what is yours?
You: Well
You: Somedays, I climb on the highest hill in my town, and looking down to my wasted, corrupted motherland, constantly raped by criminal and politicians i still see my dream clearly in my imagination. And i want to say You, that i have a dream !
You: A dream that one day
You: i will cover myself in stale fecales of Martin Luther King and masturbate.
Stranger: sounds hot
You: oh fuck it is
You: ther is one problem
You: he's dead
Stranger: dig him up
You: but well, science will help me i believe
You: eww this is awkward
You: dead bodies
You: i just want his fecales
Stranger: pity
You: well
You: i still have a purpose to live you know
Stranger: ya for sure
You: not like all this guys with glasslookin' eyes
You: they don't have a dream
You: and this is really horrible
Stranger: a shame
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1281457  
Файл: 1248807775153.png -(19кб, 532x284) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.
>> №1281570  

Stranger: 17/m/USA im bi, horny and looking for some fun ;]
You: хуесос
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1281609  

Stranger: i am a sexy girll lookin for a sexy guy ard mah age to have a webcam chat with... i hav pics if u dun believe im sexxy as hell!! you have to have atleast a 10 inch cock and a good lookin face!
You: I like how you compare yourself to hell, for I am the Dark Lord, the Satan, the Soverign of Hell itself
You: I, for one, welcome you, my child
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1281724  

Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl
You: Hi there
Stranger: 15, male, wisconsin, US
You: 17 trap.. WHAT? Wisconsin too!
Stranger: what are traps, beside the obvious definition
You: Well.. A girl with a dick
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1281736  

Stranger: hi
You: hello there
Stranger: how are u
You: thanx, good) and u?
Stranger: thanks,
Stranger: fine
Stranger: where are u from
You: toronto
Stranger: ok so cool
You: and u?
Stranger: greece
Stranger: athens
You: nice )) greek-guy?
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: are u female
You: i have tits
Stranger: okk
Stranger: so cool
Stranger: how old are u
You: 21
You: i hope not too much
You: for you, of cource
Stranger: ı am 23
You: allways wanted to see greece
Stranger: ı hope oneday u will see
Stranger: ıf u come ı can be your guid
Stranger: ee
You: well, in mmorpg games my name always were Athena
Stranger: cooll
Stranger: do u use msn
You: no, sorry... only this kind of chat and icq (pidgin)
You: i can send u a photo, if i'll go to greece, there be only one man, who can meet me
You: and you?
You: photo, of course
Stranger: pls send me your photo ı also
Stranger: send u
You: okay, wait a minute, plz, i'll upload it
Stranger: ok
You: here, you can see it -- http://img32.yfrog.com/i/mantits.jpg/
Stranger: you are a fucked bitch ı think
You: yep
You: with a hairy tits
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1281937  

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: Hello!
Stranger: sex?
You: famele, you?
Stranger: ma;e
You: cool! where you from?
Stranger: england
Stranger: you?
You: Russia
You: what's your name?
Stranger: reece
Stranger: yours?
You: Marusya
You: it's just like maria
You: know that?)
Stranger: how old?
You: 17, you?
Stranger: 16
You: not so big^_^
You: Wnana see my body?
You: ill can show that
You: if you wan't ofc
You: ^_^
Stranger: i could show you something as well
You: http://img32.yfrog.com/i/mantits.jpg/ hope you enjoy that
Stranger: okay
Stranger: gimmie a minute
You: sure
Stranger: nice
You: Did you like it?
Stranger: so who are you really?
You: i said, famele)
You: just have some fun pics
You: ^_^
You: oh my god
Stranger: ?
You: angry bears are smash my dor
Stranger: cool
You: need jump
You: jump, from the window
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1281978  

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: girl?
You: yeah
You: you?
Stranger: boy
Stranger: from?
You: so sad
You: i don't like boys
Stranger: why
Stranger: i m fbi
Stranger: lol
You: they are so ugly
You: you ugly or not? how are you think?
Stranger: why do u think so
You: i don't think, i just asked you
Stranger: i m not uglly
You: this can be true?
Stranger: i dont want to fuck
You: lol
Stranger: in the internet
You: nice reason
Stranger: lol
Stranger: i have a girlfriend
You: that's cool
You: and i have a girlfriend
You: this a bear masha
You: he rpae me in 1 day
You: and i so like that
You: so, now i'm bearphil
You: cool, rly?
Stranger: lol
You: why so funny?
You: that's true
Stranger: no
You: we drink togeder
You: yes it is!
You: drink vodka
You: ummm.... so great
You: and eat africans banans ofc
Stranger: where are u from?
You: russia
You: i'm live with big, black bear
Stranger: is that true?
You: yah
You: dod you don't know that?
You: all russian girls live with bears!
Stranger: why
You: coz they have big dick
You: human mans have too smal
Stranger: aand than fuck u?
You: to take otgasm
You: sure
You: you must try it too
You: with famele bear
Stranger: you wanna fuck wit a bear
You: you will like it
You: i don't wanna
You: i fuck with bears
Stranger: lol
You: and drink vodka
You: when fuck
Stranger: you are a gay
You: why gay?
You: i'm famele lol
Stranger: and a gay man
You: i kna't be a gay
You: Oooo, you wanna rape me to?
You: no ty
You: i don't wan't you
You: i love masha
You: he's have penis 30 sm
Stranger: masha?
Stranger: so what?
You: yeah that's my bear's name
You: so it's perfect
You: i think you have small
Stranger: fuck u
You: no, ty
You: don't know any other to say?
Stranger: i have a 15in dick
You: you make me sad
You: ahahaha
You: this is a "mini"
Stranger: yes
You: eah?
Stranger: i dont care
You: ohhh man, i rly cy for you
You: 30 better
Stranger: fuck u
Stranger: do u like snke
You: any other now?
Stranger: 50
You: no' i want more big
You: than 50
Stranger: lol
You: why so funny?
Stranger: is funny
You: not it is
Stranger: okey
Stranger: so?
You: so, i hate my live
You: i want kill myself
Stranger: lol
You: ill go and jump from the roof
You: this is a shit, not live
Stranger: lol
You: bears killing, smashing, rape humans
You: that's not live
Stranger: u r a bear
Stranger: i konw
You: eah
You: well, i must go to roof
You: and end this stupid life
Stranger: okey
Stranger: okey good luck
Stranger: bye
You: good bye, mb in some one day
You: we meet with you

>> №1282043  

Stranger: hi asl?
You: "asl" is boring
Stranger: anyway
You: 21 f wisconsin
Stranger: i see
Stranger: thank you girl
Stranger: 22 male
Stranger: how are you?
You: nice, thx. from where you are>
You: ?
Stranger: Russia
You: /b/рат?
Stranger: sorry?
You: my russian is awful, sorry
Stranger: what's your name babe?
You: Janette =)
Stranger: very sexy name...)))
Stranger: Alex
You: thx
Stranger: nice to meet you honey
You: me too
You: can u send me a photo?
Stranger: not on my comp now
Stranger: what about you?
You: can send you a photo
Stranger: do it please
You: wait, please, need to upload
Stranger: ok
You: here it is http://img32.yfrog.com/i/mantits.jpg/
You: nice? aren't them?
You: =)
Stranger: one sec
You: да ладно тебе...
Stranger: sorry?
You: за что?
You: хочешь лизнуть мою волосатую пирсингованную грудь?
Stranger: what's the fuck?
You: ты говорил что ты из россии
You: проверка на вшивость, и всё такое
Stranger: bye
You: ты тут?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1282072  

Stranger: hi
Stranger: now big
You: Listen, this is VERY IMORTANT!
You: please
Stranger: k
You: look around and tell me
You: is there smthn strange around ?
You: maybe noises or flashes in the sky ?
You: where are you from?
Stranger: send me your msn
You: i need to hurry man it's very important
You: i'll tru to explain
You: i live in Russia, in Omsk
You: and five mins ago
Stranger: nice
Stranger: i m from turkey
You: i see a fuckin rocket launched from near the city
You: and now
You: well tv doesnt work
You: and
You: there is strangly quiet
You: i don't kniw wats happening
You: i hear strange noise
You: but
You: oh damn
You: war alarm
You: can you see on tv maybe ?
You: i don't know, on the internet there is nothing about it
Stranger: news does not
You: but what just happening
You: oh crap
You: another one
You: to the east well
You: it is very very bad i guess
Stranger: Is there war?
You: i don't know but
You: wait theres army trucks on the roads
You: damn
Stranger: Which army
You: russian
You: but they takin people to the cars
Stranger: pulse is
You: oh well, i think they will take me too
You: shit need to hide

>> №1282115  

Вы прослушали монолог омича.

>> №1282253  

Блять, меня ступорит, ничего умнее асл не могу придумать

>> №1282506  

Stranger: So this dude just randomly said, "im gay r u?"
Stranger: as his first reply
Stranger: I was creeped out
You: And then?
Stranger: I was all, "Woah there bessie. You're straightforwardness is too much for this cowboy."
You: Are u gay to?
Stranger: And disconnected.
Stranger: I am omnisexual
Stranger: I dig animals
You: Do you like cover your self with the stale shit?
Stranger: And much more
Stranger: In the words of Al Gore: "EXCELSIOR!"

>> №1282609  

Stranger: SUP FAG
You: yo dawg
You: mah niggaz have just finished installing troller in my troller so I could troll while I troll yo
Stranger: sounds friggin awsum dudee!!
You: orly?
Stranger: ya, rly
You: how about some bears and a roof?
Stranger: why not the floor?
You: cuz I'm gonna jump off the roof after I kill those bears dude
Stranger: you sound like indiana jones duudee! can I record and put on youtube? pl0x?
You: ya sure but Indiana suck cocks, srsly. Bears pwn ppl cuz they can anal rape little children
You: ever heard of this kind?
Stranger: Anal raping bears?
You: yea, they also drink vodka, but that's not so important
You: they rape ppl, that's the problem
Stranger: do they steal vodka? that would be kinda important.
Stranger: let's kill em man!
You: naw, they make vodka in some underground labs
Stranger: i got empty vodka bottle beside me, I'd love to smash their heads with it
You: I'm afraid you can't overpower a bear with just that. You know, they're never alone
Stranger: those bears sounds like clever guys.
Stranger: or.. clever bears.
Stranger: Hm
Stranger: what to do then? what about perfume? do they fear that?
Stranger: I got a trash can! It will pwn at least one of them
You: I don't know, man. They might just drink that shit up
You: but they might be afraid of lobotomy
You: you know, the one which is executed through you nose
Stranger: aren't everyone afraid of that shit?
You: well, niggaz ain't
You: they'r tough dawgz
Stranger: we gotta get a lot of niggaz to help us then!
Stranger: they clearly fear nothing
You: I think niggaz are afraid of bears. Otherwise, it would be too easy
Stranger: gawd I would love a gang of crazy niggaz right now.To own those crazy vodka drinking bears.
Stranger: damnit!
Stranger: damn niggaz.
You: how about dwarves on ketamine?
Stranger: What about if we found those labs and changed the vodka with some crazy nigga juice!
Stranger: sounds interesting. An army of those would sure to some kind of impact on them.
Stranger: do*
You: like, dwarves could make stories about a full scale war of white ppl against black, like in "In Brugges", man
Stranger: How would that own the bears nigga?
You: well, you know, while bears are listening, we could "take" them from behind. Well, you get it
Stranger: Yea, instead of they butt rape everyone, we butt rape them. aight?
You: ya, tat's mah dawg
You: but we maight not make it in time cuz assembling an army of junkie dwarves ain't easy
Stranger: what if we got help from the niggaz in da hood?
Stranger: oh! I got an idea!
Stranger: we just tell the dwarves that if they help us, we'll let them have the underground labs.
You: think they'd move from ketamine to vodka?
Stranger: they'd just take the ketamine with them. And, if they are on ze ketamine and we promese them BEAR VODKA!, they sure will do evrything.
You: then again, where do we get so many dwarves?
You: we might have to raid some circuses
Stranger: I donnu man. We'll lay out a trace of ketaminez?
You: and gnome ghetto yo
Stranger: I'm perm banned from gnome ghettos maan.. So I'll raid teh circuses.
You: oh shi-- that's bad
Stranger: Yea, but I'll wear some mask so they won't reconize me.
You: tis' all good, but we ain't gettin rid of bears with just dwarves and the two of us. Think we should really request some help from our black bloodz?
Stranger: only prob is that dwarves got a crazy nose. They can smell ketamine in a 3 miles radius I've heard.. FUCK!
Stranger: and i'm high on that shit atm.. fuckkk mana
You: yea that might turn into a problem, we should hide ket where they can't get it
Stranger: me and bloodz aren't doing real good, maybe they'll slaughter me with their fists and feed the bears with me.
You: oh yea, shit, man. Niggaz could sell ket to dwarves! That's instant profit
Stranger: Good idea man! Once again, niggaz will save our asses.
You: we might call Michael Jackson as well
You: for he was a kickass dawg
Stranger: I've heard that the poor dawg is wasted.
You: naw, he's just in heavenz, talkin to teh Jesus yo
Stranger: but it's just rumors.. u know, never trust ze newz
You: he got some business with Chris, or so I heard
Stranger: imagine if Jesus would help us? would be kiiiickass!
You: nah I think Jes started all of this, just for lulz
Stranger: O'no! u kno what.. Let's rick roll all those gawdamn bears!
You: Rick could help, but I think they've alrdy got him
Stranger: fuck!!
Stranger: what to do against a horde of butt raping bears with rick behind them, do roll us
You: but we could use some bear costumes and sneak into their main base or smtin
Stranger: to* lol
You: we could also do a barrle roll or suck cocks
You: barrel*
Stranger: bear costumes.. hm. let's do it man. We'll speak to their leada. Tell him to lay dawnz
You: I think we should take some black dawgz, just to be sure
You: you never know what bears are thinking of at the moment
Stranger: yea, in case.
Stranger: yo, what about draining their vodka?
You: through the underground tunnel we dig from the center of the earth?
Stranger: nah man. We just get the dwarvez to visit the bears, and secrectly put pipes in their vodka
You: dontcha think bears would go berserk w/o teh vodka?
Stranger: mayhaps.. but then they'll use all their powa on crashing stone walls or sumthing.. and when they are rly tired, we butt rape em!
You: I mean, w/o vodka not only their powa would rise, but also their intellect
You: our arses would be wasted then
Stranger: u got a point. Those bears sound immortal.
Stranger: I KNO IT!
Stranger: We'll call Al-Qauda.
Stranger: a suicide bomber would do the job
You: gonna take as many of them as we can eh?
Stranger: we'll blow the shit out of them.
You: we need a bait then. someone with a really good ass
Stranger: We'll kidnap Megan fox ?
You: darn, I dunno
You: we should think of whose asses they prefer
Stranger: oh yea. kid asses.
Stranger: Hm, think ma littlesis on 6 could do it?
You: pedobear!?
Stranger: ya! they prob are
You: shit no, I've always thought that pedobear was a positive character
Stranger: Oh. . well, megan fox then?
You: but we need some extra, in case they prefer men
Stranger: Brüno!
You: he's a fawking fag

>> №1282670  

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Eureka!
Stranger: from ?
You: Zimbabwe for sure
Stranger: yes
Stranger: i m from turkey
Stranger: 26 m
Stranger: u
You: Salam alejkum!
You: Um bardak su?
Stranger: :)
You: Teshekular!
You: Ehhhm...
You: I forgot everything
Stranger: you know well
Stranger: worderfully
Stranger: turkish
Stranger: :)
Stranger: your name?
You: Pizda
Stranger: pizda
Stranger: f or m :) ?
You: F
Stranger: hımm oke
You: Pizda is a girls name. (;
Stranger: but different name for me
Stranger: ok ok
Stranger: mine is mustafa
You: Oh!
You: Our barmens name was Mustafa!
You: He is so sweet!
You: So do you?
Stranger: yes
You: Oh, say my name!
You: Please!
You: say it!
Stranger: we know
You: Sa y you love me, please?
You: I beg you!
Stranger: thaks you
Stranger: you are so polite
You: Mustafa!
Stranger: ı m listening
Stranger: say me
You: I'll make everything u want after u'll say you love me!
You: And say my name!
You: I want it!
You: It'll sound like music of Bethhoven!
Stranger: but it isnt importand for you saying love you from me
Stranger: but if you want
Stranger: ı say
Stranger: pizda listen me....
Stranger: ı love youuuuu
You: Oh!
You: Yeah!
You: So goooood!
You: Thank you!
Stranger: my sweet pizda
You: Ohhh!!!
Stranger: ı love so much you
You: More!
You: I'm so hot now!
You: You're the best!
Stranger: ı loveee ı love ı love ı love ı love
Stranger: ı liked you :)

>> №1282746  

Анон, введи слово "FBI", лулзы гарантированы.

>> №1282786  

You: its a warning
You: u may die within a week
Stranger: yaaay
Stranger: finally...
Stranger: ty it is a gift
You: ok, i just warned u
You: анон?
Stranger: you wanna come to take my life ?
You: no, i don't care
Stranger: take my heart it is better x)
You: no no no
Stranger: X_X
Stranger: take my cock
You: i'd love to, but u will be dead soon, dead cock is not good for me
You: nothing personal
Stranger: oh i can freeze eat
Stranger: ice cream =D
You: u fukn pervert!
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: hum u fkn liar =D
You: im from russia btw
Stranger: idc btw XD
You: its pretty cold outside
Stranger: its pretty hot in my house
Stranger: out too
Stranger: more in
Stranger: é_é
You: oh fuck u

>> №1282810  

You: fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap
You: fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap
You: fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap-fap
Stranger: P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-Pokerface]
You have disconnected.

кртксть стср тлнт

>> №1282826  

Stranger: still virgin?
You: FBI
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Где лулзы, господа?

>> №1282858  

Надо было что-нибудь в духе "you damnit pervert, I gonna report the FBI"

>> №1282876  

You: Fag
Stranger: Ryan?
Stranger: Ryan???
You: Fag
Stranger: /b/
You: Yes
Stranger: Lol

>> №1282886  


Oh shi-- прости, анон, лулзы появляются, когда про ФБР упоминает собеседник.

Stranger: FBI gotcha. You are reported!
If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.

>> №1282907  

Так тоже хорошо.

>> №1282950  

Stranger: Hey =) I'm looking for a girl who'd like to do a roleplay where she dresses me like a girl =p
You: nice
You: how old r u?
Stranger: asl ? :)
Stranger: 18 m belgium
You: 21 f wisconsin
Stranger: wisconsin ? :)
You: it's us state
Stranger: oh ok =)
You: usa. hear'd about that?
Stranger: i didn't know it sorry =x
You: nothing
You: can u send me a photo?
Stranger: usa... yea it remembers me something ! =p
Stranger: no i'm only looking for a roleplay
Stranger: no pictures, or cam =/
You: i'm wearing my magic hat and takin' your hand into mine
Stranger: ? :o
You: sorry for my "engrish"
Stranger: you're american XD
Stranger: you should speak well english =p
You: yep, but american, not english
Stranger: sorry for MY english, cause french is my first language :x
Stranger: so you wanna do that roleplay ? =/
You: yes, your turn
Stranger: i'd like to know what are your fantasies first =)
Stranger: to know what you like
You: i'm a pizza delivery girl and i've got an order
Stranger: Ok..
You: your turn, handsome! make an order
Stranger: is that your fantasy ? :x
Stranger: i don't get it lol
You: yes... why not?
Stranger: ok ok
Stranger: mine is to be forced to dress like a girl =p
You: owww...
You: i'll try
Stranger: so you're a pizza delivery girl.
You: yes....
Stranger: "I'd like a "solemio pizza please "
Stranger: "ok, 15 minutes ! i'll wait"
You: i come to your house within 10 minutes, your door is opened
You: i enter your house, but there is no one in sight... only sounds from bathroom
Stranger: i'm in my bath..
You: yes.....
You: and you hear that you have a guest... you come out from bathroom dressed only in towel...
Stranger: "Oh you're the delivery girl ! i'm sorry"
You: i take out my knife and force you to wear my girl-suit of pizza delivery
Stranger: "what the hell ???"
Stranger: "i cannot do that !"
You: and then i take off my mask, and you see a large hard musculed nigger with fucking big schlung! i put it into your virgin mouth and successfuly force you to wear girl-suit...
Stranger: you're so gay :x
Stranger: damn
You: it's rpg
You: do not forget
Stranger: you're a male :x
You: you need to dress as a girl
You: why so?
You: want to disconnect? sure, if you want so
You: need rpg? stay in here
Stranger: i want a rpg
You: then come on
You: your turn
Stranger: but not with a guy inside
You: lesbian game?
Stranger: i don't know what you want
Stranger: you're a guy...
You: fuck off faggot, i just wanted to switch roles.. i'm fem irl, bu wanna be male, you're male irl, and want to be fem
You: sorry, disconnet if you npt want to continue
Stranger: no no
Stranger: i have no problems with that :x
You: then continue
Stranger: i thought you were a male irl
Stranger: and it was a "joke" -_-
You: i hope so
Stranger: so you play a guy ?
You: you are not stupid, aren't you? yes, i'm playing guy
You: you're femme
Stranger: i'm playing a guy who is dressed like a girl =p
Stranger: " what ?? you wanna dress me like a girl ??"
Stranger: "I just wanted a pizza !!"
You: "you shall have pizza. pizza is not a lie, but i need payment, and you have no money! become my slave!!"
Stranger: "Ok ok fine... what do i have to do ?"
Stranger: "we're guys.. i'm not gay dude"
You: you must take a suit, that i've delivered with pizza... it is beautyful... just try it, and you'll see
Stranger: "what suit ??"
You: "girl-suit, whiteface! take it on, or i'll cut your head off!"
Stranger: I look in the bag you brought
Stranger: I take something out of it
Stranger: "a thong ?"
You: "peignoir"
You: "with with silk"
Stranger: (why not a skirt / dress ?)
You: peignoir is a sexy girl suit, intimate
You: haven't you seen that?
You: something like that http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2413/2233880909_73acf05f22.jpg
Stranger: oh ok sorry =)
Stranger: it means something else in french
Stranger: =)
Stranger: so i take a bra, a thong and a peignoir
Stranger: "do i really have to wear that girl outfit ?"
You: "yes, motherfucker, or i'll short your lifetime!!! do not forget that knif is in My hand!!!"
Stranger: "yea sorry !"
Stranger: i slip on the thong...
Stranger: it's red and tight
You: i drop my knife onto the floor, and take your tits into my hands... they are horny... nippels are so hard...
Stranger: put my bra then
You: i take off your bra and feel yout naughty and so sweet nippels
Stranger: hmmm...
Stranger: i like to be touched like this
Stranger: hey let me try the peignoir
Stranger: =)
You: I thought that you dressed it already
You: just take it off
Stranger: hmm ok..

>> №1282977  

стрейнджер из тупинг=\ они вобще там все клаву первый раз видят чтоли??


>> №1283034  

Stranger: hello
You: Fuhrer ?!
You: My Fuhrer? I can't believe it!
Stranger: lol, actually I'm from germany, so: Ja
You: You alive, My Fuhrer!
Stranger: Of course I am, there are some jews to burn
You: Tears of joy in my eyes, My Fuhrer!
You: Waiting for orders, My Fuhrer!
Stranger: Go and invade poland
You: Made!
You: We destroyed their chan already
You: so it's just a matter of time, My Fuhrer!
Stranger: Than invade russia
You: I'm already in Russia, My Fuhrer!
Stranger: And fuck Stalin in the head
You: And there is nothin, only bears and some stupid monkeylikes assholes,My Fuhrer !
Stranger: Invade it!
Stranger: That was an order
You: Done, My Fuhrer!
You: But i don't know, what to do with that, My Fuhrer!
Stranger: Than suicide, nothing left to do
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1283080  

You: Hello, stranger
Stranger: Heyy
You: We just want to fix You
You: Now You will breath manually
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1283147  

You: sup dawg
Stranger: ola
You: suck cocks?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: i love it
You: niiice
You: me too
Stranger: whats your name?
You: omich
You: omich jr.
Stranger: ;D
You: yours?
Stranger: where are you from/
You: russia
Stranger: ok
Stranger: your age?
You: oh fuck... 20
You: and i have a beard
You: f/m?
Stranger: m
You: so would u like to cum in my beard?
Stranger: yes i would like
Stranger: i love so much sex
Stranger: hot sex
You: ur fukn faggot
Stranger: what is your size?
You: i don't have a cock
You: a bear bit it
You: in a forest
You: it wanted my vodka
You: but i said
You: if u want my vodka, ull have to suck my dick
You: so...
Stranger: ok
Stranger: what is the size of your dick?
You: u r a stupid homosexual pervert, i'll have tio finish this conversation
You: good bye
You have disconnected.

>> №1283202  

Stranger: hmm ok..
You: i'm waiting you
Stranger: i took it off
Stranger: i'm in front of you, scared
You: i touch your naughty body, and i feel that you scared... i use the situation and kiss your pussy
Stranger: i don't have pussy >>
You: fuck! i forgot! oh no!
You: i take my knife from teh floor and cut out your penis... now you have a pussy
Stranger: dammit -_-
Stranger: it becomes insane
You: it is.. '(((
You: intercept initiative
Stranger: my blood is everywhere in the room
Stranger: i'm dying
You: I'm fapping on dying you
Stranger: you enjoyed it, dude ?
You: but searching for rubber string to stop your blood
Stranger: i 'm not conscious
You: i've found a liquid ammonia and bring you back to conscious
You: you're in pain, but still in peignoir and thong
Stranger: "what the hell..."
Stranger: "aaaaw"
Stranger: "my PENIS"
Stranger: "DAMNNNN"
You: then I took pity and shot you
You: you're fucking dead
You: i fucked your dead body with my fucking black schlung
You: faggot

>> №1283220  

Кстати, попробуйте прикинуться фанатиками или сатанистами, сработает на отлично))

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hey sexy
You: hello there
You: once i see the dream...
You: you want to know it?
Stranger: whaaaaa
Stranger: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=720549304&ref=ts
Stranger: add me babe
You: some later, i want to say you something important
Stranger: okay say me whatever you want hot stuff
Stranger: ;)
You: :)
You: once i see the dream
You: and he's come to me
You: and say...
Stranger: WAIT
Stranger: WHAT
Stranger: oh
Stranger: well i only fuck jesus
Stranger: byeeeee
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1283224  

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: how r u?
You: i suck ^(
Stranger: cock?
You: yep
Stranger: u female?
You: ye
Stranger: wanna suck mine?
You: mb
You: big
Stranger: 21 cm
You: lol
You: wery
Stranger: im kidding
Stranger: its 20.5
Stranger: u wanna suck it?
You: you lie to me
Stranger: sorry
You: u from?
Stranger: uk
Stranger: u?
You: uu
You: Afganistan

>> №1283369  

Stranger: hey are you horny?
You: i'm wet
Stranger: m or f
You: try to guess, stranger
Stranger: f
Stranger: ?
You: you're right
You: can u show me ur schlang?
You: i'll show my tits
You: or even pussy
Stranger: if you can make me cum yeah, i dont webcam btw
Stranger: *dont have
You: it's bad
Stranger: but i have a pic
You: give me an url
You: i suppose it's not a tinypic )
Stranger: lol
Stranger: its not online
You: too bad
You: bye
Stranger: i have it on my comp
Stranger: just not here
Stranger: you got msn
You: nope. sorry
Stranger: :(
You have disconnected.

>> №1283543  

Stranger: hello
You: i had a dream
You: they told me to burn my house
You: what do u think?
Stranger: i say don't do it
You: why?
Stranger: houses are, however prices fell, still expensive
You: but they insisted
You: if i don't do it, they'll kill me
Stranger: ok..good point
You: there was Jesus
You: and Buddha
Stranger: so how do they want you to do it?
You: and that guy from The Simpsons
You: Moe


>> №1283545  

Stranger: HEY :)
You: hi stranger
Stranger: you a fit guy with webcam? xx
You: i'm a fat gay. no cam
Stranger: I love gays
Stranger: coz I'm a boy :O
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1283715  

You: zaebali
Stranger: aşş kendiniii ge gel aşka
Stranger: aa
Stranger: a
You: huyaska
Stranger: sire
You: kakdila?
Stranger: sirene
You: bobyor ty takoy bobyor
Stranger: theatre of tragedy
Stranger: baby
You: tragedy XD
Stranger: daddy daddy
Stranger: cool
You: go daddy
Stranger: go go go
You: fire in a hole
Stranger: ahahahhaah
Stranger: cs
Stranger: go go go
You: roger that
Stranger: need back up
Stranger: roger matte do
You: get out of here it's gonna blow
Stranger: get out right now
Stranger: is the end of you and me
Stranger: its too late
You: XP
Stranger: windows Xp
Stranger: ıgjpıgjdgdg
Stranger: :d
You: xP
Stranger: xD
You: x-P
Stranger: >D
Stranger: asdasdıoafsdf
Stranger: :D:D:D
Stranger: =====================))))))))))9
You: hahahaha
Stranger: hahhahaha
You: 8===========)
You: 8=============>
Stranger: ahhahahahahahaha
Stranger: 8::::::::::::D
Stranger: osdfsıofsgdfjgı
Stranger: :D
You: damn )
Stranger: hahahahahaha
You: i'm talkin with myself XD
You: ahahahahahahahaha
Stranger: ahahahahahahahah
You: yeaaaaaaahhhh
Stranger: :c
You: : ( )
Stranger: ahahahhahaha
Stranger: =K
You: XD
Stranger: :v
You: )(&^$#@#$%^&()
Stranger: 1234567890
You: dot dot dot dot dot
You: .)
Stranger: slash
Stranger: ///////////////////////////////
You: slashdot.org XD
Stranger: feardotcom
You: nofear.in
Stranger: the rasmus
Stranger: ne fear
Stranger: :D
Stranger: ahahah
You: XD Jorg On Mushroom - The Messenger
Stranger: the passanger
Stranger: st. anger
Stranger: MetallicA
You: that's all )
You: total fail XD
Stranger: ahahahahah
Stranger: where r u from????
You: russia )
Stranger: =)
Stranger: cute
You: u?
Stranger: im turkey
You: XD
You: nice
You: i'm in toilet... to make big cake
Stranger: oo
Stranger: :D
Stranger: O.o
Stranger: -_____-
You: see ya )
Stranger: cu

>> №1283788  

двач, поведай мне, что есть "asl"?

>> №1283980  

You: hi
You: i fuck gooses
You: they're nice
Stranger: really?
You: yeah
Stranger: more a chicken man, myself
Stranger: they squaqk better
You: u havent tried
You: with a goose
Stranger: bout six years back
Stranger: and he was tranquilised
You: its not the same
Stranger: Didn't want toget scratched
You: u should have put it in a high-boot
You: it works with cats
Stranger: never tried a cat.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

c: cow

>> №1283998  

Возраст, пол, локация.

>> №1284245  

Stranger: hey
You: FBI
Stranger: what?
You: r u a pedo?
You: cause if u r a pedo, ill have to kill u
You: thru the internets
Stranger: you wanna kill a 12 year old?
Stranger: for being a paedo
Stranger: what?
You: uk?
Stranger: yup
You: i knew it
Stranger: im sure
You: cause im from FBI
You: my colleagues from MI6 are coming for u
You: or MI5...
You: domt remember
You: so drink ur tea and get ready
You: can u finish typing already?
You: Im the paedofinder General btw
Stranger: yeah?
Connection imploded.

>> №1284310  

You: hello cinderella
Stranger: hi
You: wannabe my nigger-slave?
Stranger: Who the fuck do you think I am?
You: anonymous i guess
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1284398  

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hi
You: hi there
Stranger: are u a f or m
You: from nevarland!
You: you?
Stranger: nevada
You: oh sh-
You: area 51
You: from what planet are you?
Stranger: wtf
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1284427  

You: hey
Stranger: hi
You: FBI
You: have u seen any pedos here?
Stranger: no just first tried it now
You: don't fuck witnh me, dude
Stranger: not very interesting place
Stranger: nobody say anything interesting here
You: say smth interesting yourself
Stranger: I am from Finland. where are you from
You: im from russia
You: your compatriots like to go to st petersburg and drink till they can't stand on their feet
You: and Mannerheim is an asshole
You: and your airforce still use swastika as a symbol
You: thats all i know bout finland, goodbye

>> №1284855  

I lol'd, реально классная идея.

>> №1284862  

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: r u a female?
You: yep
Stranger: age?
You: 20
You: u?
Stranger: 22 m
Stranger: u have bf ?
You: no
Stranger: whats ur interest?
You: my interest is to fuck u with a large black strapon
Stranger: u dont fuck me..
You: boring

>> №1284893  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hey
You: hey, kiss mah ass
Stranger: y?
You: yep
You: it's one tasty ass
Stranger: k sir
You: shiiiit
Stranger: mhh i like it
You: do you have a kind of reduced typing typeboard?
Stranger: a what?
You: nevermind, just kiss dah ass, nigger
Stranger: just did it
You: i felt nothing
You: you trying to cheat me
You: fucking faggot
Stranger: your the fag man
You: oh you!
Stranger: you want to have your ass kissed
You: it's a normal desire, i suppose
You: i don't want to kick woman in their faces or fuck sliced human bodies
You: just a sweet kis in the ass of mine!
Stranger: and i just do what you tell me
Stranger: i always do what others say
You: kekeke
You: you talk like spam bot, prove me wrong!
Stranger: penis
You: hui pizda govno
Stranger: whats that language?
You: your country!!! name it! fast, loud & clear!!!!!
Stranger: guess it
You: i'm russian to the bone
You: and you must be the resident of usa
Stranger: is it so boring in russia?
Stranger: no im not
You: hell no
Stranger: you got another 2 trys
You: it's funny here with all bears hanging around
Stranger: i like bears
You: and endless winters
You: i also like them
You: i have to
Stranger: but with bears i mean hairy old man
You: oh you
You: little faggot!
You: i guess you're no from england?
You: not*
Stranger: nope
You: aaaaaaaw
You: then it must be netherlands
Stranger: nearby
You: just name it
Stranger: g.......
You: german!
Stranger: rrrrright
You: oh shit
You: good beer
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: im drinking it right niw
Stranger: o
You: i'd like to
Stranger: you got vodka
You: a girl i know is in german right now
You: yes? we do
You: i meant
You: yes, we do
You: but that's not enough
You: you have to explore
Stranger: true
You: you know
You: i''l be posting our conversation on some imageboard jus for lulz
Stranger: y?
Stranger: it isnt funny
You: i think otherwise
Stranger: i think your totally drunk
You: haha
You: no
You: i'm sober
You: just got nothing to do
Stranger: come on
Stranger: your a bored russian
Stranger: you have to drink
You: oh shit
You: that's some stereotype jf a russian
You: funny as hell
You: but still
You: now
Stranger: yeah i like sterotypes
You: i'm not drunk
You: damn
Stranger: what?
You: i messed a huge message i was typing
Stranger: i thought a bear is trying to rape you
You: it happens from time to time
You: but now i'm in my zemlyanka hiding, freezing to death
You: without vodka
Stranger: bad thing
You: and bear-rapists all around
You: oh shit!
You: here comes one!
You: i gotta run!!!!!!

>> №1285153  

You: AIPAC! Is there any racial hate phrases has been said?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: You mean like niggers?
You: No, about Jews
Stranger: Why are you only concerned about the Jews?
Stranger: You should be more concerned about the niggers.
You: Because they are G-d's people. Niggers are animals
Stranger: But if they were God's people, they wouldn't have killed Jesus in the first place.
You: Jesus were killed because it was his lifepath
Stranger: He were killed?
Stranger: Anyway, he was killed because the Jews are also niggers.
Stranger: THE END.

>> №1285338  

Имел долгий теологический разговор, но как оказалось христианин не очень напорист в своих убеждениях и не хочет никого спасти. В двух словах - ты веришь в сатану? Да! Ты будешь гнить в аду.

Stranger: hi
You: Hi
You: you knew that in a few days, Satan begins expansion in our world?
Stranger: ye i cant wait
You: are you ready for this?
Stranger: yep
Stranger: i got my autograph book out ready
Stranger: for him to sign it
You: Make your ax sharp!
Stranger: how do you no
Stranger: My axe is sharp
You: it was me in a dream and warned
Stranger: wot country
Stranger: are you from
You: I am from Ukraine!
Stranger: o
Stranger: are you christian
You: no!!!!!!111
Stranger: what religion
Stranger: are yoiu
Stranger: you*
You: almost every night to me is the demons, and sometimes Satan. I Satanist!
Stranger: satanism isnt a cult
Stranger: isnt a religion
Stranger: its a cult
You: do you want to say that I am a Christian?
Stranger: no
Stranger: why would you want to be a satanist
Stranger: why would you want to be burned in the eternal fires of torture forever
You: because all will burn in the hellish heat, except for Mormons. And I want to take a good place
Stranger: you been watching south park
Stranger: too much
You: south park just well executed idea
You: but even the best Christians are no better Satanist
You: I calmed down a bit. It will ask where are you?
Stranger: ERM
Stranger: england
You: > ERM What it mean?
Stranger: satan will not reward you
You: I hope that the Earth is not immediately burned in the fire and I see your country
Stranger: god will destroy your soul
Stranger: satan is no match for god
Stranger: he will destroy you
You: n that time and again that God has only promised to destroy the life or soul
You: According to the Bible God had killed more than Satan
Stranger: i no
Stranger: but you shouldnt be a satanist
Stranger: repent your selfish ways
Stranger: and perhaps the lord may spare your wicked ways
You: And I chose my path
You: God as a trader, he wished that people would have bought it heaven for good deeds
Stranger: what are your personal beliefs ?
You: My freedom ends where another's freedom begins
Stranger: everyone can be free
You: Я люблю человечество в отличии от христианства. Maybe I chose is not so radical religion as Satanism, if Christianity had been dominant for us.
Stranger: you suck
Stranger: you will rot
Stranger: forever
Stranger: change your ways
Stranger: before it is too late

>> №1285436  

Ох, тяжко с ними беседовать, никаких общих тем.

>> №1285860  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: believe
You: start right now and believe, my brother
You: for the revenge shall come upon thee
Stranger: what?
You: say something, brother
You: i can save your soul
Stranger: im brazilian, i dindt understand wuite what are you saying
You: lead it to the glorious paradise
You: brazilians
Stranger: can i tell you something?
You: oh yu!
Stranger: can I?
You: fear the satan
You: you're the chosen one!
You: you will save the planet from oblivion and xbox 360
Stranger: I am a hot tan brazilian gay guy, and i like to fuck guys and be sucked by then
You: fuck you, don't troll me, brother
Stranger: troll?
You: for the revenge shall be received
Stranger: al right, stay in peace brother, but i have a guy waiting for me, i think he wants to suck my cock
Stranger: behold the great lion
Stranger: in knowledge of that, dispair and DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Stranger: TOMORROWWWW, narnia will be in flames
You: WTF
Stranger: flames of the young hot gay guys and we will have the biggest orgy in the world
Stranger: earth? whats the problam with the world?
Stranger: dude, lets go to ibiza and have some hot animal sex
Stranger: hum I would like to be raped by a bear
Stranger: bears dick must be huge
Stranger: hummmm nice
Stranger: i cant wait
Stranger: it was good?
You: HE'S RAPING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: ooh nice

>> №1286140  

кажись, поболтал с кем-то из /b/ратьев.

Stranger: Kropp
You: kropp?
You: what?
Stranger: no Riedel
You: german?
You: third reich?
Stranger: yes Heil Hitler
You: don't torture me
You: don't burn me
Stranger: hey we didnt burn anybody
Stranger: we had Concentration Camps
Stranger: yay
You: i know
You: anyway
You: let bygones be bygones
You: do you like copro?
Stranger: no i prefer Orange Juice
You: what's that?
Stranger: you know the strange white stuff which comes out
Stranger: of cows
You: cum
You: ?
Stranger: that is nit orange juice
Stranger: it is called milk
You: "strange"
You: ha-ha
You: funny nazi
You: i like that
Stranger: hey were all funny
You: i won't shoot you right away
Stranger: every nazi visited the circus
You: ye
You: that's the keyplace for being funny
Stranger: yes thats true good si
Stranger: r
You: i want to shoot you
Stranger: no i have the Magic Vest of Culuru
You: joke can save your white ass
Stranger: you only get that ass lvl 66
You: no, you don't
Stranger: yes you do
You: german troops didn't use
You: it
Stranger: i know
Stranger: well i do
You: he knows...
You: no, you don't
Stranger: accually i got at Kentucky fried Chicken
You: you are a shitty private
Stranger: got it
Stranger: no im a shitty pirate
You: no chicken no kentukky
You: we don't have it here, in soviet russia
You: only bears and vodka
You: rapists-bears
Stranger: ahh yes i heard of them they only rape their own kind hmm?
You: they will rape your gauts out if you dare to come
You: no
Stranger: yes thats how i like it
You: once they raped my sister saying like " yeah, gonna smack dat bitch!!!"
You: say something, fucktard
Stranger: yes sorry
Stranger: something
You: i'm not here fo monologues
You: you fuuny? no you're not
Stranger: i like your argumentation sir
Stranger: Petrolstation
Stranger: ohh yes sorry i forgot my toast
Stranger: have you seen it?
You: how are you?
Stranger: ahh wait no its here
Stranger: good i found my toast
You: what's on the papers today?
Stranger: something about world war 3 well the usual stuff
You: good weather, isnt it?
Stranger: yes it is
Stranger: sunny no cloud on the sky
You: no
You: i mean that nuclear yellow rain
You: washing the skin off me
Stranger: yes well im used to that
Stranger: im ignoring it
You: without skin?
You: how about taking shower the way like this
You: ???
Stranger: dude i have teh Magic Vest
Stranger: nobody will come through that
You: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-
You: i know who you are
You: dig the grave, i' coming
Stranger: David Davidson?
You: i'm*
Stranger: no thats not me
You: semen saempersunov
Stranger: dammit

>> №1286287  

диалог с британской школьницей-ведьмой
Stranger: heyy
You: hi
You: im looking for a satanist to hold a theological conversation
Stranger: awesome(:
You: r u a satanist
You: ?
Stranger: nope, but im a wiccan o.0
You: no, fuck this new age shit
Stranger: XD
Stranger: -poke-
Stranger: -pokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-
You: whats this?
Stranger: im poking you XD
You: the poke thing
You: aa, ok
You: damn hippie
Stranger: i aint a hippy XD
Stranger: well
Stranger: maybe
Stranger: a lil
Stranger: peace bro XD
You: do u praise wooden dicks in the forests?
You: cause in russia pagans do
Stranger: nahh, you would like that too much
Stranger: well i aint in russia o.o
You: good for you!
Stranger: i know right!
You: but i am
You: sad, but true
Stranger: ummm yaay you?
You: all this bears and other stuff
Stranger: whats wrong with bears o.0
Stranger: heard their pretty cuddlely XD
You: they rape you, if u dont give them vodka
Stranger: i didn't spell that right ._.
Stranger: ah, good job i always keep a bottle on meh |-)
You: so tell me more about that wicca, there are no wiccans in russia
Stranger: whatcha wanna know?
You: do you believe in the Nature, or some Harmony, whats it all about?
Stranger: i respeact nature and so on, i hate it when people call me a witch and not even know what witch even means -.- i had that a lot at school, dang retards -.-
Stranger: lol i said dang XD
You: did they want to burn u?
Stranger: haha, nahh o.o
You: respect nature... why should i respect nature when bears rape me?
Stranger: im still here enit? XD way many chavs at my school, i wouldn't survive them o.0 mostly just bitchy girls
You: chavs? uk?
Stranger: oh and like knew much better XD
Stranger: yeahh UK (Y)
Stranger: the bears just like ya(:
Stranger: im sure the birds do allso |-)
You: and how do u respect nature? are u vegan?
Stranger: nah, i eat meat o.0 i dont go that far
Stranger: im not like a hardcore wiccan xD
Stranger: i hate it when people refer the devil to wiccans -.- christainty created the devil -.-
You: so, you support all that animal farms, dont u like cows?
Stranger: o.0
Stranger: i support animal charitys
You: cause cows suffer a lot, when they are killed to be eaten by you
Stranger: true o-o
Stranger: but saying that, everything suffer, no matter what or who you are
Stranger: its a way of live
You: so u are a... let me recall this word...
You: рнзщскшеу!
Stranger: ...? o.o
You: oh...
You: hypocrite!
Stranger: if you say so
Stranger: but hey your the one looking for a satanist
You: its not a disscussion... u r just like those hippies
You: but wiccan is fine too
Stranger: XD
Stranger: if you say so, then it most be true
You: so u dont need to change your consumer way of life to be a wiccan?
Stranger: no o.o i was brought up with it
Stranger: my mum is a wiccan to
You: but u eat meat, that mens u dont respect the nature.
Stranger: its not like i go cutting down trees, i rescycle i try not to waste water and electricty
Stranger: its the lil things that help
You: u dont need to cut them, workers in amazonia cut them for you
Stranger: they cut them down for everyone, they cut them down for you too
You: i am not wiccan
Stranger: and?
Stranger: you can respeact nature and not be a wiccan
You: i don't say i respect nature
Stranger: wiccan is a nature based religion
Stranger: wicca*
You: i cant say that while i consume the products that were brought to me in disrespectful way
You: sorry for my english
Stranger: wow, you really like to pick up on what people say and their faults about it -.-
You: yeah
Stranger: mehh o.o goody for you i guess
You: cause г ефлу ыщьу куызщтышишдшен щт нщгкыуда црут нщг ыфн нщгку ф цшссфт
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: i got nothing of that
You: shit
Stranger: XD
You: you take responsibility when you say you're a wiccan
Stranger: since when?
Stranger: your not a wiccan, you cant say that -.-
You: when somone says hes a christian, i dont expect him to be stealing, killing and so on
Stranger: question, before you carry on, how many people have you pissed of on this thing? im guessed many ._.
Stranger: no, but christians do
You: yes, these christians are hypocrites
Stranger: your religion doesn't make you a better person, in some case you would hope they would, but still you know
Stranger: are you religous in anyway?
You: its comfortable
You: no, im not religious in the common way
Stranger: ok, whats your thoughts on "god"?
You: i am a thelemite^ do what you want, everything is possible
Stranger: umm can you explain what a thelemite is please?
You: to cut a long story short, the min principle is above
Stranger: meh, i like long storys ._.
You: your will is everything, u can do with it what u want
Stranger: sounds smart
Stranger: do as you will aslong as your not harming others, lot people that dont know about wicca think witches harm people -.- i cast spells from time to time, ive never harmed anyone, the three fold law mean it would come back on me three times as wrse, you cna never cast a spell that would change someone, for example, casting a spell to make someone like you, it could work, but you wouldn't be happy, and if you was, for a limited time im sure
Stranger: spells like that can be casted thru comis ordering
Stranger: stating what your looking for and want to the universe
Stranger: for the greater good of course
You: some sort of carma
Stranger: i guess so
You: thats all good, but i think no one can say that he respects/does no harm to the nature while he lives in the modern society
Stranger: respeact is a compilcated word to be honest, people can see and take it in many different ways
You: ok, maybe i should learn more english, im satisfied with the conversation, but i should go to sleep (its 2 am here), bye
Stranger: last question
You: ok
Stranger: can i ask for your age? im going to guess im a lot younger then you
You: 20
Stranger: your very wise
Stranger: would you believe im 15?
You: it the bears
Stranger: lol, bears XD
You: 15& i thought 18
Stranger: haha cool
You: bye :)
Stranger: nice talking to you(:

>> №1286404  

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: name!
Stranger: hitler
You: heil meun fehrer!
You: fuhrer*
You: mein*
You: damnit!
You: sorry, fuhrer
Stranger: wtf
You: Чо
You: ?
Stranger: umm
You: talk to me, Hitler
You: i guess, i'm in heaven, if i talk to you
Stranger: nope
Stranger: im reincarnated
You: too bad your awesome moustache hasn't reincarnated
Stranger: you re insulting me
Stranger: youl be sorry
You: i didn't mean it, mein fuhrer..
Stranger: great
Stranger: now you are my right hand
You: am i mousolinni?
Stranger: no way
You: shiiiiit
You: who then?
Stranger: up to you
Stranger: pick one
You: himmler
You: that's it
You: concentration camps and stuff
You: burning people
You: jews
Stranger: oh shit
Stranger: i have to go
Stranger: take over germany
You: what?
You: satlin attacks?
You: stalin*
Stranger: whatever you call it
You: allright
Stranger: switch to BBC in the next 4 hours
Stranger: BIG NEWS
You: what?
Stranger: HEIL ME
You: heil you
Stranger: goed
Stranger: need to go
Stranger: bye, mussolini

>> №1286665  

Stranger: hey
You: oi
Stranger: m/17/us
You: fuck us
You: do u believe in jesus?
Stranger: i am jesus
Stranger: actually im jewish
You: ah, u killed him!
Stranger: no no
Stranger: i killed myself
You: yes yes
You: they say it in the bible
Stranger: uhm no
Stranger: the romans killed jesus
Stranger: if you do the research
You: u have the wrong translation
You: but jews voted to kill him
Stranger: uhm no
Stranger: ur knowledge is from passion of the christ
Stranger: and the movie is historically inacurate
Stranger: and ur probably just trollng me so i feel like a tard
You: and what can u say about ZOG?
You: ok, im russian, i have nothing against jew, i was trying to troll u, smart jew
Stranger: lol
You: u jews are all smart
Stranger: so true
Stranger: lol
Stranger: great troll btw
Stranger: successful troll is successful
You: oh the irony
You: so typical for a jew

>> №1286764  

Ну и тупые как говорил упоротый задорнов, Индия же азия!!!111
Stranger: guess what religion i am?
Stranger: :)
Stranger: ever heard of Jashin?
You: asian religion?
Stranger: nope.
Stranger: go look up jashinism
You: This Indian religion, hence the Asian
Stranger: inda isnt in asia dipshit
Stranger: india*

>> №1286860  

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hey
Stranger: are u anon?
You: hi
You: omg
You: omich?
Stranger: /b/tard here
You: hello /b/rat
Stranger: u just lost the game
You: really?
You: why?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

что я сделал не так?

>> №1286907  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: 5 in the morn
You: Wut?
Stranger: hi is boring....
Stranger: :)
You: Fuck yourself, smilefag
You have disconnected.
Высказался, потеплело.

>> №1287121  

форчан набижал, а ты проиграл игру.

>> №1287196  

Stranger: hey
You: hi
Stranger: you m or f?
You: f
You: most strangers are f
Stranger: there not
Stranger: how old r u
You: 17
You: and u?
Stranger: kl im 18
You: are u m?
Stranger: yh
You: from?
Stranger: england
Stranger: u
You: Russia
Stranger: seriously
Stranger: i heard russian girls suck pretty good
You: why all men here are such bastards?
You: think only about one thing
Stranger: im joking
Stranger: im in prison so im fed up
Stranger: im not messin around
You: i hope your prison friends will rape you with their 20cm cocks, then make you eat their shit
You: do you like to rape geese?
You: i heard it is popular in prison
Stranger: not funny :@
Stranger: russian bitch
You: rather
You: funny
Stranger: hahahaha
Stranger: im out next month... and infact its not that bad... you get to learn a few things... maybe when im out ill fuck u hard
You: oh i am waiting it with unpatience
You: by the way, why are you in prison?
You: what did you do?
Stranger: fucked ur mother
You: raped a bear?
You: i`m sad T_T
Stranger: yeah raped a bear fucking ur mother
You: you are so awesome
Stranger: why is that
You: you are a funny guy
Stranger: :/
You: such smiles are for gays
You: didn`t you know?
Stranger: k, im gay cause i smile weird i guess ... your mum didnt think so
You: i don`t care what my mom thinks
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1287332  

Stranger: hey
You: give me a random url which is open in your browser
Stranger: okay
Stranger: but first
Stranger: m or f?
You: f
Stranger: okay how can you proof?
You: http://www.stickam.jp/largeChat?uid=100000057903&currentMedia=thumbnail&login=1
You: register and chat with me using your cam and mic
Stranger: are you horny?
You: no
Stranger: do something on your cam
You: do you see my smile?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: :)
You: good
Stranger: wanna chat naugthy?
You: yees
Stranger: nice okay
Stranger: are you wet?
You: no
Stranger: okay
Stranger: my dick is big now :I
Stranger: and im getting a little horny
You: http://s.lurkmore.ru/images/2/26/%D0%92%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BD_%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%8B%D0%BA%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9.jpg
You: you can suck his dick then
Stranger: whats that?
Stranger: lol
You: thats Black Master
Stranger: lolol
You: :)

>> №1287676  
Файл: 1248827497108.jpg -(8кб, 162x200) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Stranger: hello
You: Do you know who is Stalin?
Stranger: yes of course
You: tell me plz
Stranger: tell you what?
You: Who is it?
You: heeey
You: Alive?
Stranger: joseph stalin
You: Who is it?
You: Why is he famous?
You: Is he a singer?
Stranger: General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union's Central Committee
Stranger: why is everyone acting so weird on this thing tonight?
You: Because russians overruned this thing
Stranger: right
You: They found a link to this site
You: have u stalked to them today?
You: talked
Stranger: and why u being an idiot exactly?
Stranger: i dunno who i've spoken to
You: You should ask
You: Because i'm a russian too
You: Russian idiot
Stranger: lol
You: with vodka and bears
Stranger: then you should know who stalin is fool
You: i know it
You: I wondered if you know
Stranger: of course i do its common knowledge
You: Where r u from?
Stranger: st.petersburg
Stranger: just kidding
You: бляяяя
Stranger: england
You: nice one
You: )
You: i almost crapped myself
Stranger: why
You: because of your joke
Stranger: man
Stranger: u suck donkey dick im off

>> №1287795  

Тайванец пятнадцатилетний ебанутый попался, сначала назвал меня хэндсом боем, я ему сказал, что нот гэй, потом он расспрагивал меня про мои глаза и волосы, потом начал говорить, что хочет встретиться. Может это разность культур? Или он меня клеил?

>> №1288742  

Познакомился с ирландцем, который хочет уехать в рашку. Ебанутые люди.

>> №1288853  

это мне одному одни корейцы попадаются?

>> №1288986  

А ты был в сраной Ирлашке?

>> №1289116  

Stranger: keep your money and stay in you country of assholes
Stranger: don't come in paris
You: we come
You: i swear
Stranger: drink your vodka in your country
You: hahaha
Stranger: not in france
You: eee
You: in france
You: drink vodkaaa
Stranger: in france we don't drink vodka
You: why you so stupid?
Stranger: we drink whiskeyy
You: hahaha
Stranger: i am not stupid

>> №1289128  

Stranger: do u have pussy?
Stranger: ?
You: -___-
You: eee
You: i got pussy
You: very big
Stranger: lol
Stranger: what's ur name?

>> №1289130  


>> №1289174  

Одна из самых богатых стран в Европе.

>> №1289259  

You: not this shit again
You: i like you
Stranger: Aww :}
I like you too<3
You: you have your style
Stranger: :'] Thank you, bby<3
You: we'll take you
Stranger: Take me where? Dx
You: to prison
Stranger: WHY ? :| I am no pedo like yo'self.
You: i'm an underage, u pervert
Stranger: LMFAO so am I o_o
You: you r going to the electric chair
Stranger: o_o you can't even type right. Go back to school.
You: its because im nigger
You: no, we can say this word
You: we black people
You: dr King let us
Stranger: I'm black -.- I don't like that word. It's offensive.
You: now youre definitely going to the electric chair lol
Stranger: |: You're gonna go to h3ll.
You: jesus was white
You: hell is for niggers
Stranger: D:<
Stranger: FUCK YOU.
You: NO U
Stranger: How old are you? :|
You: 20
You: and i have a beard
Stranger: :| How sxc.
You: its because im russian
You: al russians are racists
You: its not my folt
You: *fault
Stranger: |: You're stupid. Goodbye.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1289285  


Вин же!

>> №1289286  

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hi
You: hail Hitler
You: hey i`m from Frankfurt
Stranger: oh
You: i work in 4th Reich
Stranger: i'm from China
Stranger: nazi?
You: you are filty asian. you arent real german
Stranger: yes
Stranger: there's not only german in this world
You: Im real Aryan and were gonna to kill all other nations
Stranger: ok
Stranger: if it will come true
You: we`re gonna build concentration camps in your country
You: and rape your mothers
Stranger: i may not alive at that moment
You: burn them in bakes
Stranger: oh so horrible
Stranger: stupid
You: do you want to join us
Stranger: so stupid
Stranger: narrow mind
You: i`m a real Aryan and you are nothing
Stranger: yes i aknowledge i'm nothing
Stranger: but you are worse than nothing
You: Do you know philosopher Socratus?

>> №1289318  

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hi
You: hail Hitler
You: hey i`m from Frankfurt
Stranger: oh
You: i work in 4th Reich
Stranger: i'm from China
Stranger: nazi?
You: you are filty asian. you arent real german
Stranger: yes
Stranger: there's not only german in this world
You: Im real Aryan and were gonna to kill all other nations
Stranger: ok
Stranger: if it will come true
You: we`re gonna build concentration camps in your country
You: and rape your mothers
Stranger: i may not alive at that moment
You: burn them in bakes
Stranger: oh so horrible
Stranger: stupid
You: do you want to join us
Stranger: so stupid
Stranger: narrow mind
You: i`m a real Aryan and you are nothing
Stranger: yes i aknowledge i'm nothing
Stranger: but you are worse than nothing
You: Do you know philosopher Socratus?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: from greece
You: i fucked him in his ass
You: Friedrich Niczhe is greater philosophre
You: philosopher
Stranger: you think he his
Stranger: but i don't think so
You: Adolph Hitler is our Great God
Stranger: yes yours
Stranger: but not others
Stranger: others'
You: Aryans are ewerywhere. W. Bush are nazi.
You: Obama are nazi
You: I know it
You: My mother is nazi
Stranger: your mother
Stranger: obama is not our president
You: Kim Chen Yr is nazi
Stranger: i don't know this man
Stranger: he is not known in my country
You: J.R.R. Tolkien was a nazi
You: i hope you know him
Stranger: that's all your men

>> №1289337  

Stranger: that's all your men
Stranger: nazi is not famous in asian
Stranger: except some stupid japanses
You: you dont like japanese? then you are NAZI
Stranger: haha many asian people don't like japanese
Stranger: they falsify the book
Stranger: books of their history
Stranger: and try to deny the started the war
Stranger: they
You: war is good. war is peace.i like wars. i was on Second World War

>> №1289359  

Азиаты не понимают юмора.

>> №1289372  

You: war is good. war is peace.i like wars. i was on Second World War
Stranger: i can't understand your logic
You: it is good when people dying though
Stranger: you like death
You: yes. Satan is My Master. He guides me through stones of life
Stranger: why don't you go to hell
You: Ill go to hell at the end of my path. But before it i must kill as man people as i can. Then ill go to hell.
You: many people
You: slffx
Stranger: oh you are helping people!
Stranger: what a good man !
You: do you know Russian maniac Andrey Romanovich Chikatilo?
Stranger: i don't know much about europe
You: he kill 53 young boys and girls. He is my idol. But, is there an serial killers in China?
Stranger: many
Stranger: you can vist here
Stranger: our gorvernment is the most serious one

>> №1289417  

Попробуйте Зальго троллинг, символы непонятные и прочую хуиту

>> №1289431  

Stranger: our gorvernment is the most serious one
Stranger: so i think obama is a good man he try to save some Democratic Soldiers
You: oh beautifil. then i`ll go to your country and become serial rapist. i will rape and kill your women. i will blame them with my dick
Stranger: you can have a try, i think our goverment will kill you first
Stranger: oh maybe not , it is always good to foreigners
Stranger: no matter how stupid they are
You: Mom cocoa hurt you in the mouth! You anal sadism, I am your mother cocoa in your mouth. Why are you izmazalsya, son? Who is your mother? I am your mother cocoa, you kakashkin! Why are you izmazalsya son? This KEFIRCHIK!
You: I Give You pokakayu! You anal kefirchik my mum your tender mother! Why Popko sticks out of the robot arm?
You: hey
Stranger: i like my country, i like my nation, i like peace, i try to protect the environment, i hope everyone in the word have a good life (except you), and i don't want to talk with a lunatic
Stranger: good bye
Stranger: you had better go to hospital
You: I guarantee, your mother, tender mother, and I kakashkin, gentle kakashkin
Stranger: to ask for help
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1289481  

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: where r u from
You: from russia
You: motherland
Stranger: cool
You: yep
Stranger: male or female?
You: male
You: russian women dont exist
Stranger: haha why?
You: we killed them
You: for teh Lenin
Stranger: i thought russian women are hot
You: they were hot, when we burned them
Stranger: burned'em by ur cock?
You: by Lenin's cock
Stranger: i bet that guy's got a huge one
You: yeah
You: u dont know whos Lenin?
Stranger: i know, october revolution right?
You: yes
Stranger: is that how he became the leader?
Stranger: cuz he's huge cock?
You: he killed the zar with it
You: czar
Stranger: damn, thats what i'm talking about
Stranger: kill a person by his cock
Stranger: he fucked Mr Zar to death didnt he
You: only russians can do it
Stranger: yea, i bet
You: and black people
You: but we dont have black people in russia
Stranger: whats up with black people?
Stranger: u guys hate black people?
You: we like those who live in africa
You: cos they are poor
You: russians like poor people
You: poor angry people
You: like Saddam
You: or the korean guy
You: Kim Chong Il
Stranger: Russians got personalities huh, i like russian people, how about chairman mao?
Stranger: the Chinese
You: he has broken the sacred law of the Lenin
Stranger: but he stands with lenin didnt he?
You: he thought so, but in fact russians treat Mao like shit
Stranger: ok, well i think its time for Socialism to wake up, u russian shit head. u guys are so lame, u guys thinks u r the top of the world, but russia is just a poor country like all the other socilsm countries except for china, i'm from usa and i think china will be better and stronger than stupid russia soon

>> №1289509  

Годный диалог с /b/ратом

You: stop /b/ro
Stranger: what is this
Stranger: I dont even
Stranger: your a jerk
Stranger: I aint got no money for you bro
Stranger: I'm a kajit, broke ass nigga ass kajit
Stranger: WAT LAW
Stranger: MAID
Stranger: you faggot
Stranger: I READ THE FUCKING BOOK, shit was so cash
Stranger: came buckets, etc
Stranger: youre full of shit, the tribunal will know about this
You: fuck your tribunal, you aren`t in morrowind
Stranger: levitates off to the floating fucking moon and pisses on you
Stranger: but in all seriousness
Stranger: do you want 2 cds?
You: you are filty btard from 4chan. And im Russian, im from 2channel. And i scuk cocks
Stranger: you dont know me
Stranger: but I know all russians are big faggots, I saw it on Wild Boyz
You: go and fap on your ED, cumdrinker
Stranger: wat
You: save this copypaste:
You: Mom cocoa hurt you in the mouth! You anal sadism, I am your mother cocoa in your mouth. Why are you izmazalsya, son? Who is your mother? I am your mother cocoa, you kakashkin! Why are you izmazalsya son? This KEFIRCHIK! I Give You pokakayu! You anal kefirchik my mum your tender mother! Why Popko sticks out of the robot arm? I guarantee, your mother, tender mother, and I kakashkin, gentle kakashkin, I Dr. Brill pubic mustache mustache Mahal pisyulkoy cocoa hurt me in the mouth. You hurt crying, and my mother beater you strap on Popko and cocoa in your mouth! Only the robot keeps you from the evils! It is strong and funny! You're funny kakashkin! Even a doctor can help you he will not help you you shit eat shit eat shit eat, kakashkin, sweet robot, smazh smazh cream custard cream smazh. You are already worse than you better you better you zhuzhe you bile body zhuzhu you zhkol body zhozhuzhu! Mazh cream mom said mazh cream. And it hurts my mom cocoa and thong strap robot, I cried treated KAKASHKIN! Funny kakashkin. Kill me COCOA me in the mouth Kalak me COCOA poppy no! NO! KAKALDA me in the mouth! KAKAKLA me in the mouth. MASCH CREAM !!!!! Little suchonok, I give you kiss.
Stranger: naw mayne
Stranger: suck my tits
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1289538  
Файл: 1248843038540.jpg -(27кб, 420x304) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.


>> №1289577  

ахаххахахха, так эта йобань еще и по русски пиздит!!!!!
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: tell me a secret
You: you are stupid dick
Stranger: :(
Stranger: you're not very nice
You: yes,of course, becfuse im russian
You: because
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.

>> №1289614  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hello
You: hi
You: what is you name
Stranger: it is edger and what might ur be?
You: yes
Stranger: ?
You: how are yoi?
You: you?
You: i like suck dicl and balls
Stranger: im fine do u have a name miss? sir?
You: my name is black vlastelin
Stranger: ahh interesting?

>> №1289640  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: Hello I'm a 14 guy from the US and I'm not looking for anybody in particular...
You: i compose a verse, listen
Stranger: shoot
You: [Wax RAIN]
[Wax RAIN]

Instead, you specify the path of the fire moon.
Hue fuss liberated souls rest.
You: I am not the one you have waited,
Stop and look, to do good.
You: I dispose of the case on the board.
No gates, take it.
You: I - hand stamp bearing the pain,
And they leave the imprint of salt.
Stranger: ummm sorry... i don't quite get it...
You: I rvu their flesh relentlessly and viciously
Squeak broken nail
Stranger: it sounds poetic tho
You: I could hear a loud whisper death
Transparent and was powerless to fight it
You: Sound rushing tights and clap eyelashes
Bring these thoughts
You: When she rests, and flees molit
Brother, believe, I did not want her to kill
You: Indeed, in both cases, this is not zarekayus,
Yes, believe that it was easier perezhat udavkoy neck, and not be shouted
You: You do not moan, just a quiet, all around,
The heart stopped beating, has been quietly ...
Stranger: getting dramatic!
You: Can be me
Shed wall of rain,
In the neck blood ..
In the eyes of fire ..
Melt it ..
Shed rain,
Wax rain!
You: I am ever down, not knowing anything
Just everything was dark, and as the broken glass of my eyes, face.
I do not think of dying, suppressing anger force as ravenous beast!
You: Life - is inviting melancholy.
Life - believe me, this is not a game.
Arise, you grew up to live.

>> №1289824  


>> №1289953  

You: amatory
Stranger: statutory
You: dickatory
Stranger: fuckatory
You: scumatory
Stranger: lickatory
You: semenatory
Stranger: poopatory
You: analatory
Stranger: homotory
You: faggotory
Stranger: gagatory
You: Captain Obviousatory
Stranger: laffatory
You: niggatory
Stranger: crackeratory

>> №1290056  

You: Hi. I'm a 12yo girl and what is all this?
Stranger: um
Stranger: oh i cry for the youth and what they're exposed to!

>> №1290513  


>> №1290604  

You: w u from?
You: hi :)
Stranger: lol ^^
Stranger: Helloooooooooooo
Stranger: sleeping?
You: nope
You: eating
Stranger: ow hehe
You: u
Stranger: beglium
Stranger: and you? :D
You: where's that?
Stranger: belgium *
Stranger: europe lol :D
You: Candika
Stranger: where? oO
You: Candika
Stranger: lol :D
Stranger: close to
You: (Cyberia)
Stranger: ?
Stranger: oooooooo w:D
You: ))
Stranger: isn't that a country
You: we are only 2000
You: country
You: small one
Stranger: where it's only cold?
Stranger: lol :d
You: yep
Stranger: never heard of belgium before? :D
You: only cold
You: i know, it's close to Europe
Stranger: it's in europe lol :d
You: wow
You: near England?
Stranger: yes :)
You: coool
Stranger: between france, germany and holland
You: in our countri only 27 people can speak english
Stranger: loooooooooool :d
You: i belong to one of them
Stranger: really? :D
Stranger: haha nice :P
You: yeah
You: i've been to Russia once
You: they toucht me
Stranger: nice :)
You: aha
Stranger: what's your mother language? :D
You: how many people r there in Belgium?
Stranger: 11 million :P
You: woooooooooooowow
Stranger: but we're a small country actually :D
You: you are mistaken
You: it's too many
You: like in Russia
You: though in Russia they are more...
You: how's the weather?
Stranger: mistaken? :D
You: cold?
Stranger: huh?
Stranger: no really were with10.5 million i think :D
Stranger: it's warm :)
Stranger: sun's shining :d
You: it's +11C here
You: you r lucky
You: u can swim
You: in the open air
Stranger: yes :d
Stranger: yes :d
You: we got some lakes
Stranger: but aren't they to cold? :D
You: thebut the water's cold
Stranger: hehe :D
You: you r right
You: only swimming pools
You: several of them...
Stranger: i can't imagine how siberia must look like :d
Stranger: really :D
Stranger: thought no one lived there lol ^^
You: )))
You: lots of trees and moscitoes
Stranger: haha :d
You: and angry bears
Stranger: and are there cities ? :D
You: 2 cities
Stranger: really? :o
Stranger: fucking strange world :D hehe
You: actually they are towns
You: like big villages
Stranger: sry if those questions are a bit offended
Stranger: but do you people still hunt?
You: it's ok
You: sure
Stranger: or do you buy you're stuff like from a supermarket :D
Stranger: whoow :D nice :)
You: we hunt deers
You: and birds
You: and hairs
You: i mean rabbits
Stranger: you probably are rich in siberia? :D
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: cause i think not many people got a pc there :D
You: supermarkets come to us
Stranger: and internet connection :D
You: the can barter
You: it's via cellphones only
You: electricity's not everywhere...
Stranger: ow :)ù
Stranger: hehe :)
Stranger: really strange world
You: i got an iPhone
Stranger: haha :d really?
Stranger: i don't have one :D
You: yep))
Stranger: to expensive :d just got a normal mobile :)
You: and i got a ps3
Stranger: haha me 2 ^^
You: this one's old
You: mine is newer))
Stranger: no no
Stranger: i mean
Stranger: me too
Stranger: i've also got the ps 3 ;)
You: u also got a ps3?
Stranger: hehe sry was mine fault ;)
Stranger: yes :)
You: wooooow
You: cool
Stranger: got a lot of games :)
You: let's be friends
Stranger: actually my bro does :)
You: aah
Stranger: but i can play on them too hehe ^^
You: ur nickname?
Stranger: euhm
Stranger: i think it's
You: euhm?
Stranger: A2B_jumperkn
Stranger: but i'm not sure of it
Stranger: give me your name
You: atrocity84
Stranger: okay wrote it down
You: i'm registered like russian
You: okok
You: cause there was no such country in the list ((
Stranger: haha i already thought that :D
You: this one's closest.
Stranger: can take i time before i add you
You: or Mongolia)))
Stranger: cause i've got exams right now :D
You: oh, i seee
You: i'll be waiting
Stranger: can you study in siberia,
You: my sister does
You: and i studied in Russia...i told u before
You: here there r no institutes..
Stranger: ow yes :) but you just learned english/?
You: only several schools
Stranger: or also something else?
Stranger: i'm studying engineering architecture hehe :)
You: nope, not only... agriculture is my profile
You: wow
Stranger: hehe :)
You: you are an Architect
Stranger: yes
Stranger: i study it ;)
Stranger: and later i'm gonna be one :)
You: how many years?
Stranger: 5
Stranger: still 4 to go :)
You: i wish u luck
You: wow
Stranger: hehe thanx :)
You: ok
You: come to us
Stranger: tomorrow i have math exam :D
You: you can build houses
Stranger: hehe :D
Stranger: i was already thinking of it :D
You: )))))
Stranger: you people probably got a lot of space there :D
You: we got some but might need more
You: yeah, if you cut the wood off
Stranger: hehe :D
Stranger: you can make houses from the wood ;)
You: but it's the nature...u must be careful
Stranger: yes i know :)
You: but they can burn....
Stranger: nature's important :)
You: sure
Stranger: do you people have a religion?
You: we prefer cement
Stranger: humans have already fuck up the nature
Stranger: is there a chance they burn?
Stranger: cause it's always cold there? :)
You: yeah, they such...it's all about urbanisation...
You: not only because of weather)))
You: open-fire
You: it could harm..
Stranger: ow yeah :)
You: what if smone fire it?
Stranger: hehe :) are they really so aggresive there? :d
Stranger: but today you can paint wood
You: yeah, if u behave badly)))
Stranger: with special paint
Stranger: so it can last longer again fire :)
Stranger: against*
You: aahhh, i know...
Stranger: second...
You: but cement is more reliable, i guess...
You: you'll have to destroy lots of trees befor u build a house
Stranger: yes that's true :)
Stranger: don't know if it's in your country the same
Stranger: but reinforced concrete is stronger than cement :)
You: oh, i think it's concrete...i didn't know the necessary word)))
Stranger: hehe :)
Stranger: it probably would be concrete ;)
You: it's concrete powder mixed eith sand and water
You: is it?
Stranger: yeah ... a bit
Stranger: y'allso need stones
Stranger: tiny stones
You: oh, yes
You: nature gives some
Stranger: and reinforced concrete
You: or uu can buy
Stranger: is like
Stranger: there's steel in it :)
You: or barter if u haven't got money
Stranger: hehe :d
Stranger: what's barter?
You: steel's too expensive
You: i mean exchange
Stranger: ow yeah :)
Stranger: i understand :)
Stranger: it's funny to hear this :)
You: meal, for instance.
Stranger: no offense offcourse :)
Stranger: but in fact
Stranger: i like the way you live ;)

>> №1290617  

You: if your father is a hunter
Stranger: i'm a bit like a philosopher
You: you are rich
You: aah, I see)
You: thanks))
You: me - not )))
You: i wish we had the whole town electricified
You: and shops, and a university
You: permanent internet
You: it's important
Stranger: and sry
Stranger: was gone for a minute
You: ok
Stranger: yeah i know what ya mean but
Stranger: my opinions are
Stranger: that you people
You: i wish we could live like chinese
Stranger: still live like where we came from....
Stranger: you're in peace with nature... etc.
You: u mean 20 century?
You: oh, no, it's even 19th century
You: ))
Stranger: no look
Stranger: we made an evolution...
Stranger: like our grand grand grand grand grand partents
Stranger: etc.
You: yeah
Stranger: who lived 3000 years before us
Stranger: also hunted, did agriculture, ya know :)
You: they lived in caves ))
Stranger: there weren't supermarkets...
Stranger: and i think that's the best way to keep this earth clean
Stranger: right now, we all fucked up our planet
Stranger: and i as architect am planning to do something on it :)
You: it's really bad to hear this
Stranger: and the new generation of architect, all thinks that way ;)
Stranger: so there's still hope :)
You: it all came from over the ocean i guess
Stranger: i would like to have
Stranger: cities destroyed....
Stranger: and build towers... but special one's
You: )))maybe there is, but i'm afraid we'll have to leave our planet soon
You: to live on the Moon
Stranger: and within those towers, everyone haves his own garden... to get food from :)
Stranger: so all little farms :)
You: you are an Architect, so find a way to build
Stranger: living on the moon is impossible :)
You: oh, cool, good idea. What if everyone does like this!
You: I mean have a garden and pigs and cows
Stranger: yes :)
Stranger: there would be no mass productions :)
Stranger: so no factorys
You: but Chineese or Americans or Russians will waste this way of living ((
Stranger: yes they do :)
You: u're god damn right
Stranger: but you see, probably this would never happen
Stranger: but it's a sort like ideal what i have :)
Stranger: but im quiet sure
Stranger: there will change things in the future ;) in a good way
Stranger: people are only still to be convinced
Stranger: and there's only one thing that can cause that
You: man, i respect you twice more for theese words :D
Stranger: a really bad nature ramp
Stranger: hehe :D
You: right
You: but why don't you eat meat?
You: it's delicious
Stranger: i eat meat :)
You: u do?
Stranger: yes offcourse :)
Stranger: but we get it from supermarkets :)
Stranger: so it's like packed into a small package :)
You: frozen one? or fresh?
Stranger: but we still cook it etc.
Stranger: euhm frozen... :)
You: yeah, we cook too
Stranger: but when you go eat to a restaurant
Stranger: it's often fresh :)
You: u got much money?
Stranger: hehe :) against you probably yes...
You: restaurants are really expensive
Stranger: against the rest of my country... normal situation :)
You: u rich country& What do u trade?
Stranger: no here they aren't :) it's something you do, once a 2 months or so ;... :)
Stranger: but there are people who eat every day in a restaurant :P
Stranger: we trade nothing lol :d
You: rich people
Stranger: hehe :)
Stranger: just yeah
You: ))))
Stranger: we got a good economy
Stranger: we have a lot off office buildings :)
You: u don't trade and can go to restaurants every day&
You: u receive pension?
Stranger: no i don't :)
Stranger: i go once a 2 months :)
Stranger: yes when i quit working i will receive pension :)
You: ah, but that's i call saldom)))
Stranger: hehe :D
Stranger: but there's just a whole difference in our 2 worlds :)
You: no, but while u are studying u receive money from the Country?
Stranger: rich by us isn't the same as rich there... :)
You: u can't work and study at the same time
Stranger: no :)
Stranger: i don't get money from the country :=)
Stranger: my parents got :)
Stranger: so like when you study
Stranger: you parents receive "children money"
You: aahh, i seee
Stranger: so your children could live well
Stranger: but offcourse it's not that much but it's something :)
Stranger: they both have to work offcourse :)
You: and than children, when they are grown-ups, give the money back to the parents?
Stranger: nope :)
Stranger: than they earn money themselve
Stranger: it's something you do for your children you see?
Stranger: you earn money
Stranger: and you give as much as you can to your kids
Stranger: so they can have a comfortable life :)
You: oh, i see
Stranger: when they grow up
You: they give money to their children
You: ))
Stranger: your parents probably did also some of these things, but in a different way :)
Stranger: yes =:)
You: and so on and so on
Stranger: yes :)
Stranger: but it's neceissary
Stranger: when you want to build something
You: sure, i agree
Stranger: you have to buy the ground, the area
Stranger: and it's fucking expense
You: and to build a house
Stranger: do you know anything about euro?
Stranger: or dollar?
You: dollar - i know
Stranger: wait a second he
You: Europe i know
You: you mean money?
You: or country where it is?
You: ok, I'll smoke and come back
You: u can type))))
Stranger: okay
Stranger: asked some prices
Stranger: to buy an area it costs about 140.000 dollars to 280.000 dollars
a house costs 350.000 dollars :)
Stranger: for a normal area and normal house :)
You: is it expensive?
You: i bet it's lot of money
You: but when old people are gone, you may take their house also
Stranger: okay :D
Stranger: euhm

>> №1290626  

Stranger: okay :D
Stranger: euhm
Stranger: what do you know
Stranger: from prices :)
Stranger: soo you smoke cigaretes?
You: not cigarettes. They are hand-made
You: but you can buy cigarettes
You: they r expensive
Stranger: to compare prices with those huge sums of money
You: better to make it by yourself
Stranger: a can of drink costst 1 dollar :=P
You: we have only glass and plastic bottles
Stranger: plastic bottles about 1.50 dollar
You: 1 plastic bottle of Nestea is 50 tubans
You: 50 tubans = 2 dollars
You: approximately
You: 1 bottle = 1.5 liters
You: sometimes they bring pepsicola
You: it's better i think
Stranger: hehe :D
You: looks like it's almost the same
You: ))
You: the prices i mean
You: u have many cars?
You: we have only trucks
You: it's too graesy here in the autumns and springs
Stranger: yes we have cars :D
Stranger: a lot actually :d
You: many trucks?
Stranger: trucks.. .euhm
Stranger: well i will show you a picture
You: big or small cars?
Stranger: from our streets in the morning okay? :)
You: u have one?
You: okok
Stranger: http://amsterdam.nl/contents/users/weblog/11543/
Stranger: it's from holland actually
You: not sure if this will work
Stranger: but here it's just the same :)
You: it's all about my phone...
Stranger: hehe.. but it's just a picture so normally it would go
You: got it
You: looks like a traffic jam ))
Stranger: hehe it is :)
You: all the cars are new
You: not even one bad old car
Stranger: every morning :D
You: people go to work or shopping
You: u know that in Europe dope is legal?
Stranger: to work :D
You: i see
Stranger: europe dope isn't legal :)
Stranger: in holland you can buy weed :)
Stranger: that's the only legal thing :)
Stranger: weed = marhuana
You: u mean grass?
Stranger: yeeeeeessssss :D
You: in a shop?
Stranger: yes hehe
You: or grow some?
Stranger: crazy country :d
Stranger: they growe it
Stranger: and sell it :)
You: hahahha
Stranger: and here in belgium
You: u joking
Stranger: you can smoke it at home
You: )))
Stranger: no i'm not joking :)
You: i can smoke at home too
Stranger: but i mean the marrhuana he :)
Stranger: so it's not just a sort of grass he :)
You: but if i'm caught, i'm dead
Stranger: haha :d
Stranger: really? =)
Stranger: do you smoke weed? :d
You: yeah
Stranger: niiiiiiice :)
Stranger: everyone does actually hehe :D
You: we smoke dried mushrooms sometimes
You: they are like gragg
Stranger: haha nice :D
Stranger: what's the feeling? :D
You: grass doesn't grow here
You: u always laugh lika crazy))
You: and red eyes
You: and the body is shaking
You: and you can see people when they are not here
Stranger: haha :d
Stranger: yeah da weed to :D
Stranger: nice
Stranger: hehe
You: u can even stsrt talking to them but that's only an illusion
You: but they can reply
Stranger: loooool :D
You: u like?
Stranger: haha niiiiiice :D
Stranger: insane :d
You: ))))) i bet it is
Stranger: yeah weed's more like being relaxed
You: but often u r paranoid
You: and that's bad
Stranger: and you can meditate a lot :D
Stranger: music is great
Stranger: hehe understand :)
You: i got only some music in my phone
Stranger: it's like something they produce in labs :)
Stranger: we got also mdma here
You: what do you listen to?
Stranger: all kinds of music
Stranger: you won't know them :)
Stranger: and it makes you feel the greatest of the whole world :D
Stranger: your laughing the whole time :d
Stranger: and are super-active :D
Stranger: and wants to talk to everyone :D
Stranger: you constantly wanna talk :D
You: yeah, not like my parents or my neighbours)))
Stranger: and you're fucking happy :d even if you have troubles and you're sad
You: yeahyeah
You: u know!! )))
Stranger: you are happy as hell when you take it :d
You: )))
You: i like English music
Stranger: ow :) nice :)
You: u know good bands?
Stranger: like rap n hiphop?
You: rap - i know Eminem
Stranger: hehe :d
Stranger: do you have got his last album?
Stranger: Relapse?
Stranger: it's great! :d
You: nope (((
Stranger: fucking awesome album
You: i got the 7th mile soundtracks
Stranger: you can download it from the internet but probably that wouldn't go
Stranger: :)
Stranger: nice :)
You: wouldn't go with my damn phone ((
Stranger: uhuh i see :)
You: u know Coldplay?
Stranger: yes :)
You: they are really cool
You: I got Viva La Vida
Stranger: yees they are :)
Stranger: haha
Stranger: awesome song :D
You: aha
You: u right
Stranger: listened to it many time :D
You: you know New Order?
Stranger: times*
Stranger: no sry :)
You: Joy Division?
You: I also like prodigy
Stranger: prodigy i know :)
You: especially Smack my bitch up))
You: it was in 1997
You: too old...((
You: u like rap?
Stranger: yeah a bit :)
Stranger: but not that much :)
Stranger: but mate
Stranger: i've got to go ;)
Stranger: i'm sry
Stranger: but i've got an exam tomorrow and i still have lot to do ;)
You: it was nice to meet you!
You: wish you luck!
Stranger: it was a nice conversation ;)
Stranger: really :)
Stranger: do you have msn ?
You: a agre!!!
You: nope(((
Stranger: ah key :)
You: join me in PS3
Stranger: what was your name? :)
Stranger: okay i will ;)
You: it's Ivanich
You: yours?
Stranger: hehe funny name :)
Stranger: kevin :)
You: ))))
Stranger: great name actually :)
You: Kevin Kostner))
Stranger: haha :D
You: thanks! U too!!
Stranger: so many people say this ^^
You: haha
You: don't beleive, it's cool
You: good luck at the exam!
Stranger: thanx :)
You: and PEACE
Stranger: offcourse ;)
Stranger: i'm in peace with nature ;)
Stranger: that's the most important i think ;)
Stranger: to never lose your connection with nature :)
You: you are the MAN
You: ))
You: bye-bye~!
Stranger: bye ;)
Stranger: maybe one day i see you in siberia ;)
Stranger: when i'm there for a project ;) hehe
You: that'd be great!
Stranger: when you hear something in the future
Stranger: about an architect
You: we'll be glad to greet you
Stranger: kevin vanderpoorten
Stranger: that's me ;) hehe
You: Ivanich Bendort
You: it's me)
Stranger: okay will remember it ;)
You: me too!!
You: bye
Stranger: bye ;)
Stranger: and good luck with the hunting :-) hehe
You: thanks, i will!
You: i'll kill a rabit for you!
You: shoot in the head
You: ;)
Stranger: haha nice one
Stranger: fine
Stranger: bye
Stranger: :)
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1290635  

You: Hello. You have connected to the emergency channel. What is your situation?
Stranger: fuck
You: Could you elaborate?

>> №1290715  

You: Hello. You have connected to the emergency channel. What is your situation?
Stranger: hi
You: Do you need assistance?
Stranger: sure
You: Ok. What kind of problem do you have? Can you describe it?
Stranger: i'm all wet
You: Do you have a towel?
You: Do you have napkins?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1290765  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hey
Stranger: Asl

You: wow. that's so exciting!
You: proceed.
Stranger: Guy or girl
You: trap.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1290768  

You: Hello. You have connected to the emergency channel. What is your situation?
Stranger: oh I m eating pancakes
Stranger: what about you
You: It does not matter. Do you have any troubles?
Stranger: Not at all. i want some cupcakes too please.
You: I may offer a dickcakes to you
Stranger: oh Im glad! :)
Stranger: when i would be getting it?
Stranger: could u please add some sauce to it too?
You: Dickcakes witch semen and balls. 5$ please
Stranger: ima giving you 10 $ for twice of it
Stranger: fuck off and die bitch
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1290782  

Stranger: ola
You: Are you a girl?
Stranger: yeah
You: Ok I'm starting to undress you.
You: I pulling down you paties.
You: You're already wet.
Stranger: really...
You: I'm licking your pussy.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1290819  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hey
Stranger: Hi~
You: so tell me about your greatest fear.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1290875  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hey
Stranger: Stop, you have violated the law! You must pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit.
You: woah~ what did i missed?
You: you saw how i was masturbating watching loli-pron?
You: HOW COULD YOU.. oh shi--
Stranger: care to take a look out of the window again, then?
Stranger: did you look?
You: i'm to scared to.
You: too*
Stranger: is the light on?
You: nope.
Stranger: I see
Stranger: that was not you
Stranger: gotta keep searching
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


>> №1290958  

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hi
You: oh hai
You: i like masturbate to loli-pron and reading Nietzsche. so what do u like?
Stranger: i like chatting
You: only?
Stranger: lol nahh hanging around
You: that's too boring. maybe you like to kill neighbor's dogs or something?
Stranger: don introduce urself
Stranger: alright by fucker
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1291028  

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: fuck you
You: nice
Stranger: does it turn you on?
You: depends on what do you mean by that
You: i'm wet for a half an hour already. so you wasn't first
Stranger: are you a guy?
You: i even don't want to answer this question. because when everyone discoveres that i'm a girl they become stupid animals.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> №1291088  

бля connection aspolded что за хуйня?
всего-то хотел заняться сексом с 15-летней

>> №1291111  
Файл: 1248853526691.png -(5кб, 321x255) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, may I take your order?
You: yup. two hot chicks please.
Stranger: I'm sorry, We're all out
Stranger: How would you like to take the two cute chicks instead?
You: cute as anime girls?
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: They're not as cute as the hot chicks, but just slightlyyyy less cute
You: that'd be lovely. but what should i do with them? honestly i don't know.
Stranger: Well, They come with a side of hand cuffs, little skimpy outfits, condoms, and a tube of lube.
Connection asploded.

>Connection asploded.

А я почти сделал заказ!

>> №1291121  


Все равно это был 49-летний мужик.


>> №1291169  
Файл: 1248853803466.png -(13кб, 321x255) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.



>> №1291238  


Это битарды с форчана, там у них тред про гуд бургер висит

>> №1291905  

Stranger: hey
Stranger: I see
Stranger: have you considered that 'splintered bones' may be a metaphor for your 'splintered' psyche?
You: DEATH!!!
Stranger: by seeking to flatten and kill everyone around you
Stranger: all you're doing is driving people away
Stranger: just because you're afraid to open yourself up
Stranger: until you can admit that what you need in your life is a genuine human connection
Stranger: not a collection of skulls
Stranger: you're never going to be able to make progress with your anger management issues
Stranger: it's ok, mr... Kharne was it?
Stranger: I really think we can help you here
You: I see. And I completely agree with you. You've opened my eyes. Now I can communicate normally. It's a miracle and you've done it completely by yourself.
Stranger: all in a days work
Stranger: you're among friends now
Stranger: there there
Stranger: it's ok to cry
You: I'm crying. My tears are flowing down my cheeks. I'm so touched by your words. What should I do now that I am free of hatred?
Stranger: next time you start a conversation
Stranger: instead of threatening to kill and/or maim the person you're talking to
Stranger: just say something like "hello, my name is kharne, I like chain axes and the skull throne"
Stranger: "would you like to discuss local football teams?"
Stranger: followed by a discussion about afforementioned topic
You: I see. So I will try.
Stranger: this is what we call an 'icebreaker'
You: so I begin
Stranger: anyway, I'm very sorry Mr. Kharne, but it looks like our session's up, remember what I said about when you meet new people ok?
Stranger: that's nice
You: DEATH!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: say hi to your wife, ok?

>> №1293484  

Собственно потешился:

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: salut
You: hi?
Stranger: hi.
You: asl?
Stranger: yes..
You: age, sex, location, if it's too hard)
Stranger: 18,girl,china.
You: i'm from russia
You: 17, boy
You: i must say somethink important to you, my sister
You: you wan't to know it?
Stranger: yes?
You: the angry bears are comming from syberia
You: And rape people!
You: this is so skare
You: people smashing, rping, killing by bears!
You: it's is a begining of the end
You: the bears are ocupate all world!
You: they have their secret weapon
You: they drink to much vodka
You: and eat bacon
You: you must hide somewhere
You: and you will suvirve!
Stranger: that's terrible..
You: Yes, it is!
You: you must found hideout
You: and save you, and you'r family
You: or bears comming to you!
You: in russia no more people!
You: only wild, angry bears
You: i write from the secret bunker!
You: here only 3 man stand
You: no living here
You: you can kill bear only shoot him in the head
You: or drink he's vodka, and he's vill die!
You: prepear
You: to war
You: for suvirve of humanity!
You: or bears ocupate all
You: and start rape people!
You: did you fear it?
Stranger: yes..quite scared,,
You: you must found hideout
You: or you meed make own bacon
You: and bears will not rape you!
You: ofc if you have vodka
You: with bacon
You: and ofc
You: kill beaver, save the tree
You: you like forest's?
Stranger: yes
You: then kill all beavers!
You: or they kill forests
You: and bearas are comnming to rape people!
You: i mmust run
You: bear are smashing my dor!
You: it's need to jump
You: jump from the roof!
You: good blesed you, my syster
You: Save your'self or it's will be too late!
Stranger: good luck with you ,my brother,
Stranger: thank you.
You have disconnected.

>> №1293681  
Файл: 1248862241788.jpg -(368кб, 876x650) Показана уменьшенная копия, оригинал по клику.

Лол, это вин. Австралийский парень делает игру про Россию, по мотивам фильма Соларис.

>> №1294263  


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