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24 декабря Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 21:21:51 #1 №10808401 
Hello Russian friends.

Sorry that I don't speak Russian, but I've learned that you're quite interested in the refugee situation.

I'm a white straight male from Sweden, 25 years old.

Ask me anything. (Yes I hate muslim, jew, faggot, homosexuals).
Аноним ID: Хашим Адамович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:23:08 #2 №10808421 
Аноним ID: Ростислав Святополкович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:23:11 #3 №10808423 
Do you suck dicks?
Аноним ID: Тарас Анасович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:23:40 #4 №10808428 
Fack you bitch
Аноним ID: Гариб Виленинович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:24:55 #5 №10808452 
>>10808401 (OP)
нахуй иди пидрила, тут обсуждают новости России.
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 21:24:59 #6 №10808454 

No, I place my dick in girls.

Thank you my friend, have a nice day.
Аноним ID: Нифонт Масадович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:25:25 #7 №10808457 
>>10808401 (OP)
>Yes I hate muslim, jew, faggot, homosexuals
How many swedes share the same views?
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 21:27:16 #8 №10808483 
Nearing 25% according to recent polls, people are finally starting to open their eyes. There are still a lot of left wing nutjobs and blind old people who only watch the goverment corrupt media.

>нахуй иди пидрила, тут обсуждают новости России.
Sorry I tried to use google translate. I don't really know what to respond. I'm sorry.
Аноним ID: Прокл Мстиславович  14/09/15 Пнд 21:27:38 #9 №10808492 
>>10808401 (OP)
>Yes I hate muslim, jew, faggot, homosexuals
Уебывай. Не позорь свою страну.
Аноним ID: Харламп Злобьевич  14/09/15 Пнд 21:28:01 #10 №10808496 
>>10808401 (OP)
Аноним ID: Иларион Иосифович  14/09/15 Пнд 21:28:28 #11 №10808504 
>>10808401 (OP)
>straight male from Sweden

excellent joke
Аноним ID: Киприан Проклович  14/09/15 Пнд 21:30:21 #12 №10808538 
>>10808401 (OP)
Сука, уебывай олька ебаная. Более толерантная страна в Европе чем швеция это германия, так что ты или
1) Олька(что скорее всего, ато как то ты вовремя появился, вместе с олиными постами про мигрантов в гейропе)
2) Отброс своего общества
3) Залетный тролль(у нас тут пара шведов сидит, один из которых решил покосплеить)
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 21:34:32 #13 №10808593 
I love my country. I don't like the greedy immigrants.

You're a cool guy.

Thank you merchant. Here is a picture of my cat.

I'm really trying to translate this good so I can give you a response.
I have never been to this site before if that is what you were trying to say in 1).
2) I was born and raised in Sweden, I think i didn't understand the question cause of langauge barrier.
3) I'm not a troll, just a bored Swede.
Аноним ID: Киприан Яковлевич  14/09/15 Пнд 21:37:13 #14 №10808630 
Then provide to us any proof of you not being a proxyhohol.
Аноним ID: Мокий Фикримович  14/09/15 Пнд 21:37:33 #15 №10808637 
>>10808401 (OP)
Häng dig själv, jävla böghora.
Аноним ID: Давыд Игнатович  14/09/15 Пнд 21:39:05 #16 №10808647 
It's noice to be swede, i guess.
Аноним ID: Heaven 14/09/15 Пнд 21:39:12 #17 №10808649 
>>10808401 (OP)
>Yes I hate muslim, jew, faggot, homosexuals

/po/ tolerant Borda uёbyvay in /b/
Аноним ID: Ростислав Святополкович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:40:34 #18 №10808672 
>Yes I hate muslim, jew, faggot, homosexuals
This shit isn't welcomed here; >>>/pol
Аноним ID: Киприан Яковлевич  14/09/15 Пнд 21:42:20 #19 №10808696 
Скажи "Чечня это круто!".
Аноним ID: Павлин Омарович  14/09/15 Пнд 21:42:45 #20 №10808705 
Подзигиваю этих.
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 21:42:50 #21 №10808708 
Pic related.

Inte än.

Not really, beats being american I guess.

I apologize, I didn't know. Thanks for informing me.

About the picture; I don't have a working phone at the moment. My shitty webcam is all I had.
Аноним ID: Исаакий Феофилактович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:43:08 #22 №10808711 
I hate refugees only coz i can't do the same way (
Аноним ID: Маврикий Федосович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:43:46 #23 №10808720 
>>10808401 (OP)
Where is your proofs?
Аноним ID: Heaven 14/09/15 Пнд 21:43:53 #24 №10808721 
>>10808401 (OP)
>Yes I hate muslim, jew
Fuck off, nazi scum.
Аноним ID: Нифонт Масадович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:44:08 #25 №10808725 
speak for yourself!
Аноним ID: Лука Аверьянович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:44:42 #26 №10808735 
Lul, two jews started to stink.
Аноним ID: Киприан Яковлевич  14/09/15 Пнд 21:44:47 #27 №10808737 
Ебать тут жидов и муслимов в пораше. Это ты небось создаешь треды про "стыдно быть русским"?
Аноним ID: Heaven 14/09/15 Пнд 21:46:07 #28 №10808760 
Нет, Россия это мой дом и мне тут рады, я отвечаю тем же. Хотя сраные нацики стали слишком быстро плодиться.
Аноним ID: Heaven 14/09/15 Пнд 21:46:20 #29 №10808763 
>Diablo 3
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 21:46:21 #30 №10808764 
In the area I live (In the Småland region) we recieved quite a few amount of russian immigrants the last year. So I think you can do the same.


Not Nazi, just white.
Аноним ID: Абрам Куприянович  14/09/15 Пнд 21:46:33 #31 №10808768 
>>10808401 (OP)
>I'm a white straight male from Sweden
Proof pls)
Аноним ID: Heaven 14/09/15 Пнд 21:47:49 #32 №10808779 
>just white
Wow, good for you, such an achievement. How hard did you work to be white?
Аноним ID: Лука Вячеславович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:48:06 #33 №10808783 
do you have slavic roots?
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 21:49:42 #34 №10808805 
2-3 days each season restart. I was a huge Diablo 2 fan in the past and still play it to this day.

I don't have a female to stick my penis in close enough.

It's 100% random chance, I didn't work hard at all.

My mother is from Finland and my father is from Sweden.
Аноним ID: Ипатий Хамзатьевич 14/09/15 Пнд 21:50:03 #35 №10808810 
>>10808401 (OP)
Po4emy tu takoy tupoj debil
Аноним ID: Лука Вячеславович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:51:00 #36 №10808824 
do you have non white friends?
Аноним ID: Велимир Киприанович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:51:12 #37 №10808830 
>>10808401 (OP)
Is that truth all your women like nigger cocks and all your men are cuckolds?
Аноним ID: Узиэль Рафаилович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:51:12 #38 №10808831 
>>10808401 (OP)
>I'm a white straight male
come fuck me
Аноним ID: Heaven 14/09/15 Пнд 21:51:18 #39 №10808832 
>It's 100% random chance, I didn't work hard at all.
So you hate people that had random chance to be jew or muslim, right? Fucking degenerate.
Аноним ID: Остап Климович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:51:52 #40 №10808838 
>My mother is from Finland and my father is from Sweden.
And they have turned you fucking untermensch!
Аноним ID: Лука Вячеславович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:52:40 #41 №10808849 
also im wonder that you did not say something about blacks its very unusual
you forgot?
Аноним ID: Жирослав Кощейевич  14/09/15 Пнд 21:52:54 #42 №10808853 
>>10808401 (OP)
>I was a huge Diablo 2 fan in the past and still play it to this day
Аноним ID: Иосиф Леонардович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:53:08 #43 №10808856 
How does it feel to be a part of radical minority in Sweden?
Do you realize that most of swedes won't agree with your "rightwing" ideas?

If you fall in love with picrelated, which is leftie feminist, what would you do then?
Аноним ID: Магомед Денисович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:53:47 #44 №10808864 
Аноним ID: Исаакий Феофилактович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:54:58 #45 №10808881 
>My mother is from Finland
>I'm a white
Аноним ID: Абрам Куприянович  14/09/15 Пнд 21:55:48 #46 №10808893 
Well ok)
Аноним ID: Велимир Киприанович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:56:07 #47 №10808901 
It's quite normal for straights. Diablo 2 isn't queer game.
Аноним ID: Доримедонт Гавриилович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:56:53 #48 №10808912 
>>10808401 (OP)
What would you propose to do with these sandniggers flooding Europe?
I honestly believe they sink the boats. One warning, 'you are entering the territorial waters of %countryname%, turn around or we will open fire', if they don't comply, sink them without mercy.
Аноним ID: Велимир Киприанович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:58:04 #49 №10808931 
>sandniggers flooding Europe?
Do you mean russkies?
Аноним ID: Жирослав Кощейевич  14/09/15 Пнд 21:58:06 #50 №10808933 
Shit for autistic children in our school were beaten for such things.
Аноним ID: Жирослав Кощейевич  14/09/15 Пнд 21:59:33 #51 №10808951 
>прокладка называет кого-то нигером
Аноним ID: Доримедонт Гавриилович 14/09/15 Пнд 21:59:46 #52 №10808954 
Are there many deserts in Russia? I believe not.
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 22:00:28 #53 №10808966 
Yes. One black childhood friend adopted from Brazil and my weed dealer is from lebanon.

Not that I personally know, there is a lot of cucks I think. But I do not personally know anyone.

No tits, would feel weird. Maybe from behind.

I'm sorry that I'm bad at phrasing my things. I don't hate every single jew or muslim on the planet, that would be crazy. I do however dislike the ones that abuse the system to get benefits greater than the ones I can get as a citizen of my own country. And the representation of Jews in this country is all about pro-immigration.

I don't see many black people in Sweden, It's mostly sandnegers.

I wish I understood.

On a personal level It doesn't really affect me too much (just harder time to get a job)
Yes, the politic issue in Sweden is far more than just "stop the immigration". But that's the main subject right now cause of the recent shitstorms.

I do not judge people by their political views or morals. I could very well fall in love with someone who doesn't share my views. I don't talk about politics and things like that in real life.

Soumi <3.

I like you.

I personally have no idea how to fix it. I'm not smart enough. I think that we should focus more on helping them where they already are, instead of placing them in front of our own people.
Swedish coastguard literally escort immigrant boats and help them.

I was beaten a lot as a child, that is why I stayed at home playing Diablo 2 instead. I'm not very good in social situations because of this. I'm sorry.
Аноним ID: Велимир Киприанович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:00:35 #54 №10808968 
Whole russia is the desert.
Аноним ID: Жирослав Саввич  14/09/15 Пнд 22:02:01 #55 №10808987 
>>10808401 (OP)
> I hate muslim, jew, faggot, homosexuals
Har gjort en polisanmälan på dig jävla nazi.
Аноним ID: Доримедонт Гавриилович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:03:52 #56 №10809010 
Oh, good times. I used to TPPK with my Ice Blast sorc. Frenzy to zerk barb was pretty damn awesome too in duels, as long as you had someone to BO you.
Аноним ID: Иосиф Леонардович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:04:18 #57 №10809020 
> I was beaten a lot as a child
Were they black bullies or white bullies?
Аноним ID: Исаакий Феофилактович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:04:54 #58 №10809028 
When did all go wrong, mb Ulrika Eleonora turn your people tat way?
Аноним ID: Велимир Киприанович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:06:37 #59 №10809058 
They were fags.
Аноним ID: Ростислав Святополкович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:07:42 #60 №10809069 
>smoking weed
Kill yourself, degenerate.
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 22:08:38 #61 №10809089 
Inget fel att hata saker.

I did a Zeal enchant soso 15k x4 Mdamage and maxed mana shield in 1.09. Was the most fun I've ever had.
Then hammerdins came along and changed everything. Now I mainly play Forb/Fball soso and Smiter.

Both, the main person who started was from Jugoslavia (Or whatever it's called now). But it was mixed, I was the weird quiet kid in class who didn't fit in.

I blame Karl XIV Johan, non Swedish king in Sweden shouldn't have been accepted by the people.

I don't think so. They were just kids and I was the unlucky one.

>Caring about other people's bad habits
Have a good day, friend.
Аноним ID: Велимир Киприанович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:08:39 #62 №10809090 
But he isn't russkie (as he said).
Аноним ID: Ефим Иакимович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:08:49 #63 №10809095 
Do you know any rightwing radicals\activists? Do they praise fuckin Putin? Tell us about public opinion on recent Russia-Europe conflicts.

Also how do u liek our PANCAKES CAPTCHA?
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:09:51 #64 №10809107 
How's it to have 60% taxes? How's it to know you give 60% of your earnings to all these muslims, jews, faggots, and homosexuals you hate so much?
Аноним ID: Порфирий Жириновский 14/09/15 Пнд 22:09:52 #65 №10809108 
Utilisés français en imagéboard russe.
Аноним ID: Жирослав Кощейевич  14/09/15 Пнд 22:10:04 #66 №10809113 
Do you like k-pop?
Аноним ID: Иакинф Фикримович  14/09/15 Пнд 22:11:05 #67 №10809124 
>>10808401 (OP)
Your views about Race Holy War in Europe?
Аноним ID: Heaven 14/09/15 Пнд 22:12:59 #68 №10809139 
>white straight male from Sweden

don't tell me stories, fuck off mate, aighte?
Аноним ID: Жирослав Саввич  14/09/15 Пнд 22:14:15 #69 №10809152 
>Inget fel att hata saker.
Skojar med polisen. Men varför tycker du att manniskor "oppnar ögonen" ? 25% visar ingenting. För mycket politiker som snakar typ "vi ska gilla somalier blah blah" på TVn.
Аноним ID: Чагатай Авенирович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:15:10 #70 №10809162 
>>10808401 (OP)
Do you have a boyfrieand?
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:15:28 #71 №10809168 
English, motherfucker. Do you speak it?
Аноним ID: Порфирий Жириновский 14/09/15 Пнд 22:15:34 #72 №10809169 
OP, if you're support pro-choice bullshit - you just like people you re hate.
Also please, learn anotherl language, english is overrated and it is the symbol of usa imperialism, so, you have to learn an another one.
Аноним ID: Порфирий Жириновский 14/09/15 Пнд 22:16:00 #73 №10809174 
Anglais est merde
Аноним ID: Фотий Мокеевич 14/09/15 Пнд 22:18:11 #74 №10809200 
>>10808401 (OP)
Heja Norge, swenska)
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:18:15 #75 №10809202 
> everybody speaks English
> learn anotherl language
Pizdec ti ebanashka.
Аноним ID: Иосиф Леонардович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:18:54 #76 №10809210 
Do you live in commieblock?
Аноним ID: Мубарак Мухаммедович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:19:26 #77 №10809223 
>>10808401 (OP)
We have our refugees from Ukraine and literally don't care about Arabic ones. Furthermore, there tens of thousands leaves Russia since 2011 by political reasons.
This hysteria are result of Russian propaganda trolls called Olgyno, Perekatny and Zeleny Gorod.
Аноним ID: Бранибор  Аверьянович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:22:24 #78 №10809259 
>>10808401 (OP)
Hi! Have a nice evening!
What do u think about EU politics?
Аноним ID: Порфирий Жириновский 14/09/15 Пнд 22:22:43 #79 №10809260 
l'espagnol à d'autre en speakers
Аноним ID: Ростислав Святополкович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:24:08 #80 №10809283 
Неужели Гугл так уёбищно переводит?
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 22:24:50 #81 №10809292 
I don't know a lot of people. Some of my friends are just going by what they read on facebook and don't actually watch the debates.
No one that I know of (even on forums) talk about putin. We only have the submarine meme and stupid shit. Our media rarely shows anything related to Russia.

I got nuts and oranges so far, can't wait for pancake.

That's false. It's 47% if you have your own company (51% if it's a stock company). And 30-32% (Depending on if you leave the church or not) for normal working class people.

It feels really bad. However, it feels good that I can go to the hospital for free whenever I need it, or that I will always be able to get financial support (not as much as immigrants) if I need it.

Ich kann nicht sprachen french.

I like cute korean girls but not really into Kpop or anime or anything like that. I'm pretty neutral about it. (the webm folder contains non-porn webm's that I've saved for unknown reasons, mostly crap that I laughed at or something like that).

I'm not prepared. My plan is to leave Sweden if shit hits the fan. Got friends in close countries that I can stay with for shorter periods of time until I get a job at that place.

Jag är medveten om att du inte ringde snuten.
Människor börjar vakna, självklart är det en fis i rymden. Statisken är säkert lika bullshit som lögnerna från politkerna. Det visar inte mycket, men det visar att partiet som får mest skit ändå bara ökar i populäritet. Jag säger inte att jag håller med SD i deras politik, men NÅGON måste ta den frågan. Jag vill dock inte se SD vinna valet 2018, jag vill dock att de andra partierna ska börja lyssna på xx% av befolkningen som faktiskt röstade på SD. (Jag själv röstade blankt).
Jag undviker Svensk television, bara dynga och lögner.


When you say pro-choice, you mean abortion? Sorry if I don't understand.
I wanted to learn russia but I'm weak and wouldn't be able to learn how to read it. But I'm studying Finnish again (Since my relatives use it quite a bit still)

Jag elsker norge med hele mitt hjerte. Jag onskar att en dag få flytta dit och arbeta hos er. Har två bra vänner i Trondheim. Mycket kärlek min norska granne.

I live in a small town in Småland. I don't know what a commieblock is, but if it's about political views I don't know what people around me think.

I do not mind immigrants who actually run from war. The people who abuse the system and take things for granted, those are the ones that cause hatred.
Maybe that is why there has been quite a bit more russians in Sweden lately. I don't mind them, they are loud but they don't cause any harm. I have one Russian friend who moved here in 2013.

Hello, and thanks, you too!
EU politics isn't something that I'm well educated on. I primarily focus on what's going on close to me. I do however think that something needs to change. Don't know what tho, I'm not smart enough.
Аноним ID: Адам Иосифович  14/09/15 Пнд 22:28:10 #82 №10809333 
Что за пидорский тред?
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:34:12 #83 №10809396 
> That's false.
That's true. AFAIK, you pay about 25%, and your employer pays about 35% for you. It's like in Russia, where the government says the taxes are 13%, but they're actually about 45% with all those hidden costs.
Аноним ID: Фёдор Заидович  14/09/15 Пнд 22:35:55 #84 №10809422 
>>10808401 (OP)
What city do you live in, Sven? Also, if race war starts, how can I help you?
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:38:24 #85 №10809454 
Speaking of the taxes, I've been told those very numbers above by a potential Swedish employer.
Аноним ID: Исаакий Феофилактович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:39:21 #86 №10809465 
Ok, so what wuld you tell about sweden grrrils?
 Аноним ID:  14/09/15 Пнд 22:40:01 #87 №10809478 

Jo, det är riktigt idiot...
Аноним ID: Лука Вячеславович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:40:18 #88 №10809481 
думаю харакири славшита-укротюрка будет неплохим подспорьем
 Аноним ID:  14/09/15 Пнд 22:40:57 #89 №10809493 

Jätte bra!
Аноним ID: Анвар Данилович  14/09/15 Пнд 22:42:36 #90 №10809514 
>>10808401 (OP)
We're sending another wave of sirians to Malmø soon, they should keep you warm.
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:42:48 #91 №10809516 
Btw, is it scary to pick the girls up knowing one can sue you for nothing?
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 22:44:33 #92 №10809540 
Yeah 30-32% for the working person is correct.

Jönköping, It's not as big as the major ones so right. Lots of forest.
I don't think you could help much, but greatly appreciated.

I'm glad that my information isn't totally off then.

The girl in this picture was really easy to get in to bed.

>думаю харакири славшита-укротюрка будет неплохим подспорьем
I'm too casual to kill myself

That's fine.

That has never happened to me, I don't pick up girls in real life, only online.
Аноним ID: Авдий Абрамович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:45:09 #93 №10809545 
Your opinion about Shining?
Аноним ID: Ефим Иакимович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:45:32 #94 №10809551 
> No one that I know of (even on forums) talk about putin. We only have the submarine meme and stupid shit. Our media rarely shows anything related to Russia
That's noice. Our little friends from govt-sponsored trollhouses are very loud about small-time anti-euroussr (евросовок) EU polititians who support Kremlin and promote 'Savior of the white race'.

gl in immigrant wars then
Аноним ID: Давуд Климентович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:46:48 #95 №10809565 
OP, do you realize 99% of Russians are just as bad as niggers, if not actually worse?
Аноним ID: Анвар Данилович  14/09/15 Пнд 22:46:53 #96 №10809568 
>Yeah 30-32% for the working person is correct.
Do you also get Feriepenge (semesterersättning as google translated it) and how many %?
Аноним ID: Жирослав Саввич  14/09/15 Пнд 22:48:13 #97 №10809585 
Oh. Jag är från Skåne.
Vad tycker du om migration kostnaderna ?
På ett sett komuner säger att migranter lyftar ekonomin.
På annat sett http://viralt.aftonbladet.se/las-henrik-schyfferts-hyllade-inlagg-till-alla-som-vill-prata-om-vad-invandring-kostar/ vi betalar för dem.

Också varför det är so många asiater i våra dagar ? Dem är bättre än muslimer men ändå.
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:49:47 #98 №10809606 
Do you want to move to some other country? To earn more, you know. To have more places to go. I've been to Sweden once (Stockholm and Malmo), and I must say it seems a bit boring place to live.
Аноним ID: Анвар Данилович  14/09/15 Пнд 22:50:25 #99 №10809613 
>boring place to live.
Аноним ID: Авдий Абрамович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:51:03 #100 №10809619 
Аноним ID: Исаакий Феофилактович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:52:03 #101 №10809633 
Пиздос, я плачу, пацаны. Как всё чисто и аккуратно, а ведь это мухосранск.
Аноним ID: Анвар Данилович  14/09/15 Пнд 22:52:26 #102 №10809638 
>Också varför det är so många asiater i våra dagar ?
I think they are common all around now.
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:53:05 #103 №10809646 
В Норвегии тоже когда-то было чисто, потом понаехали цыгане, арабы и нигеры и пиздец.
Аноним ID: Федотий Бакирович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:54:46 #104 №10809664 
Do you need a PHP programmers in your country ?
Аноним ID: Авдий Абрамович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:54:54 #105 №10809665 
Can I really fuck some 15-aged easy girls in Sweden without being thrown into jail?
Аноним ID: Фёдор Заидович  14/09/15 Пнд 22:55:00 #106 №10809666 
У меня светлые глаза и волосы, можешь себе представить?
Have you ever been to Denmark and Norway? What country do like more?
Аноним ID: Давуд Климентович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:55:53 #107 №10809677 
это ты в советских газетах прочитал?

в восточном чурко-Осло и сейчас идеально чисто и прилизанно, но в тамошних мрачных коммиблоках я бы жить не захотел.
Аноним ID: Мубарак Мухаммедович 14/09/15 Пнд 22:59:20 #108 №10809715 
Поясни за бодо. Моя вайфу живет там
Аноним ID: Терентий Танхумович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:01:08 #109 №10809735 
At last , what do you think about Russia? About our people, girls, traditions, everything
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 23:01:18 #110 №10809741 
What is that?

Thank you. I fear that as a white man, I'll be the first to be sent of to be sold as a Sweden Yes slave.

Yeah, but with higher IQ and are actually cool people when yo uget to know them.

Yes, and I think that's 12%. You also get extra pay if you work after xx hour (think it's 18.00) and on red days + nights you get more aswell. You also get vacation time that you can withdraw as pay or get paid vacation, usually 2-4 weeks a year.

Jag gillar tjejer från skåne, de tänder alla på sjuka pisslekar och rapeplay.
Jag tycker att vi spenderar för mycket på dem för att ta dem hit. Om jag som svensk får 5000 i bidrag varje månad, varför ska en invandrare i exakt samma sits får 14000?
Vet inte, gulingar slutar inte knulla antar jag.

Yes, I'm looking for a job in Norway, Ireland, Holland and Finland currently. I like it here because it's "calm". I don't party and so on. But, I don't like stockholm or malmo, too big for me.

>Пиздос, я плачу, пацаны. Как всё чисто и аккуратно, а ведь это мухосранск
If you pan left about 90 degrees you can see our brand new court house we didn't need. And to the right is "Spira" a useless "cultuer building"

Coders and programmers can get jobs here VERY easily. In jönköping there's a company called "Evry" (which I worked as a IT tech for a few years) that I can guarantee that you would be able to get a job at as long as you can speak English well enough for them.

Yes, Last year I fucked a 15 year old. I usually go for girls around 17-19 tho since those are the ones most interested in weed, and I don't really have any game, nor am I good looking. Pic related is a "young" girl that is way out of my league, but with weed and smooth talking it's easy, even for betas such as myself.

I like Denmark more for the drugs (christiania), I like Norway more as a whole.

Аноним ID: Ипатий Макариевич 14/09/15 Пнд 23:01:26 #111 №10809742 
Does any of you know who the girl is?
Аноним ID: Жирослав Саввич  14/09/15 Пнд 23:02:10 #112 №10809750 
The point is we had shit ton of muslims but last year or two its like narrow-eyed explosion in my neighborhood.
Аноним ID: Казимир Яковлевич  14/09/15 Пнд 23:04:52 #113 №10809782 
говноеды не нужны!
Аноним ID: Олег Яковлевич 14/09/15 Пнд 23:05:14 #114 №10809786 
>I usually go for girls around 17-19
Virgins exist there?
Аноним ID: Харламп Рабинович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:05:24 #115 №10809789 
>Sorry I tried to use google translate. I don't really know what to respond. I'm sorry.
"Go to hui (dick), faggot. We discuss only russian news here ."

t. compassionate ruski
Аноним ID: Ипатий Макариевич 14/09/15 Пнд 23:05:43 #116 №10809796 
> like narrow-eyed explosion in my neighborhood.
Same here (Sibir). We had millions of chinese last years.
Аноним ID: Позвизд Лукьянович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:06:13 #117 №10809803 
>>10808401 (OP)
topkek, mah friend, topkek
Аноним ID: Давуд Климентович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:06:24 #118 №10809805 
bodø? не был там. По описанию - типичная северная параша с совсем уж хуевым климатом, отсутствием каких-либо развлечений и архитектуры. Населена ненавидящими чужих селюками с уебищным диалектом.

вообще, в Норвегии кроме юга жить негде. Пикрелейтед: юг Норвегии. Там заебись, очень заебись.
Аноним ID: Остап Федосович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:06:52 #119 №10809814 
>>10808401 (OP)
Do you admire Zaloopa?
Аноним ID: Фёдор Заидович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:07:26 #120 №10809818 
How do you call Norwegians? Are there any ethnic slurs for Danes and Norwegians and how do they call Swedes?
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:08:04 #121 №10809828 
В газетах, ага. Ты погуляй по окраинам Осло после 8 вечера, охуеешь. Я в Гермашке столько грязи и муслимов не видел. А вот в Швеции пару лет назад было действительно идеально чисто и прилизанно.
Аноним ID: Иона Джамальевич 14/09/15 Пнд 23:09:26 #122 №10809848 
>Nearing 25%
Свинопёс, снимай прокси.
Аноним ID: Иван Маркелович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:09:46 #123 №10809854 
>>это ты в советских газетах прочитал?
Does this video look like a soviet newspaper to you, hun? It's Oslo, yet I have no clue what exact part of the city it's been taken from.
Аноним ID: Яков Авдеевич 14/09/15 Пнд 23:10:12 #124 №10809862 
Сколько дней в году там заебись? 20?
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 23:11:13 #125 №10809874 
I don't know much about Russia except from what people I've spoken with from there have told me.

I think Russians don't take shit. I think you're a bit crazy (not in a bad way, but sometimes you need to calm down I think). I really like how friendly your people are once you get talking to them.
Natalia Poklonskaya made me start watching amatuer porn featuring russian girls.
I don't know much about your traditions, I'm not really that kind of person.

I would love to visit your country once I've gathered a few solid friends there that I can meet up and can show me around. I hear that your food is amazing even tho I have a hard time belieiving it mainly because Finnish food usually aint that amazing. Guess I'm biased towards meatballs or something.

I recently started speaking with two people from Russia who is learning English. They treated me very well today, and they're the reason I'm here (Told me that people might want to ask me stuff so here I am, hoping to get closer to a country I admire from afar)

I do not, sorry.

The majority of girls I have sex with are virgins. Mainly because I go for low self esteem girls who think they're not as hot as they are. They think no one wants them, probably why they let me use them for my sexual needs.
I don't meet many girls that's girlfriend material, however. Can't trust Swedish girls in relationships.

Thank you, and sorry to that person who want me to go away. This is where my Russian friend told me to post this thread.

Yes, your memes are quite fun. :^)

No but I desire smegma.

I don't have any specific terms for them. I think I would just refer to Danes as "Danskar" (Danes) and Norway people as "Norrmän" (Norwegians). I think they refer to us as "Svensk" (Swedish) or "Svenne" (Typically what a sandnigger would say)

>Свинопёс, снимай прокси
Scroll up to see a timestamped picture of my passport my dear merchant.

I'm eating a kebabtallrik if I'm being slow with the replies. Please forgive me.

Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:11:32 #126 №10809880 
> Yes, Last year I fucked a 15 year old.
Is that legal? I would have shitted bricks if I were you.
Аноним ID: Лев Аббасович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:11:56 #127 №10809888 
How did the Royal family of Sweden let that cultural enrichment thing happen? I don't get it.
Аноним ID: Позвизд Лукьянович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:12:21 #128 №10809893 
> Yes, your memes are quite fun.
But not as fun as white sweden.
Аноним ID: Харламп Рабинович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:12:38 #129 №10809898 
>Thank you
You make me blush.
Аноним ID: Давуд Климентович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:12:40 #130 №10809899 
лол, юг Норвегии красив при любой погоде. Хоть в дождь, хоть в снег, хоть под солнцем.

эх, были бы деньги, я бы прямо сейчас купил себе домик у Мьёсы и переселился туда жить. Пикрелейтед.
Аноним ID: Доримедонт Гавриилович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:13:39 #131 №10809907 
Hey OP, I wanted to ask you about the deal with harder drugs in Scandinavia. Is it true that they've started to hand out heroin to heroin addicts? As far as I know, that's true for Norway.
Аноним ID: Ипатий Макариевич 14/09/15 Пнд 23:13:42 #132 №10809909 
Шведский норм.
Аноним ID: Heaven 14/09/15 Пнд 23:14:14 #133 №10809918 
White straight(!!!) sweden.
Аноним ID: Лев Аббасович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:14:19 #134 №10809921 
Ну и дерьмо ты жрешь. Try some vegetables, non fried food и вот это все. Еще и мазиком залил.
Аноним ID: Терентий Танхумович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:14:28 #135 №10809922 
ty my friend. Have a nice day and always welcome to Russia.
Аноним ID: Анвар Данилович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:14:28 #136 №10809923 
Captain sweden to the rescue?
Аноним ID: Савва Остапович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:14:39 #137 №10809925 
Аноним ID: Анвар Данилович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:15:03 #138 №10809930 
>ty my friend. Have a nice day and always welcome to Russia.
Аноним ID: Авдий Абрамович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:15:04 #139 №10809931 
What does sweds think about that faggot? Is he popular back there at homeland?
Аноним ID: Исаакий Феофилактович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:16:00 #140 №10809938 
Any chache you could tell me something about this girl, Unni Håkansson?

Also, you just said you don't like immigrants and you eating kebab? Whaaaa
Аноним ID: Анвар Данилович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:17:14 #141 №10809956 
>Also, you just said you don't like immigrants and you eating kebab? Whaaaa
Блдж почти вся россия ненавидит пиндосов но жрет в макдаке.
Аноним ID: Авдий Абрамович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:18:17 #142 №10809971 
Ну и? Я тоже люблю курочку от полковника и хычины, хоть и ненавижу ниггеров и хачей
Аноним ID: Терентий Танхумович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:18:40 #143 №10809975 
nope. I'm just siberiar fat man with beard and vodka. Sry i have no bear.
so, i'm like tourists. No more. I'm friendly.
But if you faggot i kill you.
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:18:46 #144 №10809978 
Да-да, примерно всё так и было, когда я посещал Осло. Сказать, что я охуел — значит ничего не сказать. К слову, нашим бомжам ещё очень далеко даже людей на видео, эти хотя бы хоть как-то моются, стираются и не срут в штаны.
Аноним ID: Давуд Климентович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:19:02 #145 №10809984 
я живу в Осло, кому ты рассказываешь, лол?
Аноним ID: Нифонт Масадович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:20:17 #146 №10810000 
Там зимы даже нет, как правило.
Аноним ID: Анвар Данилович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:20:29 #147 №10810005 
This is actually funny.
Аноним ID: Фёдор Заидович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:20:54 #148 №10810010 
Это Осло? Ёбаный стыд, каков пиздец.
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:21:54 #149 №10810022 
Чувак, что увидено уже нельзя развидеть. Возможно, что-то и поменялось с моего визита, возможно мне просто не повезло, я был не в том месте и не в то время, но по впечатлением Осло — пиздец пуще Парижа и Берлина. А Швеция пока ещё заебок, переехал бы туда доживать остаток жизни даже не задумываясь.
Аноним ID: Давуд Климентович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:22:07 #150 №10810026 
бля, где вы этих мифических бомжей находите?

я гуляю минимум по часу в день, обошел уже весь Осло, кроме крайнего запада и востока, и самое ужасное что видел - нищие, клянчящие мелочь.
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 23:22:36 #151 №10810033 
It's legal for anyone over the age of 15 to have sex with anyone over the age of 15.
As a 80 year old you can legally penetrate a 15 year old bleeding virgin.

In japan the age of consent is 13.

In 1818 Sweden got a new King that wasn't born in Sweden, but in France. That's where It started if you ask me.

I'm glad that you think I'm funny. I myself do not really agree tho.

If I was a true Sweden Yes I'd probably try to flirt with you.

It's not really that they hand out heroin, I think they just give you medication to get over the addiction or something. But from personal experience I know that I should avoid heavy drugs at all costs. I'm way to weak to not keep doing a drug that I love the effect of. Hence why the only shit I keep using is cannabis, at least that won't kill me.
However it sounds really unlikely that they would give heroin to heroin addicts. But I do not know for sure, sorry.

Yes. Please help me find a qt russian girl who wants to listen to arkona while teaching me how to speak Russian.

>Ну и дерьмо ты жрешь. Try some vegetables, non fried food и вот это все. Еще и мазиком залил
Thank you for the advice. In the last 3 years I've lost 40 kg's and I'm now currently going to the gym three times a week. Not because I care that I once was super fat, but because I no longer wanted to lose my breath from walking up stairs.

I only eat shit like this about once every two weeks.

Even if this is a trap because you think every Swedish person is homosexual and want to kill me. I'd rather die by your hands than the hands of the muslim.

Have a nice day aswell my friend.

Never heard about, sorry.

>Unni Håkansson
Nothing, looked her up online and this is her personal information. No phone number.

Unni Håkansson

Havregatan 4 lgh 1003
118 59 Stockholm

Yes, I've been a regular at my pizza shop for 21 years. There's always two sides to every coin my friend. Not every immigrant is evil.

I am not a faggot. I would only try to have sex with pure russian girls. If they would want me, that is. I also have a beard that I've been growing for just under a year now.

Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:23:01 #152 №10810041 
s/Швеция/Стокгольм/ ибо всё-таки некорректно сравнивать города с целой страной
Аноним ID: Терентий Танхумович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:23:08 #153 №10810044 
this is mentality. Simply, it's a childhood hammered into our heads.
Actually, I do not care about gays. Just do not force me. Not just you, but in general. Have a nice day.
Аноним ID: Олег Яковлевич 14/09/15 Пнд 23:24:23 #154 №10810057 
Yep. Need more diversity and tolerance.
Аноним ID: Бенедикт Робертович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:24:42 #155 №10810059 
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:24:54 #156 №10810064 
> In japan the age of consent is 13.
It highly depends on the region actually. In Tokyo the age of consent is 21 for example.
Аноним ID: Терентий Танхумович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:25:05 #157 №10810069 
i don't think so. Anyway, i like sweden. You're so white. blond hairs, white skin. Thats really nice.
Аноним ID: Бенедикт Робертович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:25:16 #158 №10810073 
Аноним ID: Жирослав Саввич  14/09/15 Пнд 23:25:32 #159 №10810078 
Aldrig hade en svensk tjej. Alla svenska tjejer som jag träffade var ganska kallt mot mig. Och just nu tycker jag att jag är för gammal för kärlekäventyrer med ungar.
Аноним ID: Бенедикт Робертович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:25:46 #160 №10810080 
Аноним ID: Бенедикт Робертович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:26:14 #161 №10810087 
Аноним ID: Бенедикт Робертович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:26:31 #162 №10810091 
Аноним ID: Бенедикт Робертович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:26:54 #163 №10810095 
Аноним ID: Терентий Танхумович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:27:05 #164 №10810099 
Ты делаешь больно. Такую то страну проебывают. Могу понять Брейвика даже(да да, он не из Швеции, но с того полуострова да)
Аноним ID: Бенедикт Робертович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:27:16 #165 №10810100 
Аноним ID: Авдий Абрамович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:27:22 #166 №10810101 
So, here is gvmnt-funded troll slut. We call them "Ol'gintsy"
Аноним ID: Лев Аббасович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:27:43 #167 №10810106 
How much in Euro do you pay for one kebab or shawarma? How much money do you spend for food per week?
Аноним ID: Бенедикт Робертович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:27:45 #168 №10810108 
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 23:27:48 #169 №10810109 


Yes, we know that a lot of Swedes are degenrate subhumans already. I agree fully with you. Have a nice day.

Oh, that's really good to know. I didn't know at all. Thanks for correcting me.

Thank you. If you ever want to visit just swing by.

bodycontact, kamrat och knullkontakt är de sidor jag använder för att få ligg snabbt och enkelt.
Аноним ID: Бенедикт Робертович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:28:16 #170 №10810119 
Да и хуй с этими уёбками. Сами виноваты. Нам лучше, когда у них хуже.
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 23:30:09 #171 №10810142 
About 8 euros including a 1.5l soda.
I get it a bit cheaper (I pay about 5) since I've been going there for over 20 years.

I spend about 100 euro a month on food in total, give or take.

Аноним ID: Исаакий Феофилактович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:31:11 #172 №10810151 
А как нам лучше?
Аноним ID: Лев Аббасович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:33:00 #173 №10810170 
>100 euro a month
That's really cheap. I spend that per 1.5 week.
Аноним ID: Иакинф Фикримович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:33:23 #174 №10810176 
Пиздец. Надеюсь, жидовские крысы когда-нибудь сполна за это ответят.
Аноним ID: Heaven 14/09/15 Пнд 23:33:32 #175 №10810177 
What is national Swedich mentality? Are Swedish mans passive and hikkikomori?
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 23:36:41 #176 №10810216 
I only eat about one portion of food once a day, been doing this for the past few years.

I also go for cheaper brands over expensive brands. I think a person with more income than me would easily spend 250-300 euro a month.

When I lived at home we spent about 500 euro a month to feed a family of 4.

Me personally is very anti-social because of my past, I have a hard time accepting myself for who I am, low self esteem and all that patethic shit.

I think most Swedes are passive, like for example I've never in my life had a conversation in an elevator with someone I don't know.

When I take the train or bus longer distances I always engage conversations however, and Swedes love to talk. We're just bad at taking the first step. Goes for both men and women from what I've experienced.

Rus win.
Аноним ID: Альберт Насимович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:37:56 #177 №10810227 
>>10808401 (OP)
Переводите, сосоны.

Привьет! Меня зовут Э-тайп, наздоровье! Я живу в Сибири и ебу медведе́́й. Абба заебись, осовободил бы нахуй bliad'. Привет от малыша и Карлсона.
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:38:05 #178 №10810229 
Да пиздит он, в реальности в среднем в 4-5 раз больше.
Аноним ID: Милоблуд Игнатович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:39:14 #179 №10810244 
What do u think of Russia and Putin? What do Swedes really think of Russia?
Аноним ID: Иона Джамальевич 14/09/15 Пнд 23:39:42 #180 №10810252 
>25 years old.
>I've been going there for over 20 years.

>I'm not racist, i don't like greedy immigrantsю
>Yes, we know that a lot of Swedes are degenrate subhumans already.

Need more proofs, do not believe you.
Аноним ID: Ерофей Львович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:39:55 #181 №10810253 
>>10808401 (OP)

Hello little traktorists, i am robot,you are potato. How are you?
Аноним ID: Жирослав Саввич  14/09/15 Пнд 23:40:46 #182 №10810272 
>100 euro a month
Är du säkert ? Vad äter du fyfan !
Аноним ID: Исаакий Феофилактович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:43:56 #183 №10810305 
>100 euro on food per month
And how much is it from your salary?
Because I spend almost as much, but can't say that I get everything I want. My salary about 195-260€
Аноним ID: Ерофей Львович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:46:02 #184 №10810326 
Аноним ID: Савва Остапович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:46:50 #185 №10810334 
кому нам? чем лучше? Что ты вообще несешь, петух?!
Наши ебанные коммунисты обосрали всю Европу.
Аноним ID: Федосей Мордэхайьевич 14/09/15 Пнд 23:49:08 #186 №10810363 
Напиши как правильно
Аноним ID: Моисей Оскарович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:50:05 #187 №10810372 
треед не читал, ну стопудово це русоблядок под норга косит
Аноним ID: Heaven 14/09/15 Пнд 23:51:09 #188 №10810381 DELETED
скрыл чучмека не могущего в русский
Аноним  OP 14/09/15 Пнд 23:52:44 #189 №10810394 
I think google translate has failed me.

We do not get informed about Russia very much. We only have some stupid memes about Putin and the submarines. I don't know much about Putin, is it true that he randomly visits Russian citizens for dinner and that some families always have a extra plate, just in case he shows up? I heard this from someone somewhere.

I personally think Russia seems pretty cool and would love to visit and learn more about it. I've posted more about that question if you scroll up.

25 years old. First time I ate a Pizza at that place was when my family moved us from the countryside closer to the city. Ever since I was 6 me and my older cousin (3 years older) have been going there and getting to know the two owenrs. They will retire in 2 years.

The pizza place is called Happy Time, located in Norrahammar.
I'm not a racist, not liking greedy abusing immigrants isn't racism. I hate leeching lazy Swedes just as much. Don't abuse the system, fucking contribute to something instead.

Posted my Passport earlier in the thread. Have a nice day.

If I'm truly potato, ... I can't think of anything funny. I'm fine and tired. How are you?

Jag äter för lite och inte bra för att jag har några problem i hjärnan.

I don't eat enough, I'd say I have to pay about 50 euro more each month in order to get breakfast and supper each day (which I currently don't eat, only eat once a day, sometimes I only drink water. I consume about 6 liters of water each day.

My current income is quite flexible due to overtime and shift work, but here's the numbers from the last 3 months
>19541 SEK - 2091 EUR - 161326 RUB
>24781 SEK - 2652 EUR - 204586 RUB
>20455 SEK - 2189 EUR - 168872 RUB
That's after taxes. I pay about 100 Eur a month for food, another 500 EUR for the rest of my bills (Rent, phone, internet, etc)
I spend about 200 EUR each month on completely useless shit (drugs, video games, unhealthy food)

I'm sorry to both of you, I couldn't translate it properly enough to understand what you were trying to say.
Аноним ID: Милоблуд Игнатович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:52:56 #190 №10810400 
Це твой барин, усраинец, кланяйся ему в ноги и проси вернуть 1707.
Аноним ID: Анвар Танхумович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:54:39 #191 №10810424 

OMFG, Sweden in /po/.
Аноним ID: Милоблуд Игнатович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:55:02 #192 №10810426 
U're cool and interesting to conversate with. Is there any contacts of u, like Interpals account or smth like that?
Аноним ID: Аверьян Серафимович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:55:16 #193 №10810429 
Why do you hate gays? Do other people around you hate them as well?
Аноним ID: Ашер Мартимьянович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:58:11 #194 №10810463 
What you think about conflict in Ukraine?
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:58:22 #195 №10810467 
> I pay about 100 Eur a month for food, another 500 EUR for the rest of my bills (Rent, phone, internet, etc)
Аноним ID: Исаакий Феофилактович 14/09/15 Пнд 23:58:43 #196 №10810469 
>is it true that he randomly visits Russian citizens for dinner and that some families always have a extra plate, just in case he shows up?
Loool)) No, he is not public at all. When he visited my city a bunch of security services surrounded the territory of racecourse, on which he was invited, and all nearby citizens were advised not to approach windows. Goverment elite of any level in Russia does not interfere in any way with the plebs.
Аноним ID: Нестор Радиевич  14/09/15 Пнд 23:59:10 #197 №10810474 
>unironically trying to discuss smth with pidorashkas here
Аноним ID: Ашер Мартимьянович  14/09/15 Пнд 23:59:36 #198 №10810482 
100 eur for food? Wut? Only bread and water ?
Аноним ID: Мордэхай Несторович 15/09/15 Втр 00:02:35 #199 №10810515 
Why do you hate jews?
Аноним ID: Фирс Агапович 15/09/15 Втр 00:03:08 #200 №10810518 
Аноним ID: Ашер Мартимьянович  15/09/15 Втр 00:03:56 #201 №10810521 
Потому, что евреи навешивают пиздюлей муслимам, а шведы радостно принимают. Зависть же.
Аноним ID: Жирослав Саввич  15/09/15 Втр 00:05:22 #202 №10810542 
Var kan man köpa hasch ? Behöver man ha egna privata kontakter eller finns det speciala platser/ webplatser ?
Аноним ID: Нестор Радиевич  15/09/15 Втр 00:06:12 #203 №10810551 
>стрек стрек
куда кстати подевался этот поехавший?
Аноним ID: Ашер Мартимьянович  15/09/15 Втр 00:08:12 #204 №10810573 
Не знаю, я за ним особо не следил.
А вообще этот значок считаю наиболее приемлемым.
Аноним ID: Нестор Радиевич  15/09/15 Втр 00:09:45 #205 №10810585 
В каком смысле "приемлемым"?
Аноним ID: Маркел Тихомирьевич 15/09/15 Втр 00:09:54 #206 №10810587 
>19541 SEK - 2091 EUR - 161326 RUB
>24781 SEK - 2652 EUR - 204586 RUB
>20455 SEK - 2189 EUR - 168872 RUB
Пиздец бля, я в нищей Словакии и то больше получаю
Аноним ID: Ашер Мартимьянович  15/09/15 Втр 00:12:29 #207 №10810607 
Мне он больше всего нравится, все остальные не устраивают- или просто глупые или не работающие идеологии, стереотипы и тд. Этот- норм, единственная ассоциация со стрёк-стрёк, ну то ничего.
inb4 а почему не без значка? Я что- лох, без значка постить?
Аноним  OP 15/09/15 Втр 00:12:42 #208 №10810611 
I apologize once again for being in the wrong place. The russian person who told me to post here guided me to this place.

I use skype and Steam mainly if You'd like to conversate about things whenever.

I don't really care about other peoples sexuality. I mainly added that to avoid way to many Sweden Yes posts. Since they don't directly affect me I can't really say that they bother me that much.

But they do disgust me, no reason why. Maybe I have some hidden away memory that makes me not like them. And when I use the term faggot I refer to the "up in your face pride parade you must accept me blabla" ones, and those I hate. Just as much as the religious nutjobs who try to push their shit on others, or like stoners who try to convince others that weed is the best thing ever. I want people to think for themselfs.

Most people around me share this. They're free to be gays if they're not going to shove it in our faces.

I don't know much about it. Our media only focuses on racism. But I never think war is a good thing.

100 euro for a full month supply of food, that's often 30 days.
You do the math.

But I agree, I am too fat. Still working on my weight. I'm satisfied already but I can do more.

I figured as much, thanks for confirming.

I'm having a lot of fun. The people here are quite friendly.

I eat quite a bit of pasta and cheap brand meatballs or minced meat. I eat a lot of bloodpudding with bacon, it's really cheap.
I also get by with noodles and eggs. I don't like soups but I eat it once a week since it's pretty good for you.
I like to do something "special" for fridays, so I always eat like either tacos or homemade burgers or something like that. I really like to cook.

I adressed this in a post earlier but tl;dr it's because the main jews you hear and see in my country are the ones promoting the mass immigration.
I don't have anything against jews as a whole. I do however think religion is by default stupid, but to each his own.

Känner du någon som röker? Börja där.
Fixa dig en ordentlig kran, någon som inte tjatar på dig. Någon som tar i hand när ni ses, någon du kan lära känna.
Det är alltid bättre att ha en och samma.

Jag köper ungefär 10-20 gram i månaden av samma person varje gång. De få gånger han inte kan hjälpa så finns det alltid någon bekant som håller på med drogen som kan hjälpa.

Min bror brukade söka upp kranar på flashback online men det känns lite osäkert. Så hör med polare, jag garanterar att någon du känner känner någon som känner någon. Det brukar alltid ordna sig.

En näve/gubbe/5 fingrar/5a (5 gram) ska du inte betala mer än 600:- för. (Redan 600 är lite överpris men det är standard i mina trakter nu för tiden)
Glöm inte att rosta tobaken, det är där 99% av alla pundare gör fel.
Om du bor i Jönköping eller närområde så kanske vi kan ta kontakt och då kan jag hjälpa dig att få tag på en stadig kran. Hjälpte en person från Frankrike i somras som semestrade här. Sharing is caring.

>Пиздец бля, я в нищей Словакии и то больше получаю
I work as a forklift driver at a warehouse, 8 hour shifts. It's really easy work except during high season like christmas etc.
I don't speak with any coworkers, I don't know who my boss is and I never take any breaks because of social anxiety. So it really fits me, I can just keep doing my work since it requires 0 human interaction. (Using a headset system for the orders)

Sorry if this was unrelated to what you said, google translate isn't the best.
Аноним ID: Велемир  Аббасович 15/09/15 Втр 00:15:27 #209 №10810629 
>>10808401 (OP)
Last year I got a job offer from one big transnational IT company. They offered relocation to Stockholm and a good salary by local standards. Of course I refused, because I see only two ways in the nearest feature:
- Swedes will cut all foreigners (and me)
- Kebabs will cut all whites (and me).

Аноним ID: Ашер Мартимьянович  15/09/15 Втр 00:16:38 #210 №10810645 
Ну и зря. Ты бы до этого не дожил.
Аноним  OP 15/09/15 Втр 00:17:32 #211 №10810649 
I would have taken it if I were you. But then again, I'm not.^

I wish you the best of luck in the future my friend.

Russians do very well in Sweden right now, actually.
Аноним ID: Зоран Аникиевич 15/09/15 Втр 00:18:29 #212 №10810663 
(sry. dont know Eng.)

Hi OP. I read, that science ruined in wester Europe, is it true? Scientists need to make a lot of articles per year to get some grants.

What's about obscurantism? Homeopaty/religion at schools and so on.

Also whats wrong with jews?
(Im not a jew)
Аноним ID: Аверьян Серафимович  15/09/15 Втр 00:18:35 #213 №10810665 
How do gays show it up your face? Do you considering a gay couple walking down the streets and holding their hands as pushing their "shit" on others?
Аноним ID: Милоблуд Игнатович  15/09/15 Втр 00:19:11 #214 №10810669 
I have Steam too. Do u play dotes?
Аноним ID: Нестор Радиевич  15/09/15 Втр 00:23:12 #215 №10810707 
Есть значок Украины же.
Seems you're autistic a bit. Right?

No offence.
Аноним ID: Ашер Мартимьянович  15/09/15 Втр 00:25:18 #216 №10810722 
Два значка Украины? Лол. Он скорее подходит для солидарных по отношению к украинцам россиян.
Аноним  OP 15/09/15 Втр 00:26:23 #217 №10810731 
No. See SJW or those anti-CIS ttumblr shitties. This is what a lot of gays and feminists actually do, and not just online.

Two gay guys holding hands wouldn't even make me look towards them. I'm sorry if my wording is bad.

No problem, I do not know Russian.
I don't think science is what ruines europe, rather religion.
I don't know whaty obscuratism means, but. Religion is pretty much nothing that Swedish people take seriously, sure, kids to go church with their class when they end the year but it's not like we go there every sunday. Some do, mostly older people.

We are not allowed to sing our nathional anthem in schools, that is racist.

Adressed this before, the jews in my country are toxic and want to destroy this country from the inside out. I don't hate the jews as a whole.

Thank you.

No, but I play a lot of other things.

Thanks for your time guys. I had a lot of fun and you made me feel welcome and that I belong. I am now going away from this thread.

Have a nice evening. And I really hope to see you in Russia some day.

Not diagnosed, but I do have some signs of mild autism and aspbergers. Also got a issue with OCD, but I chose to ignore those problems and try to deal with it myself.

No offence taken my friend.
Аноним ID: Аверьян Серафимович  15/09/15 Втр 00:27:51 #218 №10810741 
Are you against gay marriage and gay adoption?
Аноним ID: Корнилий Давидович  15/09/15 Втр 00:29:37 #219 №10810759 
Аноним ID: Heaven 15/09/15 Втр 00:30:19 #220 №10810764 
Yes and no.

No if pedophiles can't marry and adopt.
Yes if they can.

I don't have a serious answer to your question, I'm not actively against it, especally the marriage part.

The gay adoption thing I have a slight problem with tho, but I'm not educated on the subject about what's best for children. I do think that if both parents love the child, then it doesn't matter if it's a gay couple or not.
Аноним ID: Ипатий Макариевич 15/09/15 Втр 00:30:46 #221 №10810768 
Same. I forced myself and got a rid of it.
> autism
I think it is this. Cause mostly of people on the board have it.
Аноним ID: Мордэхай Несторович 15/09/15 Втр 00:31:07 #222 №10810770 
What do you think about protestantism?

What do you think about EU countries like a Greece, which take credits and do not want to develop?
Аноним ID: Жирослав Саввич  15/09/15 Втр 00:32:07 #223 №10810778 
Tack för prisinformation. Tyvärr bor jag ganska långt från Jönköping. Problemet också är att jag har inga kompisar som röker. Dem alla stannade i Sthlm. Men tack för hjälpen. Jag ska gå och sova snart. God natt ! Det var ett intressant diskussion på ryskt "imageboard" löl.
Аноним ID: Heaven 15/09/15 Втр 00:36:43 #224 №10810800 
I use cannabis to help with my OCD, and forcing myself to stop.

That link describes some symptons that's a hit, but others a total miss. Just like when I read on autism and other things.

So I guess I'm just semi-retarded. I don't know.

protestatinsms is a word i dont know and im way to tired to google it now, sorry.

I do not like that a lot of european countries who can house these refugees rather send them to the next one in line. I think every country should strive to develop. We as a human race should continue develop, we need to get going on that. We're already too many on the planet. We need to get dem anime robots and get to other planets yo.

ha de fint mannen. Och fråga runt lite, du hittar garanterat någon.

Good night everybody, this will be my last post. I added my steam profile link a bit up in the thread if you would like to talk more at some point. I'm fairly interested in Russia, and not about politics etc, but the country and people.

Good night, and thanks.
Аноним ID: Лаврентий Казимирович 15/09/15 Втр 00:38:43 #225 №10810813 
I can believe you spend 100 EUR on food per month. But 500 EUR on rent? Are you kidding?
Аноним ID: Heaven 15/09/15 Втр 00:40:54 #226 №10810824 
>500 EUR for the rest of my bills (Rent, phone, internet, etc)

Not just rent, all the "month to month" bills are included. I live in a small place.

Rent in Sweden is usually around 400 euro up to 900 euro for apartments

THIS will be the last post. Sorry, I don't want to not answer you.
Аноним ID: Аверьян Серафимович  15/09/15 Втр 00:53:20 #227 №10810907 
Просто петухан рад, что он не один сидит по уши в говне, и кто-то может составить ему компанию, рядышком присев.
Аноним ID: Мордэхай Несторович 15/09/15 Втр 00:53:41 #228 №10810911 

What do you think about such schools (sorry that info on russian) and about swedish system of education?
Аноним ID: Мордэхай Несторович 15/09/15 Втр 00:57:33 #229 №10810938 
What do you think about juvenal justice?
Аноним ID: Иларион Минаевич  15/09/15 Втр 02:03:49 #230 №10811481 
>>10808401 (OP)
Аноним ID: Нестер Федосеевич 15/09/15 Втр 02:23:09 #231 №10811608 
>>10808401 (OP)
You're in the wrong place. Here we hate Russia, conservatism, patriarchate, homophobia and christianity.
We adore USA, Israel and multiculturalism.
Just opposite to 4chan.
Аноним ID: Юлиан Платонович  15/09/15 Втр 02:32:02 #232 №10811646 
Блять, все глаза сломал пока понял, где ты это увидел. Что означает, что ты довольно осведомлён об игре и, возможно, даже играешь.
Аноним ID: Данил Лукьянович 15/09/15 Втр 03:54:46 #233 №10811915 
Сука, как же я люблю такие треды хотя бы за то, что быдлота, типа "знающая" английский, пользуясь даже гугло переводчиком, выдает такую бессвязную и безграмотную хуйню, что любо-дорого читать.
Аноним ID: Heaven 15/09/15 Втр 04:34:16 #234 №10811994 
>Hello Russian friends.
>Sorry that I don't speak Russian,
>233 поста пропущено
Зеленый-толстый опять накормил пидорах говном, а они и рады. Кому вы, блядь, нужны убогие, кто будет приходить сюда и оправдываться перед вами за проблемы своей белой страны? Это сейчас тоже самое что я пойду на африканские имиджборды и буду рассказывать ниггерам, почему пидорахи такое быдло и голосуют за хуйло.
Аноним ID: Минай Геббельсович 15/09/15 Втр 04:41:54 #235 №10812006 
Is OP still here? Had some plans to relocate, but didn't have to.

Can you rate your country? Or compare to shitholes like russia/ukraine?
Аноним ID: Ярослав Нагибович 15/09/15 Втр 04:46:07 #236 №10812011 
>Это сейчас тоже самое что я пойду на африканские имиджборды и буду рассказывать ниггерам
Ну так и поступают типичные кряклы.
Аноним ID: Анисий Несторович 15/09/15 Втр 05:01:27 #237 №10812023 
Ну, может ты не пойдешь, но пидорашки периодически создают подобные треды на крауте и форчане. Тру стори.
Аноним ID: Прокопий Мокиевич  15/09/15 Втр 05:04:01 #238 №10812027 
Охуеть какой годный тред. Без срача и прочего. Жаль опоздал.
Аноним ID: Велес  Моисеевич 15/09/15 Втр 06:11:12 #239 №10812115 
>>10808401 (OP)
Are you a communist?
Аноним ID: Ипатий Макариевич 15/09/15 Втр 13:12:03 #240 №10815776 
Может ещё прийдёт. Иностранцы с других борд, общающиеся с русскими, мониторят двач. Особенно этот раздел. Сам давал нескольким ссылку, им норм.
Аноним ID: Исак Флегонтович 15/09/15 Втр 13:38:53 #241 №10816216 
>>10808401 (OP)
yoba, eto ti?
Аноним ID: Мокей Климентович  15/09/15 Втр 13:41:03 #242 №10816253 
>>10808401 (OP)
Аноним ID: Виленин Несторович 15/09/15 Втр 13:54:32 #243 №10816454 
няши тоже им помогают в решении проблем России.
Аноним ID: Савелий Камильевич  15/09/15 Втр 14:02:51 #244 №10816591 
Да не пизди, чувак просто побампал пиками с kc или 4c. Это бы сделали и там, запостив подобное про Ivans
Аноним ID: Ефим Марленович 15/09/15 Втр 14:02:54 #245 №10816592 
>>10808401 (OP)
Pewdiepie, is that you?
Аноним ID: Никифор Рафикович  15/09/15 Втр 14:16:26 #246 №10816812 
>>10808401 (OP)
>hate homosexuals
In Sovet Russia homosexuals hate you.
Аноним ID: Ипатий Макариевич 15/09/15 Втр 14:24:03 #247 №10816935 
У чувака нормальный шведский, иди нахуй.
Аноним ID: Савелий Камильевич  15/09/15 Втр 14:32:24 #248 №10817051 
Ты ебанутый? Ветку прочитай. Я не про ОПа. Сам иди на хуй.
Аноним ID: Терентий Асадович  15/09/15 Втр 15:32:17 #249 №10817960 
>>10808401 (OP)
Why do you hate jews? Jews hate muslims, hence merchant is ye friend as enemy of your enemy!
Аноним ID: Святополк Зиядович  15/09/15 Втр 15:33:22 #250 №10817972 

Идите вы оба нахуй, пожалуйста.
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