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24 декабря Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 00:33:24 #1 №176758 
where is the bandera?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 00:38:03 #2 №176771 
Pan polak pls take us, moskals are invading.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 00:43:08 #3 №176785 
sorry you're too poor
but you can keep exporting qts here
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 00:59:42 #4 №176824 
gere :----DDDDDDD
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 01:03:53 #5 №176835 
translate the moonrunes pls
also how is the russkie genocide going, my nazi friend?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 01:04:23 #6 №176837 
Who is this 'bandera'? Show us.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 01:05:49 #7 №176844 
fugg, i can't prove he existed ;_;
you win
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 01:16:03 #8 №176870 
>good day where is UPA-hall
>UPA-hall (Zal UPA/zalupa)
It's a wordplay in Russian and Ukrainian languages. It means HEAD OF THE PENIS or something like that.
>Moscal on a branch (moskal'aku na hill'aku)
It's like "srbe na vrbe"
Russians are pretty stupid and they can't remember this surname, so many of them call him "BENDERA".
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 01:18:12 #9 №176873 
>Russians are pretty stupid and they can't remember this surname
Everyone is doing it ironically and because don't want to write his shitname properly.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 01:33:15 #10 №176890 
ebin thank you
>Russians are pretty stupid

wow rude
why insult your only national hero? :^^^)
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:01:11 #11 №176924 
sosi huy, kurva
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:03:28 #12 №176926 

also I'm pretty sure you write kurwa with w
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:07:14 #13 №176933 
Сюда иди пшек ебаный
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:08:52 #14 №176935 
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:08:56 #15 №176936 
I don't understand this good sir
Do you mind writing in a civilized language (Polish or English is fine for me)?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:12:21 #16 №176937 
Lwów nasz
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:13:56 #17 №176939 
>Polish language
i dont know meme lang
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:15:54 #18 №176944 DELETED
u a fairy?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:16:36 #19 №176945 
Polish is, in fact, one of the best languages.
Great for poetry, science and chat.
I strongly advise you to learn it.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:16:49 #20 №176946 
But now it's definitely not yours. And now it's a shithole thanks to Eastern Khokhols and Russians. Why did you do it to us you fucking imperialists?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:19:22 #21 №176949 
Now it's not (thanks based Bandera) but in 1920s it was a legitimate reason.
Not our fault that you can't win independence from cykaland, duh.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:19:46 #22 №176950 DELETED
>pschpschscie kurwa
U wot?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:21:51 #23 №176953 
>U wot?
I'm sorry for you if you can't understand basic English.
Try google translating it maybe.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:22:03 #24 №176954 DELETED
It doesn't have any great literature worth learning Polish; your economy is shit, you are a country of peasants and you hate us.
U still have good chances in case of restitution. In fact I would welcome it. Imagine... Whole Lwow being returned into the hands of its true owners.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:22:32 #25 №176955 DELETED
I was referring to the "beauty" of Polish, you poor fuck.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:24:52 #26 №176958 
I'm not talking about the independence of all Ukraine (Ukrainian People's Republic). UPR and WUPR were two different states (until 1919). UPR was at war with Soviet Russia and WUPR was at war with Boland.
I'd wanted to live in independent state of Western Ukraine, really. And it would be possible if you don't attack us :c
So, we lose independence war to kurwaland, meh.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:26:00 #27 №176959 DELETED
In fact I can't remember anything besides Stanislaw Lem (perfectly translated into Russian), Adam Mitskewitsch (who was a Belarussian Jew, if memory serves me correct, and is of no real relevance today), and also that guy who wrote Ogniev i Meczom (with good Russian translations available).
Now if one considers that the Poles generally hate us for no good reason, why the fuck would we learn it?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:27:29 #28 №176960 DELETED
Why don't you emigrate to Africa instead, the place you really belong?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:28:45 #29 №176961 
I don't wanna live with black Russians, sorry.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:29:20 #30 №176962 DELETED
Those are your countrymen. Deal with it.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:29:44 #31 №176963 DELETED
to uczucie, gdy nie ma polskiego dziewczyna
sageБезосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:30:17 #32 №176964 DELETED
/int/ Krebs raus!
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:31:05 #33 №176965 
>Deal with it
But I can't, I hate those Eastern Ukrainians as fuck and gonna fight for Western Ukrainian independence one day.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:31:13 #34 №176967 
We have Many Great authors. You probably just don't know them.
Our economy is doing good, constantly growing.
What do you mean by peasants?
Also yes we hate your. And for a good reason
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:32:33 #35 №176968 DELETED
> gonna fight for Western Ukrainian independence one day.

So? What do you want from us? Go and fight then.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:33:07 #36 №176969 
It's very beautiful. I don't understand.

I don't know much about history of Ukraine. Sorry
sageБезосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:35:41 #37 №176972 DELETED
Just look up Polish demographics under Russian rule with Irish demographics under the English crown. I'm talking 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.
You might also check up the "cruel Soviet oppresion"which was actually non-existent, if one gets into details.
Actually, I don't see much hate in you, so I kinda feel awkward for claiming that.
>We have Many Great authors.
Not internationally recognised. Sad (for someone) but true. Anyway, I would like to see your top list.
>I don't know much about history of Ukraine. Sorry
Protip: they have none. It was either Ottoman Empire or Rzecz.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:35:55 #38 №176974 
>What do you want from us?
Hm. Maybe you can invade Eastern and Central Ukraine, how do you think? It would be great. This is Russian clay anyway, all people speak Russian there.

>I don't know much about history of Ukraine. Sorry
Oh that's okay, nobody does
sageБезосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:37:12 #39 №176975 DELETED
I would like that to happen. Alas.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:38:25 #40 №176977 DELETED
> Central Ukraine

but they are hohols and we don't want them.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:38:50 #41 №176978 
>best languages.

good joke m8 i like your polisg humor
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:39:04 #42 №176979 
Neither do we.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:40:33 #43 №176981 
What demographics have to do with anything?
Are you seriously saying that USSR didn't do anything bad to Poland? Oh wow
sageБезосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:42:03 #44 №176982 DELETED
Know what, it's just that I don't want to break my habits.
That is, we call see MORJE, while you call it mozhe.
Other than that, you don't stand comparison against other Slavic languages. Czech republic is a much more friendly place, with economy better than yours (if we talk relative, not absolute numbers), and they have free education for foreigners, which you don't.
The Irish were dying out starving. The Poles were multiplying their populace at a fast pace. Under "oppressive"and "bloody"Russian crown. It is just you national myth - our cruelty.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:43:21 #45 №176984 DELETED
The USSR build road, factories, schools to Polish peasants.

You should love USSR, ungrateful scum
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:43:37 #46 №176986 
Also my top list would be
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:45:04 #47 №176989 
>Third Reich build roads, factories, schools to German peasants
>Germans should love Third Reich, but they're ungrateful scum
sageБезосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:45:09 #48 №176990 DELETED
>Are you seriously saying that the EU didn't do anything bad to Poland
You're a semi-independent country. It was so those times and it is so now. There are, naturally, "bad" things but there are also "good", and this kinda rhetorics doesn't really make sense.

Btw, I appreciate some of your flicks. I recommend "Dekalogue" to anyone willing to dedicate time to Polish culture and cinema in general.

Zbigniew Hebert? I know the guy. He's good.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:45:27 #49 №176993 
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:46:02 #50 №176994 DELETED
Этому треду нужно видео поляка и хохла в трамвае.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:47:01 #51 №176995 
In XIX population was growing rapidly in every country.
And the fact that you didn't go full Auschwitz mode doesn't mean you were good. Many massacres happened. Thankfully my city was in Austria.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:47:16 #52 №176996 DELETED
>>Germans should love Third Reich, but they're ungrateful scum
>impying the Soviets sent the Poles into concentration camps
Bandera, pls
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:47:34 #53 №176997 DELETED
Ireland. Look it up.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:48:06 #54 №176998 DELETED
Name one, except Khatyn, which is still disputable.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:48:25 #55 №177000 DELETED
>implying all educated polish citizens (i.e. Jews) weren't gased by the Germans
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:48:29 #56 №177001 
>implying Germans sent Germans to the concentration camps
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:49:04 #57 №177002 DELETED
The did.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:49:10 #58 №177003 

Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:49:41 #59 №177006 DELETED
sent send homos and commie Germans, though.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:50:57 #60 №177008 
Epic bait m8

Considering the fact that a Pole is the president of EU and were getting funds to catch up witch the west, while in Warsaw pact we had to lick your shoes and give you money, I like this the way it's now
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:50:57 #61 №177009 DELETED
and Jewish Germans, who were more German than Jewish, in fact. And also disabled people and junkies.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:51:03 #62 №177010 

Oh, well. Soviets have sent a lot of Poles into GULAGs, you know.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:51:52 #63 №177012 DELETED
>implying you don't have to lick shoes now
How's the plumbing business?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:52:11 #64 №177013 
No they just shoot us in head
Very humane :------D
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:53:26 #65 №177016 DELETED
Обосрался - обтекай. И ГУЛАГ - неисчисляемое. Это Главное Управление Лагерей. Оно одно было.
И никаких
>a lot of Poles
не было.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:54:37 #66 №177017 DELETED
You are referring to Khatyn, aren't you? Because there's nothing beside it you could possibly cite. And even that is arguable.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:55:28 #67 №177019 
I don't know, I live in Poland
>implying whole Russia wouldn't move to UK if they had a chance
Your millionaires move to UK, our poorfags move there too. Says something about how we lick shoes, aye? :^)
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:56:51 #68 №177020 
How is Katyń arguable?
inb4 no proofs
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:57:32 #69 №177022 
What do you think about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Next_100_Years
>Finally, Poland will continue to lead its military alliance, the "Polish Bloc." Poland and its allies will be a major power, much like the time of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Now possessing substantial military strength, Poland will expand its economic influence into what was formerly European Russia, and will begin to compete with Turkey for influence in the important economic region of the Volga River Valley. Around this time, space programs for military use will begin to emerge, and Japan and Turkey will increasingly begin to develop military capabilities in space.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:57:38 #70 №177023 

А чего оправдываться, собственно?

Говорит, что стреляли им в голову, надо отвечать: да, стреляли, и скажите спасибо, что не в живот, от этого умирать больнее. В гулаге гноили? Превосходно, и еще в будущем сгноим, принесете хоть какую-то пользу Руси-матушке. Катынь? Как что-то плохое.

А то развели тут демократию.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:59:27 #71 №177025 

You say Katyń like it's a bad thing
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 02:59:38 #72 №177026 DELETED
It says nothing of the sort m8.
Being a millionaire in England and being a despised Polish plumber are different things you know.
The investigations were conducted by the traitors so they could have made a thing or two up.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 03:00:50 #73 №177028 
Would be cool.
A lot of hard work ahead of us though. We need to raise our wages to German level. Not happening in nearest 20 years
Belarusian majdan is a priority now
Later comes Kaliningrads independence
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 03:01:23 #74 №177029 DELETED
we'll come back kurwa. wait for us.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 03:02:57 #75 №177030 
>Later comes Kaliningrads independence

How about new Katyń?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 03:03:11 #76 №177031 
Nah, britbongs are ok with Polish diaspora.
Been there several times so you can take my word
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 03:04:13 #77 №177034 
Once word:
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 03:05:12 #78 №177035 
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 03:06:35 #79 №177040 DELETED
>my city was in Austria.
I take it you are from Silesia. Do you pronounce the consonant at the end of words as voiceless(t) or as voiced (d)?
I mean, while speaking Polish.
And, more importantly, do you make voiceless consonant into voiced?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 03:08:49 #80 №177045 
Nope, Kraków
Also known in XIX c. while it was independent as
Free and Strictly Neural City of Krakow
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 03:11:06 #81 №177051 DELETED
Yeah, shlyakhta... I see. I got a souvenir from there. A tool for opening bear bottles in the form of the Polish eagle.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 15:57:00 #82 №178207 
>and give you money

Read your history, dude.

Poland never pay a grosh to Russia.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 16:08:22 #83 №178238 
Polska, dlaczego nie można pomóc swoim ukraińskich braci?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 16:12:32 #84 №178250 
Zavzhdy bulo tsikavo , chy mozhutʹ panove polyaky rozumity ukrayinsʹku movu bez perekladu, tak yak meni zavzhdy zdavalosya, shcho ukrayinsʹka - tse perekhidnyy movu mizh rosiysʹkoyu ta polʹsʹkoyu .
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 16:16:56 #85 №178260 
Hello my friend.
Bandera in the hell.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 16:19:20 #86 №178269 
Schodo do mene, tak ukraijnska mova blizhce do polskoij, nizh do rosiyskoij.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 16:21:16 #87 №178275 
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 16:23:32 #88 №178280 
Ты понимаешь польский язык?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 16:25:02 #89 №178287 
На слух - нет.
Письмо - 50/50.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 16:29:38 #90 №178300 
А я украинский на слух понимаю не меньше 80%, письмо так вообще за 90.
А ты говоришь к польскому ближе.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 16:50:45 #91 №178344 DELETED
Я как-то несколько лет назад врубил палп фикшн украйиньскою. Так вот несмотря на то, что английский я учил лет 6, а украинский всего неделю от силы, по-украински я на слух различал гораздо больше, по факту - где-то на 97 процентов.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 16:51:08 #92 №178347 DELETED
>>178300 >>178287 >>178280

Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 16:51:52 #93 №178353 
больше ссылок богу ссылок.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 18:54:40 #94 №178634 
We had to export coal and other stuff to USSR for free.


No większość rozumiem. Czemu masz rosyjską flagę?

Are you from the Donetsk?


Lads I can't understand you.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 19:37:37 #95 №178719 
>No większość rozumiem. Czemu masz rosyjską flagę?
Bahato ukrayintsiv zhyvutʹ u Rosiyi , ale ya rosiyanyn , yakyy trokhy znaye ukrayinsʹku movu.
My tut sʹohodni obhovoryuvaly velyke doslidzhennya odnoho amerykansʹkoho instytutu , yake hovorytʹ pro te, shcho rosiyany z tsentralʹnoyi ta pivdennoyi rossyy po svoyemu henotypu ne vidriznyayutʹsya vid ukrayintsiv i polyakiv , a rosiyany z pivnichnoyi rosiyi mayutʹ domishku finsʹkoyi krovi, ale pry tsʹomu u vsikh rosiyan nemaye aziat·sʹkoyi krovi, tobto dumka pro te, shcho rosiyany - aziaty , tse skorishe mif. Shcho ty dumayesh z tsʹoho pryvodu?

Or maybe let's better talk in english? We discussed here today about catholic and orthodox Union of Brest which created modern greek-catholic church of Ukraine and which union was signed between Pope in Rome and "russian people" ("ruthenis" in latin). And we discussed about american researchment they've made with russian, ukranian and finnish scientists in the middle of 00s and published in 2008 in The American Journal of Human Genetics. You can read it here - http://download.cell.com/AJHG/pdf/PIIS0002929707000250.pdf?intermediate=true
As a result of their researchment they found that surprisingly russians doesnt have asian blood, and there are two huge groups of russians: central and south russians got much the same genotype as poles and ukranians, and northern russians got a lot of finnish blood. Ukranians on this imageboard says that this is totally lie, that they are real russians and they always were russians before muscovits took their endonym and ukranians had nothing to do but to introduce new endonym as "ukranians" which they have chosen by the name of the land they lived - Ukraine. And modern russians are nothing but the mix of finns and turks who have stolen their history. What do you think about it?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 19:43:57 #96 №178741 
Lads I can't understand you.
V gugle zabanili, pidor?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 19:44:06 #97 №178743 
> that they are real russians and they always were russians before muscovits took their endonym
Isn't it true though? They founded Kievian Rus, only after 500 years the Muscovy changed its name to Russia, mostly to have a claim on all territories inhabited by East Slavs.
For me Russians have more Kazakhstan-like looks than Finnish.
Obviously we're all closely related, no denying.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 19:48:26 #98 №178756 
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:00:27 #99 №178795 
> russians doesnt have asian blood
> russians got a lot of finnish blood.
Your post contradicts itself.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:01:37 #100 №178800 
He suggests you to use google translate to understand their barking, because they are unable to make basic sentence in English.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:02:32 #101 №178805 
That's sad, I'd rather speak in English.
Is Ukraine going to join NATO anyway?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:03:21 #102 №178807 
Her we gou.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:05:28 #103 №178814 
Do you understand that this map is basically fairy-tale with no evidence? Something on level of Ukrainian-persian war.
No, not gonna to happen anytime soon and probably never.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:06:13 #104 №178818 
So why is it called after Kiev?

Why? Your president said you want to join.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:09:59 #105 №178831 
>why is it called after Kiev?
What? "Kievan rus'"? It's name invented in 19th century, it's not that state called themselves.
> Why?
Because country is bankrupt, can't afford it.
Because country has territorial disputes and conflict with nuclear power. So Ukraine joins NATO and next day declare war on Russia and NATO would have to fight for them? That's insane.
Why Georgia haven't joined? They wanted too.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:10:51 #106 №178833 
We didn't talk to him, bydlo. If he want to understand wat we said he can translate it buy himself.
Because the capital was in Kiev. And now u should say Kyiv, Kiev ce moskalska.
Knyaz Oleg came to Kiev from Novgorod and maked it a capital.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:12:49 #107 №178842 
>Because country is bankrupt, can't afford it.
Meh, even Albania is in NATO so you can be too.
>Because country has territorial disputes and conflict
Yeah, that could be a problem. But you could just mobilize whole country, push the Russians out of Donbass and give up the Crimea.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:15:48 #108 №178852 
>But you could just mobilize whole country

dat pshek is mad :--DDD
They already had 4 mobilizatioms
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:15:56 #109 №178853 
> push the Russians out of Donbass
I think government could make it long ago, but it's interested in this conflict, because it can blame any fuck-ups and reducing quality of life on it.
There are also chances when conflict ends, there would be another revolution or something.
> give up the Crimea.
That's political suicide and would cause another maidan.

That's my thoughts.
And there are no guaranties NATO would let Ukraine in even after this. And what's the purpose of joining it if we could resolve problems ourselves?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:16:31 #110 №178854 
>They founded Kievian Rus
But the first capital of Rus (well, okay, the first place Roerig/Ryurik (scandinavian, first ruler of Rus who was called by russians to rule them) chosed to stay) was Ladoga (862-864), then Ryurik moved to Novgorod where he ruled until he died in 882, and in 882 Ryurik's succesor Oleg captured Kiev and moved capital of Rus there. And for many years Novgorodian Rus/Kievan Rus were nothing but different russian principalities, so we're all the same russians. And the fact Moscow became russian capital 500 years after Kiev - is just the piece in a long chain of russian history.
I can't agree about kazakhstan-like looks. Look at averaged faces of russians and kazahs. But i like the fact you agreed that we're all closely related.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:19:42 #111 №178867 
You with your alternate history again? Muscovy is Muscovy.
Rus' is Rus'(Ukraine).
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:20:14 #112 №178870 
A country of 40 million can't mobilize a million to kick some 15 thousand rebels?

>when conflict ends, there would be another revolution or something
Oh wow. What for this time?

>I can't agree about kazakhstan-like looks.
I don't know, just my opinion.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:21:40 #113 №178875 
>I don't know, just my opinion.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:23:10 #114 №178879 
>kick some 15 thousand rebels?
They are occupying densely populated large cities, what you suggest bomb those cities to dust? And Ukraine doesn't even have aviation.
>Oh wow. What for this time?
Many nationalists and patriots see betrayal everywhere, but they are busy in the war right now.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:23:45 #115 №178885 
Whole world knows you are mongols, deal with it.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:24:30 #116 №178889 
U think they have enough equipment for dat? I think, that they cant maintain what they have now.
There are a lot of volunteers who collect food, medicine and equip for army.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:24:46 #117 №178890 
>They are occupying densely populated large cities, what you suggest bomb those cities to dust? And Ukraine doesn't even have aviation.
You have 2 thousand tanks, just zerg rush those cities.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:26:23 #118 №178896 
>You have 2 thousand tanks
On paper. In reality most of them are broken rusty shit.

And sending tanks to the city isn't very wise, there could be a lot of people with anti-tank weapons on every roof.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:27:56 #119 №178904 
Прозреваю, что в треде сидит понаехавший в Польшу хохол или использует прокси.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:29:28 #120 №178908 
You think, ukrainian commanders are stupid?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:30:24 #121 №178914 
Well, as long as i live on the territory of ex-Novgorod republic near the "iz varyag v greki" trade way, ill keep in my mind that we're same russians as you (same as you're same russians with us) and Ukraine is huge part of our generic russian history.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:31:24 #122 №178917 
Тож так думаю. схуяль иначе акцентировать внимание на том, что кирилицу не понимаешь.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:32:56 #123 №178921 
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:33:44 #124 №178924 
>implying a Ukrainian can speak proper English
I have tens of them on my uni, they can't even do B1.

Honestly, yes.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 20:35:42 #125 №178931 
I don't give a fuck about what those poll says.
We're going to rule the Central Europe again.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 21:09:42 #126 №179007 
ok mate
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 21:23:42 #127 №179062 
>implying Taras Bulba was “Ukrainian”
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 21:25:23 #128 №179072 
Не был?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 21:43:33 #129 №179142 
>Lads I can't understand you.

So what?
Учи русский, курва.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 22:29:52 #130 №179305 
Why should I? Polish is much more useful.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 22:34:12 #131 №179318 
Warsaw is most American city in Europe.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 22:37:42 #132 №179328 
You mean we're the biggest fans of Americans in Europe?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 22:46:00 #133 №179345 
lol nyet. Russian - fifth largest spoken language in the world, second language ubiquitous on the Internet, fourth among the most translated languages.
Russian - official language in UN, OSCE, Unesco, SCO, IAEA.
Russian language of great culture with more than thousand history.
For what reason your rustic dialect useful?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 22:48:01 #134 №179350 
>more useful
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 22:51:52 #135 №179359 
освятил трэд
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 22:52:32 #136 №179361 
And to whom you can talk in Russian? Only to various ex-ussr asiatic bydlo.
>official language in UN, OSCE, Unesco, SCO, IAEA.
So what? Among other languages which are more useful.
>great culture
No modern culture, only bydlo. And classical works of value are translated to any languages.
>thousand history.
That would be Ukrainian.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 22:52:36 #137 №179363 
Вы же понимаете, что говорите с понаехом?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 22:54:11 #138 №179369 
Ты действительно думаешь, что сказал что-то умное и в пику мне?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 22:55:44 #139 №179378 
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:02:42 #140 №179382 
No, you arent, lol. Biggest fans of USA in europe are albanians. They have american flags on almost all houses in Kosovo and boulevard of America and monument of Bill Clinton, lol.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:04:49 #141 №179387 
>And to whom you can talk in Russian? Only to various ex-ussr asiatic bydlo.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:05:23 #142 №179389 DELETED
It doesn't correspond to his MANYAMIROQUE. Nothing to see here.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:06:41 #143 №179393 
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:06:53 #144 №179395 
epik :^^^)
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:07:26 #145 №179397 
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:08:08 #146 №179399 
What does it mean?

Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:09:01 #147 №179402 
I think we need to hold a contest
hehe, u stupid like hohol, see?
I will answer this way too. Even asiatic bydlo doesn't want to spoke polish.
всё ты понимаешь, рыльце-то не спрячешь.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:27:53 #148 №179416 
>hehe, u stupid like hohol, see?
Nope, enlighten me oh mighty slavshit.
>I will answer this way too. Even asiatic bydlo doesn't want to spoke polish.
Well that's good. I don't want any immigrants in my 99% ethnic Polish country. Enjoy your jihad.
>всё ты понимаешь, рыльце-то не спрячешь.
>all you know, the stigma of something you can not hide.
I still don't understand, can you write it in English please?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:28:00 #149 №179417 
>We had to export coal and other stuff to USSR for free.

Not for free. It was Soviet economic block and there was a pretty high trade and goods exchange within it.

Do you know polish furniture was one of the most widespread and popular within USSR?

Also a polish-made women clothes was the 'luxury' class back then.

I'm pretty sure USSR provides to Poland oil, steel and a lot of other staff like that.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:30:35 #150 №179422 
Don't try to argue about how СЭВ worked with Pole.
They all believe they gave everything for free. I talked with many Poles over internet, they all believe in it.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:32:32 #151 №179425 
>Not for free. It was Soviet economic block and there was a pretty high trade and goods exchange within it.
Sure, the brotherly help for USSR was greatly appreciated by you :^)

A commie Ukrainian? That's something new.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:35:00 #152 №179430 
Ты точно хохол. Такая же сверхманевренность, 1 в 1.
Начал про то, что польский язык намного полезней русского, потом вдруг съехал, что та полезность русского и не полезность вовсе, при этом не сказав, чем же польский полезен, а потом вообще на имигрантов соскочил. На всякий случай:
I repeat: For what reason your rustic dialect is more useful?
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:38:43 #153 №179441 
Mate please, speak English. The google translate doesn't really do the trick for me, its translation is just full retard.
>I repeat: For what reason your rustic dialect is more useful?
How is Małopolski dialect rustic? It's pretty much standard Polish.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:39:30 #154 №179442 
I'm not commie, but that's how this system worked - you get something, get something in exchange, etc, etc.
In fact it was usually help FROM ussr to other commie countries. Or ussr bought stuff from warsaw-pact countries instead of own better stuff to "help" brothers.
If we look at stats countries like Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary benefited the most, while GDR and Czeckoslovakia had lost.
And USSR left in dept for 15 billions of rubles when organization ceased to exist which it returned to other countries including you.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:45:23 #155 №179452 
The system was really bad, both in idea and execution.
Exchange rates were very much in favour of USSR, we had to import their patents and use them instead of designing our own. Not to mention the factories and railways the russkies stole from our Recovered Territories.
But they gave us 15 billions of worthless roubles, how nice of them.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:49:26 #156 №179465 DELETED
>railways the russkies stole from our Recovered Territories.
Этот пшек сломался, несите нового.
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:56:23 #157 №179475 
For example
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:57:34 #158 №179479 
>pshe pshe
Безосібний  10/01/15 Суб 23:59:24 #159 №179482 
>implying you don't understand it
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 00:04:14 #160 №179495 
Интересно наш пан Кшиштоф с конским навозом мог на курва языке пшекать. А этот вобще какой то скучный с москалиговнозалили.
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 00:05:14 #161 №179496 
>They all believe they gave everything for free.

Poor people...
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 00:06:40 #162 №179501 
Look who's poor now
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 00:17:29 #163 №179525 

If you wish, my friend. Let's take it.

Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 00:19:22 #164 №179528 
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 00:23:00 #165 №179533 

I suggest you to look for 'Polka dance' stats. I'm sure Poland will be on top of it. :#
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 00:26:39 #166 №179537 

> 44 Bahrain

What mad shit is that?

I've lived in Bahrain for a while. Half people are immigrants aboard and have a month income roughly $300.

Get that shit away from my eyes.
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 00:27:28 #167 №179541 
>Half people are immigrants aboard and have a month income roughly $300.
Isn't it roughly the same in Russia?
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 00:34:42 #168 №179561 

r u mad, lol ?

A regular salary in Russia starts from 1.5 grand. Any qualified people get 2-3 grands (Russians or foreigners - dosen't matter)

There are a lot of immigrants who's salary is much lower. Also there a few percent of population who still lived in villages and their income is quite low as well.
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 00:36:25 #169 №179567 

Ah, and Russians measure salaries after taxes of course.
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 00:36:34 #170 №179568 
Maybe in Moscow, m8.
Russia is pretty poor, I've talked to some Russians.
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 00:43:37 #171 №179584 
>Maybe in Moscow

No. That's the income for most people in Russia, and most Russians lived in big or medium sized cites.

Most likely you talk to some unqualified people who fled to Europe for higher price of common jobs.
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 01:01:00 #172 №179662 
What is poland?
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 01:10:39 #173 №179703 
baby dont hurt me
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 01:13:11 #174 №179719 
no more.
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 01:16:48 #175 №179737 
my favorite events in the history
German troops destroyed the bridges over the Peene while retreating from Demmin during World War II. This way, the advance of the Soviet Red Army was slowed down when they arrived in Demmin on 30 April 1945. During that night and the following morning, Demmin was handed over to the Red Army largely without fighting, similar to other cities like Greifswald. Rapes, pillage and executions committed by Red Army soldiers triggered a mass suicide of hundreds of people and nearly all of the Old Town was burned down.[21]
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 01:18:52 #176 №179748 DELETED
Второму пику надо часы на каждое запястье пририсовать, как у одного из солдат вешавших знамя.
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 01:20:12 #177 №179754 
My favourite events of history is discovery of electricity and 1989
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 01:21:00 #178 №179759 
The funny thing is that it was first Polish flag handed on reichstag. So soviet executed soviets who put their flag and put their own.
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 02:16:27 #179 №179939 
h-hello? anybody here??
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 02:21:16 #180 №179950 
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 02:21:40 #181 №179952 
gib krakov
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 02:22:11 #182 №179955 
ok :^)
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 02:23:20 #183 №179959 
so much cyrillics in here
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 02:23:55 #184 №179962 
Yeah, those slavshits you know.
Feels good being a Wend.
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 02:24:47 #185 №179965 
wouldn't know though
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 02:27:57 #186 №179975 
поляк говорит какая рашка плохая а хохол ему подпездывает везде?
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 02:29:56 #187 №179982 
"poljak govorit kakaja plohaja a hohol emu podpezdivaet vezde?"
jebeš mi mater ak sam ja išta razumio
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 02:56:42 #188 №180048 DELETED
Ебем ти Сунце, усташе.
Безосібний  11/01/15 Вск 02:58:59 #189 №180052 DELETED
Он каза: полац се говори да ниjе Русиja лепа, а украинец заувек се согласи.
  11/01/15 Вск 19:27:32 #190 №181421 
Безосібний  12/01/15 Пнд 00:39:29 #191 №182358 
lmao ayyy
So what's habbening now in Ukraine?
I've heard about some blitzkrieg?
Безосібний  12/01/15 Пнд 02:26:15 #192 №182450 

Безосібний  12/01/15 Пнд 16:54:01 #193 №184146 

Blitzkrieg can will end only in Lviv
Безосібний  12/01/15 Пнд 16:56:42 #194 №184157 
Blitzkrieg? You may dont watch polish TV so much.
Безосібний  12/01/15 Пнд 19:54:20 #195 №184736 
1939 best year of my life Vilnius je Lithuania poolad worst country after russia Commonwealth was a mistake. Polish workers worked for potatoes in Latvia and Lithuania
Безосібний  13/01/15 Втр 00:36:16 #196 №185721 


What do you propose? RT?

cute :3
Безосібний  14/01/15 Срд 00:32:53 #197 №190138 
>What do you propose?

mashable.com so far so good.
Безосібний  14/01/15 Срд 01:11:00 #198 №190353 
Hey, polak! I'm here to remember, that Wilnо ne wasze.
I'm belarusian. Do want huge Intermarium, so every moskal' could suck my true slavic 49 cm dick. And I want my GDL back :C
Безосібний  14/01/15 Срд 01:15:47 #199 №190377 
To remind you
Безосібний  14/01/15 Срд 18:47:46 #200 №193281 
>living in Lithuania
I call bullshit, does your government even allow you to leave the country?

>I want my GDL back
To be ruled by Lithuanians again? Good goy.
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