24 декабря Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!

Does anyone here seriously think that Poland is going to annex Western Ukraine?

 Anonymous  23/07/23 Вск 12:42:05 #1 №117407 
Does anyone here seriously think that Poland is going to annex Western Ukraine?
Anonymous  23/07/23 Вск 18:36:03 #2 №117411 
Annex? Not in any official way. But there is always a possibility to send in a "peacekeeping force," that would amount to practically the same thing.

Anonymous  16/08/23 Срд 20:07:02 #3 №118326 
As pole I'm 100 and 10 percent sure Poland won't annect ANY land we are not imperialistic country with doctrine consisting of expanding. Poland is militarizing and that is a FACT but in my opinion our goverment is trying to gain some political support from voters by making this huge campaign of building 300k army and increasing army budget. Seriously poles are hugely anti war, some of us are just joking about taking back Lviv, Vilnus or Grodno and all this big country form "sea to sea". Personally I don't know any russians but I know many belarusians and I love themn they are lovely peoply and I can't imagine any war with them, ofc there is a small percent of idiots who spread the hate over eastern slavs in Poland. All dyplomatical moves made by my goverment are just attemps to get support in upcoming voting. Also trying to break teh peace treaty after 1945 is stupid we gained some important and famous former german cities (thx Stalin :(( sorry germans). I hope exhausted all topic and calmed everyone about this false accusations towards Poland :-)
Anonymous  16/08/23 Срд 21:29:29 #4 №118437 
>As pole I'm 100 and 10 percent sure Poland won't annect ANY land we are not imperialistic country with doctrine consisting of expanding. Poland is militarizing and that is a FACT but in my opinion our goverment is trying to gain some political support from voters by making this huge campaign of building 300k army and increasing army budget. Seriously poles are hugely anti war, some of us are just joking about taking back Lviv, Vilnus or Grodno and all this big country form "sea to sea". Personally I don't know any russians but I know many belarusians and I love themn they are lovely peoply and I can't imagine any war with them, ofc there is a small percent of idiots who spread the hate over eastern slavs in Poland. All dyplomatical moves made by my goverment are just attemps to get support in upcoming voting. Also trying to break teh peace treaty after 1945 is stupid we gained some important and famous former german cities (thx Stalin :(( sorry germans). I hope exhausted all topic and calmed everyone about this false accusations towards Poland :-)
Anonymous  16/08/23 Срд 21:31:06 #5 №118440 
40353 - 5soyjaks blueeyes closedeyes closedmouth clothes drawnbackground farming field glasses hat hohol irlbackground itsover mustache poland sad store stubble text ukraine variant cobson variant impishsoyakears variant soyak whe-2.png
>>117407 (OP)
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 11:11:44 #6 №118797 
kys nigger
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 12:00:21 #7 №118805 
>kys nigger
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 12:16:51 #8 №118811 
'tarded meme by delusional russoids
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 12:51:00 #9 №118815 
>>117407 (OP)
nowadays Lvov probably has less hohols than Warsaw
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 13:26:24 #10 №118817 
> I reply with chud image im better
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 13:39:55 #11 №118818 
>>>118805 (You)
>> I reply with chud image im better
soyduel me
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 13:46:30 #12 №118820 
>"yes fight,FIGHT, soyduel me I WANT TO GET HURT"
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 13:49:16 #13 №118821 
>>>118818 (You)
>>"yes fight,FIGHT, soyduel me I WANT TO GET HURT"
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 13:52:06 #14 №118822 
>>>"yes fight,FIGHT, soyduel me I WANT TO GET HURT"
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 13:54:28 #15 №118823 
>>>>"yes fight,FIGHT, soyduel me I WANT TO GET HURT"
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 13:56:09 #16 №118824 
>>>>>"tak, walcz, walcz, pojedynkuj się ze mną CHCĘ BYĆ ZRANIONY"
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 13:59:25 #17 №118825 
>>>118823 (You)
>>>>>>"tak, walcz, walcz, pojedynkuj się ze mną CHCĘ BYĆ ZRANIONY"
>you are zellig even doe only burgers watch it
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 14:05:22 #18 №118826 
>>you are zellig even doe only burgers watch it
Better give your dauther as a fuck toy to Morrocan
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 14:06:53 #19 №118828 
>>>118825 (You)
>>>you are zellig even doe only burgers watch it
>Better give your dauther as a fuck toy to Morrocan
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 14:10:12 #20 №118829 
>>>you are zellig even doe only burgers watch it
Go cycle into into canal cumbag
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 14:11:57 #21 №118830 
>>>118828 (You)
>>>>you are zellig even doe only burgers watch it
>Go cycle into into canal cumbag
>into into
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 14:15:29 #22 №118831 
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 14:17:48 #23 №118832 
>>>118830 (You)
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 14:18:39 #24 №118833 
it's "and I didn't", little buddy
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 14:25:11 #25 №118834 
>it's "and I didn't", little buddy
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 14:30:24 #26 №118835 
>>>118833 (You)
>>it's "and I didn't", little buddy
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 14:35:03 #27 №118836 
go outside seriously
it was nice duel but booru died and I don't have time to make more soyjaks I have to celan toilet :))
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 14:36:26 #28 №118837 
>>>118835 (You)
>go outside seriously
>it was nice duel but booru died and I don't have time to make more soyjaks I have to celan toilet :))
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 14:37:35 #29 №118838 
i like that swedejak
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 14:39:08 #30 №118839 
feel free to use
Anonymous  17/08/23 Чтв 14:46:04 #31 №118840 
have a nice day, sojjax
Anonymous  05/09/23 Втр 11:13:06 #32 №120076 
me too it's pretty gemmy
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