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24 декабря Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!

>Studying Russian for 3 years now in college >Practice for 3 hours every day >Can barely manage a conversation in Russian WHY IS RUSSIAN SO HARD?

 Anonymous  02/03/17 Чтв 12:34:58 #1 №14393 
>Studying Russian for 3 years now in college
>Practice for 3 hours every day
>Can barely manage a conversation in Russian

Anonymous  02/03/17 Чтв 15:49:37 #2 №14399 
Don't worry about it much. English is just as hard for most native Russian speakers to learn as Russian for native English speakers.

I started teaching myself English sometime in 2014 I think, and have been actively practicing it on the internet ever since, yet despite all the effort and time I've put into it I still can't say with certainty that I've achieved eloquence or fluency in the language. The most frustrating thing is, at one point I noticed that my progress had seriously slowed down, my English skills simply stopped improving. I've never had a convo with a native speaker irl, but I'm sure if I did that person would just laugh at me and my feeble attempts at speaking the language. I'm not that terrible at written English sure, it just takes me a lot of time to form coherent sentences, but my speaking skills are utterly horrendous.

Why are you learning a useless language, anyway?
Anonymous  02/03/17 Чтв 16:12:32 #3 №14409 
sageAnonymous  02/03/17 Чтв 16:30:53 #4 №14417 
Russian is not hard, that's you who makes little effort.
Anonymous  02/03/17 Чтв 22:07:15 #5 №14450 
>>14393 (OP)
Попробуй поддержать этот диалог, ОП.
Как дела?
Anonymous  02/03/17 Чтв 22:13:41 #6 №14453 
>>14393 (OP)
>'merican flag
>Studying Russian for 3 years now in college
>Practice for 3 hours every day
ебать дебил сука ебаный тварь сучий подонок блядище подзахуйное чмо
Anonymous  02/03/17 Чтв 22:35:36 #7 №14464 
> not really sarcastic greentext that must prove your position
Anonymous  02/03/17 Чтв 23:35:03 #8 №14466 
>>14393 (OP)
cuz u do need have a real conversation, practicing and so on
Anonymous  02/03/17 Чтв 23:45:58 #9 №14467 
learning russian.png


You have to have a lot of real conversations in Russian. Can you find some ex-USSR born friends?

Me, I've began to truly learn English when I've discovered imageboards. Dog bless the Internet ! School/uni wasn't helpful at all.
Anonymous  02/03/17 Чтв 23:52:48 #10 №14468 
>learning language for szliucha
u mad
Anonymous  03/03/17 Птн 00:01:49 #11 №14470 

Well, why not ?
Anonymous  03/03/17 Птн 00:18:17 #12 №14471 
She's not even 2D, but if it's one of Everlasting Summer girls there's no problem.
Anonymous  03/03/17 Птн 01:33:14 #13 №14472 
It's interesting.

Я нармално. И вы?
Anonymous  03/03/17 Птн 02:31:09 #14 №14474 
>Everlasting Summer
This vn is fucking shit. SHIT. It left me heartbroken.
Anonymous  03/03/17 Птн 02:43:08 #15 №14475 
>>14393 (OP)
Simply studying is a waste of time, I know lots of people who spent years studying English and they couldn't say a single sentence when they went overseas. If you want to learn a language you have to practice speaking with someone and immersing yourself in that language like with music, movies, video games, animes, etc...

Don't worry about not understanding some things because normal Russians don't understand everyone perfectly either. Gopniks and the guys here on dvach have their own slang that a proper Russian would be ashamed of, government workers try to sound very formal and use very complex legal terms to seem smarter than everyone else and old people make a lot of cultural references and talk about shit that no one remembers anymore.
sageAnonymous  08/03/17 Срд 17:07:44 #16 №14767 
я ща посрал, мне ахуенно
а какое хобби у тебя?
Anonymous  08/03/17 Срд 17:16:58 #17 №14770 
1. dont say я нармално, it looks like youre retarded
say: нормально or:хорошо without я
dont even try translating that how you would answer in english into russian it will look stupid
2. и вы? looks even stupider its obvious that u just translated "and you?"word by word IT DOEST WORK
Anonymous  28/03/17 Втр 07:34:07 #18 №16111 
>>14393 (OP)
I just want to learn how to have a normal non dramatic conversation. Can I have it without comprising normal Moscow dialect?
Anonymous  28/03/17 Втр 20:32:29 #19 №16163 
>>14393 (OP)

It's don't. Not nowhere near as hard as Chinese or Arabic.

If you spoke German or Polish that do have genders and cases unlike English, Russian would be much easier for you.
Anonymous  28/03/17 Втр 20:42:06 #20 №16164 
>Я нармално.

You'd answer this to "как ты?" (how are you?) question, not to "как дела?" (how is it going? / how is business going?) question.

You don't answer about yourself when you was asked about business.

>И вы?

"а" should be used instead of "и" here.
Anonymous  28/03/17 Втр 21:50:20 #21 №16175 
Расскажи о себе на русском. Два три предложения.
Anonymous  28/03/17 Втр 21:59:26 #22 №16176 
Ryu, is that you?
Anonymous  28/03/17 Втр 22:04:30 #23 №16177 
>>14393 (OP)
The real question is - why do you need it?
People around the globe trying to learn English hoping to live in your country.
Anonymous  28/03/17 Втр 22:29:49 #24 №16181 
Нет, я мимо проходил. Хочу посмотреть уровень владения языком.
Anonymous  28/03/17 Втр 23:01:51 #25 №16183 
ля ля ЛЯ
Anonymous  28/03/17 Втр 23:15:25 #26 №16187 
>>14393 (OP)
English is MUCH harder!
Anonymous  28/03/17 Втр 23:16:42 #27 №16188 
Pizdish kak dyshish.
Anonymous  28/03/17 Втр 23:25:26 #28 №16189 
>>14393 (OP)
Привет, как поживаешь?
Anonymous  28/03/17 Втр 23:42:18 #29 №16193 
rus ca.jpg
>>14393 (OP)
Lol it's not.
I used to talk to a Ukrainian friend all the time. I had only studied for like four months.
My Russian is so shitty now that I don't dare attempt it.
Anonymous  29/03/17 Срд 00:00:00 #30 №16198 
Always laugh at Californian flag that looks like being designed by some Soviet drunken military officer.
Anonymous  29/03/17 Срд 00:08:13 #31 №16200 
>>14393 (OP)
>Studying Russian for 3 years now in college
are you spy?
there no point to learn it.

also Chinese(Mandarin or whatever it called) is much harder.
Anonymous  29/03/17 Срд 08:31:28 #32 №16224 
How would you better reply to "как дела"? I've only been learning for a month or two (very much beginner), and would have thought так себе, хорошо, плохо, etc would have been suitable replies? What would a native speaker use instead?

I am glad I picked up on the "а" instead of "и" too. Feels nice.
Anonymous  29/03/17 Срд 09:10:09 #33 №16225 

>How would you better reply to "как дела"? I've only been learning for a month or two (very much beginner), and would have thought так себе, хорошо, плохо, etc would have been suitable replies? What would a native speaker use instead?

I'm native russian speaker but i'm not that good at english. Hope you can understand what I mean. Your standard options are something like нормально(average/normal/ok), хорошо(good), плохо(bad), не очень(not so good), отлично(excellent), как всегда(as always).
Anonymous  29/03/17 Срд 10:53:26 #34 №16226 
>>14393 (OP)
A: it prepares you to hard life in Russia
Anonymous  29/03/17 Срд 12:36:14 #35 №16230 
just to explain
Вы is pretty formal and you use it when you are addressing someone who is your superior or a group of people.

On Chans and with most people - use ТЫ

Хорошо is a standard response to a formal situation anyway - no one really wants to know how your life is hell ))

I too am a spy ))

Отлично, спасибо. А ты ?? Как дела ??

Anonymous  29/03/17 Срд 14:40:01 #36 №16236 
>How would you better reply to "как дела"?

в порядке
Anonymous  29/03/17 Срд 17:16:55 #37 №16257 
Even though it doesn't make your life easier.
Anonymous  02/04/17 Вск 11:31:02 #38 №16630 
I dont understand зачем носителю общего языка нужно learn какой-то посредственный и ненужный язык. Latin и то бы была much more useful.
Anonymous  02/04/17 Вск 12:43:19 #39 №16638 
>>14393 (OP)
Stop fussing about how you say things and just say them. Start thinking in texts rather than individual words. You'll probably sound bad, but it should get better in time. Provided, that is, that you do take note of your mistakes
Anonymous  02/04/17 Вск 13:51:27 #40 №16658 
> общего языка
Только на бумаге, на нем и миллиарда человек не разговаривают, маня.
> посредственный
Anonymous  03/04/17 Пнд 18:03:47 #41 №16755 
> Studying 8 years English
> Know only that London the capital of UK
I win
Anonymous  03/04/17 Пнд 18:21:32 #42 №16757 
Все норм пасаны на нем разговаривают.
Anonymous  03/04/17 Пнд 19:02:05 #43 №16758 
Но зачем? Не понимаю когда говорят что знание английского обязательно для всех. ДЛЯ КОГО КОНКРЕТНО? Язык это просто инструмент блядь, если я не собираюсь съебывать или работать переводчиком, то нахуй мне нужен английский? Учить язык чтобы смотреть сериалы или тролить на дваче?
Anonymous  03/04/17 Пнд 19:30:00 #44 №16759 
Троллить в этом разделе, потому что этот раздел - англоязычный. Если бы тут была хоть какая-то модерация - тебе стоило бы выкинуть предупреждение за систематическое нарушение единственного (!) правила раздела.
И - да, знание английского в данный момент обязательно для любого _образованного_ человека. Подобно тому, как в своё время было обязательно знание французского или латыни. Если не претендуешь - то, конечно, можешь обойтись.
Anonymous  03/04/17 Пнд 19:37:47 #45 №16760 
> данный момент обязательно для любого _образованного_ человека
Anonymous  03/04/17 Пнд 19:50:06 #46 №16761 
Ты дурачок или школьник? Ну, смотри:
- США на данный момент имеют культурную гегемонию: популярные фильмы, игры, сериалы на английском. Перевод обязателен только для мейнстрима, притом перевод зачастую неважный (в вопросах дубляжа уж точно). Прочие страны при попытке пробиться на общемировой уровень почти всегда (99% случаёв) запариваются переводом на английский. Настолько, что почти вся популярная во всем мире музыка на английском.
- Английский - международный язык IT, программирования, сетевых технологий. Хочешь работать в этих областях - умей хотя бы техническую литературу читать.
- Английский обязателен для любого учёного приличного учёного. Разве что в медицине немецкий близок по популярности
- Английский - язык интернета. 2/3 интернета на нём. Любые материалы - от мануалов по HADOOP до порнофанфиков по MLP пишутся на английском, а потом переводятся (крайне избирательно) отдельными добросердечными гражданами на другие языки. Русская секция ютуба - не более чем тень англоязычной. Двачик - клон форчана.
- Общение с иностранцами (коллегами, друзьями, бизнес-партнёрами, туристами, тех.поддержкой, тайской шлюхой) происходит на английском.
- Ну и такая мелочь как колоссальный культурный багаж накопленный на английском. Шекспир, вся хуйня.
Абсурдный вброс, в общем. Лингва франка - обязательный атрибут образованного человека, сюрприз. Последние лет 70-80 это английский. Enjoy.
Anonymous  03/04/17 Пнд 20:10:16 #47 №16762 
> Двачик - клон форчана.
Так бы и сказал что ебанутый.
Anonymous  03/04/17 Пнд 21:33:10 #48 №16771 
>>14393 (OP)
>learn russa
Anonymous  03/04/17 Пнд 21:40:36 #49 №16772 
а возражений по сути совсем нет? ни одного?
Anonymous  03/04/17 Пнд 22:16:27 #50 №16779 
Возражений о чем? Учитывая что у тебя образованные люди это только погромизды 300к в сек о чем с тобой разговаривать?
Anonymous  03/04/17 Пнд 23:49:56 #51 №16784 
>у тебя образованные люди это только погромизды
Чем читал?
>язык IT, программирования, сетевых технологий
>обязателен для любого учёного приличного
>Любые материалы - от мануалов по HADOOP до порнофанфиков по MLP пишутся на английском
>Общение с иностранцами (коллегами, друзьями, бизнес-партнёрами, туристами, тех.поддержкой, тайской шлюхой)
>колоссальный культурный багаж
В общем, всё с тобой ясно. возразить ничего не в состоянии, вот и цепляешься к словам. Так что и говорить с тобой не о чем.
Anonymous  03/04/17 Пнд 23:56:58 #52 №16785 
В конечном итоге ты предлагаешь учить язык для чтения порнофанфиков и шобы сиричи палить)))) Ясно понятно.
Anonymous  04/04/17 Втр 03:28:29 #53 №16790 
Speak LATIN faggots
Anonymous  04/04/17 Втр 06:45:37 #54 №16793 
>>14393 (OP)
шо то хуйня,шо это. Учите Латышский!
Anonymous  04/04/17 Втр 12:03:08 #55 №16797 
Russian isn't hard, even bitards managed to master it.
That's just you being dumbass american :3
Anonymous  04/04/17 Втр 13:43:19 #56 №16804 
Эти проекции
Anonymous  04/04/17 Втр 13:47:22 #57 №16805 
Давай научи человека, который всю жизнь говорил на языке, где имеются чётко установленные строгие правила, говорить на русском, где плевать на порядок слов. Научи эти суффиксам-хуюффиксам и прочим падежам. В английском кроме времён глаголов ничего блядь сложного нет.
Anonymous  04/04/17 Втр 15:42:17 #58 №16806 
Hahaha fucking gringo can't even speak human.
Anonymous  04/04/17 Втр 15:44:17 #59 №16807 
Это не тред блин - ЭТО БРЕД
Anonymous  04/04/17 Втр 15:54:41 #60 №16809 
Sí lo es.
Anonymous  04/04/17 Втр 20:58:19 #61 №16824 
Ой отсоси, я знаю американку и бельгийку арабского происхождения, обе довольно неплохо говорят на русском, так штааааа... Да, отсоси.
Anonymous  05/04/17 Срд 14:10:43 #62 №16850 
>teaching myself
I think it is called 'learning'
Anonymous  05/04/17 Срд 14:11:37 #63 №16851 
How can you speak Russian if you are Indian?
Anonymous  05/04/17 Срд 14:12:48 #64 №16852 
I triple that. Dievs, svētī Latviju.
Anonymous  05/04/17 Срд 14:14:44 #65 №16853 
te puta madre, cabron
Anonymous  05/04/17 Срд 15:21:25 #66 №16854 
Anonymous  12/04/17 Срд 14:50:14 #67 №17167 
>>14393 (OP)
Why do foreigners study Russian? What's so alluring about Russia that you want to spend time and effort to learn its language?
Anonymous  12/04/17 Срд 16:17:06 #68 №17169 
Кинь ссыль на учебник
Anonymous  12/04/17 Срд 16:41:16 #69 №17170 
>>14393 (OP)
>Studying Russian for 3 years now in college
if u a girl can you pls record anything on vocaroo? i love women accents
Anonymous  12/04/17 Срд 16:41:47 #70 №17171 
Красивые? Зачем они учили русский?
Anonymous  12/04/17 Срд 17:10:35 #71 №17173 
>на русском, где плевать на порядок слов
Ну охуеть теперь. Это тебе на первом уроке английского рассказали?
Anonymous  12/04/17 Срд 20:03:25 #72 №17183 
Anonymous  12/04/17 Срд 20:29:51 #73 №17195 
Сказали это мне на русского уроке.
Anonymous  12/04/17 Срд 21:25:17 #74 №17209 
Понятно. А потом такие наученные идут на мейл.ру писать заголовки новостей.
Пошли ту пизду, что тебе это сказала, нахуй, а сам загугли инверсию и эмфазу. "Дай мне сто рублей" и "Дай мне рублей сто" - это нихуя не одно и то же.
Anonymous  12/04/17 Срд 23:24:09 #75 №17217 
Я потом почитаю
Anonymous  13/04/17 Чтв 04:42:58 #76 №17228 
>>14393 (OP)
I feel you OP. I have been learning Russian for 1 year now, and sometimes I just want to smack my balls with a hammer it gets so difficult.

I listen to Russian TV shows while working out, grammar podcasts, and practice my writing and conversational skills every day. RT, Master Russian, YouTube, 2ch, etc. all help.

Start with something simple like;
здраствуите. что ты делаешь?
Hello. What [are] you doing [now]?

Seek out Native Russian speakers or other Americans that you can Skype with or just text/IM. VK (the Russian version of Facebook) is great for meeting people and making new friends.

I WISH I could study Russian at a local college or university where I live in the USA, but I can't get to any of the programs atm. Don't you have a study group you can join?
Anonymous  13/04/17 Чтв 08:53:18 #77 №17235 
where are you living and why do you study russian?
Anonymous  13/04/17 Чтв 09:38:03 #78 №17236 
> здраствуите. что ты делаешь?
Правильнее сказать "Привет, что делаешь?".
Anonymous  13/04/17 Чтв 11:21:23 #79 №17237 
>>14393 (OP)
Unless you absolutely have to speak the language 24/7, the learning process may take a very long time, man. Languages are hard like that.
Anonymous  13/04/17 Чтв 14:05:00 #80 №17239 
>здраствуите. что ты делаешь?
Здравствуйте is too formal, and usually when you coomunicate with a group of people or people older than you(boss, teacher, parents of gf/bf)
and in case u r using this word, it will be "Что ВЫ делаете?". Вы - used when you adress to either a group of people or someone 'higher' than you, like a teacher, police office, judge etc

Anonymous  13/04/17 Чтв 15:09:45 #81 №17240 
Anonymous  13/04/17 Чтв 19:50:31 #82 №17255 
Photo Aug 11, 22 43 54.jpg
I live in Florida, and I'm studying Russian just because I like the language. No real reason or motive I suppose.

да, спасибо чувак. =)
Ah, you're right. It's just that здраствуите seems so polite, that's why I use it with people I've just met or when greeting online acquaintances that I'm not too familiar with yet.

Anonymous  13/04/17 Чтв 20:32:34 #83 №17258 
Your cursive looks c*ol, 11/11.
Anonymous  13/04/17 Чтв 21:37:58 #84 №17261 
If you want to use здравствуйте then you may want to keep in mind that this is a verb and therefore it needs to be conjugated properly. In >>17228, you it was you, wasn't it? wrote:
>здраствуите. что ты делаешь?
You should've written здравствуй if you were addressing a singular person, or вы if you wanted to be extra polite (no real need for that on the Internet).

Personally, I think this word is a little bit too much trouble for someone still learning the language. Too much grammar, too much to keep in mind. Привет is nice and simple and just informal enough for the Internet. Another neutral way to greet someone is Доброе утро\Добрый день\Добрый вечер - but again, you need to bother with adjective declensions and remembering what time of day it currently is - not very convenient for casual chatting with someone half the way across the globe.
sageAnonymous  13/04/17 Чтв 23:24:38 #85 №17270 
how do u know about it?
Anonymous  14/04/17 Птн 00:01:07 #86 №17277 
Anonymous  14/04/17 Птн 07:19:27 #87 №17294 
your cursive look girlish...))))))))))))))))))
Anonymous  14/04/17 Птн 10:41:38 #88 №17299 
It does. I even thought to myself that it might be a girl.
Can you show us a last part of the alphabet? I wonder what "ы" could be compared to.
Anonymous  14/04/17 Птн 11:19:32 #89 №17300 
>>14393 (OP)
Do you think in russian? You should do it regularly, and when you want to think a word you don't know, you should find it in a dictionary, so you can speak.
Do you watch russian films with subtitles? If you do it, you will understand russian speech.
Are you planning to live in russia? If not, then why bother? If yes, then why don't you learn it here?
Anonymous  14/04/17 Птн 11:23:25 #90 №17301 
like y in body
Anonymous  14/04/17 Птн 12:01:03 #91 №17303 
It's obvious in there. [ˈbɒdi]
"Боды" - sounds more Belorussian then English
Anonymous  14/04/17 Птн 13:53:07 #92 №17308 
Because you use belorussian o. Vowels make the most of the difference actually, though nobody teach them properly, so you have to copycat native speakers.
Anonymous  15/04/17 Суб 11:30:41 #93 №17345 
Studying you learn how to study. Make conversations to learn how to make conversations.
Anonymous  17/04/17 Пнд 23:12:22 #94 №17529 
ы is practically identical to u in Gorsuch.
Anonymous  18/04/17 Втр 12:01:56 #95 №17569 
OMG, Just cos the English, Hibru and some of the European ones are thought to be one of the simpliest.
For example, those countries which have difficult languages (India, China etc.) don't have a tendenncy to suffer so much while learning learn Russhian in compare with English speakers, or Hibru...
I started to learn English a couple of years ago and find myself easy to take part in different communications at the /b/ lvl.
Moreover, I haen,t seen any of your Russian-learning systems, which could be possible to understand or just examine without aaaany kind of alcohol stuff to stress yourself out. 50 years of cultural gap and misappreciation had made a lot. So the only way for you to understand us is to go for it just by coming round))
А так бля слыш пендос го пиздить? Есть чо поведать? Как относишься к нам и нахуя пришол суда? Ты кун? Какие я ошибки в этом реплае допустил?
sageAnonymous  18/04/17 Втр 12:07:29 #96 №17570 
>tricky script = complicated language fallacy
Anonymous  23/04/17 Вск 14:19:45 #97 №17892 
Fallacy is in your anusy.
Anonymous  23/04/17 Вск 15:34:54 #98 №17893 
You are butthurted by any post that is not full agreement with you and collective trolling of your opponents, aren't you?
Anonymous  23/04/17 Вск 19:37:25 #99 №17899 
Nah, I just wanted to insult you. Nothing personal, bruh.
Anonymous  23/04/17 Вск 19:39:19 #100 №17900 
Anonymous  24/04/17 Пнд 11:23:25 #101 №17959 
Anonymous  24/04/17 Пнд 15:43:39 #102 №17992 
этот эльфийский диалект нигде не нужен, кроме самой Латвии
Anonymous  24/04/17 Пнд 17:10:18 #103 №18004 
Anonymous  24/04/17 Пнд 18:24:31 #104 №18006 
Э, слыш!
Anonymous  24/04/17 Пнд 19:20:22 #105 №18008 
Ты и сам на своем диалекте не разговариваешь.
Anonymous  25/04/17 Втр 17:17:18 #106 №18080 
>tfw no qt foreign gf with cuuuuuute russian accent
Anonymous  26/04/17 Срд 01:18:37 #107 №18110 
>>14393 (OP)
suka blyad
Anonymous  26/04/17 Срд 03:42:51 #108 №18114 
OK, I want practice in English, and you need in Russian.
And I`m looking for english-speaking friends.
Let`s go telegram?
it is my first so-so big message fully without google translator, a lot of errors, of course
Anonymous  26/04/17 Срд 04:22:36 #109 №18117 
lol, nice penmanship. But if you can't write any letter correctly, them you can use simple word, we used to letter more archaic like as typewriter. True penmanship be only at school.
Keep it up!
Anonymous  26/04/17 Срд 10:34:01 #110 №18126 
What if I need practice in Ukrainian?
Anonymous  26/04/17 Срд 11:07:38 #111 №18127 
You can write to me.
Anonymous  26/04/17 Срд 11:25:48 #112 №18129 
>>14393 (OP)
maybe you're just stupid ;)
Anonymous  26/04/17 Срд 18:33:39 #113 №18153 
buh buh but muh hot russian girls
Anonymous  26/04/17 Срд 19:29:46 #114 №18159 
>>14393 (OP)
I speak russian, english, german and norwegian.
потому что я русский
Op is a faggot.
Anonymous  26/04/17 Срд 19:37:20 #115 №18163 
dzierzi nas w kursie
Anonymous  26/04/17 Срд 20:05:42 #116 №18168 
В смысле? При помощи мнемонических приемов запоминания можно освоить 7-8 языков. Я освоил 4. А ОП не может освоить русский за три года.
Anonymous  26/04/17 Срд 20:07:32 #117 №18170 
You are genius. Now fuck off.
Anonymous  26/04/17 Срд 20:32:07 #118 №18172 
Ok, i fuck off.
Anonymous  27/04/17 Чтв 05:06:09 #119 №18188 
But they're not. Neither you should know russian to fuck them.
Anonymous  27/04/17 Чтв 05:11:34 #120 №18189 
Дваждую, но русский все равно говно-язык and no one should know or speak it. Cuz it's too complicated for no reason.
Anonymous  27/04/17 Чтв 07:33:04 #121 №18191 
you don't know a shit about languages tbh fam
Anonymous  27/04/17 Чтв 14:15:05 #122 №18196 
Anonymous  27/04/17 Чтв 22:23:42 #123 №18209 
Anonymous  27/04/17 Чтв 22:37:13 #124 №18210 
You have to talk to people, find Russian friends.
Even somebody can laugh because of mistakes, nevertheless I think a lot of russian guys/girls would be glad to have an american friend. (I'm Russian)
Read 2ch it also helps
Anonymous  27/04/17 Чтв 23:59:35 #125 №18216 
>Read 2ch it also helps
Anonymous  28/04/17 Птн 06:50:49 #126 №18223 
My thoughts exactly.
Anonymous  19/05/17 Птн 11:22:43 #127 №18996 
Fuck you motherfuckers and your greek bastard mongol language! Why is your language so hard to learn?!
Anonymous  19/05/17 Птн 13:38:11 #128 №19000 
because you don't know the keys.
here's one:
to be = быть
to do = деять (obsolete form of делать)
to squeal = скулить
to cop = купить
to deal = делить (actually this word means "to share" but шарить is also comprehended, though it also means to understand and to search)
but then some words don't follow this rule
to beat = бить
to read = речь (I'm just fucking with you it's "читать" but speech which is "речь" is related to that word as you can see)
other of those keys I'll share with you the other time. one of them is to watch russian movies with subtitles and to repeat those lines
Anonymous  19/05/17 Птн 13:56:28 #129 №19001 
how did you russians and other flags learn english?
Im tired of being mono lingual and want to learn a language but don't know where to start.
I'm not even going to fucking try something as complicated as russian. I heard spanish and german are the easiest to learn as an anglophone, since german will be a dead language in a couple generations I'll go with spanish.
how would I start learning spanish.

Anonymous  19/05/17 Птн 14:18:58 #130 №19002 
first I spent 7 years learning russian in my class
(I was best in class with what you call A+, because I translated lyrics of slayer with dictionary) but I didn't know grammar at all. I thought that passive form of the verb is future tense.
Then I spent couple of months on courses, but they didn't teach me no grammar at all.
Then I dropped my university and went to another one to linguistic department. But there they only accept kids from special language schools because the rest of russians are intentionally taught wrong.
But I took couple of weeks of private lessons where I was explained all the grammar, so I started studying (I had acquintances among entering comittie, otherwise I'd fail) and I spent about three years in university, some teachers knew language worse than I did.
So now I can speak to you, and here's my lifehack:
1. find yourself someone who knows language so (s)he watches movies without subtitles
2. you translate your favourite songs or books or movie scripts
3. you pay that person to correct your mistakes and explain you why it's that way and not the other
4. you start watching movies using subtitles, not dubbed
5. as soon as you understood the grammar you read with dictionary.
0. you think in the language you want to know (you occasionally stumble against the words you don't know, you look it in the dictianary)
Anonymous  19/05/17 Птн 15:42:48 #131 №19007 
I've used to learn in a school with good English, but last 2 years or so we were too busy getting ready to "ЕГЭ", so, we focused more on Math, Physics and Russian, completely abandoning English.
Also, I had to start learning German in my University (they gave us no choice).
Luckily, somewhere in 2008 I've come across that AVGN guy. I liked his show a lot, but there were very few tranlation at that time. So, I had no choice but to watch him in English. He does have a very good and clean pronounciation.
After that I've started to watch american TV series and movies in English with Russian subtitles. At some point I've tried to switch to English subs. Now I mostly download first torrent at piratebay I see. If it has English subs - that's good, if not - it's ok.
I also speak with my colleagues in England and other european countries and have to read manuals and datasheet at daily basis.
I still have problems with grammar, I make tons of mistakes, mostly, because I haven't had any decent English classes in 10+ years, but I can read fiction and technical literature having no problems at all. I also can support conversation on complex topics.
I've managed to get a C1 on CEFR, despite my awful grammar, so, that's something.
My advice is: you need practice. Listen, read, speak, write. You can find some decent shows on youtube in a language you'd like to learn.
Another advice: you should think about your motivation. If you just want to learn second language - you'll probably end up having some basic knowledge with no desire to continue your studies even if you go to some good language school. Unless you have some really strong will or natural gift for languages..
Anonymous  19/05/17 Птн 16:02:15 #132 №19008 
Here's another idea: find a sexual partner of the language you'd love to learn and speak with her in that language at home, but to make her even you speak english on the outside.
I didn't try it, but lord Byron said it's the best way to learn it.
Anonymous  19/05/17 Птн 16:43:29 #133 №19012 
In school since 1st grade which was a seldom occasion (foreign language was teached from 3d or 5th). Was best student till end of school and top in uni but still can't speak and write with errors))
Anonymous  19/05/17 Птн 17:38:31 #134 №19043 DELETED
> want to learn a language
> I'll go with spanish
Aren't murricans supposed to learn Spanish in schools?
sageAnonymous  19/05/17 Птн 23:45:40 #135 №19057 
>since german will be a dead language in a couple generations I'll go with spanish.
It won't.
t. knower
Anonymous  20/05/17 Суб 01:12:05 #136 №19058 
>since german will be a dead language in a couple generations I'll go with spanish.
It's not like you are going to last much longer, either.

Though seeing as half of your country is made of Mexicanos you might as well go with Spanish, sure.
Anonymous  20/05/17 Суб 17:14:40 #137 №19077 
Русские друзья, помогите пожалуйста. В этом упражнения, нужно использовать глаголы как "«лететь», «полететь», «прилететь»; «плыть», «поплыть», «приплыть»; «бежать», «побежать», прибежать»".
They give us a sound file with people reading the text. The 5th box is giving me an error. I put пойдём (they say пойдём in the file, it makes sense because it is "let's go and I'll show you") and it doesn't work. Usually they make grammar mistakes and write пойдем, I've tried that with no success.

Can you give me some other terms I can use? I'm almost sure it's пойдём, but I don't know other ways that they might've commited a mistake.

Спасибо большое!
Anonymous  20/05/17 Суб 17:39:39 #138 №19078 
забыл фото
Anonymous  20/05/17 Суб 19:00:11 #139 №19080 
Pode ser "пошли" também. Parece uma forma de passado mas funciona exatamente como "пойдём".

Пошли домой, Антон. Пошли прогуляемся до магазина. Пошли поедим в кафе.
Anonymous  20/05/17 Суб 19:00:44 #140 №19081 
Anonymous  20/05/17 Суб 21:20:55 #141 №19084 
Спасибо, я забыл to capitalize the letter "П" когда писал "Пойдём". Ваше португальский язык отлично, ты португалец?

For the international people trying to learn Russian: don't.

jk it's great fun, although it can be messy and so goddamn stupid at times. I've been using http://pushkininstitute.ru, they have courses from A1 to C2 (from 0 to teacher of Russian), all for free, paid by the Russian government. There are some questions with bugs, you might need to have a few russian friends to help you with that, as their support simply doesn't work. The only way you have of communicating with them is through their facebook page, and they take weeks, if not months, to answer.
Anonymous  21/05/17 Вск 12:03:13 #142 №19126 
>paid by the Russian government
Fucking gayrope stealing my monies! My monies spending on a lazy ass gayropeans. My pedestrian route haven't been fixed for a 20 fucking years! SUKA BLYAD.
Anonymous  21/05/17 Вск 12:41:35 #143 №19128 
Всем привет.я учил русский каждый день два года.проблемы имею с общением в жизни
Anonymous  21/05/17 Вск 13:59:10 #144 №19131 
This. Let's invade gayrope and take back our monies.
Anonymous  21/05/17 Вск 21:20:22 #145 №19152 
Urlam navi
Anonymous  21/05/17 Вск 21:29:13 #146 №19153 
tell more about that
Anonymous  22/05/17 Пнд 10:57:43 #147 №19198 
>>14393 (OP)
Hey murican, if you need help with Russian add me anywhere
@folky telegram
/Folky Vk
Folky63 skype
Anonymous  22/05/17 Пнд 11:20:22 #148 №19199 
Anonymous  22/05/17 Пнд 11:26:56 #149 №19201 
Anonymous  22/05/17 Пнд 12:10:47 #150 №19202 
Anonymous  22/05/17 Пнд 12:44:52 #151 №19207 
Dobavil tebe za tscheku, provery.
Anonymous  22/05/17 Пнд 13:59:04 #152 №19210 
Anonymous  22/05/17 Пнд 14:45:33 #153 №19211 
Anonymous  22/05/17 Пнд 15:55:03 #154 №19212 
Seriously though, how immature you need to be to constantly put a fox as an avatar?
It's either you are a stupid kid or halfway to furfagville.
Anonymous  22/05/17 Пнд 18:29:58 #155 №19223 
furry go v sektu.webm
> halfway
> half
oh boy
Anonymous  22/05/17 Пнд 23:47:06 #156 №19236 
B-but I like learning your language for free. And it's not like you give me a 5 star rating service, you should make Pushkin Institute great again!
Anonymous  23/05/17 Втр 00:56:18 #157 №19241 
Nah, he's just messing with you. Probably. I personally happy to see anyone crazy enough to start learning Russian. I even ready to help with your studies - can leave a my fake mail. There is a subreddit dedicated specifically to people learning Russian, though -guys there will probably be more helpfull.
Anonymous  23/05/17 Втр 02:54:57 #158 №19247 
Sucky gayrope chaos and invade.
Anonymous  24/05/17 Срд 05:18:48 #159 №19294 
> Ваше португальский
> ты португалец
Either вы or ты, pick one you need.
Anonymous  24/05/17 Срд 05:58:07 #160 №19297 
>>14393 (OP)
analytic language
too many loanwords
a few dialects
culture is not easy
... but you can speak with russian natives
Anonymous  24/05/17 Срд 13:05:51 #161 №19313 
>analytic language
Go home, Anton, you're drunk.
Anonymous  24/05/17 Срд 14:09:46 #162 №19318 
>generous soul
>75g schocolate bars
Laugh every time.
Anonymous  24/05/17 Срд 18:19:56 #163 №19330 
Bad idea, if you want to fuck your brain, learn arabic or japanese.
Anonymous  24/05/17 Срд 18:25:52 #164 №19331 
I think OP should watch more films or podcasts with subtitles.
Anonymous  24/05/17 Срд 21:01:35 #165 №19335 
>if you want to fuck your brain, learn arabic
Anonymous  24/05/17 Срд 21:47:50 #166 №19337 
Shitposting also helps. Useful for learning to write.
Anonymous  25/05/17 Чтв 17:43:00 #167 №19379 
japanese is not so hard. I have been learning japanese for 2 years and can have a simple conversation. jnly kanji are hard
Anonymous  28/05/17 Вск 01:52:26 #168 №19456 
Зачем ж учить японский?
Anonymous  28/05/17 Вск 03:03:00 #169 №19457 
Чтобы смотреть онимэ без субтитров :DDDD
Anonymous  28/05/17 Вск 14:23:41 #170 №19484 
Хорошая причина, на самом деле.

Можно, конечно, поставить перед собой "взрослую" цель - типа, сейчас выучу язык, потому что это ээээээ.... ну типа везде требуют знания языка или хуй знает кароч важно это))) Только хуй у тебя что выйдет, потому что ты будешь чисто механически дрочить правила и словарь и страдать.

А если у тебя есть более непосредственный интерес - онеме смотреть или тралеть русекоблядей в веге или читать Ремарка или пояснять парижским нигерам за белую расу - то тогда и учеба пойдет куда бодрее.
Anonymous  28/05/17 Вск 14:54:10 #171 №19487 
Believe me, you don't.
Anonymous  28/05/17 Вск 15:48:08 #172 №19491 
Дааа! Я всем говорю качать фильмы и аниме на языке который хотят выучить потому что читать книжки - скучно. Что даже лучше чем учиться через фильмы и аниме это найти себе подругу из той страны чтобы постоянная учительница и практика была.
Anonymous  29/05/17 Пнд 11:27:19 #173 №19571 
>People around the globe trying to learn English hoping to live in your country
Lol no, English is needed for reading professional literature, listening songs, movies etc.
Anonymous  29/05/17 Пнд 11:29:41 #174 №19572 
In before, english segment of Internet is most saturated any kind of info.
Anonymous  29/05/17 Пнд 11:36:47 #175 №19573 
>if you want to fuck your brain, learn arabic
But arabic isn't so hard, I learned Uzbek tilli, it wasn't hard, for example.
Anonymous  29/05/17 Пнд 11:43:48 #176 №19574 
Eeeh, Turkic languages have very regular grammar with little to no exceptions. Arabic is very flective, by constrast, every second verb is "broken" etc.
Anonymous  29/05/17 Пнд 11:45:12 #177 №19575 
Нужно заменить вставленные глаголы на указанные в 1-м посте?
Is it needed to replace verbs in the text to them from the list above?
Anonymous  29/05/17 Пнд 11:50:31 #178 №19576 
>да, спасибо чувак.
You forgot ",":
Да, спасибо, чувак.
Anonymous  29/05/17 Пнд 11:57:20 #179 №19577 
Oh, I thought that Turkic is arabic language at most.

Guys from GB/US who want study Russian, I want to study English, especially oral. Lets help each other.
Write to my email [email protected], we will exchange skypes.
Anonymous  29/05/17 Пнд 12:03:18 #180 №19578 
Ah, no, Arabic is Semitic. Turkic languages are Uzbek, Kazakh, Tatar languages, Turkish, Azeri etc., plus the "outliers" like Yakut and Chuvash, which are a bit different from the "standard Turkic" ones. They have nothing in common with Arabic, except a lot of lexical borrowings related to Islam, urban life and agriculture.
Anonymous  29/05/17 Пнд 13:24:13 #181 №19584 
Говорю по былгарски по малко!
Actually I am Bulgarian who does not know his mother language
Could you teach me a bit pls?
I hav some bulgarian friends here but they are cocksuckers who speak only English
Anonymous  29/05/17 Пнд 13:44:33 #182 №19585 
Здраво-живо, брат.
Well, I can help you, of course. Why not drop by in the Bulgarian thread in /fl/? Or maybe we could make a separate thread here.
Do you know Russian? It will help you a lot.

>I hav some bulgarian friends here but they are cocksuckers who speak only English
Yeah, Bulgarians are shitty people in general.
Anonymous  29/05/17 Пнд 15:34:08 #183 №19592 
да, ну уже узнал, что нужно писать, спасибо!
Anonymous  29/05/17 Пнд 17:28:12 #184 №19597 
Yeah I guess we should create thread in fl, cause there are more than 3,5 anons that are here.
I am russo-bulgarian, and russian is my mother language kind of
And no, all bulgarians I know are really nice and I have been in Bulgaria before and it was not that bad- just a typical eastern european country, same as Russia
Anonymous  30/05/17 Втр 05:24:04 #185 №19622 

Try Katawa, guys. Then you really realise that everl summe is shit.
Anonymous  30/05/17 Втр 05:28:47 #186 №19623 

Russian girls (tm) is fucking sluts, and half of them learn english for taliking with foreiginers from usa as priority(cuz england not cool, lol).

So relax - if girl want to jump us dick - she'll talk with you in english.
Anonymous  30/05/17 Втр 05:30:00 #187 №19624 


dont fucking know how to write correctly.

Anonymous  30/05/17 Втр 06:10:33 #188 №19626 
>Я нармално. И вы?
Anonymous  30/05/17 Втр 06:25:53 #189 №19627 
>I heard spanish and german are the easiest
Anonymous  31/05/17 Срд 17:31:23 #190 №19672 
i really want to learn english but it too hard for me. Or I'm are too dull
Anonymous  31/05/17 Срд 21:03:38 #191 №19677 
Здорово пидор! Соси мой хуй!
Anonymous  01/06/17 Чтв 15:26:22 #192 №19698 
I'm ready to help any foreign people to learn Russian mainly in Q/A form, 'cos it's easier to me

No trolling at all. (at least i'll try lmao)

Telegram: @soundgoodizer
Anonymous  01/06/17 Чтв 18:58:41 #193 №19700 
>I'm native russian speaker but i'm not that good at english. Hope you can understand what I mean. Your standard options are something like нормально(average/normal/ok), хорошо(good), плохо(bad), не очень(not so good), отлично(excellent), как всегда(as always).
Don't listen to this bastard!
normal = ништяк
good = заебца
bad = хуево
not so good = да хуй знает
excellent = пиздато
Anonymous  01/06/17 Чтв 20:01:56 #194 №19702 
It's easier the more you do it. Practice everyday and after a year you will see a big difference.
Anonymous  02/06/17 Птн 11:55:26 #195 №19715 
This is bydlo-slang. GOPNIK-style.
Anonymous  02/06/17 Птн 23:36:37 #196 №19743 
There's a thread about Bulgarian in there already, linked in the sticky; if you have any questions, just ask there. I generally check sosach on weekends only when I'm usually in запой lol, but there are a couple of other people who have a good command of the language and answer regularly.

>just a typical eastern european country, same as Russia
Well yeah, that's the problem. It's a very weird mentality, hard to adapt to if you're not born and raised in the respective society.
Anonymous  07/06/17 Срд 05:01:22 #197 №19913 
Hi there, if anybody want to practise russian with native speaker text me. I also can explain u gramma rules, punctuation. I wanna pick up my English (expecially vocabulary & phrasal verbs), so let's help each other
my telegram: @loathness
Anonymous  10/06/17 Суб 09:49:53 #198 №20094 
How am I meant to contact you? Kik? Skype? I really do want to learn good Russian.
Anonymous  10/06/17 Суб 11:02:03 #199 №20097 
you leave your skype and some of us call you
(those guys also left you their telegram uins)
Anonymous  10/06/17 Суб 11:04:23 #200 №20098 
> leave
though I'm not sure this word suits the context. post your id here, that's what I wanted to say
Anonymous  10/06/17 Суб 12:17:47 #201 №20101 
U can text me in telegram > t.me/loathness ; or in kik, my nick > alexisvinograd
Anonymous  10/06/17 Суб 12:51:09 #202 №20103 
>>14393 (OP)
because reading is much more easier than talking with a native speaker. The thing is that you need to practice a lot and, if you're able to, visit Russia for a month or so.
Anonymous  10/06/17 Суб 13:46:42 #203 №20104 
No one will call you, fag...
Anonymous  10/06/17 Суб 15:10:19 #204 №20107 
I would. but I don't have telegram so wtf
Anonymous  10/06/17 Суб 22:53:22 #205 №20122 
You don't need to know russian to get a girl here. I guess all you have to do is to speak with them in english and they will be wet
Anonymous  11/06/17 Вск 21:50:19 #206 №20156 
>>14393 (OP)
i am russian, never learned german in school, just talked to people. thats why my grammer is so shit, i cant even remember when did i learn english.

i guess if you speak russian you can learn any language ?
Anonymous  11/06/17 Вск 21:55:14 #207 №20158 
You can learn any language if you speak any language or even if you speak none.
Anonymous  11/06/17 Вск 22:08:09 #208 №20161 
am i gay.JPG
>even if you speak none.

Anonymous  13/06/17 Втр 11:57:05 #209 №20192 
>>14393 (OP)
Dude, begin to study Ukrainian language. It has a very funny pronunciation and words. Why should you study it? Just for lulz. But Ukrainian has a Russian grammar, so it would be hard too
Anonymous  14/06/17 Срд 01:43:45 #210 №20215 
>It has a very funny pronunciation and words.
Yeah, as if a Murrican would appreciate this.
Anonymous  14/06/17 Срд 19:34:28 #211 №20238 
as usual
Anonymous  15/06/17 Чтв 00:37:38 #212 №20246 
only russians laugh at it, it is funny to me.
Anonymous  15/06/17 Чтв 09:55:07 #213 №20264 
>I've managed to get a C1 on CEFR, despite my awful grammar, so, that's something.
and how is your german at the(current) moment?

why do you need a language? even bill gates doesnt speak. american is international, you dont need more

if OP is american girl, can you please record your accent?
Anonymous  15/06/17 Чтв 14:03:08 #214 №20268 
Sluts will jump on your dick for being a cool american.
Unless you are planning on staying in Russia for work there`s no point in learning Russian.

I don`t have an accent in English, every time I visit my hometown I bullshit my way through multiple women and then leave.
Feels good.
Anonymous  18/06/17 Вск 02:44:06 #215 №20350 
You get a Russian chick to learn Russian, not the other way round.
Anonymous  04/10/17 Срд 01:24:20 #216 №24078 
>>14393 (OP)
Anonymous  04/10/17 Срд 04:12:58 #217 №24080 
>>14393 (OP)

Hey OP, what is the most good thing in russian?
Anonymous  04/10/17 Срд 05:46:47 #218 №24081 
Dont listen to the ones who say that russian is not so complicated, because it is. Ones I thought of it, its way more complicated than english, and probably harder to learn not only due to its difficulty, but due to the state of media. I see english everywhere, i need it on my future job, i play games and watch streams, read techical literature, that is mostly in english, youtube e.t.c. On the other hand, non-slavs probavly dont hear russian at all except CYKA BLYAT in cs go or dota, or John Wick, so its way harder to learn, especially if you are not fully commited.
But hey, there is also bright side. If you learn russian, its way easier to understand ukranian, and even kurwa language. I am belorussian myself, and, to my surprise, even though i never learned Polish, i found myself able to read news and shit, and understand almost every word, and guess of the context the ones left. Not to mention Ukranian. So... good luck, i guess.
Anonymous  08/10/17 Вск 21:57:27 #219 №24289 
it is made so hard that we can detect spies much easier, like reverse engineering. we build weapons which cant be copied. we are racist sorry.
Anonymous  08/10/17 Вск 22:01:55 #220 №24290 
Anonymous  09/10/17 Пнд 00:09:55 #221 №24291 
Maybe you wanted to say "drop your skуpe".
Anonymous  09/10/17 Пнд 00:13:10 #222 №24292 
Anonymous  09/10/17 Пнд 17:14:01 #223 №24310 
"ну такое" is the best answer.
Anonymous  10/10/17 Втр 10:31:33 #224 №24321 
>>14393 (OP)
Because Russian is the most useless and stupid language in the world even French is much better. I really can't figure out why you've started to study Russian. You just waste your time.
Anonymous  10/10/17 Втр 12:52:08 #225 №24323 
fuck youself konstantin
Anonymous  18/10/17 Срд 22:08:48 #226 №24542 
>>14393 (OP)

North African goes to russian jail for 5 years, learns russian and music instrument.

He beat up police officer while drunk.(hes muslim)

Anonymous  18/10/17 Срд 22:11:47 #227 №24545 
The way you ant it, friend))
Anonymous  18/10/17 Срд 22:15:17 #228 №24549 
dont unstand
Anonymous  18/10/17 Срд 22:16:12 #229 №24550 
Learn Russian faggit than annihilate youself))
Anonymous  18/10/17 Срд 22:20:57 #230 №24553 
а чём ты говориш ? чё за ант ? муравей ?
Anonymous  18/10/17 Срд 22:25:20 #231 №24557 
yeah)) like in ant farm
ant is a form of a wasp but not winged
Anonymous  18/10/17 Срд 22:26:36 #232 №24560 
are you german ? you posts are very autistic.
Anonymous  18/10/17 Срд 22:29:31 #233 №24562 
not your's) sad news: you fail to analyze communicational situation of 2ch.hk/itn/ which is aspergers))
Anonymous  18/10/17 Срд 22:46:06 #234 №24564 
>>14393 (OP)
Why do you want to learn a language that doesn't have any use outside of Russia anyway?
The sluts here will jump on your dick if you speak English anyway.
Anonymous  20/10/17 Птн 13:40:42 #235 №24595 
>>14393 (OP)
Потомучто саси писюн какашка))
Непонимаю зачем вообще русский учить?
Anonymous  20/10/17 Птн 20:50:31 #236 №24604 
because if you dont speak russian you are automaticly pidaras.
Anonymous  21/10/17 Суб 06:49:15 #237 №24620 
Not sure about OP, but Russian seems to be a very common language on the internet. That’s why I’ve started learning it.
Anonymous  21/10/17 Суб 08:23:46 #238 №24621 
>>14393 (OP)
ask your questions hulitam
Anonymous  21/10/17 Суб 08:35:53 #239 №24622 
it is 91 million people in russia and roughly 30 million outside of russia+ many ex soviet countries which use russian for chit chat.

Anonymous  21/10/17 Суб 20:10:09 #240 №24643 
hide your location so i can't hide your posts
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