Сохранен 803
24 декабря Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!


 Baskin 12 мая 2017 #1 №1 
Welcome to /lg/!
Main Rules:
1. Do not upload or request CP or minors in sexual poses
2. No full child nudity. Topless allowed (except for child models)
We need monthly donations to pay for new hosting. Details https://lolifox.org/mod/donate.html
3. No pornography or other obscene files
4. No spamming or excessive trolling
5. Admire the little girls
6. If you're looking for source use the request thread >>69299

• Use this JavaScript to save files as the original name:

Comments, questions, and concerns go in this thread.
Anonymous 12 мая 2017 #2 №36 
1. No child porn or minors in sexual poses
2. No spamming
3. Admire the little girls

O melhor é proibido… Aí não tem graça.
Anonymous 12 мая 2017 #3 №38 
I don't want brchan or my board to shut down.
Anonymous 12 мая 2017 #4 №39 
Acceptable. Better than nothing…
Minduim 14 мая 2017 #5 №59 
Another pidorashka's board?
Anonymous 17 мая 2017 #6 №94 
Yep, and You are tuda zashol, petushok.
BR 17 мая 2017 #7 №95 
We're going to have to be a bit strict on models.

I'll allow models as long as they're wearing adequate clothing. Please do not post models in clothing that normally would not be worn in public.
Anonymous 17 мая 2017 #8 №102 
:) 18 мая 2017 #9 №103 
Hope it lasts longer than your previous board, good luck ;)
Anonymous 18 мая 2017 #10 №104 
=) thanks.
:) 18 мая 2017 #11 №105 
still chillin.jpg

I'll come back later on and post some stuff, right now I'm dealing with a migraine. Little girls are magical angels but they don't seem to cure all health problems.
BR 18 мая 2017 #12 №106 
Sounds good. Feel better soon man.
bwp 18 мая 2017 #13 №107 
Good stuff, Baskin.
BR 18 мая 2017 #14 №109 
Thank you Mr. bwp.
:) 18 мая 2017 #15 №110 
So will there be daily threads? Weekly threads, if not many show up to post? Any rules about non-girl images or anime? Is humour allowed? If Rin shows up are we allowed to throw rodents at him? These questions need answers :P
Baskin Robbins 18 мая 2017 #16 №120 
>So will there be daily threads? Weekly threads, if not many show up to post?
Sure. I don't really want this thread to become the 'daily thread'.

>Any rules about non-girl images or anime?

No gore or animal abuse. I don't know what this site's policy is regarding topless little girls, but I'll probably delete them if they are explicit. I'll have to ask one of the global mods about that later. Anime is fine so long as it's not pornographic or lolicon.
Please remember, this is a PG-13 board!

>Is humour allowed?


>If Rin shows up are we allowed to throw rodents at him?

Such actions will be encouraged.
:) 18 мая 2017 #17 №125 

>I don't know what this site's policy is

When I was checking out this place a few months back looking for a new art board home it didn't look all that lg friendly, might of changed since then but you might want to be extra cautious for now so it doesn't go belly up in less than a week.
Baskin Robbins 18 мая 2017 #18 №130 
We'll see how it goes. The main thing I'm worried about is the models.
:) 18 мая 2017 #19 №136 

I'm ok if u ban models, I also realize I won't be able to post many fun vids here. It's just nice knowing that you won't be doing alot of suprise deletions on me. :)
Anonymous 18 мая 2017 #20 №141 
Дебил, блять, баннеры убери.
Anthony Robbins 18 мая 2017 #21 №142 
Kek. I like this HOMM3 banner.
Anonymous 18 мая 2017 #22 №147 
Iz autism allowed here?
tfw heartless monster
Baskin Robbins 18 мая 2017 #23 №151 

>tfw heartless monster

OH, hold on, let me fix that.
Baskin Robbins 18 мая 2017 #24 №154 
Админ должен исправить баннеры. Я не хочу, чтобы другие доски баннеры появляться здесь.
Anthony Robbins 18 мая 2017 #25 №156 
Do you play heroes of might and magic 3 Baskin?
Anthony Robbins 18 мая 2017 #26 №157 
Oh and can we have a pokeys thread?
Baskin Robbins 18 мая 2017 #27 №163 

Anonymous 18 мая 2017 #28 №179 
You dun good br :3

Mikaboy will be sad since it's still no bois allowed, but can't please everyone. ;_;
Anonymous 18 мая 2017 #29 №182 
maybe he or someone else could make their own board for that lel
Anonymous 18 мая 2017 #30 №187 
whats the difference between this board and girlti.me b?
Anonymous 18 мая 2017 #31 №198 
not much from what I can tell. maybe this board is a little less strict though.
Anonymous 18 мая 2017 #32 №206 
hopefully posts don't get deleted randomly without explanation at all
Anonymous 18 мая 2017 #33 №207 
Implicit racism
Anonymous 18 мая 2017 #34 №208 
How come this board doesn't appear on the front page list? I'm glad it doesn't tbh there's some degenerate gross boards on this site. Glad to know we're the pure ones.
Baskin Robbins 19 мая 2017 #35 №212 

>no bois allowed

I don't mind occasional boiposting as long as they aren't spammed tbh.

This board:
+ Non-nude models are allowed if they're not overly sexual
+ You are free to discuss pretty much anything; only images or links that break the rules will be deleted
+ mp3s
+ flags

- No posting topless or nudism
- Can't easily save files with their original filename
- Can't change the CSS unless you do it on your own
- We don't know if this board will stay up for long
- brchan has 20 MB filesize limit, girltime has 50 MB
- brchan has random bugs

I will strive to be as nonrestrictive as possible per the rules of this board and brchan. I believe that free speech is an important aspect that should be treasured in real life and on image boards.

It was originally on the boards list, but a mod changed the settings to hide it from the list, so I'm gonna leave it like that.
Anonymous 19 мая 2017 #36 №213 
Bist du Brasilianer?
Baskin Robbins 19 мая 2017 #37 №215 
:) 19 мая 2017 #38 №223 
Can you sticky the daily thread?
19 мая 2017 #39 №225 
I don't want to have two stickied threads. Maayyybe in the future I'll sticky it.
:) 19 мая 2017 #40 №233 
Anonymous 19 мая 2017 #41 №239 
why tho
Baskin 19 мая 2017 #42 №244 
lg anouncement.png
The general thread is now in the board announcement.
Anonymous 19 мая 2017 #43 №248 
this is a good solution
:) 19 мая 2017 #44 №251 
nice smile.jpg

cool then you can update that link when it gets too full and a new thread is made, good idea
Anonymous 20 мая 2017 #45 №330 
>If you know of any good file download sites, preferably ones that don't require JavaScript to work, please mention them below.

Anonymous 20 мая 2017 #46 №366 
>banning models

Does this mean candydoll isn't allowed??.
Baskin 20 мая 2017 #47 №367 

You can post Candydoll pics if they are not in sexual poses, bending in front of the camera, spreading their glorious loli legs, etc.

Download links are temporarily forbidden probably until tomorrow.
Anonymous 21 мая 2017 #48 №392 
>No sexual poses

Anonymous 21 мая 2017 #49 №412 
Anonymous 21 мая 2017 #50 №458 
Captura de pantalla de 201….png
What the fuck did you do?
Baskin 21 мая 2017 #51 №460 
Sorry. I'm working on the CSS. It should look something like this, but whenever the CSS is changed, the background turns red.

It did work for a minute and then it broke again. Maybe it takes a while for brchan to reload the styles.
Baskin 21 мая 2017 #52 №461 
You can copy and paste this into Options/Theme until the CSS is fixed.

Anonymous 22 мая 2017 #53 №483 
Please, just change that red theme.
Anonymous 22 мая 2017 #54 №484 
Sorry, I just read the thread.

I hope they get it right soon.
Anonymous 22 мая 2017 #55 №567 
If you have an ad blocker like uBlock Origin, you can block the brchan theme.
Anonymous 22 мая 2017 #56 №569 
why not just change themes?
Anonymous 22 мая 2017 #57 №571 
That works, but when your cookies are cleared, the theme resets back to brchan. An ad blocker continues to work after clearing the cookies.
Baskin 24 мая 2017 #58 №721 
Hooligans_Mag_7 (2).jpg
The thread bump limit is set to 350 posts; once a thread reaches 350 posts, you can make a new thread with the same topic (the daily thread for example).
Anonymous 26 мая 2017 #59 №873 
Anonymous 26 мая 2017 #60 №878 
>Hope it lasts longer than your previous board, good luck ;)

What was the previous board?
Baskin 26 мая 2017 #61 №890 
46 out of 50.png
/uncuckedb/ on 8chan.
Nov 12 2016 - Nov 28 2016
Anonymous 26 мая 2017 #62 №897 
If this board dies, how will will know the next one?
Anonymous 26 мая 2017 #63 №898 
You can post from Tor here!
Anonymous 26 мая 2017 #64 №899 
Baskin 26 мая 2017 #65 №900 
Spreading the word about new boards on other chans like 8chan seems to work well.
Anonymous 26 мая 2017 #66 №901 
>You can post from Tor here!
i don't care about that really…

everything is legal and if someone posts occasional cp that is deleted in the next 6 hours doesn't really matter..
Anonymous 26 мая 2017 #67 №943 
How lewd is to lewd?
Baskin 26 мая 2017 #68 №959 
Knowing what is too lewd can be pretty subjective. IMO, lewdness is all about the perspective and context of the image. An image centered on a girl's butt or genitals is lewd, whereas an image that shows the whole girl may not be lewd.

The pose which the girl is in also determines lewdness. For example, if the girl is forcibly spreading her legs on a bed or showing off her butt, it's high on the lewd-o-meter. We have to be extra careful with models because they are often in lewd poses and wearing sexy clothing.
Anonymous 26 мая 2017 #69 №991 
aww that sucks
26 мая 2017 #70 №999 
Added rule #2: No child nudity.

Children must have their crotch covered at all times and should not expose their genitals. This rule applies to YouTube videos and external links as well.

Thank you.
Sleeping-Cat 26 мая 2017 #71 №1011 

Oh ok but only because u used a cute squirrely photo to convey this new rule and the post number is cool. Because of these things I will do my best to obey ;)
Anonymous 26 мая 2017 #72 №1039 
Is topless still nudity? Any answer from the bananachan admin?

Are loli nipples bannable? Like in this pic >>107
Anonymous 26 мая 2017 #73 №1047 
Hopefully we can find some balance for content.
Baskin 26 мая 2017 #74 №1051 
>Is topless still nudity?
No. There just can't be any visible genitalia or butt cracks (not sure what the scientific term is for butt cracks butt you know what I mean).

>Any answer from the bananachan admin?

I still haven't heard anything from the admins. Apparently the quickest way to contact them is on Telegram :\
which I'm not going to do.

>Are loli nipples bannable?

In most cases, no. They have to be family-friendly and not lewd.
Anonymous 26 мая 2017 #75 №1066 
Telegram is a trap ;_;
Come Back Please 26 мая 2017 #76 №1074 
favdoll.in if you are quitting please make your links available!
Baskin 26 мая 2017 #77 №1076 
Yeah fuck that.

Tentguy is that you? I don't think she's allowed here, I'm sorry…
Anonymous 27 мая 2017 #78 №1082 
>please make your links available

no, I've had this weird feeling lately… better to just wipe everything
another anon favdoll 27 мая 2017 #79 №1088 
NOooooooo can you at least post them in forum?
b Anonymous 27 мая 2017 #80 №1090 
What is the url?
to favedoll Anonymous 27 мая 2017 #81 №1093 
Can you at least pm me these link? I really love your mix.
Anonymous 27 мая 2017 #82 №1118 
wipe as if ever
Anonymous 27 мая 2017 #83 №1182 
28 мая 2017 #84 №1200 


Here's my response to that post


Anonymous 28 мая 2017 #85 №1216 
I would care anyways.
Anonymous 28 мая 2017 #86 №1218 
Captain! they spammed us with old granny nsfw!
Anonymous 28 мая 2017 #87 №1221 

I kindly ask you to stop. Posting pornography is forbidden by our rule.
Baskin 28 мая 2017 #88 №1227 
He is now banned.
Anonymous 28 мая 2017 #89 №1232 

I bet nobody will reply this thread. If i lost, i will post picture of lg in communist pioneer uniform with red scarf.
Anonymous 29 мая 2017 #90 №1310 

HOWDY, BR ... I didn't start the fire ... Andy Warhol 29 мая 2017 #91 №1318 
Nellie Nullz Nine Lives In….jpg
Somebody started a thread "in my honor"; it wasn't me. However good the intentions, it is now a complete pile of troll shitt:


I think it would be best if you gracefully put a bullet in the skull of this thread.
Baskin 29 мая 2017 #92 №1327 
Anonymous 30 мая 2017 #93 №1467 
Anonymous 31 мая 2017 #94 №1620 
Anonymous 31 мая 2017 #95 №1631 
tolerance is soooo tolerant
Anonymous 1 июня 2017 #96 №1767 
Most people are stupid. Theres nothing wrong with love. Those peoples are close-minded. They think all pedo are rapists and wanna hurt children. Thats not true.
Anonymous 3 июня 2017 #97 №2184 
Rule?! Anonymous 3 июня 2017 #98 №2220 
No nude girls?! Why? Where's the fun in that? I love seeing little girls nude, please bring this back!
Baskin 3 июня 2017 #99 №2221 
No thanks.

I too enjoy the beauty of nude girls, but they're not allowed on brchan.
Anonymous 6 июня 2017 #100 №2856 
nice image, thanks!

I prefer to be free from coercion, don't you?
Anonymous 6 июня 2017 #101 №2857 
is this too lewd?
Baskin 6 июня 2017 #102 №2859 
>I prefer to be free from coercion, don't you?
What are you talking about?

Cloreo 6 июня 2017 #103 №2860 
I just noticed the css working now. Here is something for the log page.
idk if code tags work ;-;

table tbody tr:nth-of-type( even ) {
background-color: #ffc0d8;
Cloreo 6 июня 2017 #104 №2861 
or maybe if you want dancing banana to show:

rgba(255, 134, 180, 0.5);
Baskin 6 июня 2017 #105 №2862 
The pink CSS theme is working for some people, depending on the IP they're using. It's very strange.

>Here is something for the log page.

Thank you, I will add that.
Anonymous 7 июня 2017 #106 №3115 
Does anyone know what the other hidden boards are?
Anonymous 8 июня 2017 #107 №3470 
Anonymous 8 июня 2017 #108 №3476 
nothing pedo related because they're not in topiclinks

and /lg/ is a public board
Anonymous 8 июня 2017 #109 №3630 
I know russian Scoolgirls, and russian drugs.
Anonymous 9 июня 2017 #110 №3791 
whats the russian school girl board
Anonymous 9 июня 2017 #111 №3795 
Under cover )
Anonymous 10 июня 2017 #112 №3994 
Speacking of russia, anyone know what happend to her account?
Today in the morning it was ok and the next second it wasn't any more.
Did she closed it or it was closed by mods?
Anonymous 11 июня 2017 #113 №4141 
These should be added to https://brchan.org/lg/rules.html
Baskin 11 июня 2017 #114 №4148 
New rule added: no doxing - do not post private information such as home addresses.

I forgot about those, thanks for reminding me.
Anonymous 11 июня 2017 #115 №4149 

Dunkin' Brands Group, Inc.
130 Royall Street
Canton, MA 02021
United States
Phone: 781-737-3000
Baskin 11 июня 2017 #116 №4150 
kek :D
Anonymous 11 июня 2017 #117 №4210 
>Email: [email protected]

>Email Protection
>You are unable to access this email address brchan.org
>The website from which you got to this page is protected by Cloudflare. Email addresses on that page have been hidden in order to keep them from being accessed by malicious bots. You must enable Javascript in your browser in order to decode the e-mail address.
Anonymous 11 июня 2017 #118 №4211 
http://brchanansdnhvvnm.onion/lg/contact.html works without the Cloudflare shit but the CONTACT link at the top links to https://brchan.org/lg/contact.html
12 июня 2017 #119 №4275 
My email is baskinrobbins[at]tuta[dot]io if anyone's having trouble accessing the contact page.
Anonymous 13 июня 2017 #120 №4590 
When is the new chan coming?
And is GT… you know?
:) 13 июня 2017 #121 №5014 

girltime dead? I just posted something there, I even offered to make a thread on /g/ if they want me to, but if not I'm not gonna worry about it.
bwp 14 июня 2017 #122 №5301 
izzy (15).jpg


We're doing fine.

Anonymous 14 июня 2017 #123 №5304 
izzy (15).jpg


sieg heil mein führer

Anonymous 15 июня 2017 #124 №5947 


Not really.

Boys superior B L Boylove 15 июня 2017 #125 №6073 

So this is where all the girly pearly lovers are? Jesus christ, what unrivalled kitsch on this site, what a show of bad taste!

Tell me, do you prefer red or pink nail polish on your girlies? Ha ha ha ha…

Anonymous 15 июня 2017 #126 №6077 

Anonymous 15 июня 2017 #127 №6078 


Post my IP.

Anonymous 15 июня 2017 #128 №6079 


so staff is trying to leak ips now?

Anonymous 15 июня 2017 #129 №6080 


>VPNGate SoftEther IP

>public information

Literally useless. How newfag are you? You tried I guess.

Anonymous 15 июня 2017 #130 №6081 


>implying I'm staff

They has nothing to do with this

Anonymous 15 июня 2017 #131 №6082 


So how did you know?

Baskin ## Moderator 15 июня 2017 #132 №6088 


Oh yeah, where's your little boys board with 150+ active users?



Anonymous 15 июня 2017 #133 №6091 


>do you prefer red or pink nail polish on your girlies?

No, natural nails are cuter.

Anonymous 16 июня 2017 #134 №6438 


>Use this JavaScript to save files as the original name: https://ghostbin.com/paste/opjtd

We added a new script to board (Dollchan), check it in the lower right corner.

Turn it on and you can save files with original name, download all images, download whole thread, detect rarjpegs, make rarjpegs and so on.

It's open source.

Please, don't use it for something illegal.

Also, NSFW mode, hotkeys and links map (i.e. you can see tree of answers, not only one at a moment).

There is only a problem when posting as mod due to how this imageboard engine works.

Baskin 16 июня 2017 #135 №6472 


Thank you for the information, but I prefer channing the old fashioned way without dollchan.

Anonymous 17 июня 2017 #136 №6629 


Are you one of those behind this script?

It's horrible my man

Lots of bugs and sometimes I have to delete cookies to make it work again.

Anonymous 19 июня 2017 #137 №7684 
>Use this JavaScript to save files as the original name: https://ghostbin.com/paste/opjtd
I noticed something strange with this javascript through mod.php. I was getting some corrupt files trying to save as original filename and I couldn't figure out why. Until I notice that through mod.php the javascript is trying to turn the files into spoilers for some reason. You'll see what I mean with this screenshot. >_< So it wasn't saving any file at all. XD Just a heads up for anyone. >_<
Anonymous 19 июня 2017 #138 №7687 
You're, right I get the same problem.
Anonymous 19 июня 2017 #139 №7721 
and for some reason, instead of spoiler, it tries to delete the file if the file is a .gif
Anonymous 19 июня 2017 #140 №7737 
The extra anchors are messing with the selector.

Test and see if this will fix it.

var do_original_filename = function() {
var filename, truncated;
if ($(this).attr('title')) {
filename = $(this).attr('title');
truncated = true;
} else {
filename = $(this).text();

.attr('download', filename)
.attr('href', $(this).parent().parent().find('a:eq(1)').attr('href'))
.attr('title', _('Save as original filename') + (truncated ? ' (' + filename + ')' : ''))


$(document).bind('new_post', function(e, post) {
Baskin 19 июня 2017 #141 №7739 
This works, thank you once again Emoji Anon. I'll edit the OP.
Anonymous 19 июня 2017 #142 №7746 
No problem Baskin.
Let me know if you notice any other problems.
Anonymous 19 июня 2017 #143 №7748 
Yeah, thank you. :3
Anonymous 21 июня 2017 #144 №8214 
So that's where you all went to!
23 июня 2017 #145 №8439 
Hello everyvun ^-^ ♥

I originally made this banner for girltime, but I don't think beta-kun liked it heh ~

So if you want, you can add it here..you don't have to of course. :)
Anonymous 23 июня 2017 #146 №8445 

omg Mika, I missed you.
23 июня 2017 #147 №8454 
waaah you're being too cute anon ;_; ~~
meow, soon I'll be able to post a little more often again :) ♥
Anonymous 24 июня 2017 #148 №8482 

Is the server still in the Netherlands or did it change?
Baskin 24 июня 2017 #149 №8497 
I love it, Mika! I hope you don't mind that I resized it to 300x100 pixels.

According to whois lolifox.org is in the Bahamas.
Anonymous 24 июня 2017 #150 №8517 

Not sure if the registrar info is the same as server location since brchan.org shows Kirkland, WA U.S.
Anonymous 26 июня 2017 #151 №8896 

lolifox is behind cloudflare, the testing servers / whois would connect to to the nearest cloudflare gateway. Would be inaccurate unless you got the real lolifox IP.
Anonymous 28 июня 2017 #152 №9311 
фон трусики.png
Хей, мод! Может тебе понравится тема с трусиками?
Anonymous 28 июня 2017 #153 №9312 
:) 28 июня 2017 #154 №9313 

так мило)))
Baskin 29 июня 2017 #155 №9332 
Здравствуйте. Слишком много контраста, но мне нравится. Текущая сердце фон 2% непрозрачность.

v 1 июля 2017 #156 №9905 
Suka blyad, idi nahui!
Anonymous 2 июля 2017 #157 №9981 
Anonymous 2 июля 2017 #158 №10021 

Anonymous 3 июля 2017 #159 №10267 
Тру русня итт имеется? Ябучие гайдзины не отдуплят, щито я напейсал, лыл.
Anonymous 5 июля 2017 #160 №10763 
Anonymous 5 июля 2017 #161 №10764 
Baskin 5 июля 2017 #162 №10799 
Should we move to https://clearchan.to/lg/?
Anonymous 5 июля 2017 #163 №10804 
why tho
Baskin 5 июля 2017 #164 №10814 
More freedom - cameltoes, models, lewder poses, etc. stuff that is generally not allowed here is allowed there
Child nudity possibly allowed (not certain about that yet)
Not as buggy as lolifox
Probably more secure - uses OpenIB

Mysterious site admin
No onion hidden service
Almost 2 months of posts are gone
Don't know how long the site will survive
The logo is pretty mediocre
Anonymous 5 июля 2017 #165 №10821 
The cons sound pretty tempting. Very trendy.
Anonymous 6 июля 2017 #166 №10847 
interesting FAQ lol

>Almost 2 months of posts are gone
Says he does backups. Maybe was just getting on his feet and had to roll something back
Anonymous 6 июля 2017 #167 №10855 
>The logo is pretty mediocre
could be fixed.. he seems pretty easygoing
Anonymous 6 июля 2017 #168 №10982 
If you'd like you can expand the dropzone to not have the scrollbar. It's how I like it but idk how it looks on smaller monitors. :/

.dropzone {
max-height: 290px;
Anonymous 6 июля 2017 #169 №11018 
>No onion hidden service
>Re-installing the server to get .onion address
>eta 2-3 weeks
Anonymous 6 июля 2017 #170 №11073 
Is this good or bad?
Anonymous 6 июля 2017 #171 №11076 
well, it was good. now it's crossed out.

>No more lgs at all until I've learned this or someone else has made an imageboard…

>NO ETA, this server is NOT renewed, wasted 200eur.
Anonymous 7 июля 2017 #172 №11266 
Someone teach them how to do it.
Anonymous 8 июля 2017 #173 №11689 
In the FAQ he said he's a hosting newbie, and a NEET with social anxiety (iir). Might be a little skittish about /lg appearing alone suddenly too, idk.
Anonymous 8 июля 2017 #174 №11692 
didn't mean that offensively. /I/ might be a little nervous in his shoes
Anonymous 9 июля 2017 #175 №11820 

that guy actually fucked that sexy little girl? What a lucky guy if so
Anonymous 9 июля 2017 #176 №11822 
Anonymous 9 июля 2017 #177 №11823 
Anonymous 9 июля 2017 #178 №11824 
Lol no, ya dumbass
Anonymous 13 июля 2017 #179 №13162 
I can be arrested lurking here?
Anonymous 13 июля 2017 #180 №13187 
No. Police don't care about us.
Anonymous 14 июля 2017 #181 №13577 
That's what we want you to think.
Anonymous 14 июля 2017 #182 №13635 
You like to watch, don't you.
Sexy little cumbuckets. Vols Tifi 14 июля 2017 #183 №14089 
Does anyone else want to pump a few loads into these cute/hot/sexy/ little honeys?
Anonymous 15 июля 2017 #184 №14173 
I just want to take them out on romantic dates.
Vacation Vols Tifi 15 июля 2017 #185 №14422 
And they looked into each others eyes, mommy and little Suzy both knew, this was going to be their sexiest vacation yet.
Anonymous 16 июля 2017 #186 №15326 
fbi partyvan pedobear.jpg
>Scheduled technical work with 2pm PST

servers are being imaged, nit being deployed

its all ogre
Anonymous 18 июля 2017 #187 №16500 
Anonymous 18 июля 2017 #188 №16534 
Anonymous 20 июля 2017 #189 №17462 
Anonymous 21 июля 2017 #190 №17486 
Baskin ## Moderator 22 июля 2017 #191 №17566 
Topless and fully nude girls are temporarily forbidden on /lg/. See here >>17563 for more information.
Anonymous 22 июля 2017 #192 №17572 
heh now it redirects to cutieland.to
>For those who don't see little girls in real life.
sounds like he bailed/making fun of us. hope not
Anonymous 22 июля 2017 #193 №17583 
>Reverse image search: https://ghostbin.com/paste/66v2m

It should replace http://brchanansdnhvvnm.onion links with https://lolifox.org links to make it work with the .onion site.

Anonymous 22 июля 2017 #194 №17595 
>If you know of any good file download sites, preferably ones that don't require JavaScript to work, please mention them below.
Here are some that don't require JavaScript and support large files:
http://dl.free.fr/ 1GB
https://www.load.to/ 1GB
http://upfile.mobi/ 2GB
https://filebox.moe/ 3GB
Anonymous 22 июля 2017 #195 №17597 
No Style.jpg
>For larger files, you may upload to https://mega.nz/ or https://filescdn.com/ although JavaScript is required for those sites.
filescdn.com does not require JavaScript! To upload without JavaScript enable View > Page Style > No Style
I'm sorry if it was me. Vols Tifi 22 июля 2017 #196 №17625 
Was it something I said?
Cuties Vols Tifi 22 июля 2017 #197 №17630 
Maybe, they have some very cute girls.
Anonymous 22 июля 2017 #198 №17641 
Thanks for going over to 8ch/b/ the second they allow pedo content again and spamming the ever loving fuck out of it with rule breaking content to the point where they make it against the rules again to post any pedo content within a 24 hour period.
You guys really proved pedos can show absolutely no self restraint whatsoever and have no respect for rules which is why you'll forever be relegated to hidden boards on backwater russian shitholes like this forever.
Fuck all of you.
Anonymous 22 июля 2017 #199 №17644 
Fuck off
If you really thought Jim owned 8chan was going to cater to pedophile shit then you can just kill yourself

And if you want 5% of true freedom instead of 100% then you can also kill yourself and your family and anyone who thinks like you. You stupid ignorant piece of garbage
angry Vols Tifi 22 июля 2017 #200 №17646 
You mad bro?
Vols Tifi 22 июля 2017 #201 №17649 
2. No child nudity or topless girls - (New rule!)
Does that include any occurrences or just the front where the nipples are?
Anonymous 22 июля 2017 #202 №17652 
I'll take 5% over 0% any day you stupid fuck, ruining our chances to build a reputation anywhere by spitting in their face the second they don't let you post blatant child pornography is why we're notorious for being fucking retarded compared to the wider population.
We're all going to die alone with everyone in the world hating us because you're too retarded not to bite the hand that feeds us and I'm ashamed to have anything in common with you people.
Anonymous 22 июля 2017 #203 №17656 
So you'd gladly take 5% of cock?
Then what happens next week when they want you to take 10% of cock? You'll take that too won't you, you fucking faggot?

You never see the end of the road. The bigger picture. Mildly content with pretending to extend olive branches at the likes of Jim and his cronies and people like that. Fucking normies

You sicken me you plague of man. Coward
Baskin ## Moderator 22 июля 2017 #204 №17659 
I'll try to fix that.

Oh, sweet!

No, all comments are 100% allowed.

It's gone now, lol

That is 8chan's problem, not ours.

>Does that include any occurrences or just the front where the nipples are?
Good question. I think they don't want to have the front showing, so that means little girl nipples are forbidden (for now).
Anonymous 22 июля 2017 #205 №17661 
Yeah you faggots hide on your hidden board in your russian shithole spitting in the face of anyone who extends you an olive branch but I'm the one thats the coward for making an effort to raise relations, check yourself before you wreck yourself retard.
Response Vols Tifi 22 июля 2017 #206 №17669 
Thanks. Wanna help me DP this little honey?
>>17659 I'v seen a few topless girls not showing nipple can I post and what about candid beach girls? Topless is the norm in Europe or are we under Amerifag jurisdiction? Those guys are still trying to subjugate females by body shaming so it wouldn't surprise me if that's the reason we can't show harmless topless beach girls.
Baskin 22 июля 2017 #207 №17687 
>Wanna help me DP this little honey?
Of course I do.

>I'v seen a few topless girls not showing nipple

As long as nipples are not showing then it should be fine.
Vacation Vols Tifi 22 июля 2017 #208 №17690 
She came the room and I came with her.
Swimwear Vols Tifi 22 июля 2017 #209 №17698 
Some random bikini babes I'd like to hump.
Anonymous 22 июля 2017 #210 №17702 
>caring about 8chan
wew lad

RIP nipples ;_;

Good point.
More honeys Vols Tifi 22 июля 2017 #211 №17703 
It's a shame we can't show their beautiful pink little nipples.
Baskin 22 июля 2017 #212 №17707 
>It's a shame we can't show their beautiful pink little nipples.
Maybe it is only temporary. The admins are trying to negotiate with the host.
How? Vols Tifi 22 июля 2017 #213 №17709 
How do you get those green letters in your post?
Baskin 22 июля 2017 #214 №17716 
Put a greater than symbol ">" before text
>like this
Vols Tifi 22 июля 2017 #215 №17717 
I wish I could take them all the park for a picnic and them back to my place for a no jamies slumber party.
We'll play party games, watch cartoons and snuggle in a double king sized bed and go to sleep.
Good night sweet princesses, you make life worth living.
thanks Vols Tifi 22 июля 2017 #216 №17718 
ok thanks.
Baskin 22 июля 2017 #217 №17720 
Please keep posts like these in the general thread. The current one is >>17324
Thanks :)
Anonymous 22 июля 2017 #218 №17721 
I don't see a good way of doing this without hard-coding the domain into the code.

To do that just replace:

var baseurl = "https://" + window.location.host;


var baseurl = "https://lolifox.org";
Cute=Sexy. Vols Tifi 22 июля 2017 #219 №17724 
OMFG!!!! So cute! So gorgeous, sexy, hot, and irresistible. She just turns me on to the point of I wanna drill her holes til she quivers with orgasms and blow my load allover her perfect, flawless, prepubescent little body.
Then we'd have a shower and some anal and a nap.
Can anybody here honestly say they've never seen a girl that inspired similar feelings?
Ooops Vols Tifi 22 июля 2017 #220 №17725 
>Please keep posts like these in the general thread. The current one is >>17324
Thanks :)
Oh my bad! I thought I was in the General thread I wasn't paying attention to where i was . I'm sorry.
Anonymous 22 июля 2017 #221 №17823 
>https://rbfi.io/ (500 MB, Onion: robustrimgivnbls.onion)
This host has short retention:
>Files less than or equal to 100mb will be stored for 90 days.
>Files greater than 100mb will be stored for 14 days.
I think it is worth noting.
topless issue Vols Tifi 22 июля 2017 #222 №17932 
Still no word on the topless issue?
Anonymous 22 июля 2017 #223 №17991 
CUR CUROUS 23 июля 2017 #224 №18133 
Out of curiosity, how far does she go in some vids?
Anonymous 23 июля 2017 #225 №18238 
Wrong thread?
Anonymous 23 июля 2017 #226 №18411 
How cute believing "pedoshit" was ever going to stay.
It's dysnomia's pr stunt every now and then. :^)
Anonymous 23 июля 2017 #227 №18413 
>little girl nipples are forbidden (for now).
Just a friendly warning. If I'll see boy nipples allowed with this I'm going to nuke this. :^)
Anonymous 28 июля 2017 #228 №20591 
I mean "hear"*
I'm not retarded, just drunk
Need to Know Donald J Trump 28 июля 2017 #229 №20690 
>Lolis. Tweens. Teens. You want it? It's yours, my friend.
What about legal teens? 18-19yo can we show them? All of them? Those agea are internationally considered legal adult ages. So can we posttopless or nudes of legal teens?
Anonymous 28 июля 2017 #230 №20733 
Well the way I see it is. Some countries are very repressive such as Australia or that place with 21+ AoC.
If she looks young and pretty enough why not.
Baskin ## Moderator 28 июля 2017 #231 №20814 
Attractive adult females over 18 are allowed. Under 18yo female nudity and topless is not allowed.
Anonymous 29 июля 2017 #232 №20880 
What about over 18 nudity?
Lolicon wannakeepthisboardopen 29 июля 2017 #233 №20904 
What are the rules regarding Lolicon comics?
Baskin ## Moderator 29 июля 2017 #234 №20911 
Just make sure it is not pornographic.

That is fine, but please keep them in the correct thread. For example please don't dump tons of lolicon comics in the /pgt/ - Pedo General Thread. If you want, you could make a lolicon thread.
Anonymous 29 июля 2017 #235 №21000 
What about nude selfies?
Anonymous 29 июля 2017 #236 №21026 
Dollchan is very broken.
It saves long filenames with a … before the last dot.
eg. 13059587_1065411340257033_….mp4
Baskin ## Moderator 30 июля 2017 #237 №21560 
Nude selfies are usually for sexual enticement, so no they are not allowed.

You can try using this JavaScript either by injecting it with a browser add-on or going into Options → User JS:

Lolicon Anonymous 30 июля 2017 #238 №21571 
Lolicon contains depictions of under aged girls engaged sexual situations.
It is considered in many places to be legal forn of art. Is hardcore lolicon allowed?
Anonymous 30 июля 2017 #239 №21574 
>Lolicon contains depictions of under aged girls engaged sexual situations.
>It is considered in many places to be legal forn of art. Is hardcore lolicon allowed?
It is considered in many other places to be illegal child porn.
Lolicon Anonymous 30 июля 2017 #240 №21580 
>It is considered in many other places to be illegal child porn.
Those places are ran by idiots.
Anonymous 30 июля 2017 #241 №21589 

don't worry, pretty soon Minnie Mouse
will become an illegal loli, and real lolis will go unnoticed hopefully
Illegal in Australia Vols Tifi 30 июля 2017 #242 №21606 
A man in Australia got 20 years for child porn becasue he had some x-rated pics of lisa simpson, a cartoon character on an american cartoon show.
20 for a cartoon. It's bullshit.
Anonymous 30 июля 2017 #243 №21691 
And I think even in Germany or Australia that porn of girls with small breasts is also considered cp so you could be charged with cp if you made a sex tape with a petite girl
Anonymous 30 июля 2017 #244 №21704 
>Those places are ran by idiots.
Same is true about places where child porn is illegal.
But that does not make them go away.
Baskin 31 июля 2017 #245 №21791 
• Bump limit raised from 500 posts to 750 posts
• Minor CSS changes
Anonymous 31 июля 2017 #246 №21821 
Привет, Баскин. Я слышала ты мой самый большой поклонник, лови поцелуй.


Я надеюсь ты на меня не фапаешь, мне еще нет 18 лет!
Anonymous 31 июля 2017 #247 №21859 

They are gorgeous
Baskin ## Moderator 31 июля 2017 #248 №21954 
Oh Kristina I love you so much!
Anonymous 1 августа 2017 #249 №22318 
Что за Кристина? Где искать её?
Anonymous 2 августа 2017 #250 №22508 
В интернете, где ж еще. Модель и вайфу владельца сией борды.
Anonymous 2 августа 2017 #251 №22551 
Фамилию бы ты вкинул, чтоли, блять
Anonymous 5 августа 2017 #252 №23645 
The best way to get something like that fixed is probably to wright a nice msg to Admin in this thred
(not rageing in General and a new thred)

@Admin looks like deleted threds remain in boardcatalog and a Anonymus have a problem with that :)
(Can you do anything about that?)
Anonymous 5 августа 2017 #253 №23669 
What are you doing?
Anonymous 5 августа 2017 #254 №23690 
>You can try using this JavaScript either by injecting it with a browser add-on or going into Options → User JS:
I can't find Options, where is it?
I'm using Firefox.
Anonymous 6 августа 2017 #255 №23769 
In the top right corner.
Anonymous 6 августа 2017 #256 №24202 
I did a bobo >>24186
Anonymous 6 августа 2017 #257 №24209 
Anonymous 6 августа 2017 #258 №24216 
yepp a boobo!
I'm going to end up in the boobox
Anonymous 6 августа 2017 #259 №24223 
Inappropriate Vols Tifi 8 августа 2017 #260 №24760 
Naked girls make my dick hard.
This pic is inappropriate and possibly illegal, I have to report it.
Anonymous 8 августа 2017 #261 №24771 

its not inappropriate but yes its illegal, it
links to spam sites
// 8 августа 2017 #262 №24800 
Same here, she's pretty hot. Though Magic Lolita in general is great, to be honest. But too bad the poster is just a link spammer.
Anonymous 9 августа 2017 #263 №25492 
I thought it was a browser option.
Anonymous 11 августа 2017 #264 №25912 
>Save files as their original name: https://ghostbin.com/paste/ezgqd
Link is down, can you make a mirror?
Anonymous 11 августа 2017 #265 №26001 
Why was I auto banned for spamming? I did not spam, or make a lot of posts.
Baskin ## Moderator 11 августа 2017 #266 №26073 

var do_original_filename = function() {
var filename, truncated;
if ($(this).attr('title')) {
filename = $(this).attr('title');
truncated = true;
} else {
filename = $(this).text();

.attr('download', filename)
.attr('href', $(this).parent().parent().find('a:eq(1)').attr('href'))
.attr('title', _('Save as original filename') + (truncated ? ' (' + filename + ')' : ''))


$(document).bind('new_post', function(e, post) {

I think the system banned you for posting suspicious links.
Anonymous 11 августа 2017 #267 №26132 
Sometimes the system just hates you.
Anonymous 11 августа 2017 #268 №26403 
>I think the system banned you for posting suspicious links.
The only links I posted were here >>25912
Are they suspicious?

>Sometimes the system just hates you.
The system is a meanie.

Code test
Baskin 12 августа 2017 #269 №26524 
According to the ban list here is the message that got your IP banned.

From a few searchs of stuff off the top of my head.
###Link-Removed### (babyshi)
###Link-Removed### (BabyJ)
###Link-Removed### (SM)
###Link-Removed### (Cat Goddess)
Anonymous 12 августа 2017 #270 №26566 
Oh, I forgot about that, that explains it. Thanks.

I got the ban message when I tried to post that, so I thought it was from something before.
Anonymous 12 августа 2017 #271 №26727 
Why is the .onion so slow here? It used to be usable.
Anonymous 12 августа 2017 #272 №26763 
Anonymous 13 августа 2017 #273 №26790 

The onion might need a restart. Onions tend to bog down after a certain period of time, but restarting sometimes cures it.
Anonymous 13 августа 2017 #274 №26791 
jesus christ VT you fucking nigger faggot shut the fuck up. Nobody wants to read your retarded fantasies.
Anonymous 13 августа 2017 #275 №26797 
Same problem for me.
Andy Warhol 13 августа 2017 #276 №27149 
test 1
test Andy Warhol 13 августа 2017 #277 №27151 
Andy Warhol 13 августа 2017 #278 №27160 
test 3
Last Test Andy Warhol 13 августа 2017 #279 №27161 
… I promise.
Anonymous 13 августа 2017 #280 №27171 
Anonymous 13 августа 2017 #281 №27172 
A friend of mine was banned from here, why? Every time he tries to find out it just says go away spammer
Hart 13 августа 2017 #282 №27173 
Anonymous 13 августа 2017 #283 №27179 
Maybe He is using a banned VPN, spamers/LEA use VPNs and those IPs get banned for a while so anyone who use them gets "banned" as well, you can't use the VPN as long as it's banned.
Maybe He got an automatic ban from the system for posting "too fast" or weird links.

In any case:
Just change your IP pham
Anonymous 13 августа 2017 #284 №27191 
That's bullshit. Had same problem for while and tried multiple ips and same happened even from onion address.
Vols Tifi 13 августа 2017 #285 №27192 
Thats what happened to me. Can't log on no matter how hard I try I'm using a friend's puter.
Anonymous 13 августа 2017 #286 №27194 
Well, He's fucked.
Anonymous 13 августа 2017 #287 №27195 
Use the testing thread for testing
Anonymous 13 августа 2017 #288 №27196 
Who is? Just waited and posting started working.
Anonymous 13 августа 2017 #289 №27197 
Oh well.
Anonymous 18 августа 2017 #290 №28720 
why was .onion down today?
Anonymous 18 августа 2017 #291 №28755 
Feds just installed their malware. We're ==DOOMED==
Anonymous 18 августа 2017 #292 №29045 
Cat-Kun 20 августа 2017 #293 №30403 
Let me know if a new board opens up, this one has a little too many cum stains on it.

Time to rescue all the lil girls on earth, they aren't safe with normies or pedos.
Vols Tifi 20 августа 2017 #294 №30414 
Was it something I said?
Anonymous 20 августа 2017 #295 №30475 
Anonymous 21 августа 2017 #296 №30605 
>>30602 It will truly be the Planet of the Apes.
Your mom's a slut. Vols fucks your mother. 21 августа 2017 #297 №30664 
Ask your mom how my dick tastes.
Impostor Vols Tifi 21 августа 2017 #298 №30691 
Not me!
Vols Tifi 22 августа 2017 #299 №30957 
Time for some anal probing.
Rules? Vols Tifi 23 августа 2017 #300 №31147 
What about Dolls? Are they ok?
If not I understand.
Anonymous 23 августа 2017 #301 №31156 
Why it shouldn't be?
Those things are not even human
Vols Tifi 23 августа 2017 #302 №31230 
In many countries their considered child porn.
Anonymous 23 августа 2017 #303 №31487 
Well that's a no on the dolls isn't it? But, why? They're dolls, they're not real.
Anonymous 23 августа 2017 #304 №31539 
>In many countries their considered child porn
Is a very slippery slope. In many countries porn is banned and illegal. In many countries 2D children depictions or photoshopped underage faces on adult bodies is also illegal.

Which is many of the other stuff on this site that is still up

Just my 2 cents
Anonymous 25 августа 2017 #305 №32650 
I have a question regarding posting newds with little censor marks. More specifically, the legality.

Now I guess it flies within the rules of the board, but isn't it still technically "illegal?" At least in the West? Isn't an anon risking getting v& for posting them?

And for that matter what is even the point of saving censored images that you would rather have the clean versions of, but I suppose it's a nice way to see stuff you may not have seen before.
Art3mis 25 августа 2017 #306 №32672 
I just don't get why are lg's nipples banned but little boys' are not, it's so dumb, not only cause they look the same in lgs and lbs, but also because there are other pics that look more obsene and sexual than just some nipples uploaded here on this board and those pics are allowed so wtf
Anonymous 25 августа 2017 #307 №32674 
That's the law, anon. They may look the same, but little girl nipples will grow into beautiful breasts, so we must avert our eyes.
Anonymous 25 августа 2017 #308 №32680 
Nudity is not illegal.
Anonymous 25 августа 2017 #309 №32682 
It shouldn't be, but it is.
Anonymous 25 августа 2017 #310 №32738 
Hey jackasses – Images of child nudity IS NOT illegal. It is only if the subjects are engaged in obvious sexual activity or the focus of the image is on the crotch and genitals. Topless little girls look like shirtless little boys, and in most of Europe it is acceptable in their culture. It is why summer clothing catalogs sell girl's bottoms w/o the tops! I find it laughable that the site or host here has a freak out over exposed nipples when they allow a bunch of clothed models with spread legs and asses in the air - obvious focus on the genitals even if they are clothed is still sexual exploitation! But a few innocent shots of topless girls ON A PUBLIC BEACH I might add, that's pornography. Get you're priorities straight. Technically, given what this site caters to IT'S ALL ILLEGAL! You're all pedos coming here to FAP and that's pandering to obscenities. It doesn't matter if they're clothed, or topless, or it's drawn as lolicon, or you Photoshop stupid things over the professional nude modeling sets like LS - which are still CP to the LEA no matter how you sensor them. So if you're going to cater to all that, you might as well allow the topless beach stuff, because it's the least of your problems.
Anonymous 25 августа 2017 #311 №32746 

sure officer, we will take that into consideration …
Anonymous 25 августа 2017 #312 №32816 
>sure officer, we will take that into consideration

Not the poster you replied to, but, you actually should take it into consideration, because it's true. Not with fully clothed LG's as that poster suggests. It can't be classified as CP in any way. However, what he said about the model pictures is spot on. They are posed lewdly, dressed in skimpy panties that show pussy lip or partial asshole. Legs spread wide, or bent over and focused on their asses.

Lolicon/cartoon porn, while not classified as CP, can be classified as obscenity. You can read more about obscenity laws here…


Nudity alone, such as photos from nudist colonies, are completely legal in the USA. Photos of your kids playing in the tub, or in the yard, sans clothing is also legal.

It's amazing that the mods here aren't aware of this and allow the pics they do, but won't allow a topless little girl, who looks exactly like a topless little boy prior to the onset of puberty, yet if this was a lb board, you'd see hundreds of topless boys.

It also amazes how many people, when faced with the truth, rather than provide an argument as to why they believe the poster they replied to is incorrect, they reply with…Wait for it….

>sure officer, we will take that into consideration …

Now someone get back to posting the illegal model pics please. I need some new fap material.
Anonymous 25 августа 2017 #313 №32819 
>Now someone get back to posting the illegal model pics please.
I want to but I'm scared to.
Anonymous 25 августа 2017 #314 №32848 

thank you for the trolling, but until you know what you're talking about, you are not worth my time
Anonymous 26 августа 2017 #315 №33205 
>>32848 You're the retard who doesn't know what he's talking about. But go ahead and live in denial. Sure, nothing here you're looking at, or collecting, can or will be used against you in any way during the investigation or your subsequent criminal trial for CP possession and/or exploiting children.
Anonymous 26 августа 2017 #316 №33230 
>Lolicon/cartoon porn, while not classified as CP, can be classified as obscenity. You can read more about obscenity laws here…
That is different country to country.
Anonymous 26 августа 2017 #317 №33256 

keep trolling you stupid sjw cunt
Anonymous 26 августа 2017 #318 №33265 

you are not being subtle enough on your fishing
expedition officer
Anonymous 26 августа 2017 #319 №33322 
>>33256 Oh yeah, I'm a total SJW, lol!

SJWs are concerned about wetbacks blocked by a border wall, niggers getting shot by cops, and crying over Donald Trump all fucking day - and I'm not.

I'm just saying it's stupid to not allow topless girls when this place seems to allow other shit that's clearly defined as child porn and exploitation under US laws than photos some naive parents innocently take of their kids in a bath, or on a beach, and post it openly on the internet for pedos to fap too. What I call unintentional CP by the fact that your getting off on to it.

FUN FACT ASSHOLE: I'm actually ON YOUR SIDE just pointing out the hypocrisy around here.
Anonymous 26 августа 2017 #320 №33324 
>>33265 Don't you mean "phishing" as in trying to get your personal info? How exactly am I doing that?
Anonymous 26 августа 2017 #321 №33327 
If I don't know what I'm talking about, and you can post evidence disputing what I have said, please enlighten us all oh wise one.

Your ignorance far outshines your intelligence at this point in time though.

Your incessant, childish name calling, only proves you're lack of knowledge and ability to present a valid argument in defense of your claims.
Anonymous 26 августа 2017 #322 №33330 
>>33327 You're right. I can't prove you're a faggot, but I'm still pretty sure you are one. Others will have to make their own decisions.
Anonymous 26 августа 2017 #323 №33338 
Just as I expected. You've been rekt and reduced to being able to do nothing more than make pathetic attempts at insulting people.
Anonymous 26 августа 2017 #324 №33359 
>>33338 LOL "pathetic attempts at insulting people", wow sounds like you're the SJW around here. Oh, I just got REKT, wow such a clever comeback. I'm so embarrassed, I should go hide now. At least you didn't deny being a faggot, so there's that.
Anonymous 26 августа 2017 #325 №33561 
There's no reason for a person of intelligence, such as myself, to deny the sad, pathetic attempts of an autistic spazoid, such as yourself, who tries to make himself look and feel better by throwing out false insults… So yeah, there's that.
Anonymous 26 августа 2017 #326 №33577 
>>33561 Yeah, takes a lot of brains to go dig up such a non-outdated and totally clever meme and post it while hiding so anonymously in your mom's basement. You're sure impressing me.
Anonymous 27 августа 2017 #327 №33655 

if we allow here what you are pretending to, things will get worse for sure; this is not a battle against justice system or goverments, there are other forces involved,
im amazed you cannot see that
Anonymous 27 августа 2017 #328 №33747 

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it : abraham lincoln
Anonymous 27 августа 2017 #329 №33798 
I'm glad I'm impressing you. Maybe someday you'll be able to impress someone as well.

Right now all you're doing is showing how insecure you really are.

I think you're going to like the gift your mom got you for your first day of kindergarten. She sent me a picture of it. She didn't buy any panties for you though. She said that will make it easier for the teachers to fondle your tiny little wiener and balls.

My bad, you don't have any balls…
Anonymous 27 августа 2017 #330 №33814 
>all this bickering and all I wanted to do address whether or not it was a good idea to post censored nude models.
Anonymous 27 августа 2017 #331 №33834 
Anonymous 27 августа 2017 #332 №33843 
I've been to sites like this where some limits were set by folks who hosted or sponsored the site in some way. If no nips is what is required to keep the place on-line… then it is what it is and it's best to just accept it.

I think the guys who have large collections would probably prefer edited pics not be posted because they won't want to collect them. Guys who are new to this and don't have much of a collection might really appreciate seeing them.
Anonymous 27 августа 2017 #333 №33889 
The best way to improve this board would be to ban the shit posters. After a thread gets 4 or 5 hundred posts it starts to bog down. When half of them are pointless shit posts it's just kind of ridiculous.
Anonymous 27 августа 2017 #334 №33918 
>pointless shit posts
What do you consider a pointless shit post?
Anonymous 27 августа 2017 #335 №33934 
I say post what you want to post and if it gets deleted then you know you're not supposed to post it.
Anonymous 27 августа 2017 #336 №33947 
nihuya sebe here pedophilow. 151 active users! English govorun. U you all forbidden little girls?!?!/??!?/11//1!?? Nu nichego, dont horrible, blagodarya you all borda ist live. napewno.
Vols Tifi 27 августа 2017 #337 №33948 
That picture makes me want to fuck her.
Anonymous 27 августа 2017 #338 №33967 
Pull that little thong to the side and ram it home my man! Tight young loli holes are the best. Had mine in a 3 year olds ass and a 5 year olds cunt. Those were the youngest I had except for non-penetrative stuff with toddlers/infants.
Vols Tifi 27 августа 2017 #339 №34026 
You lucky bastard.
Anonymous 27 августа 2017 #340 №34148 
>>33934 Aww, gone!
saving images dreamer 28 августа 2017 #341 №34189 
Does anyone know how to save images with Or fox?
dreamer 28 августа 2017 #342 №34193 
I mean I hold down the image the pop up menu gives me the option to save, which I click…but then Nada :(
Anonymous 28 августа 2017 #343 №34405 
You can't. Copy the image URL, paste it in a new tab, save that page as a PDF, and then open the document and screenshot it.

Alternatively, if you have an image editor app, you can trick it into sharing the image via it and it will open it and you can save it from there.
dreamer 28 августа 2017 #344 №34696 
I have an editor, but trick it?
dreamer 28 августа 2017 #345 №34702 
I tried to share it to the editor but I got a file not found:null
Anonymous 28 августа 2017 #346 №34717 
Weird. I actually had it not work the first time I used it but figured I'd it again one time and it worked. Try a different editor, then?
dreamer 29 августа 2017 #347 №34757 
I did disable all things google, want this to be a pure Tor tablet, but a message google-play services wants to update… shows when I open the editor
Anonymous 29 августа 2017 #348 №34837 
Never trust Google.
Anonymous 29 августа 2017 #349 №34842 
Do not use android…but if you do do not have google play installed.
Anonymous 29 августа 2017 #350 №35273 
Is iOS better than Android?
Anonymous 29 августа 2017 #351 №35279 
Oh my god!
Anonymous 29 августа 2017 #352 №35302 
Anonymous 29 августа 2017 #353 №35313 
Anonymous 29 августа 2017 #354 №35335 
No he's not. I don't like guys with cell phones. I like Jusin Bieber. He's sexy when he speak in a cell phone.
dreamer 29 августа 2017 #355 №35347 
Wrong thread, bro,…JB…doesn't belong here unless… he's posting…:-)
Anonymous 30 августа 2017 #356 №35496 
Cant tell if joking or retarded.
Anonymous 30 августа 2017 #357 №35552 
It's because you are gay.
Anonymous 1 сентября 2017 #358 №37124 
This nipple thing is ridiculous. We're talking about candid shots of girls at public pools and beaches not breaking any laws. Surely exceptions can be made for beach and pool girls. There are topless girls in Girltime.
maybe if we cleaned up this place a little we can have topless girls. I don't know.
Anonymous 1 сентября 2017 #359 №37133 

not, it is not ridiculous cop, it keeps the site safe, wanna
clean up ? go on vacation and visit other chans for a while, thank you
Anonymous 1 сентября 2017 #360 №37141 
Its the host not us.
dreamer 2 сентября 2017 #361 №37371 
How do you talk to people with such closed minds….you should be like your children not make them into you!
dreamer 2 сентября 2017 #362 №37380 
And that goes both ways!
dreamer 2 сентября 2017 #363 №37389 
You all is try in to close boards… what do you expect to achieve a perfect religious state? Where it's better to watch a body count than a beautiful body?
dreamer 2 сентября 2017 #364 №37393 
We are here, and we are queer…in the original definition
dreamer 2 сентября 2017 #365 №37397 
I'm board… think I'll go visit other threads in this string universe
Anonymous 2 сентября 2017 #366 №37398 
Anonymous 2 сентября 2017 #367 №37608 

mods should delete toxic posts. i don't come here to read about court documents and other non-lg spam like that.
Anonymous 2 сентября 2017 #368 №37610 
> court documents
Court documents are actually on topic and very relevant, but all the off topic spam is not.
Anonymous 2 сентября 2017 #369 №37616 
no, there're not, and your attempt to validate it proves why this board has so much non-lg spam.
Anonymous 2 сентября 2017 #370 №37619 
this is a image board, and spam that interrupts the flow of image posting should be considered toxic.
Anonymous 2 сентября 2017 #371 №37642 
Name of this girl pls
Anonymous 2 сентября 2017 #372 №37649 

freedom of speech is hard to deal with, hey ?
Anonymous 2 сентября 2017 #373 №37651 

an image board is a forum too, it also implies
writing, discussing and share ideas
Anonymous 2 сентября 2017 #374 №37652 

wrong thread
Hmm 2 сентября 2017 #375 №37726 
>toxic posts
>freedom of speech creating toxic posts

too easy to blame freedom of speech, the real problem is selfish people that don't care enough about others

and technically freedom of speech doesn't really exsist anywhere. In real life groups of people don't all talk at once and if they do then it's the loudest most persistent person that is heard

that's more like freedom to be the loudest

real life speech is always being limited, either by a polite use of Shhh, or a louder shut the fuck up before I punch you in the mouth

online you can still have Shhh but very few are able to punch you in the mouth. Something happens when you take away the fear of being punched in the mouth, now you have an unrealistic freedom of speech. Factor in anonymity and now you have an unrealistic human with powers of speech beyond what is natural in the real world. Super Freedom Of Speech - better be careful with that shit it can literally blow your mind!! and cum in your ear

forgive me, I made my coffee a little strong today ;)
Anonymous 3 сентября 2017 #376 №38029 
Author! Author!
Well said and none too soon.
dreamer 4 сентября 2017 #377 №38346 
Yay !, I can save now..why does it have to be so tricky?
Anonymous 6 сентября 2017 #378 №38991 
I think they probably are
Since last night I've counted 5-6 of my posts to be deleted

And 2 whole threads got deleted since then also. Kind of lame if you ask me. Thought this site was different
Baskin ## Moderator 6 сентября 2017 #379 №39276 
>5-6 of my posts to be deleted
If you make a post with files that violate the rules then the files will be removed. Whole posts that contain only images may be deleted, but if the post contains a comment it is never removed unless it's spam.

>2 whole threads got deleted

If you can tell me the post number of the thread I can see who deleted it by looking at the log (https://lolifox.org/log.php?board=lg). If the thread was deleted by one of my board volunteers, then I need to tell him or her to not do that unless it is a spam thread. However if a global volunteer deleted the thread, then there is nothing I can do about it.
dreamer 7 сентября 2017 #380 №39330 
Hello all, funny thing cleared my data and now when I open the forum I get the opinion.rip header and these really disgusting big breasted skank adds…I mean I come here to get away from that plastic grossness and enjoy girls as they are really meant to be…natural
dreamer 7 сентября 2017 #381 №39351 
I mean every time I change a page or try to post..it wasn't like that before, no ads at all, did I lose a switch or what…if I have to look at those skanks much longer I'm gonna hurl
dreamer 7 сентября 2017 #382 №39358 
If it's an ad revenue thing, please get some child model ads instead, or maybe it's time to re-install
Anonymous 7 сентября 2017 #383 №39397 
Where? I don't see any ads.
dreamer 7 сентября 2017 #384 №39523 
I know, right I never had ads before either, shit I must have a mal that avg didn't get, will reinstall… I guess.. always good to clean house
Anonymous 7 сентября 2017 #385 №39640 
lol u r fucked.
Anonymous 7 сентября 2017 #386 №39651 
AVG is basically spyware. I'd suggest backing up everything you want to save and do a complete re-installation of your operating system. If you are smart about what you download, you really don't need that anti-virus/malware detection software.
Anonymous 7 сентября 2017 #387 №39663 
Unless you have a live disc operating system having anti virus/malware/etc software is essential. Even if you are careful about downloads there is all softs of exploits that could harm your pc such as javascript exploits.
Anonymous 13 сентября 2017 #388 №42868 
This is place is going to shit because you mods fail at deleting threads and focus to much on pictures.
so most of the conversations are shit full crap and you allow.
I give you month before you burn away like all the rest.
Anonymous 13 сентября 2017 #389 №42930 
I get complaints if I delete threads and com plaints if I don't. I really do wish certain posters could troll less and be a bit more productive.
Baskin 13 сентября 2017 #390 №42935 
What threads?
Anonymous 13 сентября 2017 #391 №42938 
yea but you allow conversations to go into shit. Hurtcore, rape,
on and on about just negative shit.

your mods I don't see adds here or anything if you need to clean it up clean it up.

people complain fuck em.
Anonymous 13 сентября 2017 #392 №42939 
If I seen a hurtcore post I would just quietly delete it.

Banning does nothing and its not like I have the capacity or legal powers to execute such posters on the spot. ;_;
Baskin 13 сентября 2017 #393 №42943 
>you allow conversations to go into shit
This board allows free discussion. Even though I don't approve of discussions about rape or hurtcore, I won't delete it because it still counts as free discussion.
Anonymous 13 сентября 2017 #394 №42949 
only policemen get off on rape and hurtcore though
Anonymous 13 сентября 2017 #395 №42954 
millions of people loved the Tara videos, Kylie videos, and Masha videos. All of whom have came out to say the videos were rape. Are you going to doubt the words of the girls themselves?

And many more people won't admit to liking the cbaby/babyj videos. It was a glorious site to behold to see such a young one take an 11inch cock completely
Anonymous 14 сентября 2017 #396 №43021 
I, personally, dislike when the girls are in physical pain and crying annoys me. But verbal abuse like bart did it with tara is a completely different story. There is nothing more arousing in CP if you ask me. And no I'm not a cop.
Anonymous 14 сентября 2017 #397 №43036 
I enjoy voyeuristic pedos. Pedos who like to take risks. Like getting a bj at the mall changing room. You can hear people walking past the curtains and sometimes even overhear the overcom of what specials are on sale for that day. So much fun!

Even saw one crazy pedo Daddy who stuck it up his daughter's pooper AT her school classroom bathroom! That takes balls. Props to that man
Anonymous 14 сентября 2017 #398 №43041 
Its not hard to go inside a school and take pics of any activity in my experience.

Once I went to my local school, convinced a staff member to let me have access to sports equipment room in the gym, found some swedish frisbees, asked a loli I knew from down the street if she wanted to go play, went to a hall that was empty for some reason, played frisbee until we broke some piece of fire alarm equipment on the ceiling, then went home.
Anonymous 14 сентября 2017 #399 №43049 
>then went home
did you 2 fugg?
Anonymous 14 сентября 2017 #400 №43054 

if you like censored shit get back to 4chan you little cuntwaffle
Anonymous 14 сентября 2017 #401 №43066 
No, I'm too old to do that.
Anonymous 14 сентября 2017 #402 №43067 
If you don't love little girls and wanna see sick shit go back to tumblr or bluelivesmatter.
Anonymous 14 сентября 2017 #403 №43070 
Words can't hurt anyone
And no matter how sick or disgusting an opinion is, there is no reason to delete it.
Anonymous 14 сентября 2017 #404 №43071 
Troll threads and spam doesn't apply here cuz there's a specific intention to derail stuff
But legit discussion and opinions should be protected
Anonymous 14 сентября 2017 #405 №43078 
If you feel I'm infringing on your rights to free speech you can go to the UN and ask for them to sanction me.
Anonymous 14 сентября 2017 #406 №43084 

what sick shit, word are just words; I dont see any rape or hurtcore posted here, you go back to 4chan stupid cuntwaffle
thai5618 thichbegai 14 сентября 2017 #407 №43086 
Anonymous 14 сентября 2017 #408 №43192 
Or how about you go there and demand the posts you don't like to be censored, idiot.
Anonymous 15 сентября 2017 #409 №43608 
Well seeing as I work here it means I probably like little girls and seeing posts that aren't nice make me think some antipedo or policeman is posting it so I just remove posts. I don't think pedos would be into hurtcore or rape if they love children so it doesn't belong here.
Anonymous 15 сентября 2017 #410 №43883 
Anonymous 15 сентября 2017 #411 №43884 
Anonymous 15 сентября 2017 #412 №43887 
all pedos want to fuck children
all sex with children is rape
so go fuck yourself(USER WAS SENT TO A SAFEZONE)
Anonymous 15 сентября 2017 #413 №43917 
>all normies want to fuck grannies
>all sex with seniors is rape
>so go fuck yourself

found the feminist
Anonymous 15 сентября 2017 #414 №43919 
Have you ever heard of rough sex? Many women are into it. But you're saying lgs can't do/consent to that? You're agreeing with the normies and you don't even recognize it.
Anonymous 15 сентября 2017 #415 №43921 

they are absolutely not equivalent you shiteater.
Anonymous 15 сентября 2017 #416 №43927 
Oh they aren't? What makes them different?
Anonymous 15 сентября 2017 #417 №43930 

their physical size and greater likelihood of injury, mental/emotional development or lack thereof etc

this isn't too hard to understand unless you let your own selfish desires block out reality.
Anonymous 15 сентября 2017 #418 №44070 
Anonymous 15 сентября 2017 #419 №44074 
anyone else just a little concerned? i liked the board being buried out of the way.
what a helfwit justme 16 сентября 2017 #420 №44366 
Your a halfwit. Do you go out looking for sex partners so you can please their desires?
Everyone 100% of the time goes for a sex partner because they find them attractive meaning they want to enjoy the sex. 0% of people look for a partner that is ugly and unapealing just to please them with sex. you really need to kill yourself moron.
Anonymous 16 сентября 2017 #421 №44371 
Anonymous 16 сентября 2017 #422 №44412 
is visiting this site without vpn or even https safe actually….? why im asking, by exception i did it for few times
Anonymous 16 сентября 2017 #423 №44416 
>safe without vpn

Why it shouldn't be?
You should always use https tho
Anonymous 16 сентября 2017 #424 №44456 
It depends on where you live and what you do here.

If you live in Australia and come here to post child sex imagery probably not.

If you are just browsing cute pics and making nice comments and live in USA/EU should be fine.
Anonymous 16 сентября 2017 #425 №44662 

Probably illegal in the UK
dreamer 18 сентября 2017 #426 №45569 
Hi, let me get caught up, I'll be…back
dreamer 18 сентября 2017 #427 №45575 
I've been travelling and I have yet to find a p2p friendly VPN, not free at least, not ready to go there
Anonymous 18 сентября 2017 #428 №45589 
Nothing good is free newfag.
dreamer 18 сентября 2017 #429 №45692 
dreamer 18 сентября 2017 #430 №45695 
I remember ghost from the good old Ranchi days
dreamer 18 сентября 2017 #431 №45696 
I was there when he gave it all up, cause he found a woman..lol
dreamer 18 сентября 2017 #432 №45697 
Now there was a poster!!!
dreamer 18 сентября 2017 #433 №45709 
Ahhh those were the days
Jack Crap 18 сентября 2017 #434 №45788 
No it's NOT. Ignore the other replies. Although the material here is non nude many of the images are considered in the west to be CP No matter how ridiculous that may sound, good guys have had their lives ruined by being caught looking at Candydoll for example.
Of course the police are overrun and have higher priorities but if someone reports you they will always investigate.
VPNs are cheap and these days essential!
You should also learn how to clean your PC thoroughly. You'd be surprised how much crap is left by everyday programs all over the place and CCcleaner etc do not remove it all.
Anonymous 18 сентября 2017 #435 №45850 
Dreamer: this thread is for discussion about the rules.
Anonymous 18 сентября 2017 #436 №45967 
VPN all taken care off,but was wondering if could recommend a good cleaner,as until you dissed it I have been using CC…but now you got me worried ?
Anonymous 18 сентября 2017 #437 №45985 
Just switch to linux, FDE, and fresh install every month.
Baskin 19 сентября 2017 #438 №46110 
Updates to the Rules page (https://lolifox.org/lg/rules.html):

Changed rule #3:
Previous: No pornography or other obscene files
Updated: Pornography or other obscene files may be spoilered or deleted, it depends on the obscenity

Changed Downloads and external links policy:
Clarified some stuff about external links

Removed dead links:
Jack Crap 19 сентября 2017 #439 №46225 
CCcleaner is a good start. But you need the add on to make sure it cleans everything. Appcleaner is useful too. Make sure you set it to wipe not just delete. PrivaZer is essential. All these programs do slightly different jobs. RWipeandClean is good too but it has to be paid for.
Even after all that cleaning you can still find telltale signs that you have looked at/edited images/videos. So special attention has to be paid to image edit programs, video editors, video cutters, slideshow producers, bittorrent programs, emule etc etc. You have to find out what these programs save and where they save it.
From the court cases I have read no evidence on your PC means you can't be convicted of anything.
Did you know that Windows caches (IE saves a record) of every image your view! Luckily CCCleaner deletes that.
Don't use IE. Use Firefox in private mode for non Tor browsing.

BTW Having to enter sever captchas to post is very annoying!!!!
Anonymous 19 сентября 2017 #440 №46232 
>Pornography or other obscene files may be spoilered or deleted, it depends on the obscenity
can you put an example
Anonymous 19 сентября 2017 #441 №46235 
Anonymous 19 сентября 2017 #442 №46237 
What about BleachBit?
Anonymous 19 сентября 2017 #443 №46268 
>"Researchers noted that the malware only ran on 32-bit systems."

Moot anyway… no such thing as anonymity on the internet.
Baskin 19 сентября 2017 #444 №46327 
Stuff like animals or humans being tortured/killed, which is completely unrelated to /lg/ should be deleted.

In regards to porn, I think it's fine as long as it's spoilered and is not being spammed. An example of a "good" use of a porn post would be pointing out the degeneracy involved with porn and normie culture.
Anonymous 19 сентября 2017 #445 №46330 
What if I just use it for like shitty shock value?

Like (pic related)
There is a thread about girls growing up. So I post (pic related) in kind of a funny way to elaborate my point that I don't like girls growing up because this is what happens to them

Like not reall in a gore kind of way. Just like a funny or insightful way that is taken from reality and truth
Rufus 19 сентября 2017 #446 №46349 
>An example of a "good" use of a porn post would be pointing out the degeneracy involved with porn and normie culture, little buddy.

Baskin Robbins 19 сентября 2017 #447 №46356 
That's fine.
Anonymous 20 сентября 2017 #448 №46514 

now that is spooky
Anonymous 20 сентября 2017 #449 №46537 
Porn that is commonplace is weird and offputting. That said I like softcore and playboy type models so if PTSC was legal I'd probably be into that.
Jack Crap 20 сентября 2017 #450 №46740 
BTW not all VPNs are equal. You need one that is logless. I hope everyone knows the case of 'hidemyass'. This is a company registered in the UK. Despite their assurances of anonymous browsing they kept logs as they are required to do by UK law. Subsequently some users got notices for copyright infringement after downloading movies. 'hidemyass' had supplied user details to the authorities.
If your choose a VPN registered in the US, for example, they are not required to keep logs. So they have nothing to hand over if they choose not to keep them.
But we have no idea who is running these VPNs. It could be the FBI or NSA for all we know. So avoid extreme stuff as you should anyway.
Anonymous 20 сентября 2017 #451 №46793 
I am going to whisper this here,instead of shouting it out loud elsewhere in the interests of self protection.(I am even doing it from a cafe that i have a friend working at so i know that the security camera's are conveniently turned off this evening)
Bluntly but to the point…MK is compromised.
I know this as i am a rw friend of Warhead,and he very recently got in touch and warned me.
So now i have warned you.
Stay safe brothers,and pass on the word.
Anonymous 20 сентября 2017 #452 №46839 

By using those sites you are just asking to be raided. Other anons here said another one is down too, maybe a big raid is coming.

It is a good thing that I have never been tempted to visit those kind of sites.
Anonymous 20 сентября 2017 #453 №46912 
The normie community would judge all pedo pic boards by the most extreme of them and if the media were to report on the matter they would, of course, present that which would have the greatest effect on (most shocking to) their audience. Folks wouldn't appreciate the difference between MK and Lolifox even though nudity and porn aren't allowed here.

That said, if I'm ever to be associated with a site I frequent I would rather it be very well moderated… no nudity/porn, no "balls deep" talk and no shit posting allowed.
Anonymous 20 сентября 2017 #454 №46918 

>That said, if I'm ever to be associated with a site I frequent I would rather it be very well moderated… no nudity/porn, no "balls deep" talk and no shit posting allowed.

Yes, I agree with this and is why I hate that VolsTifi character here. I would love to see his face if his transcripts were ever read out in a court.
Anonymous 20 сентября 2017 #455 №46976 
>>46918 If this site goes down it will be the comments rather than the content that does it.
Anonymous 20 сентября 2017 #456 №47064 
Unfortunately it's the means some guys use to give themselves a feeling of security that puts a board at risk. I'm talking about Tor. It reduces moderators to janitors basically… having to constantly clean up the place in real time because they lack the ability to effectively (even if just temporarily) ban folks by way of their IP addresses.
Anonymous 20 сентября 2017 #457 №47078 
I've Got a friend who moderates a message/pic board about Camaros. He gets off work in the evening and spends two or three hours answering questions folks have posted since the day before. Every once in a while he'll ban someone for three days, usually for cussing during an argument. He told me that the rules are that a persons third ban would be permanent but in the four years he's been doing it, it's never come to that.
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #458 №47082 
>ban folks by way of their IP addresses
That is one thing masterchan did well. You use anonymous accounts that need time earned in order to post, even with tor. Get a ban, and it is reset to zero. Very effective even with 2 or 3 part time mods.
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #459 №47084 
That's the way it should be. I'm all for free speech but not when it's to the detriment of the board. I'm quite fed up with all this free speech supremacy being waved in your face when you just want shitposting to stop. The reason it continues is because nothing is done to create a civil atmosphere. If shitposters want that, they can visit the millions of other dead boards and sites and shitpost all they want.
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #460 №47122 
>That is one thing masterchan did well.
I can't think of anything that MC has ever done well.
It started out as a total mess, with Gad trying to reinvent the wheel having less than zero coding skills.
It has all been downhill from there.
Now it's a complete clusterfail.
Beyond repair.
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #461 №47129 
Go make an account
Build up your post privileges
Post a child model
Get banned

Come back and say you cannot be bothered anymore.

In fact, it works so well you won't even bother to try.
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #462 №47162 
I used to troll forums. A dedicated troll can evade any and all bans by way of open wifi/proxies/tor and having access to a lot of quick to make email addresses.
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #463 №47163 
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #464 №47167 
Go ahead and make an account I'll even give you 250 posts to bypass moderates
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #465 №47178 
Yeah, I guess complaining could be considered a mild form of shit posting. Still, I come here to see pics of, and dream about, the soft sweet innocent beauty of young angelic little girls. Having to wade through post after post of trolling really detracts from the experience. I mean, it's like the polar opposite. Like if someone handed me a sundae then pissed on it.
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #466 №47179 
tut tut anon. why would you do that?
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #467 №47183 
No, it's just a shitposter. Shitposters do nothing but detract from the discussion ongoing.
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #468 №47197 
For fun
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #469 №47200 
So do you have mod status or are you a elite haxxor?
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #470 №47202 
I would very much like to moderate for quality. You kow because one might think that /lg/ is a board for discussing positive attributes of young girls not pretending to be a fed, taking about rape/hurtcore, trolling or advanced autism. Sadly the rules are too lax.
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #471 №47207 

go to girlti.me , that's what you are looking for
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #472 №47208 
You're a/the mod? If so, I hope you don't think I've been criticizing you. I understand the thankless hours that go into herding pedos at a pic board. lolifox/lg is my home for now and I appreciate the time you spend making this place as good as it is.
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #473 №47209 
I have already raised this point anon and got advised to go to girltime. Apparently wanting less lewd shitposting or just shitposting in general means fuck you. Mah free speech, y'know? It must be awful seeing in black and white mode all the time.
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #474 №47280 
Its mostly dealing with trolls and LEA shitposting and nonenglish speakers not understanding the rules and posting content that should be legal but isn't.
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #475 №47372 

sure nigga
Baskin 21 сентября 2017 #476 №47462 
The board page count will soon be reduced to 7-10 pages. Save any old threads before they 404.
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #477 №47506 
Muh nigga.
The only HC porn I like is blowjob and facial videos.
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #478 №47593 
>Board page count will soon be reduced to 7 pages, please save any old threads

Please BASKIN or anyone that can, I can't donwload a general when it's closed and JDownloader 1 & 2 and other shit doesn't work in my toaster, a script someone made some time ago doesn't download all of them properly or maybe it my toaster too, it sure is my toaster.
Can anyone download them for me from General Nº17 to Nº52 using dollchan to put it in a zip, tar, rar? I know it's a lot but I don't want to loose them.
I was able to download 18 before it was closed a long time ago, same for N°01 to N°16 and N°54

https://lolifox.org/lg/res/10050.html _ 17 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.10050 - (Smile)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/11364.html _ 19 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.11364 - (The Little Doll)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/12069.html _ 20 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.12069 - (Feels Good m8
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/12641.html _ 21 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.12641 - (Family Movie Night)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/13854.html _ 22 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.13854 - (Loli Anatomy)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/14439.html _ 23 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.14439 - (Classic)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/15200.html _ 24 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.15200 - (All You Need is Love)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/16049.html _ 25 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.16049 - (So Damn Ghetto)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/16733.html _ 26 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.16733 - (Amen Brothers!)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/17324.html _ 27 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.17324 - (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/18300.html _ 28 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.18300 - (Haunted Doll House)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/18955.html _ 29 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.18955 - (White Rabbit 2.0)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/19577.html _ 30 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.19577 - (Tropical Island)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/20283.html _ 31 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.20283 - (The Cozy)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/21097.html _ 32 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.21097 - (YouTube)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/22159.html _ 33 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.22159 - (The Good Old Days)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/23222.html _ 34 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.23222 - (Super Loli)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/24232.html _ 35 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.24232 - (Take me to California)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/25237.html _ 36 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.25237 - (Hard to the Core)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/26165.html _ 37 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.26165 - (High Altitude) - No.26383
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/27336.html _ 38 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.27336 - (Dance! Dance! Dance!)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/28303.html _ 39 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.28303 - (Hurt to the Core!)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/28619.html _ 40 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.28619 - (Hurt to the Core (uncucked))
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/29321.html _ 41 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.29321 - (Anti HURT CORE)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/30692.html _ 42 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.30692 - (Holy Smoke!)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/32036.html _ 43 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.32036 - (The ASMR´ Experience)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/33208.html _ 44 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.33208 - (SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/34718.html _ 45 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.34718 - (African-American stole my bike!)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/35870.html _ 46 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.35870 - (From Another World)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/37232.html _ 47 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.37232 - (Smell The Flowers)
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #479 №47596 
And this 7 too.

https://lolifox.org/lg/res/38631.html _ 48 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.38631 - (Back 2 School)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/39720.html _ 49 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.39720 - (Kids These Days)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/41199.html _ 50 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.41199 - (Proselytism)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/42284.html _ 51 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.42284 - (TV And My Couch)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/43263.html _ 52 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.43263 - (Gourmet)
https://lolifox.org/lg/res/44623.html _ 53 - pgt - Pedo General Thread - No.44623 - (Down On The Ground, NOW!)
Anonymous 21 сентября 2017 #480 №47632 
Good. Imageboards should not be an archive.
Baskin 22 сентября 2017 #481 №47723 
Sorry. My internet is too slow and my hard drive is too full to download all the files from those threads in the limited time that I have.

All I can suggest to do is use Downthemall or a similar extension to download the files from whichever threads you want.
Anonymous 22 сентября 2017 #482 №47797 
>Please BASKIN or anyone that can, I can't donwload a general when it's closed and JDownloader 1 & 2 and other shit doesn't work in my toaster, a script someone made some time ago doesn't download all of them properly or maybe it my toaster too, it sure is my toaster.
Why can't you download a general when it's closed?

You can use wget to download the threads.
wget -I /lg/thumb,/lg/src -r -U "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0" -e robots=off http://brchanansdnhvvnm.onion/lg/res/10050.html
Anonymous 22 сентября 2017 #483 №47947 
There was a pic of very cuye beautiful girl standing in a purple dress or skirt. This pic was almost always on top about 10 days ago. Can you send me that pic please. Thanks. Regards.
Anonymous 22 сентября 2017 #484 №48361 
No need to apologise, you will always be based.

>My internet is too slow and my hard drive is too full to download all the files from those threads in the limited time that I have.

I can understand, been there too, now pc is a toaster but with a lot of space to store.

>All I can suggest to do is use Downthemall or a similar extension to download the files from whichever threads you want.

It fucking worked!!! NOW please tell me that I have at least a week to download all the generals, it's sad but I'm not a NEET anymore and work consume a lot of time to do this, so please tell me that I have at least a week to download this 40 something general threads.

>Why can't you download a general when it's closed?
If only I knew…
Anonymous 23 сентября 2017 #485 №48677 
I did. And i also removed almost all junk shits and duplicate files. What i doing now is compacding and think a good host do upload. any ideas? What i doing now is compacting and thinking in a good host to upload. any ideas? Also, the password will be: 9O%D\Ctzx?K75/#F$RY[j:b=40<`fJSo
Baskin 23 сентября 2017 #486 №48783 
>Why can't you download a general when it's closed?
It is probably something with the Dollchan extension not letting you download locked threads.

>you will always be based.
Thanks Anon! =)

>at least a week

The global staff didn't mention exactly when it was going to happen.

>good host do upload. any ideas?
https://mega.nz if you don't mind the JavaScript.
Anonymous 23 сентября 2017 #487 №48790 
Really don't have words to say thanks to you, THANKS A MILLION TIMES THANKS!!!!!

Also as basedkin said here >>48783 https://mega.nz is a good one or I like to download things from http://upfile.mobi too (but never upload anything there so don't know, sorry).

No problem man, you are great!
>The global staff didn't mention exactly when it was going to happen.
No problem since this based anon >>48677 did it, I'm so happy! I can't be this happy!
Baskin 24 сентября 2017 #488 №49122 
Two new allowed file types: psd, djvu
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #489 №49155 
This picture reminds me of one of my nieces birthday party. I made the birthday cake. What they didn't know was the cake was made with 2 weeks worth of my semen and frosting was one weeks worth of semen. I got a semi from watching her and all her friends eat it and say how delicious it was.
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #490 №49202 

In before someone hides CP in a layer
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #491 №49214 

Considering that's basically the only reason someone would use such a file, I can't help but suspect that they're allowing it KNOWING that's what it will be used for. A subtle way of skirting their own host rules, maybe.
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #492 №49222 
Geez, why not xcf (GIMP) then also?
Also djvu???
Who actually even uses that format?
It just might be the most obscure/unsupported format on the planet.

And yet a plain txt file is forbidden.
Has anyone ever heard of an insecure/compromised plain text file, as opposed to totally exploitable pdf files, which is are allowed??

I don't understand the reasoning.
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #493 №49273 
>Two new allowed file types: psd, djvu

>I don't understand the reasoning.

PSD files with multiple layers is just asking for trouble and then you have a PDF-like format that can be exploited:

Something doesn't add up here.
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #494 №49274 

So either they're wanting to give us a way to post nudity without technically breaking their own rules, or they're setting this place up to be a Honeypot that allows very exploitable file types. Hmm…
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #495 №49275 
Notice Baskin didn't post with his trip either.
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #496 №49278 

Ruh Roh! Abandon site, Raggy!… I am somewhat serious, this is suddenly​ a lot more concerning now that you've pointed that out.
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #497 №49281 

Baskin never uses a trip.
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #498 №49282 

I know. Now you can either believe I was trolling by acting retarded, or believe that I actually am that retarded. The choice is yours!
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #499 №49283 
>Baskin never uses a trip.

>Contact Board Owner

>Official tripcode: !Baskin30Xg

Maybe he should in this case.
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #500 №49306 
>using tutanota
>not in jail yet

Nobody contacted law enforcements about him? WTF? Get him to prison asap lmao. CP is not allowed in germany where they host his email account of being admin of this place
## Moderator 24 сентября 2017 #501 №49309 
Thank you for the information. I changed the board settings to this:

Allowed file types:

Not allowed:
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #502 №49312 
Thanks realBaskin.

What was the reason behind allowing psd and djvu anyway?
24 сентября 2017 #503 №49313 
Why lolifox allowed those file types, I don't know.
Why I allowed it was because I thought it would be cool to allow photoshop files. But I don't want them to be shared if you can hide exploits in them. I don't think anybody shared psd or djvu files anywhere on /lg/ so we're good now.
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #504 №49314 
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #505 №49315 

what is your problem idiot ?
24 сентября 2017 #506 №49316 
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #507 №49326 
I think as sort of "opposition" to all the threads in here that are semi-child-porn-ish with bare butts etc, we should make a "cute girl's portrait" (or similair) thread, where the focus would lie on the girl's face instead of body?
I though am new here and don't know how to open a thread, but I think it would be a good idea.
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #508 №49331 
Go to:
^^^ Top of Page ^^^

[ New Topic ]
Anonymous 24 сентября 2017 #509 №49333 
Oh okay, thank you.
I though have no pictures on my computer, so I'll let someone else start it (if I'm not the only one thinking it would be a good idea).
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #510 №49538 
Иди нахуй

>that can be exploited
Literally anything can be exploited if you're using exploitable code.
I'd like to see you relate CVE-2014-1610 to lolifox or infinity in general in any way.

It's very unlikely that your browser knows what those obscure extensions are and to the server there is no difference between psd, djvu, pdf, swf, mp3 and ogg files other than they end in a different way.

mp3 and ogg are actually more dangerous to regular users than psd and djvu since your browser will actually try executing the former even if the data is invalid or just another file format that has been renamed.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #511 №49553 
Hmm, quite.

The issue earlier was with .psd files potentially enabling the hiding of cp in a layer, skirting the rules. The other, was with an obscure file type that has the same concerns as using .pdf – especially when it comes to on-topic subject. All being introduced without a reason, on a pedo board.

Ego-trip over, slow poke.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #512 №49555 
>Иди нахуй
No u "go fuck YOURself".

Admins reverse bad decision.
>My obscure file format that I couldn't post prior to this morning got modded by Baskin.
>I'll lash out at unrelated random anon to feel better.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #513 №49579 
>Admins reverse bad decision.
The admin hasn't reversed anything. The BO did.
Moreover, all the reasons that have been mentioned in this thread for why it was a "bad decision" still apply to some of the file formats that remain allowed here.

>My obscure file format that I couldn't post prior to this morning got modded by Baskin.

Good job missing the point entirely.
Also, pdf will no longer be allowed but there are still plenty of it in this board.
(e.g., >>1149)
If you're going to retroactively delete files that are no longer allowed because of "muh exploits" from people that don't know what they are talking about there is no reason those should remain there.

>random anon

There is nothing random about the anon that I quoted.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #514 №49588 
>The admin hasn't reversed anything. The BO did.
Come on now, this is pure pedantry.

>still apply to some of the file formats that remain allowed here

Yes but not as likely, ey guy?

>Good job missing the point entirely.

Could say the same about you. You give the impression that because x file format can be exploited then why bother being concerned about y file format, while the main concerns were stated above.

>If you're going to retroactively delete files that are no longer allowed because of "muh exploits" from people that don't know what they are talking about there is no reason those should remain there.

I am sure there are plenty of people better versed than you here but with less of an ego. Pipe down junior.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #515 №49605 
>not as likely
Yeah, technically not as likely. It's actually MORE likely that someone would be able to exploit the files are still allowed than the ones that have been removed.
Read >>49538 one more time.

>You give the impression that because x file format can be exploited then why bother being concerned about y file format

That's precisely the point. Good job.
If what you're doing does not fix the root of the problem then what you're doing it's nothing but a security theater and the only thing you're accomplishing is in creating a false sense of security.

>I am sure there are plenty of people better versed than you here but with less of an ego.

I'm sure there are although I personally have not seen many of them myself and you certainly do not look like one of them.
Either way if they are able to show that the files that were removed are inherently more dangerous to lolifox and its users than the ones that are still allowed here than I'll be glad to have learned something from them.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #516 №49613 
>Yeah, technically not as likely

>It's actually MORE likely that someone would be able to exploit the files are still allowed than the ones that have been removed

Please do try.

>If what you're doing does not fix the root of the problem then what you're doing it's nothing but a security theater and the only thing you're accomplishing is in creating a false sense of security.

Which would be what? Ban all files on an image board? Lol. You are laughable :)

>I'll be glad to have learned something from them

No, script kiddies always think they know better. Don't they?
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #517 №49632 
You're welcome.

>do try

Try what?
What I said it's trivially true if you have any idea about how a browser behaves.

>Ban all files on an image board?

Who exactly said that "root of the problem" applies to all files?

>No, script kiddies always think they know better. Don't they?
I don't know. It sounds like you're making generalizing statement based solely on projection.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #518 №49639 
>Try what?
You claim any file format still in use here could be taken advantage of just as easily as those now banned. So do it. Prove it. Start with .gif.

Forgive me if I don't wait around.

>What I said it's trivially true if you have any idea about how a browser behaves.

Yes, quite. Perhaps I don't let my browser or even this system parse media files besides standard image formats. Thought of that?

>Who exactly said that "root of the problem" applies to all files?

I was being facetious, smartguy.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #519 №49659 
>You claim any file format still in use here could be taken advantage of just as easily as those now banned.
That's not what I said.
There is a big difference between "any" and "some".
Words matter when dealing with things like this and I chose mine very carefully and I suggest you start doing the same if you want to be taken seriously in the future.

>Start with .gif.

You fail to understand how exploitation works.
Not having a "gif exploit" it's not a problem if one can still trigger an exploit from one of the other allowed formats.

>Perhaps I don't let my browser or even this system parse media files besides standard image formats.

This imageboard it's only about you.
Security it's not only about you.
If either of those would true I can assure you we wouldn't be having this argument.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #520 №49671 
Jeezus Dude.
Just stop.
Move on with your life.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #521 №49677 
>it's not only about you.

Welcome to imageboards.
Here's your complimentary (You).
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #522 №49680 
You just can't help yourself, can you?
Here's your complimentary (Fuck You).
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #523 №49704 
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #524 №49710 

The main issue with PDFs would be embedded resources that phone home and expose IP address, but that can be done CSS anyway.

If you are worried about RCEs, you have bigger problems than just pdf/djvu
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #525 №49722 
Hey there Mr. Baskin, I don't wish to weigh in on the tech argument but I am concerned because I've collected a bunch of SWFs. They're in your list of dis-allowed file types. Is it because this board doesn't upload/show them for tech reasons or because they've been shown to be exploitable? Please/thank you.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #526 №49729 
I'm obviously not Baskin.
(I'm pretty sure he's not usually around at this time of day.)

That said, SWF's (and Flash in general) have long constituted a security nightmare.
Just GoDuckDuck/Google "Flash Security Exploits" for a rude awakening.
(See video related for a metaphor of security in the past decade with Adobe Flash.)

For what it's worth, if the SWF's that you have are actually just videos (as opposed to games, etc.)
they are easily salvageable.
I had a few old loli videos in SWF format that I wanted to "rescue" and was able to convert them to MP4 using FFMPEG.
This will not work in the source SWF's are vector animations.
They have to actually have been be "real videos" that were encoded to SWF.
You also must have Flash installed on the computer that you are using for the conversion.

Hope that helps.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #527 №49732 
Just read the thread.
None of the file types that have been removed have been shown to be exploitable here.

Having said that, there have been countless Flash vulnerabilities so you're essentially playing with fire by opening .swf files from untrusted sources.

It's the only extension that actually made sense to remove.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #528 №49739 
Thanks guys.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #529 №49755 
>That's not what I said.
>There is a big difference between "any" and "some"
You in post >>49538 say:
>Literally anything can be exploited if you're using exploitable code.
Your words.

>Words matter when dealing with things like this

Yeah, you should take note. Resorting to equivocation is rather lame.

>Not having a "gif exploit" it's not a problem if one can still trigger an exploit from one of the other allowed formats.

Lol, this guy. Use any other format then, you decide.

>This imageboard it's only about you

>Security it's not only about you.
Right, that is why the concern was raised about the two new allowed file types – concern for both the board and other users alike. Unlike you that has done nothing but complain that his pet format has been banned just because he doesn't think it can be exploited or in the case of .psd, used to hide actual cp.

If anything it is you that cares nothing, not the people raising the concern in the first place.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #530 №49761 
I think I already wasted enough time on this so I'll make things simpler for you:
If anyone wants to upload a .psd file they can just rename it to .mp3 or .ogg and upload it here.
If anyone wants to upload a .djvu file they can just rename it to .mp3 or .ogg and upload it here.
If anyone wants to upload a file of any extension they want they can just rename it to .mp3 or .ogg and upload it here.
I'm pretty sure it would be way more effective to use this to upload an archive of actual cp than using layers inside of a psd file.
Now try doing the same thing for image and video formats. I will wait.

I don't give a fuck that the format has been banned.
What I care is people making claims that they have no evidence to backup or proposing solutions that don't actually fix anything.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #531 №49763 
>Just read the thread.
Yeah, you should try that.
Without your preconceived notions that every file type/format is "just fine" or no worse than any other type..

>None of the file types that have been removed have been shown to be exploitable here.

Alright, now you're giving broad-brush, shitty advice to some poor anon who doesn't know any better.
That's just plain mean, not to mention irresponsible.
Stop it.

>there have been countless Flash vulnerabilities

Well you made one correct statement in this thread, at least.

>It's the only extension that actually made sense to remove.

Wrong before and still wrong.

It is getting to the point that one has to wonder what your true motivations are posting in this thread.
Either you are hopelessly misinformed at best, or are downright malicious in your intentions.
Regardless, just stop it.

Flash/SWF=BAD, period, full stop.
Other than that, do NOT listen to any of the other nonsense that this >>49732 guy has posted in this thread, my friend.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #532 №49765 
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #533 №49786 
Not sure where this belongs. Nor do I want to start another thread for it.

Does anyone know a good program for trimming video? Preferably freeware.

Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #534 №49788 
Operating System??
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #535 №49798 
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #536 №49801 
Windows 10. My needs don't require any kind of security.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #537 №49804 
You're kidding, right??
(Please tell me you're kidding.)
Running joke:
"Now if only Emacs as an OS had a good editor."
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #538 №49806 
Oh this fucker right here.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #539 №49807 
>Windows 10.
Now that's a whole lot easier to provide a coherent answer for.
There's tons of great video tools for Windows, many of them freeware and/or open source.

Probably the simplest to use is VirtualDub from Avery Lee.
More extensive, but not so user friendly, is the NLE (Non-Linear Editor) included with Blender.
That's just two random choices.
You should consider looking here: https://www.videohelp.com/software under "Video Editors".
In general, https://www.videohelp.com , is a great resource and a really friendly community for all things video.
Anyone interested in Video editing, encoding/processing. etc., should really check it out.
Hope that helps, anon.
## Moderator 25 сентября 2017 #540 №49842 
I don't see any reason to allow sfw, psd, or djvu files on a little girls board. You are allowed to upload any file types to external sites and share the link here.

Also I have allowed pdf again.
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #541 №49856 
That helps greatly. Thank you kind sir!
Anonymous 25 сентября 2017 #542 №49858 
No prob.
Enjoy the wonderful world of digital video.
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #543 №50069 
in your silly freedom of speech bullshit you have allowed this place to become a shit hole of trolls and morons.
Teens from other chans and idiot wannabe rapists.

learn your lesson why freedom of anything is complete and other crap. It becomes chaos when there are not rules on what people can do or say.
and I am out of here.
Baskin 26 сентября 2017 #544 №50100 
>freedom of anything is complete and other crap
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #545 №50169 
Couldn't agree more. Since this site is on the free net, anyone can visit here and anyone who does will come away with the idea that pedos are trashy. I hate that.
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #546 №50173 

LOL virped faggots
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #547 №50176 
I mean, they have a point
Of course there's Girltime and muh freedoms n sheeit

But they have a point
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #548 №50188 
PSA now even talking about pedo issues is a chargeable offense in Ausfailia

Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #549 №50197 

that country has been invaded and taken over by asians
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #550 №50198 
T. Muslim
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #551 №50236 
Thanks Anon.
Begin copy/paste from article:

"The charges carry a maximum penalty of 15 years in jail."

"I just wanted to make it quite clear, that there were never any images that were traded between Ben and anyone else of any child exploitation material," Mr Macedone [McCormack's lawyer] said…

…It was nothing more than fantasy talk."

End copy/paste.

This is pretty incredible. They've damn near managed to outlaw pedophilia. I don't see the benefit, to anyone, of driving it entirely underground. Seems like it would be much better that pedos would discuss it as an outlet/alternative to acting out. Smells like an outright witch hunt. Very scary!
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #552 №50280 
Hello Mr. Baskin, a question please… I can understand why Tor might be necessary for other boards at this website, i.e. safety for folks engaging in political discussions, etc. Can Tor be blocked for individual boards or only for the entire website?
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #553 №50288 

Yes Baskin, please block all VPNs, Tor and proxies. Everyone should be posting bare IP here :^)
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #554 №50292 
Why do you ask?
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #555 №50297 
>McCormack traded explicit messages — not pictures or videos — with others online
>According to an agreed statement of facts, McCormack exchanged dozens of explicit messages with a 27-year-old man via Skype between April 2015 and February 2017.
>He also sent a video of himself to a man in January 2016.
>"The communications amount to child pornography," the statement of facts said.

If you need an example of how hysterical and ridiculous the witch hunt is, look no further. Talking about some subject can now get you charged. This world is fucked. Kim just launch the bombs already!!
## Moderator 26 сентября 2017 #556 №50301 
We should make more threads about appreciating little girls in a non-sexual manor.

Hi Mr. Anonymous.

Yes, uploading or posting comments from Tor can be blocked on individual boards. The admin of Lolifox can block Tor site-wide.

Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #557 №50307 
Thank you sir, I posted 50280. It seems like blocking Tor on this board would make your job a lot easier and might extend it's lifespan.

Btw, I believe we've met before… wish I could give you my old user name. Good to see you again.
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #558 №50312 
>It seems like blocking Tor on this board would make your job a lot easier and might extend it's lifespan

Lol,, he reveals himself
Is this a recommendation or a veiled threat?
What about vpn users — block them too?
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #559 №50320 
>ban tor because……….i am concerned about yur job
>not realizing all the cp on places like 8ch is by vpn posters
>mods are based af here and are quick to respond

kek, fuck off, larper.
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #560 №50348 
>"…shit hole of trolls and morons."

Yeah, I'm done here.
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #561 №50363 
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #562 №50385 

remove yourself from earth you fucking cuck
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #563 №50398 

fuck off sjw cunt
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #564 №50403 

thank god this guy fucked off
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #565 №50409 
One might think so but that simply isn't the case. The only think the blocking of Tor and VPNs would do is make it difficult for pedos that use common protection methods to post here.
Russia. They use hacked computers some of which are even owned an operated by various governments and businesses worldwide as part of a CP spam botnet.

If this site was to get pulled down by any LEA it would just reconstitute itself elsewhere. Its all the same posters and mostly the same staff members on these clear/deepweb chans. If Baskin wasn't running the current place to be someone else would be. This time last year it was Potion with LIbrechan and before than it was Apfels on neuschwabenland, and before that cripplefuck and lowcard with 8chan.

Maybe you can convince some people that don't speak English so well to simply go elsewhere.
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #566 №50414 

we dont hate you, regardless of you are the real thrash
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #567 №50418 

you wont be missed
Anonymous 26 сентября 2017 #568 №50420 
Yes this bothers me too. I wish I could moderate for quality but Baskin is too much of a free speech advocate.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #569 №50463 

At times this place feels more like I am on /b/ with the only other place to go is Girltime. Both here and Girltime are extreme ends of the scale which is depressing. Why can't we have a middle? No one's free speech is curtailed when you are in a library — it's just expected (an usually enforced) to keep your mouth shut so as not to disturb others.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #570 №50503 
I don't understand how hard it to just have a place for people that like girls under 18 but over 3 where people just say respectful comments and don't say extreme stuff and post overly lewd pics. Theres a fine line between sexy and trashy and so many photos cross the line.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #571 №50510 
I can't spew bullshit like this…
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #572 №50528 

Whatever. Why don't you visit magical kingdom or equivalent if you want rapist points? Go fuck off and get raided so I can watch you cry as you are sentenced.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #573 №50529 

you sound like faggots tbh
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #574 №50532 

I don't care about you at all tbh
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #575 №50536 

all of a sudden you exercise freedom of speech, eh ?
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #576 №50551 

How observant of you.

If I was a mod though, I would have deleted your post and banned you so as not to bother replying. Since I am not a mod and can't exercise general garbage removal, nothing prevents a reply to general trash.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #577 №50556 

well, that is what freedom of speech is all about, you can reply
to general trash, even when your own reply is absolute garbage
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #578 №50562 
You could apply as a mod and do a bit of house cleaning during off hours until you get kicked off.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #579 №50563 


I would rather ban you and delete all your posts.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #580 №50568 

I fear my efforts would not be appreciated with the current board owner. Tor posting would be banned for 15 minutes for each offense under my rule, for example.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #581 №50579 

I suggest you to explore girlti.me, it will suit better your nazi points of view
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #582 №50588 

See >>50463

If you want free speech to be an asshole, go to /b/ on any other chan site available.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #583 №50590 
Guys I know we all have different expectations and viewpoints but could we all try to get along. Most of us on here all share the same attraction to young girls. We shouldn't spend our time here in fighting. We should focus on cuteness and love of small girls.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #584 №50594 

hmmm … I'm afraid you are a bigot, a sjw, and probably a faggot
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #585 №50595 
>We should focus on cuteness and love of small girls.

That is the point. The idiots here that create /b/ conditions on a girl board don't focus on cuteness and small girls. They would rather be as lewd as possible turning the place into a pool of slime and then resting on "bbut muh [email protected]"
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #586 №50596 
You could be right…
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #587 №50597 

I want to say I expected more from you but you didn't. I knew you would prove me correct in the end.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #588 №50599 


All the free speech you want there. Your kind of age level also.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #589 №50600 
Ignore my could be right comment, thought it was directed to something else.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #590 №50602 

yes I know, but unfortunately the antis are trying to infiltrate
the board, we cannot stay impassive at this
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #591 №50603 

My apologies in that case.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #592 №50605 
I've been studying some of the anti seeming comments over the past few weeks. Most come from active board members including a certain tripfag. I think our problem is not having enough places to post certain kinds of content so we attract all types of posters.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #593 №50607 

I'm not here to fill your expectations, I'm here to unmask you
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #594 №50608 

sure, kid …
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #595 №50610 

>I'm not here to fill your expectations, I'm here to unmask you

Then you fail twice.

It is clear which anons here care for the board. Caring for it means cleaning up the garbage. I appreciate Baskin for running the board, but I also care more for the host who does not have to have this hanging around his neck either.

Can you say the same?
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #596 №50614 

you don't care about nothing but you and your agenda
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #597 №50615 

What is my agenda?
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #598 №50617 
>he couldn't say the same
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #599 №50618 

shut the place down
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #600 №50619 

>shut the place down

No, but this will happen if things go on without garbage removal.

How can cleaning up the site shut it down?
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #601 №50621 
Not exactly… There is nothing illegal on here. That said there is alienating content and posts that we could do without.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #602 №50625 

>There is nothing illegal on here.

Not in the eyes of law enforcement. Remember, we're biased. Law enforcement consider Candydoll as cp. Check out almost any thread on the main page and then think what your mother or father would say if they seen it. Now multiply that by a million and you have law enforcement.

This is not my main point though. Modelling pics are fine; cropped cp (sc or hc) is another thing.

>That said there is alienating content and posts that we could do without.

Agreed here. The lewd comments lend suggestion. There's a guy in Ausfalia busted on having simple conversations with another guy. What if Aus police look here? Are they now going to get feds involved to help shutter this place based on idiots like Vols Tifi posts?
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #603 №50626 
Consider this: LEA is most often not in the country where websites like this are hosted. There is very little they can do especially if whom ever makes such comments are obscuring their activities.

If you are in UK or Aus I would be a bit careful posting lewd comments but its safer shitposting here than doing so irl or on facebook.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #604 №50628 

I understand.

My motivation though is for protecting the board and thus, the host. The host doesn't need law enforcement breathing down his neck. If you clean up the board, there's less chance of the host being a target. The host is the weak link, not the userbase.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #605 №50636 
If /lg/ isn't here it will be somewhere else. We could have softcore cp and still be good for a few years provided the userbase isn't fucking with diplomats.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #606 №50639 

>If /lg/ isn't here it will be somewhere else.

What if it was here for the foreseeable future and we didn't have to look for the next place that may get taken down within 3 months?

Would it not be better to secure a future on this already gracious host rather than constantly jump around never knowing when it will fall or be raided?
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #607 №50669 

I post CP bare IP. It won't stop me.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #608 №50674 
what is the max file size that can be uploaded here (mp4) ? i want to trim some videos and don't want to waste my time if they still too big?
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #609 №50676 

>It won't stop me.

What does 'it' refer to?
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #610 №50681 
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #611 №50682 
what is the max file size that can be uploaded here (mp4) ? i want to trim some videos and don't want to waste my time if they still too big?>>50681
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #612 №50683 
## Moderator 27 сентября 2017 #613 №50713 
>anyone can visit here and anyone who does will come away with the idea that pedos are trashy
I don't think that any pedo chan, no matter how SFW and "clean" it is, is going to change an anti's or a normie's negative views on pedophilia. Either way, they'll still have negative opinions on pedos.

>blocking Tor
It's not going to happen while I'm BO.

>moderate for quality
What would improve the quality of the board?
## Moderator 27 сентября 2017 #614 №50722 
>lewd comments
The thing is, how does one distinguish between a lewd comment and a non-lewd comment?

I hardly doubt the board or site will get shut down because of lewdspeak. I looked at my saved html's of old pedo threads from 8chan and they flourished with pedos speaking lewdly about minors, often expressing the lewdness in more sophisticated ways than on here.

Our biggest threat is people posting barely clothed child models and cropped or censored CP from LS, BD and similar. Lurk the "fun selections" threads and you'll see what I mean.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #615 №50726 

>The thing is, how does one distinguish between a lewd comment and a non-lewd comment?

We both know it is pretty obvious. Imagine you say the lewd comment to your mother, father or friend. How would they react? If the reaction would stop you saying it in the first place, well you have your answer.

>I looked at my saved html's of old pedo threads from 8chan and they flourished with pedos speaking lewdly about minors, often expressing the lewdness in more sophisticated ways than on here.

Remind me, where is /hebe/ now?
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #616 №50741 
They killed /hebe/ and the /b/ threads because its content, not because the "lewd comments".
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #617 №50752 
Stop concern trolling, faggot. Once in a while talking about just how much you want to fuck a child is incredibly therapeutic for pedophiles, and it's VALUABLE. You're the worst kind of people. Always too bothered and self-aware, never just enjoying the ride. I bet you're nasty and unpleasant to be around irl.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #618 №50753 
What does LEA stand for because everyone keeps using it but no one ever uses the full words? I'm guessing its just the feds or whatever.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #619 №50756 
Law Enforcement Agency
FBI, BKA, Interpol… you name it

LEO means officer.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #620 №50757 
Ah that makes sense. Thanks.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #621 №50833 
I'm giving you one warning. If you post CP I will ban you for a whole second. Don't take my threats lightly.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #622 №50837 
I like little girls but constantly seeing people say just the rudest comments is offputting. I like how does a person just come on here and say crude sexual comments for hours on end almost daily? Can't they go find a slutty girl to fuck or something?
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #623 №50838 
I had some Americunt try to tell me once that LEA was only in Europe. Apparently he didn't know waht it meant.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #624 №50865 
The point is hebe, cutegirls etc etc are no longer there at all. When you don't moderate the extreme users it goes out of control and then you have situations like now on this board…..the anon here >>50628 is right. It seems no one gives a fuck about the host of this place because they don't have to care about it. Its not them that hosts it, so why bother caring about getting shut down??

If it's so """therapeutic""" paste your shit into pastebin and link it if you so desire. Everyone is happy.

>worst kind of people

>wanting to protect the host and the board is bad
You're one of the selfish assholes that gives no shits because you don't host the content, at least others want to protect the host and therefore the board…….it's clear who is worse.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #625 №50905 

What's the name of the girl in the middle, in the OP pic?
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #626 №50933 

blah, blah, blah
Anonymous ## Moderator 27 сентября 2017 #627 №50960 
>We both know it is pretty obvious.
Not really, it's about as vague the dost test. What one thinks of as a sexual comment will vary by person and that's why it's so difficult to enforce.

A comment like "POST LOLI BOTTOMS" is not lewd IMO, but to another mod it may be. If we banned all lewdspeak then the only comments left would be stuff like "she's cute", "she's so pretty", and that gets boring fast. And, it would get boring if every comment was something lewd like "mmmm, i wanna cum all over her sexy little ass". But honestly, those types of comments happen rarely compared to the rest of the comments so it's not like it's a huge issue.

>where is /hebe/ now?

Gone, because of Jim's tyranny and what >>50741 said. The 8chan pedo threads I'm referring to were on /b/.

My only recommendation for people who can't tolerate the sexual comments about minors on /lg/ is to either make your own board or go somewhere that prohibits sexual comments.

>the host

If the host has a problem with the sexual comments then they'll most likely give a warning to the Lolifox admins, who will then tell me.

I don't know, sorry. There's more of her here >>604.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #628 №50987 

>Not really, it's about as vague the dost test. What one thinks of as a sexual comment will vary by person and that's why it's so difficult to enforce.

Yes really. It's not too difficult to understand. Sentences uttered like, "i would cum in her ass while i finger her pussy", or, "i want to sodomize these little sluts" etc. are not vague — they are explicit. Either you are literally blind or you lie. Further, the DOST test isn't vague as such, it's overly broad to what it applies to, is likely what you meant.

>A comment like "POST LOLI BOTTOMS" is not lewd IMO

Correct, it isn't. This would be perfectly acceptable. See above comments in comparison.

>If we banned all lewdspeak

Which is not the goal. The goal is to moderate repeat offenders and enforce some quality.

>The 8chan pedo threads I'm referring to were on /b/.

Remind me some more, where are they now? If you refer to the current threads that have only appeared in the last week, those still fall vastly short and are heavily moderated compared with Hotwheels' reign.

>My only recommendation for people who can't tolerate the sexual comments about minors on /lg/ is to either make your own board or go somewhere that prohibits sexual comments.

Yes, you have said so before. Clearly you put your own maniacal devotion to what you believe free speech entails at the expense of anyone else. You have no qualms about it because you will just up and move when the host kicks us off — why should you care? You don't host anything but only take advantage of it.

Anyway we're done. Take advantage of it while it lasts, I guess.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #629 №51017 

blah, blah, blah
27 сентября 2017 #630 №51037 
>are not vague — they are explicit
So just delete any comment that contains words like "cum, sexy, sluts, pussy, etc."?

>Remind me some more, where are they now?

Gone, because of Jim. Not because of sexual comments.

>your own maniacal devotion to what you believe free speech entails at the expense of anyone else

The only comments that get altered are spam, CP links, and private information. I think most people appreciate that this board allows free discussion.

>You don't host anything but only take advantage of it.

Are you suggesting that I don't care about the board? If so then you are wrong. I'm very glad that brchan and lolifox allowed /lg/. And what am I taking advantage of? I'm doing everything that is allowed within the lolifox rules.

>when the host kicks us off

There is no indication that the host is going to kick us off. The lolifox admins would have acted long ago if the sexual comments on /lg/ was endangering the site.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #631 №51042 
anonymouse board should have no nicknames at all, eventually mod,admin labels
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #632 №51043 
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #633 №51046 
But some people enjoy making online friends and getting attention.
Anonymous 27 сентября 2017 #634 №51049 
Thats half the reason I don't use one.
Anonymous 28 сентября 2017 #635 №51312 
Anonymous 28 сентября 2017 #636 №51352 
I don't like pseudonyms but if people want to t tripfag I don't care. I just really like the atmosphere on this board and I wish people wouldn't constantly complain about little things when we've been 'gifted' such a welcoming 'home.'
Hugh dreamer 29 сентября 2017 #637 №51817 
To the dirtiest Oldman…I ever loved!
dreamer 29 сентября 2017 #638 №51825 
And when your 91….this is cup….:-)
dreamer 29 сентября 2017 #639 №51827 
Anonymous 29 сентября 2017 #640 №51833 
dreamer 29 сентября 2017 #641 №51835 
Yes sure… but for some reason, I can't create a thread?
dreamer 29 сентября 2017 #642 №51838 
And I had to pay my respects
dreamer 29 сентября 2017 #643 №51846 
and if somebody deserves a thread it is him
Anonymous 29 сентября 2017 #644 №51852 
Use the general thread
a negro 30 сентября 2017 #645 №52672 
Anonymous 1 октября 2017 #646 №53269 
Hey, I gotta question. How come I've seen like two dozen /lb/ banners and not a single /lg/?
Anonymous 1 октября 2017 #647 №53325 
/lg/ doesn't need posters /lb/ is dead so they need more ads.
Anonymous 1 октября 2017 #648 №53562 
Because this board officially doesn't exists
This is like Area 51, Top Secret. Only VIP anons in here.

And cuz the admin wants to hide this to prevent it from growing so he doesn't worry about possible legal problems
Anonymous 1 октября 2017 #649 №53616 
This isn't our sekrit club though
Anonymous 1 октября 2017 #650 №53620 
The point of my post is in the lined part
And no, of course it isn't. But I would like to think it is and there's nothing you can do about it :D
Anonymous 1 октября 2017 #651 №53637 
Okay fair enough but don't delude yourself too much.
Anonymous 2 октября 2017 #652 №54219 
I'm here daily but sometimes I miss a lot of things since I'm busy. I'm a dumb American who is tech illiterate

On the page about a new server it says transfer (high amount) is only $60/month. Is this true? Like are you sure? If so, that seems unusually low

With that said: I spend that much on a fucking dinner so I'm unsure how real that cost is. However, with that said, I can donate per month if needed. Although, as I am tech illiterate, I don't really understand how to use bitcoin. Cuz you said you needed bitcoin donations but aren't those in the hundreds if not thousands per bitcoin?

So when you say 32-60bitcoin you mean it would cost thousands of dollars per month on the new server? I'm very confused actually

With all that said: If the per/month was actually only something low like $60 is there any way I could like…idk
For instance: When I go on Steam I'll gift my friends games or I give them a code through discord. Is there any service I could use to like get a code and send you the code via email for the money? Or something
Anonymous 2 октября 2017 #653 №54220 
Like for instance I use a PayPal service and they give me code "XOXXXOXOXO" and then I just email your admin email
>Here is code "XOXXOXOXOXX"

and it gives you $50
Or something like that
Anonymous 2 октября 2017 #654 №54221 
btw im going to work soon so dont expect a response too soon-ish
i know all u guys are Euro and asleep. fucking Euros always sleeping when I'm up and alert
Anonymous 2 октября 2017 #655 №54222 
What are you talking about? could you link it here
Anonymous 2 октября 2017 #656 №54224 
Anonymous 2 октября 2017 #657 №54226 
it's most likely in reference to that on this current server you can't post topless girls and if you wanted to, the server would needed to be changed to a different provider or country
Anonymous 3 октября 2017 #658 №54714 
bump for answer
Anonymous 4 октября 2017 #659 №55491 
Anonymous 5 октября 2017 #660 №56217 

while she is too young for me, I envy you
Heart 8 октября 2017 #661 №58993 
Baskin Dismissed a report for post #589xx

Is it ok to speculate in posters point of origin
Anonymous 9 октября 2017 #662 №59125 
I've got it, we need to get hosted in the Pitcairn Islands.
Baskin 9 октября 2017 #663 №59161 
Nothing wrong with that post.
Anonymous 9 октября 2017 #664 №59422 
>I've got it, we need to get hosted in the Pitcairn Islands.

that is british oversees territory.

even if there are no local laws about loli-nipples or even cp or anything, they will just apply british law in case anyone reports the website.

inhabitants of these islands have already been jailed without them breaking any laws of these islands, they just charged them with british laws

in that case we could even host this site in britain itself
Anonymous 10 октября 2017 #665 №59602 
If that is the case, how comes the handgun laws don't apply to Jersey?
Anonymous 10 октября 2017 #666 №59696 

because these laws don't apply, the laws by which the inhabitants of those islands were charged didn't apply either, but it doesn't matter

you seem to believe that such a thing as "the justice system" actually existed and that you merely have to obey laws that apply to you to not be charged, "muh we have democracy".

but that is a fallacy

those cases were pedo-related, authorities hate pedos and use whatever means no matter how illegal, no matter how much a different countries' sovereignty is broken, they will always try everything to destroy them

on the other hand, they don't give a shit for gun-nuts on jersey
FukkenSaved 11 октября 2017 #667 №60109 
Look for Australia to criminalize ddlg crap next
Not the women, of course, for they can do no wrong
FukkenSaved 11 октября 2017 #668 №60114 
By the way, Australian tweenagers dress the sluttiest of all. I always look forward to the small island of content in December when they start releasing their swimsuit videos.
The way they're headed is bizarro land where all the girls wear micro bikinis everywhere but they can't ever actually use those bodies until nobody wants them anymore.
## Board Volunteer 14 октября 2017 #669 №61594 
Lads, I have resigned from my position as the board owner. The reason is because I'm busy with other events happening in my life. It has been a thrilling experience starting the board, watching it grow, meeting with old and new friends, and maintaining the board.

I can still be around for a while, to check the board and help out as a volunteer. My email is "baskinrobbins (at) tuta (dot) io" if anyone wants to contact me. My PGP public key is here https://ghostbin.com/paste/eezg3.

I'm pleased to announce that we have a new board owner. This is someone who I trust will take very good care of /lg/. I have confidence that the board will continue to be a safe and fun environment, as it has always been.

Enjoy the lolis and your stay at /lg/!
Anonymous 14 октября 2017 #670 №61640 
>I'm pleased to announce that we have a new board owner. This is someone who I trust will take very good care of /lg/.

Better not be a fucking cop. Which it could be, if you was threatened or busted because of this place.
Anonymous 14 октября 2017 #671 №61645 
Would you consider girls in handcuffs illegal?
Anonymous 14 октября 2017 #672 №61660 
Don't forget about us ;-;
14 октября 2017 #673 №61662 
>Better not be a fucking cop.
It's not a cop. Believe me, if I had any doubts about who to pick for the new BO, I wouldn't go through with it. If you can trust me than you can trust the new BO.

>Which it could be, if you was threatened or busted because of this place.

I was never busted or threatened. I just have other interests and stuff to take care of outside of /lg/.
Like I said, I'm going to stick around for a few weeks to see how things go.

No, as long as it's not sexual or appears to be hurtcore.

I'll never forget =)
Anonymous 14 октября 2017 #674 №61678 
>>611645 Not illegal,but it will get deleted.Somebody will whine til it does.Remember the tugs & nncordage boards?Nothing illegal,but they didn't last (one went to TOR).
Anonymous 14 октября 2017 #675 №61683 

why don't you put spaces behind dots and commas?
that reminds me of a person from australia that happened to be into MLP, are you him?
Anonymous 15 октября 2017 #676 №61735 
>>61678 Please don't post that TOR link on clearnet.It's hard enough to keep the spammers out as it is
Anonymous 15 октября 2017 #677 №61737 
>>61683 I don't like spaces , or MLP. >>61735 I didn't & won't.
Literally Hitler 15 октября 2017 #678 №61746 
>I'll never forget
Nor will we forget you, Baskin ;)
hexsomnia 15 октября 2017 #679 №61879 
FFFFFFFFFF. I dreamt of Pimenova, why you do this to me. XD saved :3
Anonymous 15 октября 2017 #680 №62071 

>I'm pleased to announce that we have a new board owner.

clearly you haven't made the right choice
Anonymous 15 октября 2017 #681 №62092 
I will forget.
Anonymous 15 октября 2017 #682 №62094 
>random anon posting stupid shit = the BO
Anonymous 15 октября 2017 #683 №62097 
screenshot 2017-10-15 10-0….png

the maker of the pedo general thread is a random anon, just
shut up stupid monkey
Anonymous 15 октября 2017 #684 №62101 
Lurk more.
Anonymous 15 октября 2017 #685 №62156 
>Lurk more.

If your trying to imply that thread wasn't made by some random anon,lurk more
Anonymous 16 октября 2017 #686 №62557 
>>61678 The whine has begun,@ >>62505
About Sevina from Webe Models Anonymous 17 октября 2017 #687 №62708 
I know Sevina is American, I would like to know the Americans here if anyone knows anything about her or how she is in the present day??
Anonymous 17 октября 2017 #688 №62709 
Ask in the /pgt/ thread
Anonymous 21 октября 2017 #689 №63440 
Anonymous 21 октября 2017 #690 №63441 
Anonymous 21 октября 2017 #691 №63444 
We need your donates to move on abuseproof hosting.
You can use Yandex.Money if you fear to make direct transfer.
If 30 people will donate a dollar per month then it will be enough to rent a new and bigger server. If you donate more → you are my hero.
You can find more at /mod
Heart 21 октября 2017 #692 №63472 
Maybe a good reason to
Ban all /pol/ from /lg/ ?!
Anonymous 21 октября 2017 #693 №63475 
KMar Tank 2.jpg

Anonymous 21 октября 2017 #694 №63480 
>>63444 "WE WILL NOT DELETE /lg OR ANY OTHER BOARD" Why delete when you can "temporarily close" .I call bullshit.Again.
Anonymous 21 октября 2017 #695 №63481 
>>63480 I'm sure the temporarily closed boards will come back.Empty.
Anonymous ## admin 21 октября 2017 #696 №63500 
Posting in them will be opened most likely next week
Anonymous 22 октября 2017 #697 №63575 
>>63500 And deleted 1 hour later.
Anonymous 22 октября 2017 #698 №63885 
Anyone have any idea of how to download images using JDownloader without downloading the thumbnails?
Anonymous 22 октября 2017 #699 №63903 
enable js and
Anonymous 22 октября 2017 #700 №63923 
>>63903 enable j/s….And kiss your ass goodbye.People disable javascript for a reason,javascript can expose your bare IP,regardless of your proxy settings.YMMV.
Anonymous 22 октября 2017 #701 №63944 
mb thats correct for them on cp sites, but not on here
Anonymous 22 октября 2017 #702 №63954 
You see this bullshit here BO?

You need to actually define your inputs.

The Browse button and New Reply button and so on can all be customized.
Anonymous 22 октября 2017 #703 №63960 
>>63944 Good luck with that then.I'll keep JS off.
Anonymous 23 октября 2017 #704 №64234 
le ghetto laugh face.png
>1. Do not upload or request CP or minors in sexual poses
>2. No child nudity or topless little girls
Anonymous 23 октября 2017 #705 №64279 
Anonymous 23 октября 2017 #706 №64341 
I… Don't get it
Anonymous 23 октября 2017 #707 №64365 
>Nyan Edited raw HTML of post #1
The link you created with the edit is broken outside mod.php.
Anonymous 23 октября 2017 #708 №64368 
/lg/ and /mod/ are two different different boards so /lg/ just has to be removed
Anonymous 23 октября 2017 #709 №64371 
The point is he should replace the relative path with an absolute one.
So "//mod/res/1672.html" instead of "mod/res/1672.html".
Anonymous 23 октября 2017 #710 №64375 
hey could anyone share some links to nude children and or pornografy
Anonymous 23 октября 2017 #711 №64380 
dude only links you can find are onions
but if you know any just post
Anonymous 23 октября 2017 #712 №64473 
attempted login to remove post and my staff account doesn't function… such is life in Russian imageboard
Anonymous 28 октября 2017 #713 №66068 
Halloween costume etc Anonymous 28 октября 2017 #714 №66173 
Any slutty costume ? :3
Anonymous 28 октября 2017 #715 №66174 
….aaaannd.. I fucked up.
Anonymous 29 октября 2017 #716 №66513 
is not working…..
Anonymous 30 октября 2017 #717 №66604 
the page was deleted a few days ago
Anonymous ## Global Volunteer 30 октября 2017 #718 №66851 
Rules update
Anonymous 30 октября 2017 #719 №66854 
>topless allowed
Explain, is all topless allowed whats the limit
>no full child nudity
Whats the threshold for full if its legal nudism
Anonymous 30 октября 2017 #720 №66925 
no halloween theme? lame
Anonymous 31 октября 2017 #721 №66971 
Lolifox's board CSS is so buggy. It never updates properly.
Anonymous 1 ноября 2017 #722 №67696 
Anonymous 1 ноября 2017 #723 №67703 
Anonymous 2 ноября 2017 #724 №68403 
hey could any one start a pee threat
Cat-Kun 3 ноября 2017 #725 №68519 
threat of pee? now I'm scared

please don't threaten us with pee :(
Ivy ## Moderator 3 ноября 2017 #726 №68535 
We have been requested to tighten the rules so from now on the following rules are in effect:
1. Full nudity is no longer allowed. Topless only.
2. Topless child models are not allowed.

Any further updates will be posted in this thread.
Thanks for understanding.
Anonymous 3 ноября 2017 #727 №68557 
welp rip the libre dream.
Anonymous 3 ноября 2017 #728 №68558 
>Full nudity is no longer allowed. Topless only.
Dammit. I knew we were going too hard, too fast.
Anonymous 3 ноября 2017 #729 №68562 
The candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long
Anonymous 3 ноября 2017 #730 №68590 
True words, my man.
Anonymous 3 ноября 2017 #731 №68604 
Please review this >>68561
Anonymous 3 ноября 2017 #732 №68627 
There are 162 threads right now.
It would probably take less time to clean the nudity from the recent threads than it would take to wipe the whole board.
Anonymous 3 ноября 2017 #733 №68899 
Can I suggest a new rule? Having a single source/request thread and deleting any subsequent threads. Right now there are 4 "who is this girl?" threads on the first page.
Anonymous 3 ноября 2017 #734 №68912 
Does anyone know what the hell happened to girti.me?
I don't know if this is allowed, but I really want to know.
Anonymous 3 ноября 2017 #735 №68915 
Lost their domain, probably through non-renewal. Still accessible via IP
Anonymous 3 ноября 2017 #736 №68919 
>I don't know if this is allowed,
lol why wouldn't it be? I don't believe talking about stuff i.e. information has ever been censored

Last names sure but nothing else really that I know of. The last owner was pretty good in that regard. This new one? He can go suck a dick. Probably is censor happy idk. I dont trust him. He is a false God
Anonymous 3 ноября 2017 #737 №68926 
It's coming back now. Just need to wait for DNS propagation before most can see it. But some should be able to access it now.
Anonymous 5 ноября 2017 #738 №69548 
>when you got CP up on me wch because you convinced them it's an adult and they can't tell

Absolutely devilish.
Anonymous 5 ноября 2017 #739 №69557 
Years ago I used to post in footfag threads on 4chan. Used to post cp feet. Footjobs. Cumming on lg soles. If i ever said the girls were under 14yo everyone would lose their minds. But the normies never knew it was cp and always came hard and asked for more because men, generally speaking, love the look and physical appearance of an underage girl but dont want to admit this fact to themselves. It is sad how so many men are brainwashed into thinking a nude body of a lg is sin.

IMO lgs are to be used for sex and should be trained from very early ages on how to help men release with their mouths, butts, feets, hands, and most importantly her vagina.
Anonymous 5 ноября 2017 #740 №69605 
I disagree they should be treated lovingly so they grow up to be good mothers not whores.
Anonymous 5 ноября 2017 #741 №69657 
The two are not mutually exclusive you know

A good mother also means being a dutiful wife to her husband. A wife that obeys her husbands wishes and is a whore in the bedroom.

No man wants a wife that refuses to do anal or give blowjobs. That is what leads to cheating.
Anonymous 6 ноября 2017 #742 №69681 
I wouldn't want a wife into anal. It is degenerate.
Anonymous 6 ноября 2017 #743 №69702 
You must be single or never been in a long-lasting relationship. Enjoy getting bored of fucking her pussy for the 500th time while she just lays there in bed waiting for dinner to be ready.

You NEED a good whore for a wife that is into anything you ask her and not just the regular fluff of vaginal. You will eventually get bored of the 'usual' and want new. New either means cheating with another female for new vagina or new can also mean staying with your wife but pricking her ass or mouth every once in a while. If she is a really good wife she'll let you condition and train your daughter to also be apart of sex-play with the parents.
Anonymous 6 ноября 2017 #744 №70057 
You are out of touch with reality.
Anonymous 6 ноября 2017 #745 №70109 
I asked this in the other thread since it has more traffic sorry if someone hate this, just ignore it.

Hello, I need a little help please.
I want to speak to a girl 11-12 yo that I know her from Instagram, I never added her to mine but she has one of this www.sarahah.com that allows you to send (not recive unless you make an account then you can recive messages when loged in but as far as you are loged you can't send messages) messages as anonymous, so I tell her that I was 27 yo and want a loli/young gf for a serious relationship, she said to me that she was interested but it would be a hell to speak throught that shit so here is my question.

Is there some online page that allows me to creat a simple and fast user account (without having to use a mail account confirmation or phone number or use a pic) to chat (something like a msn or the chat from facebook) with her in real time?
Anonymous 7 ноября 2017 #746 №70154 
Are you trying to come off as a creep and go to prison?
Anonymous 7 ноября 2017 #747 №70168 
Anonymous 7 ноября 2017 #748 №70250 
dont use condor it has the worst policies i have ever seen you would be safer using tinychat
Anonymous 7 ноября 2017 #749 №70455 
NO, and I don't live in burgerland, so no one cares tooo much here.

I don't trust it because anon >>70250 said it.

Is the video chat optional or not? Can we start talking there without starting the video?
For some time I would prefer to use just a chat channel, to write with her.
Anonymous 7 ноября 2017 #750 №70508 
>Is the video chat optional or not?
yes its optional you can make your own room and password protect it
>without starting the video
Anonymous 8 ноября 2017 #751 №70984 
Anonymous 9 ноября 2017 #752 №71512 
Anonymous 10 ноября 2017 #753 №71749 
Why does the boy equivalent of this board have/allow bottomless pictures & full genital display?

I'd understand the topless issue as boy nipples aren't sexy like girl nipples. But butts and genitals are genitals no matter the sex.

>boy nudity doesn't matter

Then why are the pictures with naked boys + girls in the same picture allowed to stay up over there?

I'm honestly curious because I thought we were under the same umbrella server wise
Cat-Kun 10 ноября 2017 #754 №71890 
Pretty little girls, especially white girls get reported the most. While boys and non-white girls and chubby and ugly girls get reported way less. This seems to be true of every site on the internet, not just chans.

I don't work here but that is probably the answer. Things only become a problem when people start complaining about it.
Anonymous 10 ноября 2017 #755 №72012 
I don't know.
Ask the admin.
Anonymous 11 ноября 2017 #756 №72698 
You're all on drugs.
Anonymous 11 ноября 2017 #757 №72776 
Yeah, I'm fucking tired of this double standard. Either go clean that board and delete all nude pics, or allow us to post nudes girls. Because this is bullshit.
Anonymous 11 ноября 2017 #758 №72842 
nudity isn't allowed anymore on /lb/ either now

lb-admin had not been informed before

Anonymous 12 ноября 2017 #759 №73116 
At least now there's no double standard.
Troll Mod Anonymous 16 ноября 2017 #760 №74852 
echolove mod is out of control, deleting discussion
Anonymous 16 ноября 2017 #761 №74860 
Echolove? I can't find anything on the net about it, just non-chan and non-lg stuff
Anonymous 16 ноября 2017 #762 №74891 
Hey Echolove, why the hell did you delete the discussion on win10 and OS in general from one thread?

are you a microsoft-shill?
Ivy ## Moderator 17 ноября 2017 #763 №75046 
We apologize for that.
As Baskin has mentioned free speech should be an important aspect of /lg/ and imageboards in general >>212, hence we'll try our best to avoid an incident similar to this one from happening again in the future.
Anonymous 17 ноября 2017 #764 №75047 

maybe echolve had a reason that we don't see, did he state one?
Anonymous 17 ноября 2017 #765 №75059 
The mods on Skyrim are out of control!
Anonymous 17 ноября 2017 #766 №75065 

>The mods on Skyrim are out of control!

The gods of Skyrim are too
Anonymous 17 ноября 2017 #767 №75166 
Yes. I've already talked with him.
Anonymous 17 ноября 2017 #768 №75292 

what was the reason?
Anonymous 18 ноября 2017 #769 №75629 

blank ## Moderator 19 ноября 2017 #770 №75966 
As of today Ivy is retiring to a Volunteer role and I have become the new BO but rest assured this isn't going to change how the board was/is run and things will remain the same.
Anonymous 19 ноября 2017 #771 №75974 
Anonymous 19 ноября 2017 #772 №75990 
just delete all his access tbh
he fucking sucked
everyone that posts here should find him and gang rape his asshole
False God 19 ноября 2017 #773 №75994 
Anonymous 19 ноября 2017 #774 №76002 

how about to find you ?
cockzilla 19 ноября 2017 #775 №76057 
Didn't you mean to call us fish lovers, You sausage sucker?
Anonymous 19 ноября 2017 #776 №76065 
>>76057 Didn't anyone ever feed Victoria?
Anonymous 19 ноября 2017 #777 №76076 
I got some questions, it said nudity not allowed but I seen some images on here with nudity from the nudist community, are they allowed here? Some post have it covered, if so how covered do they have to be? I seen some with dots and seen some with black bars.
Anonymous 19 ноября 2017 #778 №76106 
The nudist photos you saw were probably posted when nudity was allowed. Nudity is no longer allowed on /lg/.

>how covered do they have to be?

Genitals and butts must be completely covered.
Anonymous 20 ноября 2017 #779 №76270 
>Nudity is no longer allowed on /lg/.
>8 hour(s) ago
Anonymous 20 ноября 2017 #780 №76272 
>Topless allowed
Privacy Question Anonymous 20 ноября 2017 #781 №76354 
Why do you require a referring header to post here?
Anonymous 20 ноября 2017 #782 №76358 
>>76354 I only need it to attach files.Wondering about that myself.
Anonymous 20 ноября 2017 #783 №76363 
so is something like this allowed?


What if the black bar was smaller but still covering everything?
Multiple images? Spoonman 21 ноября 2017 #784 №76662 
How do I post multiple images? Upload form says: "You may upload 5 per post." I can only upload 1 single picture as there is only one "file" button and when I use it I can only select 1 file.
Anonymous 21 ноября 2017 #785 №76666 
you have to enable javascript for that
Spoonman 22 ноября 2017 #786 №76668 
Damn, could've guessed. Thx Anon, it works.
Anonymous 22 ноября 2017 #787 №76669 
>tfw just spoonfed a spoonman and he didn't even check my satanic quads
Anonymous 22 ноября 2017 #788 №76671 
chloe check.jpg
Spoonman 22 ноября 2017 #789 №76673 
Anonymous 22 ноября 2017 #790 №76691 

Sauce on this one? I remember that face but I cant remember where is this from
Anonymous 22 ноября 2017 #791 №76694 
What is the file host that

1. Allows Tor access for both uploading and downloading
2. Allows JavaScript-free browsing
3. Has an API which lets me upload from curl
4. Allows the uploading of any kind of file, or at least of GPG files

Some of the hosts listed in the Rules page don't satisfy me.
Anonymous 22 ноября 2017 #792 №76697 
Anonymous 22 ноября 2017 #793 №76700 
I'm not so worried about JavaScript. I tested all the hosts and they seem fine. The thing I'm concerned about is not being able to upload GPG files. But I'll check every one of the linked hosts just to make I didn't miss anyone.
Anonymous 22 ноября 2017 #794 №76993 
just zip them before uploading
Spoonman 22 ноября 2017 #795 №77015 
From the movie called Orphan:
Anonymous 24 ноября 2017 #796 №77530 
5568 views.png
The archive as been viewed 5568 times.

I wonder how many of those are bare IP mad mans.
Anonymous 25 ноября 2017 #797 №77887 
We need more reviews!
Anonymous 26 ноября 2017 #798 №78299 
echolove is abusing mod power again.
>deleting posts which do not violate rules.

>calling people faggot using capcode

>echolove hidden 7 minutes /lg/ Dismissed a report for post #78285
>dismissing reports about his abuse.
Anonymous 26 ноября 2017 #799 №78479 
>deleting posts which do not violate rules.
The log reflects that two posts were deleted, do you have anything which supports your claim that they didn't violate the rules
Anonymous 26 ноября 2017 #800 №78495 
>do you have anything which supports your claim that they didn't violate the rules
Not him but isn't it common sense that if a post violated the rules there would be a ban associated with that post deletion?

Like….I'm not the smartest person in the world but if there is just a post deletion but no user ban then that means the mod just didn't like the materials or text posted. i.e. echo is a faggot

Just my 2 cents
Anonymous 26 ноября 2017 #801 №78506 
> if a post violated the rules there would be a ban associated with that post deletion
Posts that violate the rules can be deleted as long as it doesn't take away from the conversation much like how bans aren't handed out for every single deleted file. IE if someone decides to post CP and nothing else that post can be deleted rather than just the media
Anonymous 26 ноября 2017 #802 №78510 
>do you have anything which supports your claim that they didn't violate the rules
Image related. He deleted a LauraB meme video then proceeded to spam the thread with adult porn and anti comments which violates 2 rules.

>This place sucks. Pedo boards suck nowadays.
Adult porn spam
Adult porn spam

This behavior is no way for a mod to behave. Bad mod if you ask me.
Anonymous 26 ноября 2017 #803 №78516 
>Bad mod if you ask me.
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