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24 декабря Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:14:54 #1 №99091377 
Вы можете задать канадский ничего
мой русский не очень хорошо :(
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:17:55 #2 №99091576 
> канадский ничего
Mate, your Russian is even worse than I thought.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:19:10 #3 №99091658 
a mix of one russian class i took in highschool, and google translate :^)
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:19:59 #4 №99091722 
>>99091377 (OP)
Как жить ехать к вам?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:21:01 #5 №99091808 
Well, канадский ничего means Canadian nothing, so I don't really know, what does it mean.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:22:23 #6 №99091907 
i meant to say "ask a canadian anything", sorry
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:23:37 #7 №99091977 
Т.е. Мне нужно трахнуть канадку, заделать тугосерю и жениться на ней? А как же ТНН?
sageАноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:24:52 #8 №99092069 
ОП вырезал из детского журнала билеты банка приколов и теперь ловит лулзы
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:24:53 #9 №99092072 
Я думаю, он не поймет значение слова ТУГОСЕРЯ.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:25:58 #10 №99092143 
Oh, you anything means все, что угодно, like everything.
So you must say "задайте свои вопросы канадцу" or "спросите канадца о чем - то", that's it.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:26:25 #11 №99092177 
Это даже перевести невозможно.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:26:33 #12 №99092189 
Да ты что!!
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:27:08 #13 №99092232 
Tightcrapy zhe
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:27:31 #14 №99092255 
ты прав
thank you, russian grammar is a nightmare ;_;
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:28:40 #15 №99092334 
Ну пузожителя же. Что тут не понятного?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:29:00 #16 №99092352 
Canada is a huge country, but I don't know any famous canadians except few singers like Bryan Adams and Celine Dion, why do you suck at science and everything else except music?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:29:28 #17 №99092384 
>>99091377 (OP)
Хуи сосёшь?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:29:34 #18 №99092389 
>>99091377 (OP)
Запилили таки пластиковые купюры? Заябись, я бы купил парочку, ради интереса, где их продают? Интересует именно наличка, естественно.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:32:12 #19 №99092567 
Well, we are big in size, but there is only 34 million people here.
That's the only excuse I can think of.
Я думаю, что вы могли купить их из обмена валюты.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:32:14 #20 №99092570 
>>99091377 (OP)
Привет оп
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:33:42 #21 №99092656 
хороший музыкальный вкус
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:37:21 #22 №99092675 
Канадец, это ты дудосишь сосаку?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:37:32 #23 №99092681 
>>99091377 (OP)
Are you a hohol's emigrants son?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:38:09 #24 №99092713 
>>99091377 (OP)
Канадский пятерик на наши 5 гривен смахивает.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:38:15 #25 №99092715 
вот фотография из Канада в зимний период. это прямо напротив моего дома.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:39:01 #26 №99092748 
> пузожителя
Российская привычка объединять слова имеет что-то общее с Германской?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:39:27 #27 №99092770 
>>99091377 (OP)
You sit on 4chan?
Why americans call you stupid?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:39:39 #28 №99092780 
хотелось бы жить в стране где могут делать музыку
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:39:44 #29 №99092786 
Ты не поверишь, но первые гривны печатали в Канаде, как сейчас дела обстоят не знаю.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:40:32 #30 №99092816 
half russian, half scottish
Yeah I am usually on 4chan.
Americans call everyone stupid though.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:41:42 #31 №99092870 
>Americans call everyone stupid though.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:41:50 #32 №99092876 
Explain this.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:44:32 #33 №99092997 
Mkay so...
Australia, why is it better than you?
Though it has the same amount of population, it has BIGGER HDI, HIGHER LIVING STANDARDS AND BETTER EDUCATION, and I am not even talking about climate. But you both are the same who...^w colonies of british empire. So why is australia so much better than canada?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:44:56 #34 №99093018 
Как в канаде относятся к русским?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:45:53 #35 №99093073 
Do you speak FRANCE?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:46:25 #36 №99093104 
Hallo american boy yoharo :^)
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:46:59 #37 №99093141 
Святая толстота. В Канаде, как и США дату пишут мм/дд/гг. И при произношении тоже так.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:47:31 #38 №99093174 
>>99091377 (OP)
Хуевая попытка, гандон.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:48:55 #39 №99093231 
Australia is far more expensive than here though.
The main reason it is better there is that they succeeded in getting rid of the Aborigines, where as they failed here.
Yes, I do. I grew up in a French neighbourhood so I spoke French to some friends.
их редко можно увидеть мм/ДД/гг
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:50:11 #40 №99093296 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:51:41 #41 №99093376 
>>99091377 (OP)
we need more proofs
because you have written the metric dd/mm/yy, but we all know that you think you are special so you use your own system that`s different from teric.
So please write the number of your post (>>99091377 (OP)) with your pass or driverslicense (or newsletter? :D) or anything that can PROOF that you are actually canadian, not a fucking arsehole that bought 20 CAD because the rouble is DEFAULTEING
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:52:50 #42 №99093425 
Let me look for my passport, one sec.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:53:52 #43 №99093479 
>Australia is far more expensive than here though.
>The main reason it is better there is that they succeeded in getting rid of the Aborigines, where as they failed here.
But the salaries pass to the living expenses, though it`s not good for tourism, and the realty prices are fucking astronomic.
But.. There were no aboriginals in canada, were there?
I like french language. But I dunno or it is better than english.
Which language is better (as of, uhm, like beauty and like that shit, we all know that english is more useful)
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:55:11 #44 №99093550 
best way is
dd MMM yy
MMM dd yy
So you definitely know that there is a month with letters and the day with digits
like digital
like digimons
like digi fucking whoknows what
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:57:45 #45 №99093687 
Don't ignore, pidr.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:57:50 #46 №99093689 

Конечно. Братские народы же.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:58:44 #47 №99093728 
Hey op what do you do 4 life?
I am just a lazy piece of shit whose duty is to make everyone else lifes hell.
I sit in my 1 br apt and do nothing all day. My parents give me like up to 400 usd/mo just so I don`t show up and don`t fuck with them again and again and again.
I am a very bad person.
I used to be a good one, but I`ve been through some shit (relatively, ofc)
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 00:59:44 #48 №99093786 
Yes, but in Canada the right to write YYYY-DD-MM, fucking retard.
Просыпайся, ты обосрался.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:01:44 #49 №99093902 
Ой, иди нахуй чмо ебаное.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:02:21 #50 №99093930 
А как же Джим Керри? Кому нужна твоя наука, когда у них есть Джим Керри
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:02:59 #51 №99093970 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:03:31 #52 №99093998 
Может он сюда зашел, посмотрел как тут пишется и повторил, чо ты.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:04:06 #53 №99094038 
oh fuck how did that happen
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:04:24 #54 №99094056 
Илью Смирнова не знаешь? Свалил в канаду, в соцсетях нет, найти не могу.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:06:32 #55 №99094142 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:06:36 #56 №99094149 
I will be starting University in September, I'm studying Linguistics
There is a ton of aboriginals, around 10% of my city is Aboriginal.
I wish French was more useful, it is fun to speak, and I find it sounds a lot nicer than English.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:07:25 #57 №99094184 
>I'm studying Linguistics
Why do you chose a job that don`t pay?
Why not study finance or STEM?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:08:41 #58 №99094247 
I'm studying Linguistics to find a job in Translation. It's not the best paying of careers, but I really find it interesting, and I enjoy it.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:08:44 #59 №99094253 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:09:39 #60 №99094295 
nope, sorry
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:10:27 #61 №99094337 
Honestly I have no idea, I don't watch South Park. sorry.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:10:31 #62 №99094339 
>to find a job in Translation
Dayum it seems like the nice first-world is really a place where you can do what you like, not what pays well, and you will still get a make a good living.
Here you have to be a software developer or a thief to have a good living.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:10:33 #63 №99094342 
huya piozdets inglish you got
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:10:40 #64 №99094347 
Do you want to visit Russia?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:11:23 #65 №99094387 
he ain`t mad
but wait
OP, which languages r u gonna study?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:12:16 #66 №99094430 
Заходи почаще в эту помойку, алсо как в Торонто, стоит посетить?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:12:47 #67 №99094462 
>>99091377 (OP)
Чё you хapкaeшьcя here, cyкa B face нe to hit, yёбa
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:12:57 #68 №99094468 
>dont watch SP

Why you so lalka?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:13:03 #69 №99094473 
>>99091377 (OP)
Эй, тело!
Ты канадский ничто!

Русская мафия
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:14:59 #70 №99094560 
Show your room where you you spent time
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:16:38 #71 №99094642 
>show titties
>show pussy
no we will ask to showroom, we`re 2ch hk hikkaris
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:17:08 #72 №99094664 
>>99091377 (OP)
How many ukrainians living in Canada do you know?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:17:36 #73 №99094685 
Ukrainian diaspora is the worst shit that can happen to an ukrainian emigrant
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:18:49 #74 №99094758 
I'm willing to move, so that makes doing what I like possible. It makes me sad that people are limited in their career by what makes more money :/
Absolutely, I'm really interested in the Trans-Siberian railway.
The language I want to study the most is Mandarin, I am already learning it myself. Mandarin is such a cool language, and it is really needed in the world of translation. So many people are intimidated by it, but it is actually really easy.
I would also like to learn Russian, but I am really struggling with the grammar. I'll get better eventually though.
это ужасно Торонто, Монреале или Ванкувере будет лучшим городов для посещения.
The area where I am (Manitoba) is FULL of Ukrainians. Around 15% of people in this province are of Ukrainian origin.
I'll take a picture, one sec.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:18:57 #75 №99094764 
Ой вата иди траль в спец загон /po/
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:19:04 #76 №99094776 
А я трактор туда завел, срсли, уже колледж оплатил, пост град, потом рабочая виза по программе на 3 года.
Хотя я и здесь универ магистром закончил, но сами понимаете
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:20:13 #77 №99094831 
>Монреале или Ванкувере
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:20:42 #78 №99094857 

Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:20:45 #79 №99094859 
> оплатил
>пост град
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:23:00 #80 №99094973 

Are those white ukrainians, or they`re just like sandniggers and other garbage?

You can say it straight, I`m from this country, I know how they can be

How many of them in Ontariothat`s where I`m heading this fall?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:23:19 #81 №99094989 
here, there 2 small rooms in the back too. my "room" area is about 40m2
my parents are letting me stay in the basement, and helped me get it turned into a room.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:23:23 #82 №99094994 
What's wrong with their heads? Do you have same head too?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:23:37 #83 №99095005 

И в чем дело?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:25:14 #84 №99095096 
nah they're white.
if those 15% of here where sandniggers I would be long gone from this place
In Toronto, you can expect curryniggers and asians, although the asians are usually alright.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:26:56 #85 №99095176 
>Монреале или Ванкувере
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:28:15 #86 №99095246 
>>99091377 (OP)
Hey, body.
You are nothing , canadian.

russian mafia
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:28:15 #87 №99095247 
>Absolutely, I'm really interested in the Trans-Siberian railway.
От Москвы до Владивостока 6 дней пути, в поезде наполненном местными реднеками, не самое приятное путешествие, а с учетом как у нас относятся к англоговорящим, то еще и опасное, желательно найди друзей, которые могли бы покататься с тобой.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:28:56 #88 №99095276 
>>99091377 (OP)
How are the prices in your country? What's the minimum salary needed to survive there and what jobs can you get it from? Also, what's the rent price for the shittiest appartments?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:28:56 #89 №99095277 
I think i'd rather live on canadian streets, than in russian penthouse, lol
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:30:48 #90 №99095379 
How old are you?
How much time you spent on chan's? In internet?
What do you do in leisure?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:31:15 #91 №99095402 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:31:17 #92 №99095406 


They might be my competitors in my line of workIT But I`ve seen some of them in the potential campus neighbour list, all of them are bioengineers or something.
So, how are the colleges in Ontario? I`m actually pretty skilled, but I hope they`ll level up my knowledge or something.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:31:26 #93 №99095418 
Why won`t you go get your PhD since you already are GRADUATED FROM COLOROSSY TO MARY JANE
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:32:32 #94 №99095473 
>>99091377 (OP)
кто-то должен был
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:32:52 #95 №99095486 
Hory sheet your room is bigger than my room, tho u still got no panoramic windows like me
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:33:00 #96 №99095492 
>Also, what's the rent price for the shittiest appartments?
Also Mid? Good?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:33:45 #97 №99095536 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:35:12 #98 №99095610 
>panoramic windows
Like the hell someone need this crap, lol, we're hikkaries here, there's no need to see the outside world for us.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:35:44 #99 №99095634 
Я не пошел бы в одиночку
>minimum salary
I would say around $1200 a month
for the shittiest apartment in my city, which is super cheap compared to everything else. probably around ~$500 per month.
The easiest way to get a job here would be a trade: plumbing, electrician, carpenter, etc...
im 18, i spend 80% of my day on chan's, and the rest is spent playing vidya
in my leisure, vidya, anime, chan's, etc...
for mid, around $650 - $800, and for a good, nice apartment, closer to $1000 per month.
i don't know much about Ontario colleges unfortunately, although i think they are difficult to get into. like i said, not sure.
IT people are needed everywhere, so you should be alright.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:35:55 #100 №99095651 
Do u support all this tolerance and other shit?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:35:58 #101 №99095654 
Maybe you know this guy
He is also from Canada and he makes really good music
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:37:07 #102 №99095681 
>>99091377 (OP)
Tell some about drugs weed/lsd/meth.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:37:07 #103 №99095683 
Я хотел сначала с двумя t написать. Потом засомневался.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:37:08 #104 №99095685 
It`s qt you can like live in a cabin but still like with city infrastucture and no coyotes
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:37:29 #105 №99095712 
>i think they are difficult to get into
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:37:51 #106 №99095734 
>panoramic windows
i live in a basement lel
I really can't stand any of the homos and feminists here. All this multicultural bullshit bothers me too.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:38:13 #107 №99095748 
>im 18, i spend 80% of my day on chan's, and the rest is spent playing vidya
>in my leisure, vidya, anime, chan's, etc...
m8 I would recommend you watch movies or cartoons, it`s fun too.
I am too playing vidya tho
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:38:29 #108 №99095763 
What do u think about this shit with ukrain Crimea and so on?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:38:32 #109 №99095765 
I mean hard to get? How much
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:38:40 #110 №99095770 

I realy wanna just get to work and make moneys already. University programms are nice and all, but I`m sick of blasted mathematical and computational problems and other shit like that, I wanna get a real canadian college degree and go straight to work. Anyway, it took time for me to make everything possible and now they won`t give me my diplomayet, I hoperfor some reason, so it would`ve been a huge fail if I was going on PhD.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:39:06 #111 №99095789 
Cry me a river
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:39:09 #112 №99095794 
Kush aliens are invading earth
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:40:46 #113 №99095867 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:41:33 #114 №99095899 
Хули, я просто написал его фразу, я не канадец
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:41:39 #115 №99095900 
But you can work after phd as well.
If you can get a phd in the same time WHY EVEN BOTHER to do msc?
You`ll get better job as phd
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:41:47 #116 №99095903 
>>99091377 (OP)
How do you 2ch? From who?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:42:08 #117 №99095918 
Then you should get on with russians
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:42:24 #118 №99095931 
Бля, ну лан
Я подумал что он знает, прикольно б было
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:42:24 #119 №99095932 
>How do you 2ch? From who?
>advanced english skills
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:42:43 #120 №99095950 
Lost it
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:43:30 #121 №99095988 
>>99091377 (OP)
Не, хуёво получилось. Потренируйся латинские буквы писать.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:43:36 #122 №99095990 
this is Russia
хотя не, дороги нормальные
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:43:47 #123 №99095998 

Ok, thanks anyway, hope you`ll drop by again someday, there aren`t many native englishspeakers at /int/ nowadays, not to mention /b/
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:44:18 #124 №99096013 
I'm not one for most of that kind of stuff.
I smoke weed sometimes, although I'm a social outcast so I don't know any dealers. Basically I'll smoke it if I can get it.
I also drink sometimes, but it's not that great. It's just available.
>weed usually $10/gram
>lsd around $10 a hit, hard to find though
>meth i have no idea about
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:44:21 #125 №99096016 
Ну смоки тип мощный, годные биты
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:44:50 #126 №99096036 
>>99091377 (OP)
What the actual fck is with your money, are they transparent?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:44:51 #127 №99096037 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:45:37 #128 №99096067 
2ch is like no-mans-land in the eyes of 4chan
it's all a mystery to them
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:45:43 #129 №99096069 
How do you know 2ch? Have somebody told you about it or something?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:45:43 #130 №99096071 

>im 18, i spend 80% of my day on chan's, and the rest is spent playing vidya
>in my leisure, vidya, anime, chan's, etc...

What about girlfriend? Are u virgin?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:46:00 #131 №99096077 
Вообще этот тред сразу начал с ним ассоциироваться, ибо Канада, все дела
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:46:00 #132 №99096078 
yup, they are made out of plastic
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:46:02 #133 №99096080 
>>99091377 (OP)
як там живуть наші земляки з діаспори?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:46:23 #134 №99096088 
Same as 4chan in our eyes.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:46:46 #135 №99096101 
> weed usually $10/gram
Same in Russia, even a bit more expensive if it's natural.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:47:12 #136 №99096118 
Why? Is it 'ecology-friendly' or what? This is strange lol
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:47:31 #137 №99096132 
>first world country
>Are u virgin?
Come on buddy, first-worlders don`t stay virgins unless they want.
There is only in third-world countries like ours COULD OF VAGINA
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:47:48 #138 №99096144 

im not ugly or fat, i am just socially retarded, and have trouble making conversation
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:47:56 #139 №99096148 
Pishov nahui pes.
CyuCyurku tvoyu smazhiv.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:48:30 #140 №99096169 
u mad nigga?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:48:31 #141 №99096170 
ОП - не хуй
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:49:01 #142 №99096194 

>You`ll get better job as phd

I heard it`s only a matter of personal job experience and since they don`t want to pay some unskilled newbie a lot of money I`d bet that I have more chances as a msc with some experience and skills.

>you can work after phd as well

If I got PhD for free by an international programm, you`d have to work at the university for some time afterwards2-3 years, at least at British Columbia and few other places I considered as a real chance.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:49:14 #143 №99096200 
I wish this was true.
I don't have any way of meeting girls, I don't go out with friends at all, and the few people that have shown interest in me are too far away.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:49:17 #144 №99096203 
>>99091377 (OP)
hey bro. tell us how canadians spend their salaries!

I' ve heard that people in the forst worls coutries are so rich that they are comletely retarded about spending money

they acually buy music, books, videos, games and etc free crap
spending 500 bucks per year for fog insurance goddamn DOG insurace
paying for mexicans and niggers to cut grass - why would you do such a thing, grass dies in winter anyway

and more retarded stuff like that. Is that true?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:49:19 #145 №99096207 
Даже непривычно как-то, да?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:49:41 #146 №99096220 
How we say in Russia – jiza
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:50:06 #147 №99096244 
Don't worry, m8, there are many guys with your problems.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:50:13 #148 №99096250 
And now, when u r talking with us, what do u think about Russians and our neighbors?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:50:32 #149 №99096266 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:50:50 #150 №99096285 
>>99091377 (OP)
Больше фотографий банкнот и твоей квартиры доставляй.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:51:00 #151 №99096295 
And many guys with tight butthole, am i right?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:51:25 #152 №99096307 
Not a nigga
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:51:35 #153 №99096316 

>If you had got PhD for free by an international programm, you`d have worked in

Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:52:00 #154 №99096334 
No you aren't
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:52:05 #155 №99096340 
>>99091377 (OP)
im from canada as well. which province do you live in? and how the hell did you discover 2ch.hk? lol.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:52:28 #156 №99096355 
But u r paying for the msc programm, u can pay as well for the phd, I don`t think it will cost more. Also I`ve heard that phd for someone counts as 1-2 work experience since you will probably actually have some (maybe) useful exp. Tho I don`t know, you can always attend for a position that needs a msc with your phd, I don`t think that`s bad.
Anyway, dawg, I would go for a phd even if it`ll be difficulter.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:53:23 #157 №99096391 

I heard you can`t become a gay
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:53:32 #158 №99096396 
Off course, we don't like faggots. Our asses is our fortresses.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:53:53 #159 №99096407 
It is normal to buy music through iTunes, go to a bookstore, go to a video game store, etc...
Most people cut their own grass, or they pay some kid like $10 to do it.
But yeah people are retarded with money, but not as ridiculous as shit like dog insurance lel
I have always liked Russians. They are always fun to be around, and know how to not give a fuck.
And it bugs the shit out of me how much everyone paints you guys to be "the bad guys".
and as for your neighbours:
>baltic countries
butthurt nazis with daddy issues
no idea
people mad about Karelia
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:54:01 #160 №99096415 
Come on buddy at least you can shower every day and don`t have to do your laundry with hands.
Come on m8 if u`r comfy it`s mkay.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:55:34 #161 №99096478 
Этот — зеленый.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:55:48 #162 №99096492 
The best kind slavs tbh.
t. ukie
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:55:55 #163 №99096501 
Какого хуя все валят в Канаду. Там что, настолько охуенно?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:56:20 #164 №99096522 
>>99091377 (OP)
Ах ты сука зелёная. Распечатал на принтере пару купюр и написал суп формата дд/мм/гггг. Иди спи ублюдок, я тебя пару часов назад в треде "У меня 80000 рублей и я их отдам" видел.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:56:25 #165 №99096527 
Я это сразу понял, ибо он опоздал слегка
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:56:40 #166 №99096541 
U said u half Russian, can u tell more about it? And what color of eyes u have?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:57:02 #167 №99096560 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:57:48 #168 №99096589 
Dont worry I was the same but it was corrected.but in Ukraine it is easily on my opinion
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:57:48 #169 №99096590 
>trouble making conversation
Вычислился по вот этой хуйне.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:58:01 #170 №99096600 
Тупикал русляндия же
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:58:27 #171 №99096617 
Я имею в виду, охуенно жить. Легко ли получить паспорт/прописку, устроиться на работу, каково отношение к иностранцам, вот это все.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:58:42 #172 №99096625 
Its true

Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:58:43 #173 №99096628 
мамка отправила на учебу. ибо канада=безопасность, чистый воздух и можно легко получить гражданство(5 лет жилья и хуяк - ты канадец) а потом и родаков туда переманить можно будет
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:59:02 #174 №99096648 
what kind of job immigrant (with so-so english) can get except pizza delivery and how much is norlmal salary for that?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 01:59:08 #175 №99096654 
and most people know about it on 4chan's /int/
thanks for trying to cheer me up, i appreciate it. but some things you just can't cheer up about.
i can hope to become more comfortable talking with people once university comes around.
my dad is from st. petersburg and he came here when he was young. that's all there is to it really.
and also i have grey eyes.

Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:00:31 #176 №99096713 
>but in Ukraine it is easily on my opinion
Only if u like junk
There`s a helload of junk but no qties. Even those 2% who are ok are slutty because THIS IS THE WAY IT WORKS IN UKRAINE
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:00:34 #177 №99096717 
К знакам присмотрись
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:00:36 #178 №99096720 
are girls just whores there?
if so, maybe it's time for me to visit :^)
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:01:21 #179 №99096752 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:01:29 #180 №99096756 
>grey eyes
DAAAAAAAMN. Wish I had this color, it's so cool.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:01:38 #181 №99096761 
Proigral blyad'
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:02:41 #182 №99096810 
ага, блядь, cool.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:02:43 #183 №99096815 
>>99091377 (OP)
Умилился с этих рисуночков
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:02:57 #184 №99096823 
hahaha, thanks
here is a picture from a while ago, theyre a grey-blue-(green?) colour. they are mutt eyes.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:03:03 #185 №99096828 
Ну круто же блять. Серые глаза, сук.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:03:23 #186 №99096844 
Don't know how to say it politely but can u say his surname? Did he give u some knowledge about his motherland? Do u communicate with your fathers parents?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:03:29 #187 №99096849 
>are girls just whores there?
>if so, maybe it's time for me to visit :^)
Come on pal have some self-respect, don`t put your dick into walking meatholes without brain, it`s too fucked up. Better just jerk off.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:04:04 #188 №99096872 
У меня серые. Круто? Нет.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:04:32 #189 №99096898 
Mine are shit-coloured. But I don`t make eye-contact anyway so fuck that shit
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:04:33 #190 №99096899 

>I don`t think it will cost more

Well, it actualy costs more. This was one of the reasons I gave up. Universities are always more expensive and they also want some kind of acomplishments such as winning an award, participating in some international olympiad or something.

>phd for someone counts as 1-2 work experience

It`s some other experience, most of the vacancies specify that you had to be working with this and that and nothing else. Well, there are some serious companies like Google e.t.c. they require PhD, but I`m just not that good and they do slightly different things.

>I would go for a phd even if it`ll be difficulter

Well, it figured out that that was not an option and I would`ve been in deep shit right now had I gone for PhD since those dumbfucks won`t give us our diplomas and it would`ve been really late to even hope by now. Maybe I`ll go for it someday, but now is not the time.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:04:34 #191 №99096900 
Куски говна остались, плохо подтер после сранья.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:04:54 #192 №99096909 
>walking meatholes
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:05:05 #193 №99096916 
Просто ты не канадец
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:05:12 #194 №99096919 
Чем блядь круто, в чем тебе помогут серые глаза, вот мне ничем.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:06:01 #195 №99096950 
Ну Ващет и у чистых русских должны быть светлые глаза, что тут необычного?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:06:18 #196 №99096963 
lol, I have the same eyes
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:06:41 #197 №99096988 
Mkay I see you`ve gone through the rules it`s good.
Have fun tho it`s better to come to usa if u wanna make real shit.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:06:47 #198 №99096994 
i was half joking, half serious
anyways, hopefully things get better once university starts. i have no chance getting anything right now since i dont have a job, and i dont go out.
да, я дерьмо на моих глазах
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:06:48 #199 №99096995 
судя по выражению глаза у тебя ебло омежки
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:06:58 #200 №99097001 
Я татарин и у меня серые.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:06:59 #201 №99097003 
Они всяко лучше ебучих коричневых. как у меня
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:08:51 #202 №99097033 
Многие татары почище русских будут так-то
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:08:56 #203 №99097040 
Хохол украинец?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:09:01 #204 №99097047 
>>99091377 (OP)
Чувак, помоги с переводом небольшой игры на английский?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:09:02 #205 №99097048 
азер, глаза как у >>99096823
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:09:21 #206 №99097061 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:09:23 #207 №99097063 

>5 лет жилья и хуяк - ты канадец

Всмысле? Я у них на гос. сайте прочел только о том, что постоянное жительство получаешь после года работы где-то.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:09:50 #208 №99097079 
what`s wrong?
Someone can write "hardshitters" and I cun`t write "meatholes" since IT IS TRUE and they have nothing than meat and holes? Even dogs are more clever than these "grills"
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:10:06 #209 №99097088 

>butthurt nazis with daddy issues

Not funny, m8, it`s ain`t true.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:10:34 #210 №99097106 
Не чистый. Смотри своё фамильное древо, кто-то нехороший к вам вкрался когда-то.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:10:35 #211 №99097108 
С какого языка?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:10:40 #212 №99097110 
>да, я дерьмо на моих глазах
>google translate in action
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:10:53 #213 №99097120 
Мне бы помогло, если бы мой русский был лучше, к сожалению.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:10:53 #214 №99097122 
Ну молодец, что. Раньше в южно Европе и на Кавказе были очень распространены светлые глаза, это сейчас говноглазые всё заполонили
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:11:44 #215 №99097149 
понаехали говноглазые
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:11:44 #216 №99097150 
Тут ты прав. Фамилия украинская на ко кончается. Но в древе разве что татары были, а украинцев нет. Может очень далекие, разве что.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:12:26 #217 №99097176 
Learn to write u motherfucking leftie-zradnik
The whole ukraine and russia have turned radical right in the past years.
If u don`t accept it expect fsb in case of active actions.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:12:26 #218 №99097177 

>it`s better to come to usa if u wanna make real shit

What do you meen? They give more monies? I heard it`s like a 3world dump with mexicans all over the place nowadays.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:12:45 #219 №99097191 
Татары тоже многие кареглазые.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:13:28 #220 №99097217 
Ну видимо вот из-за этого.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:13:49 #221 №99097228 
Last question from me bro
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:14:02 #222 №99097238 
ну блядь, значит мне придется после универа еще год здесь поработать че. не велика беда
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:14:14 #223 №99097246 
Чини детектор.
Они не лучше и не хуже, цвет да цвет, носи линзы раз твои тебе не приятны.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:14:24 #224 №99097252 
Yeah it`s true but there are the most investors there
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:14:40 #225 №99097267 
Раздражают подобные тебе. Не знаю, почему. Через расстояние чувствую это.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:14:52 #226 №99097280 
Линзы демедж зрению наносят же.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:14:57 #227 №99097282 
Hey, OP!
I searching someone english speakers to up my eng-skill. Talking about anything. Leave your mail if you are interesting
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:15:00 #228 №99097284 
Няши, объясните, почему если я сделаю такой тред на форче, то никому не буду нужен, а у нас иностранец это такая штука, на которую сразу набрасываются сотнями?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:15:04 #229 №99097288 
What is the average height of men in Canada?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:15:41 #230 №99097308 
It`s because I`m a fucking cancer on humanity.
I am a really bad person.
Guess how many lives are on me :D
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:16:10 #231 №99097319 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:16:16 #232 №99097322 
АХАХААХАХАХАХХА. Я на оборот свое поднял
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:16:17 #233 №99097323 

I played the witcher for too long and he ain`t picking sides cause he`s so wise and all, I wanna be just like him cause he`s like not giving a shit and all and he speaks strange like, what, he`s in the class or something? Is cool, m8.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:16:20 #234 №99097325 
Потому что на форче у всех прошивка стоит, что русские - мрази. А здесь у многих нет аналогичной прошивки.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:16:23 #235 №99097327 
Тому шо форчан состоит из иностранцев, лалка
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:16:42 #236 №99097337 
It`s true
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:17:13 #237 №99097360 
It isn't because of that.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:17:37 #238 №99097375 
Аж грустно стало. Тоже хотеть быть кому-то нужным и интересным же.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:17:58 #239 №99097385 
no problem, i dont mind the question.
we have absolutely no contact with any relatives in russia unfortunately. he doesn't remember anything from when he was there either, he moved here when he was 5
maybe around 175cm?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:18:23 #240 №99097404 
С совка такой менталитет сохранился, всем охота поглазеть на свободного человека и всё такое. Люди-то белых иностранцев не видели, а уж чтобы поговорить с ними
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:18:45 #241 №99097417 
С русского на английский


Я, думаю, смогу донести до тебя смысл фраз на ломаном английском) Текста будет не много.

в общем, если вдруг захочешь рискнуть, пиши: [email protected]
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:18:59 #242 №99097427 
>It isn't because of that.
Oh I see u`r a fucking writer m8
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:19:17 #243 №99097440 

First off, fuck your bitch and the clique you claim
Westside when we ride, come equipped with game
You claim to be a player but I fucked your wife
We bust on Bad Boys, niggas fucked for life
Plus Puffy tryna see me, weak hearts I rip
Biggie Smalls and Junior M.A.F.I.A. some mark-ass bitches
We keep on coming while we running for your jewels
Steady gunning, keep on busting at them fools
You know the rules
Lil' Caesar go ask you homie how I'll leave you
Cut your young ass up, leave you in pieces
Now be deceased
Little Kim, don't fuck around with real G's
Quick to snatch your ugly ass off the streets
So fuck peace
I'll let them niggas know it's on for life
Don't let the Westside ride the night
Bad Boy murdered on wax and killed
Fuck with me and get your caps peeled
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:19:47 #244 №99097460 
Тут ты и подобрался к корню.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:20:19 #245 №99097477 
Ну хуй знает, как то ехал с французами, они первые пошли на контакт, весело пообщались, им было интересно узнать о нас.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:20:32 #246 №99097484 
>to know how to write a game
>to not know english
dayum where r u retards coming from?
Like, >2015 >no englis habla
U must be fucking dumb
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:21:15 #247 №99097513 
>uses it to proof I cun`t write
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:22:27 #248 №99097562 

Нихуя это не французы были, значит, они снобы еще те.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:23:56 #249 №99097624 
What a stupid. I haven't said you can't write. I said people like you make me pissed off.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:25:18 #250 №99097683 
>people like you make me pissed off.
It`s my job m8
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:26:13 #251 №99097715 
Well done.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:26:49 #252 №99097738 
Thank`s for appreciation
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:28:00 #253 №99097788 
Идеальное название для оружия массового поражения.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:28:10 #254 №99097795 
Нет, это были французы, большую часть времени они говорили по французски, и уж точно не снобы, очень приятные люди.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:30:37 #255 №99097881 
Also, вопрос:
Как Канадец узнал о 2ch?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:32:03 #256 №99097921 
Он выше писал, что в /int/ 4chan-а все в курсе про двач (мы же набеги устраиваем периодически)
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:33:08 #257 №99097954 
он на форчане сидит
так что легко догадаться как.
гугл-имиджборд рашн-двач-вуаля
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 02:34:31 #258 №99098000 
Ну пусть оп расскажет что смотрит во что играет.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 03:22:01 #259 №99099283 
Нация не равно раса, и глаза у русских могут быть от карих до голубых, как и у всех белых людей.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 06:10:10 #260 №99102428 
та же хуйня, ты где живешь?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 09:04:17 #261 №99106208 
>>99091377 (OP)

Is this true that feminist plague in Canada is worse than everywhere else?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 09:08:45 #262 №99106361 
>>99091377 (OP)
Do you see Canada goose?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 09:17:32 #263 №99106691 
Hi All! Let's speak in English language in this thread.
Sankt-Peterburg-kun here.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 09:20:42 #264 №99106814 
>>99091377 (OP)
В голос
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 09:22:35 #265 №99106874 
>>99091377 (OP)
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 09:24:58 #266 №99106961 
Задал свой хуй тебе в рот
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 09:25:26 #267 №99106976 
>>99091377 (OP)

Где-то тут наебка. Все муррканцы, которые я знаю пишут дату в формате месяц/число/год, а тут типично по-русски.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 09:27:13 #268 №99107051 
Хуй соси
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 09:29:43 #269 №99107140 
На десяке нарисован Путин в старости?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 10:41:52 #270 №99109496 
>>99091377 (OP)
В Канаде живет несколько миллионов хохлов, у них там диаспора видите-ли, вот один из них вас и траллит.
Дата не в верном формате, фейл ОПа.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 10:47:27 #271 №99109717 
Уже и в Канаде хохлов вычисляешь?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 10:52:26 #272 №99109939 
>Канада — очень разнообразная страна с этнической точки зрения.
>35 млн человек
>украинцами (3,7%)
больше ляма хохлов же.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 10:55:47 #273 №99110085 
Hallo spb-kun. I'm spb-kun too)))) but my English on wery low level
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 10:57:16 #274 №99110154 
Как же нилл янг который как боб Дилан но может в музыку или леонард коэн который халлилуя халлилуя.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 10:59:39 #275 №99110268 
как же блять Госля с его драйвом, он же типичный канадец.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 11:06:08 #276 №99110593 
Фочан твой сам по себе интернационален, а сосач это русня хохлы и картофаны, мононациональный полностью кроче.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 11:16:31 #277 №99111218 
Пацаны, есть у форчана вообще херкало?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 11:16:48 #278 №99111228 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 11:21:59 #279 №99111487 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 11:23:47 #280 №99111567 
А что такое?
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 11:35:50 #281 №99112191 
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 11:45:12 #282 №99112687 
>>99091377 (OP)
Ну ты и нИщщеброд
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 11:52:23 #283 №99113069 
Looks like it was made by khohols. Got something common with hryvna.
Аноним 05/08/15 Срд 12:02:08 #284 №99113535 
не! я Русский
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