Сохранен 288
24 декабря Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 22:59:00 #1 №126046577 
Доброй ночи, друзья. Люблю иногда заходить на двач и читать рассказы о том, что анон нищенствует или о его проблемах в жизни - это поднимает настроение, а в комментах зачастую встречаются мудрые мысли.
Сегодня я перешёл из разряда читающих в разряд пишущих Пилю свою стори. Надеюсь, что она будет коротка, но, наверно, повествование затянется.
Я кун, 22 года, 4 курс, живу с родителями - учусь. Есть девушка. Живём в достатке, всего хватает, есть два автомобиля, делаем ремонт в ванной.
Я здоров, группа по состоянию здоровья А1 (спецназ), у меня есть девушка.
Казалось бы, пришёл за советом, а на деле хвастается. Но теперь начинается сама суть.
Всё детство она делала за меня всю работу, оберегала меня как своего сычёнка из "бугурт тредов".
Потом я пошёл в школу. Ей хотелось, чтобы я учился только на отлично. Как итог - каждый вечер проверка домашки. Более того, если чего-то не понимал или получал 4, то она меня по-всякому обзывала "дебил, скотина, сволочь, дебилоид". Ну и иногда пиздила ремнём. Один раз отпиздила до крови, Батя заступился, сказал ей больше меня не бить. ИЧСХ, не била больше. (это 2 класс).
В школе я был омегой. И не удивительно - мамка всегда интересовалась мной у училки, в драках я бежал к маме - чтобы защитила. Если на меня кто-то задирался, то общалась с родителями. И всё это время мне не нужно было ничего делать, рюкзак носила она, дома ни убирался, ни готовил, сычевал на 95% (5% вышеупомянутые пиздюли). Рос хиккой.
В 3 классе пришёл новенький альфа, по-фану подружился со мной и другим омегой. Благодаря ему ходил в школу с радостью и не вырос уёбищем (хотя об этом судите позже).
С 6 класса начал играть в игры, комп был, ходил в клубы. С того времени по сегодняшний день в среднем пишите что каждый день играл по 3 часа.
Корочи, в 11 классе мы все дружные, а я вроде как норм середнячок, сидел с ламповой няшей и понимал, почему девушек садят справа от мальчиков (на женских рубашках пуговицы на левой стороне).
сука, я всё не о том
До 2 курса я жил, не тужил, сычевал, ничего не делал кроме учёбы и игр.
Потом у меня появилась девушка. Лампа ещё та. Встречались, познакомила меня со своими родителями. Лето пожил у её родителей. И, блядь, я охуел. Оказывается, в семье можно считаться со мнением своих детей. Родитель - не монарх, а демократ. И, вот тут то и начинается моя история.
Сначала, мамка пригласила девушки пожить в нашу квартиру. Вроде норм жили, девушка готовила/стирала/убирала, но мамка таки задалась себе целью - извести её. Упрёки, что плохо помыто (посуда была чистая, но она сказала, что ей без разницы и надо мыть лучше), что надо "закрывать окно, чтобы не дуло" (не следующий день сказала открывать окно, а то душно). Корочи, всё общение было в форме упрёков. Дошло до того, что она заявила "что это твоя девушка ничего не делает, обленилась что ли?". Я чутка охуел, сказал что она делает всё, что должна. Та вскукарекнула "в своём доме порядки будете наводить". Заканчивая этой фразой любую контру на её выпад, она таки заставила девушку съехать (говоря, что моя девушка наглая).
Стори намба ту. Работала мамка и подружилась там с каким-то мужиком, который вроде как с того же города, что и она родом. Год дружили, батя знал о нём, ездили вместе на шашлыки, купаться. Ездили втроём, батя из-за работы не мог. И аноны, один раз, когда мы поехали вместе в другой город, мы остановились на заправке. Они вышли, я остался в машине. Поворачиваю голову, а они БИЛЯТЬ СОСУТЬСЯ НА УЛИЦЕ. Я мудак, прошло 3 года, а бате так и не рассказал. Потом они часто звонили друг другу, я сливал себе их разоворы, но там какая-то ванильная хуйня, типа "чё ты мине не пишешь". Сейчас его сто лет не видел. Но может это связано с тем, что год назад мамке сказал, что сосаться с другими мужиками это не норм.
Стори три. Год назад. Вот эта истрия, когда я рассказал, что знаю, что они сосались. Я сел в машину, она тоже села, и я уж не помню, что там надо было сделать, но короче, она безосновательно повысила на меня голос. Я в контру наорал на неё. Она охуела. "Кто тебя этому научил" "ты больной"? Я ей криком говорил что-то типа, если не хочешь, чтобы орали на тебя, не кричи на других.
Стори четыре. 11 месяцев назад. Подобная история. Дома я, мама, папа. 11 часов вечера. Что-то я там собирал в поездку, и на ответ, типа "нет, мне не нужна шоколадка в поездку", она что-то прокричала. Я подошёл, и орнул ей в ухо "МОЖНО ПОТИШЕ?". Она расплакалась, убежала в комнату, батя пришёл, сказал, чтобы просил прощения. Он сказал, что я ночью часто орал когда мелкий был, что она отдала здоровье, чтобы я родился. Я, не долго думая, пошёл, сказал тип прости, и всё норм было. Почему я так сделал? Потому что батя у меня - Великий Человек. Он гений мысли, знает результат наперёд, обладает кучей знаний, умеет всё, есть совет на любой случай жизни, разгадывает многоходовочки. В общем - это тот мой идеал, на кого я всё-же ориентируюсь в своей жизни. И я подумал, что всё же, что если не извинюсь, то мамка папе будет ебать мозги, и это есть единственная причина, почему он меня попросил извиниться.
Стори 4.5 (вспомнил в конце, поэтому пишу сюда). Стори размером с этот тред http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Стори 5. Сегодня. У мамки есть привычка, если намечается поездка, командировка, она ебёт мозги и портит настроение. Она приготовила нам завтрак, мы поели, стали собирать вещи. Приходит она и говорит "хоть бы одна... спасибо сказала". Это её стандартное выражение, в оригинале вместо паузы стоит слово "сволочь". Я промолчал.
Поехали на шашлыки, всё собрали, я стал готовить шашлык на вилке (ибо шампур остался дома), и она подходит и говорит "дай попробовать". Я говорю .что не дам, и ем. Затем приехали шампуры и надо было чтобы мне помогли насадить мясо. Я попросил, мам, помоги насадить мясо. Она говорит, что не будет, ибо я ей не дал маясо. Я сказал, что "не нужно было сволочью обзываться", она сказала, что этого не было. На что батя зацитировал ей утреннюю фразу (просто рыбачил недалеко). Я сел на её стул, она стала кукарекать, чтобы слез. Я не слезал. На спинке висела её куртка. Она взбугуртнула и резким движением руки вырвала его да так, что задела мою голову. По сути получил норм удар. Я по жизни мирный человек и не умею ни ругаться, ни дать сдачи. Могу, точнее, но ноги подкашиваются, но я вроде как перебарываю себя и пока норм. И пошла она в сторону машины, а я, переборол себя, и кинул в неё кочергой. (лёгкой, даже синяка не будет 100%), смачно попал по ляхе. Она назвала меня "придурком" и бате сказала "ты видел что он сделал? ОН В МЕНЯ КИНУЛ". Батя ничего не сказал, мамка сидела в машине, болтала со шлюхами подругами. Потом сидели ели шашлыки, батя общался норм, пришла подруга мамки, они болтали, мамка была унылая.
Приехали домой, и тут я слышу "пока он не извинится, коко (не расслышал)". И тут меня прорвало. Я думал, что она могла почувствовать себя виноватой, что нельзя членов своей семьи ударять\обзывать, так нет. Тут я включил берсерка, пообзывал её насколько хватало моей инфантильной фантазии (говно, тварь). Она пошла жаловаться к бате. Он ничего не ответил. И сейчас она спит в соседней комнате, а батя вроде как ничего не говорил.
ps: я живу по принципу обращаться к другим так, как они относятся к тебе. Зная, что это может быть направлено в мою сторону, я никогда не позволяю себе первым сделать то, что я считаю плохим.

Итак, ты дошёл до конца этой писанины. Анончики, ряд вопросов:
1) Как перебороть страх ругани. Качалка помогает? (совет другого анона)
2) Как контрить аргумент родителей "что, взрослый стал?". Я готов накатать целый абзац о его абсурдности, но может анон скажешь, что они правы?
3) Я хочу с этого дня обращаться к ней на "говно-шлюха", раз она считает оскорбления семьи нормальными. Но я знаю, что это не слова 22-летнего мужчины.

Инфа 100%, что если человек ебёт тебе мозги или оскорбляет, то он не хочет, чтобы это последовало ему в ответ (проверено на девушке).

Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 22:59:28 #2 №126046637 
буду бампать, ибо это оче важно для меня
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:03:16 #3 №126047038 
ненавижу ложь. а она может врать даже о том, что все видели и при этих же людях
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:03:46 #4 №126047075 
если кто будет читать, отпишите здесь, буду ждать ваших ответов
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:04:27 #5 №126047148 
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:04:46 #6 №126047177 
бамп 1/4
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:05:03 #7 №126047203 
бамп 1/5
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:05:23 #8 №126047227 
бамп 1/6
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:05:49 #9 №126047274 
я бы не читал если бы кто-то столько настрочил
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:06:09 #10 №126047304 
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:06:32 #11 №126047340 
теперь говорит "поднял руку на мать"
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:06:56 #12 №126047370 
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:07:17 #13 №126047410 
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:07:51 #14 №126047461 
с днем победы
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:07:58 #15 №126047474 
Во у тебя ебнутая маман
Может постарайся съехать поскорее?!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:08:44 #16 №126047556 
нужно работать.
не могу совместить учебу и работу по времени
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:09:26 #17 №126047615 
расскажи про свою, как выглядит норм мама?
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:09:27 #18 №126047616 
>>126046577 (OP)
ты какой-то дебил из семьи дебилов.
уезжай от родителей, срочно.
хотя это тебе уже едва ли поможет.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:09:46 #19 №126047646 
охблядь, ну и лента
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:09:48 #20 №126047651 
почему может не помочь?
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:10:27 #21 №126047712 
не спорю, уж очень хотел показать всю картину
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:11:42 #22 №126047815 
а как же мои вопросы?
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:11:43 #23 №126047820 
>>126046577 (OP)
>Есть девушка. Живём в достатке, всего хватает, есть два автомобиля, делаем ремонт в ванной.
Дальше читать не стал. Пошел нахуй отсюда, у тебя все просто отлично, не просри это все.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:12:26 #24 №126047877 
лучше бы прочитал
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:13:30 #25 №126047954 
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:13:48 #26 №126047982 
тебе 22 года, а ты про свою жизнь пишешь, как ебучий школьник.
"заставила мою тян съехать", "неслабо так ударила по голове", "АБЗЫВАТЬ ЕЕ ГОВНО-ШЛЮХОЙ".
ты хоть понимаешь насколько ты всрат?
короче, типичный дегрод инфантил при тиранической мамке и амебном отце.
беги от них куда глаза глядят.
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:13:49 #27 №126047985 
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:14:10 #28 №126048009 
Ты здоровый, у тебя есть девушка, деньги, машины. Ты живешь в моей мечте.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:14:47 #29 №126048070 
>>126046577 (OP)
Качалка помогает, бро! Когда станет страшно перед руганью упади к ее ногам, прими упор лежа и хуярь отжимания. Вот она охуеет! Испугается и убежит к хуям!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:15:10 #30 №126048109 
ОП, я честно собирался прочитать твой пост, но, ебать в рот, он слишком длинный. Я нихуя не осилил!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:15:47 #31 №126048175 
бежать, так я лишусь всего, что имею - дотации, транспорт, еда и квартира. не очень перспектива
про инфантильность знаю, поэтому привык ориентироваться на авторитетов
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:15:59 #32 №126048201 
>>126046577 (OP)
Съёбывай из этой хуйни как можно быстрее.
Заню, учеба и тыр пыр, но раз уж ты уже на 4 курсе, найди себе работу за 30к и снимай хату с друзьями.
Будет не оч богато, но зато прекратится эта хуйня.
Не стоит дальше рушить отношения с мамкой, она родной человек все таки, просто так получилось, что вы слишком разные по характеру и не можете уживаться вместе.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:16:43 #33 №126048273 
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:17:11 #34 №126048321 
со всем согласен кроме "родной человек". Нельзя же всё прощать только из-за этого
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:18:04 #35 №126048423 
>>126046577 (OP)
Пошел нахуй пидор, даже тут редко встретишь такую унылую историю
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:18:09 #36 №126048429 
>дотации, транспорт, еда и квартира
тогда съебывай медленно и тактично.
понимаешь, все эти весомые бонусы рано или поздно сойдут на нет, поскольку жизнь с этими людьми сделает тебя зависимым долбоебом
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:18:19 #37 №126048449 
я хз как в магистратуре будет. возможно там получиться совмещать
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:18:25 #38 №126048461 
И при каждом приближении тела к полу можешь целовать ей одну из ступней. Тогда точно охуеет и больше так не будет делать.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:19:04 #39 №126048510 
прочёл, анализирую
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:19:56 #40 №126048618 DELETED
>>126046577 (OP)
>Доброй ночи, друзья. Люблю иногда заходить на двач и читать рассказы о том, что анон нищенствует или о его проблемах в жизни
А теперь съеби отсюда, и чтоб у твоей мамаши рак матки случился.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:20:05 #41 №126048631 
а сейчашнюю ситуацию как решить?
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:20:35 #42 №126048684 
нищенка итт
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:21:23 #43 №126048765 
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:22:14 #44 №126048843 
так, ребята, прекратите, у меня тут проблема
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:22:57 #45 №126048918 
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:22:58 #46 №126048923 
>>126046577 (OP)
Оп - членосос. Кто-нибудь прочел этот высер? О чем там?
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:23:24 #47 №126048976 
никак не надо ее решать.
просто перестань быть инфантилом и веди себя, как взрослый человек.
т.е. делай выводы из чужого поведения и не провоцируй еще больше хуйни, чем уже есть.
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:23:41 #48 №126049014 
мамка доминирует а я против
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:24:35 #49 №126049096 
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:25:14 #50 №126049156 
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:25:51 #51 №126049210 
>>126046577 (OP)
Ну ты и мразь.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:26:12 #52 №126049247 
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:26:47 #53 №126049310 
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:27:11 #54 №126049343 
>>126046577 (OP)
нахуй ты тут нужен со своей простыней текста, успешный даун блять, все у него есть, ну и иди нахуй тогда в очко ебись
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:27:22 #55 №126049365 
поясни тогда, почему взрослый человек вытворяет хуйню?
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:27:46 #56 №126049417 
дочитай. это все меняет
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:27:46 #57 №126049419 
>>126046577 (OP)
боже, какой ебанат. я даже по диагонали до конца посмотреть, чтобы окончательно оухеть от его ебанутости
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:28:38 #58 №126049504 
мыслитель плез
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:28:54 #59 №126049530 
так это у родителей, ебанат
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:29:22 #60 №126049584 
>>126046577 (OP)
ОП совет съезжай от родителей быстрее, любить их лучше на расстоянии
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:29:56 #61 №126049639 DELETED
Можно и нужно. Но, дистанцируюясь, конечно.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:30:11 #62 №126049667 
что мыслитель? его история такая же никому нахуй не нужная, как и его вопросы
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:30:11 #63 №126049668 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:30:13 #64 №126049675 
легко сказать "съехай" человеку без вышки, без опыта работы и без стипендии
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:30:15 #65 №126049681 
потому что он охуел, че тут непонятного?
это отнюдь не значит что надо охуевать в ответ - взрослого человека уже не перевоспитать, особенно если это пытается сделать эмоциональный инфантил.
азбучные истины же.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:30:43 #66 №126049727 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:31:04 #67 №126049760 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:31:22 #68 №126049790 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:31:26 #69 №126049797 
долбоеб-пидр иди нахуй отсюда
долбит дырку, хата, машина есть.
хуле те еще надо? пидар
у других и 1\3 нет того что у тебя есть
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:31:39 #70 №126049818 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:31:54 #71 №126049836 
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:32:00 #72 №126049848 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:32:06 #73 №126049856 
>>126046577 (OP)
>Итак, ты дошёл до конца этой писанины.
Неа. Пропустил все что ты писал.
>Анончики, ряд вопросов:
>1) Как перебороть страх ругани. Качалка помогает? (совет другого анона)
Индивидуально. Скорее да чем нет.
>2) Как контрить аргумент родителей "что, взрослый стал?". Я готов накатать целый абзац о его абсурдности, но может анон скажешь, что они правы?
Одним словом "да"
Да, я стал взрослый и имею право на себя, свои решения, свою личную правоту и неправоту. Не нравится - заводите собачку. Для собачки хозяин прав всегда.
>3) Я хочу с этого дня обращаться к ней на "говно-шлюха", раз она считает оскорбления семьи нормальными. Но я знаю, что это не слова 22-летнего мужчины.
Я так и не знаю кого ты там хочешь поливать говном (потому как не читал), но вот что я тебе скажу: хочешь полвать кого-то говном - поливай.
Но тебе потом придется принять возможные последствия такого поливания говном, и если они тебе ничем серьезно не вредят - сделай это.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:32:24 #74 №126049887 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:32:49 #75 №126049927 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:32:52 #76 №126049931 
принял к сведению
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:33:10 #77 №126049958 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:33:51 #78 №126050025 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:33:53 #79 №126050030 
какая хуй разница
у тя или у родаков
один хуй нет!
еще меня и ебанатом назвал
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:34:07 #80 №126050058 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:34:13 #81 №126050072 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:34:24 #82 №126050087 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:34:31 #83 №126050099 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:34:46 #84 №126050124 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:34:49 #85 №126050132 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:35:02 #86 №126050154 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:35:04 #87 №126050160 
аарр. будто хохол набежал в тред про котят и стал орать "кляты москали". ты хотя бы тред дочитай
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:35:06 #88 №126050165 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:35:18 #89 №126050182 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:35:24 #90 №126050191 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:35:42 #91 №126050212 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:35:51 #92 №126050229 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:35:59 #93 №126050244 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:36:11 #94 №126050262 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:36:18 #95 №126050271 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:36:29 #96 №126050290 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:36:34 #97 №126050299 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:36:39 #98 №126050307 
>напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Напомнить о том что ты ничтожество, выжившее и гадящее благодаря подвигу советских воинов?
Напомнить о том что мы, победители, покупаем автомобили у побежденных потому что неспособны сделать лучше?
О том что у нас хуже уровень жизни?

О чем напомнить, обмудок?
Стыдись что подвиг просран и не вякай о нем пока не сделаешь у себя хотя бы так же как проигравшие немцы и японцы.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:36:50 #99 №126050332 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:36:51 #100 №126050333 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:36:59 #101 №126050348 
разговор с пастой
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:37:14 #102 №126050369 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:37:23 #103 №126050386 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:37:35 #104 №126050405 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:37:43 #105 №126050425 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:37:48 #106 №126050433 
Традиции, хули.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:37:51 #107 №126050441 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:37:58 #108 №126050451 
жду советов
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:37:59 #109 №126050453 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:38:07 #110 №126050468 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:38:22 #111 №126050494 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:38:26 #112 №126050501 
>1) Как перебороть страх ругани. Качалка помогает? (совет другого анона)
Со своей мамкой научился ругаться таким же способом как и отец семья не дружна у меня, хз как они не развелись а именно доводить до истерики всякими обидными и едкими фразами, мамка это понимает и обычно когда у нее нет смысла то после пары фраз быстро сливается. Если есть повод то можно пару часов сратся, со временем мне это даже доставлять стало, вот такая я мразь.
И да, мамка стремиться сделать так, чтобы ты чувствовал себя виноватым, это главная цель. Я научился всегда ставить крайней ее, с чего у нее нехило полыхает

>2) Как контрить аргумент родителей "что, взрослый стал?". Я готов накатать целый абзац о его абсурдности, но может анон скажешь, что они правы?
"Да, подумываю съехать уже от вас, думаю я уже готов."
>3) Я хочу с этого дня обращаться к ней на "говно-шлюха", раз она считает оскорбления семьи нормальными. Но я знаю, что это не слова 22-летнего мужчины.

Даже после самых эпичных срачей со своей мамкой такого никогда не было.

Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:38:40 #113 №126050531 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:38:44 #114 №126050534 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:38:56 #115 №126050567 
Я должен читать весь твой высер? Ты ахуел?
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:39:01 #116 №126050574 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:39:19 #117 №126050601 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
Хули ты ждешь? Ты даже про здоровье ничего не написал - у тебя вообще нет никаких проблем.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:39:22 #118 №126050605 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:39:40 #119 №126050645 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:39:44 #120 №126050654 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:40:00 #121 №126050686 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:40:03 #122 №126050693 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:40:16 #123 №126050725 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:40:23 #124 №126050734 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:40:28 #125 №126050741 
не читай, разрешаю
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:40:32 #126 №126050748 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:40:39 #127 №126050764 DELETED
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:40:48 #128 №126050778 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:41:04 #129 №126050801 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:41:20 #130 №126050824 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:41:32 #131 №126050855 DELETED
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:41:37 #132 №126050863 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:41:55 #133 №126050887 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:42:13 #134 №126050925 DELETED
> Мудацкий тред, но сажа-кун должен страдать.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:42:13 #135 №126050926 
через что спамишь?
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:42:18 #136 №126050930 DELETED
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:42:38 #137 №126050963 DELETED
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:42:42 #138 №126050970 
>>126046577 (OP)
Блядь, сука. Почему у каждого анона на двоще проблемы с родителями? Почему они все припизднутые, причем одинакого? Почему бугурт-треды такие жизненные? Неужели основа омежного характера-это воспитание такими совковыми уебанами?
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:42:58 #139 №126050998 DELETED
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:43:03 #140 №126051008 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:43:03 #141 №126051009 
Ебаный долбоеб, задвиг тему, почему он насмехается над омежками, хотя сам тот еще ебучий омега. Пошёл нахуй маленький выблядок, половину прочитал. Сажаскрыл, уебище
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:43:15 #142 №126051025 
пропуск в /е/
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:43:27 #143 №126051039 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:43:36 #144 №126051052 
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:43:44 #145 №126051067 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:44:21 #146 №126051128 
>Неужели основа омежного характера-это воспитание такими совковыми уебанами?
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:44:27 #147 №126051141 
дурачок, тред читай.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:44:58 #148 №126051191 
все советы, что тут пишут, я читаю и анализирую - ни одного не пропустил
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:44:59 #149 №126051194 
и да, твоя мамка ебанутая пиздец, даже по сравнению с моей
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:46:00 #150 №126051301 
Извинись перед мамкой, минимизируй общение с ней, ищи и реализуй возможности по съебу.
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:46:05 #151 №126051312 
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:46:30 #152 №126051350 
видать всё к этому и сводится
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:46:53 #153 №126051391 
буду думать
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:47:27 #154 №126051445 
>ты хоть понимаешь насколько ты всрат?
Значение знаешь?
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:48:26 #155 №126051538 
ну, суть я уловил
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:49:59 #156 №126051689 
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:50:08 #157 №126051704 
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:50:41 #158 №126051753 
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:51:02 #159 №126051790 
С трудом, но фиксится.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:51:28 #160 №126051836 
Какой бамп? 170 постов уже.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:51:41 #161 №126051857 
>>126046577 (OP)
1. Необходимо быть независимым и понимать, что ты не доллар, чтобы нравиться всем. Что некоторым людям ты просто не понравишься потому, что ты существуешь. Это - нормально. И просто не париться.

2. Этот аргумент родителей можно перебороть став взрослым. Стать взрослым - означает принимать решения, касательно своей жизни самостоятельно и обеспечивать их - прежде всего материально. Про обеспечивать - это особенно важно. В сознании родителей ты до сих пор с трудом вытираешь себе жопу и даже не можешь обеспечить себя и свою женщину жильем. Тем не менее ты способен повышать голос на мать и действовать, как будто ты охуенный парень, а не мальчик, живущий до сих пор с своей мамкой.

3. Ты живешь на территории этой говношлюхи. Если ты встаешь к ней в контры - то логично не пользоваться ее услугами и уехать от нее?

Если ты хочешь цивилизованно наказать свою мамку, то лучший способ - это жить отдельно и прекратить с ней все контакты, предварительно объяснив ей в разговоре где и что тебе не понравилось.

Вообще - ты слишком циклишься на мамке. А главный человек для тебя в этом мире, должен быть ты сам. Не надо никому мстить. Нужно делать так, чтобы тебе было хорошо, а также хорошо тем, кто с тобой рядом и поддерживал тебя тогда, когда тебе было плохо. Мстить родителям - контрпродуктивно. Их ты не выбираешь, но ты можешь выбирать свое окружение. И если твои родители токсичны - ты можешь от них дистанцироваться.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:51:53 #162 №126051870 
С сажей, ага
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:52:47 #163 №126051964 
Блять, ОП, как я тебя понимаю.
У меня оче похожая ситуация. Жить иногда довольно тяжко, но я стараюсь мотивировать себя тем, что осталось потерпеть еще немного и я съебу. Ибо от такого один выход - бежать. Надеяться, что она что-то поймёт или перевоспитать - это как горохом об стену. Беги, ОП.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:53:12 #164 №126051997 
Пиздец, хорошо что у меня с родителями было всё замечательно и такой хуйни не было.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:53:48 #165 №126052051 
убедительно. можешь пояснить ещё почему она такое вытворяет?
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:56:36 #166 №126052312 
Аноним OP 09/05/16 Пнд 23:57:12 #167 №126052361 
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:57:49 #168 №126052434 
sageАноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:57:57 #169 №126052448 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:58:20 #170 №126052478 
>>126046577 (OP)
>делаем ремонт в ванной
Это самая важная инфа.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:58:54 #171 №126052537 
Потому что может. Потому что она растила тебя не для того, чтобы ты стал самостоятельным юнитом (нормальным человеком), а для того, чтобы ты был ее комнатной собачкой. Потому что она помнит тебя, когда ты срал под себя или она учила тебя вытирать себе жопу. Потому что она думает, что может легко манипулировать тобой и вызывать те или иные реакции. И когда ты начал выходить из-под ее орбиты - она начала использовать приемы манипуляции для того, чтобы тебя подчинить ?

Выбери причину сам. Фишка состоит в том, что пока ты живешь с своей матерью - она будет тебя пытаться прожать под свое видение мира.
Аноним 09/05/16 Пнд 23:59:46 #172 №126052605 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:00:39 #173 №126052688 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:00:55 #174 №126052708 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:01:03 #175 №126052722 
Съезжай. Как-то, но съезжай и живи с тян.
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:01:11 #176 №126052732 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:01:29 #177 №126052759 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:01:49 #178 №126052782 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:02:06 #179 №126052813 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:02:17 #180 №126052834 
бамп. аноны, я читаю каждый ваш совет
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:02:24 #181 №126052842 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:02:43 #182 №126052878 DELETED
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:02:47 #183 №126052880 
да, и каждому спасибо, кто делится своей мудростью
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:02:59 #184 №126052898 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:03:17 #185 №126052922 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:03:33 #186 №126052944 
ОП, съезжай от родителей нахуй, ты уже начинаешь деградировать.
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:03:35 #187 №126052945 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:03:57 #188 №126052975 DELETED
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:04:16 #189 №126053006 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:04:21 #190 №126053011 
хм, а может в общагу?
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:04:34 #191 №126053022 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:04:54 #192 №126053052 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:05:18 #193 №126053089 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:05:24 #194 №126053095 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:05:37 #195 №126053113 DELETED
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:05:43 #196 №126053121 
Ну и да. Повышать голос на женщину = фейл. Если даже ты срешься с матерью - представь, что перед тобой маленькая девочка. Примерно так необходимо доносить аргументы до женщин. Они плохо могут в логический анализ и оперируют чувствами. Так плохой человек, вызвавший хорошие чувства в сознании женщины легко становится хорошим. Точно так же и нормальные мужчины фейлят, пытаясь оперировать логическими парадигмами в споре с женщинами. Она срала на твою логику. А вот то, что ты начал кричать, когда она тебя спровоцировала на это - означает то, что ты хуево себя контролируешь.
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:05:56 #197 №126053149 DELETED
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:06:16 #198 №126053176 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:06:35 #199 №126053204 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:06:50 #200 №126053231 
Куда угодно. Сириусли. Как общаться с мамкой, ругаться с ней и как ее называть - это пиздец, ты сейчас совершенно другой хуйней должен быть озабочен, если у тебя нормальная, здоровая психика. Если нет (очевидно, что нет, раз у тебя мамка ебанашка), то начинай реальные проблемы решать. И первая из них - съебать из дома.
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:06:56 #201 №126053238 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:07:14 #202 №126053265 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:07:25 #203 №126053281 
а ведь это много объясняет
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:07:33 #204 №126053293 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:07:51 #205 №126053322 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:08:10 #206 №126053347 DELETED
>а ведь это много объясняет


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:08:31 #207 №126053373 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:08:55 #208 №126053405 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:09:11 #209 №126053425 DELETED
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:09:27 #210 №126053448 DELETED
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:09:38 #211 №126053466 
>>126046577 (OP)
Анон, ты либо тупой, либо я не знаю... Давно уже надо было понять что жить с семьей (особенно с мамкой) взрослому парню это не только зашквар но и пустое ебание мозгов и трата нервов. Совет только один, если хочешь жить нормально, уебывай из дома, ищи работу и снимай комнату, можешь скооперироваться с кем-нибудь из студентов и снимать на двоих/троих. Больше тут советовать нечего.
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:09:44 #212 №126053475 DELETED


Без лишней хуйни, анон, просто присоединяйся к историческому рейду В ЧЕСТЬ 9 МАЯ!

Собственно, отель: http://www.habbo.com

Временное мыло для подтверждения регистрации получай тут: https://temp-mail.ru/

Интуитивный интерфейс, не запутаешься.

Дресс-код: Жми на своего Хаббо, далее в меню внешнего вида (your looks), и одевайся как на пикрелейтед.

Ремайндер: рейды на хаббо были популярны в лохматые времена и имели когда-то некислый размах, а главное - тонны лулзов и несколько слепящих винов. закономерно, что модерирование менялось и ужесточалось с течением времени, так что думай, как обходить ворд-фильтры, дабы не схватить мьют или вообще бан.

Статья на уютном: http://lurkmore.to/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%B1%D0%BE

Два слова о цели рейда: напомнить миру, что такое 9 МАЯ! Помни 9 мая, сука!
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:10:27 #213 №126053535 
надо было на первом курсе создавать этот тред
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:10:29 #214 №126053538 
Просто перестань общаться, но не кидай обидку напрямую
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:10:54 #215 №126053585 
>>126046577 (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:11:40 #216 №126053657 
>>126046577 (OP)
> Как контрить аргумент родителей "что, взрослый стал?"
Взрослые умеют в диалог и компромисс. Потому чья бы корова мычала
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:12:16 #217 №126053703 
> Bitch, I'm not about
> Nurse.
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:12:32 #218 №126053732 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:13:06 #219 №126053779 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:13:28 #220 №126053807 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:13:44 #221 №126053833 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:14:00 #222 №126053856 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:14:16 #223 №126053887 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:14:18 #224 №126053894 
батя могёт, мама не очень
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:14:33 #225 №126053921 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:14:53 #226 №126053950 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:15:33 #227 №126054025 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:15:50 #228 №126054054 
Хуй тебе
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:15:56 #229 №126054066 
Кругом сплошное наебалово
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:16:08 #230 №126054091 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:16:32 #231 №126054134 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:16:49 #232 №126054161 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:17:13 #233 №126054189 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:17:34 #234 №126054217 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:17:51 #235 №126054246 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:17:58 #236 №126054251 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:18:14 #237 №126054276 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:18:33 #238 №126054305 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:18:38 #239 №126054312 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:19:11 #240 №126054366 
Не мамкай, спать иди.
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:19:15 #241 №126054376 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:19:34 #242 №126054399 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:19:35 #243 №126054404 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:19:50 #244 №126054425 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:19:53 #245 №126054431 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:20:08 #246 №126054459 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:20:10 #247 №126054462 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:20:28 #248 №126054488 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:20:29 #249 №126054489 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:20:44 #250 №126054515 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:20:48 #251 №126054520 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:21:00 #252 №126054540 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:21:04 #253 №126054549 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:21:16 #254 №126054561 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:21:21 #255 №126054569 
>>126046577 (OP) (OP)
Это паста с фочана, расходимся
Good night friends. I like to sometimes go to dvach and read stories of that anon mendicant or about his problems in life - it's uplifting, and often occur in the comments wise thoughts.
Today, I moved from the category of readers in the category of writing Peel your Story. I hope that it will be short, but, probably, the narrative drags.
I kun, 22 years old, 4 year, living with parents - learning. Have a girlfriend. We live in abundance, just enough, have two cars, do repairs in the bathroom.
I'm healthy, group health condition A1 (special forces), I have a girlfriend.
It would seem, have come for advice, but actually brags. But now the very essence begins.
All childhood she was doing all the work for me, protected me as a sychёnka of "bugurt threading".
Then I went to school. She wanted me to study just fine. As a result - checking homework every night. Moreover, if something does not understand or receive 4, it is me in every one called him "a moron, bastard, bastard, debiloid". Well, sometimes pussy belt. Once otpizdila to the blood, Dad stood up, told her more than I do not beat. ICHSKH not beat anymore. (This class 2).
At school I was the omega. And no wonder - the nurse was always interested me at the teacher, in fights, I ran to my mother - to protect. If someone bullied me, you communicate with parents. And all this time I did not have to do anything, she was wearing a backpack, home or cleaned or cooked, sycheval 95% (5% above pizdyuley). Ross Hickey.
In grade 3 came a brand new alpha in Fang became friends with me and other omega. Thanks to him, went to school with joy and not grown uёbischem (although this judge later).
On the 6th grade started playing the game, the computer was, went to clubs. From that time till today to write that on average each day played for 3 hours.
In short, in the 11th grade, we are all together, and I kind of middling norms, sitting with a lamp nyashey and understand why girls are thrown to the right of boys (female shirt buttons on the left side).
Bitch, I'm not about
Up to 2 year I lived, not grieved, sycheval, did nothing but study and games.
Then I got the girl. The lamp still that. There were, introduced me to his parents. Summer lived at her parents. And, damn, I ohuel. It turns out that the family can be considered with the opinion of their children. The parent - not a monarch and a Democrat. And here it begins my story.
First, the nurse invited the girl to live in our apartment. Like living standards, she cooked / washed / cleaned, but the nurse did ask myself purpose - lime it. Reproaches that badly washed (the dishes were clean, but she said that it makes no difference and it is necessary to wash the better), it is necessary "to close the window so as not to muzzle," (not to say the next day to open the window, and the stuffy). In short, all communication was in the form of accusations. So much so, that she said, "it's your girl does not do anything, grown lazy or what?". I am sympathetic ohuel, she said that she was doing all that it should. That vskukareknula "at his home orders will be induced." In concluding this phrase any dissent on her attack, she still made the girl move out (saying that my girlfriend arrogant).
Story the Namba. She worked as the nurse and made friends there with some guy who's kind of like from the same town as she came. Year of friends, Dad knew about it, went with a barbecue, swimming. We went three of us, Father because of the work could not. And Annonas, once when we went together to another city, we stopped at a gas station. They went out, I stayed in the car. I turn my head, and they suck on Beal Street. I'm an asshole, passed 3 years and Bata have not told. Then they called each other often, I merged them razovory itself, but there is some vanilla garbage like "Che you do not write mine." Now its one hundred years have not seen. But maybe it's due to the fact that a year ago mamma said that suck with other men is not the norm.
Story three. A year ago. Here is Istria, when I said that I know that they suck. I got into the car, she, too, sat down, and I do not remember that there had to be done, but in short, it is unnecessarily raised her voice at me. I yelled at her dissent. She ohuel. "Who taught you this," "you're sick"? I told her to shout something like, if you do not want to yell at you, do not scream at the other.
Story four. 11 months ago. A similar story. House I, mom, dad. 11 p.m. Something I'm going on a trip there, and to answer, such as "no, I do not need chocolate for the ride," she shouted something. I walked over and ornul her ear, "You could be quiet?". She burst into tears, ran into the room, Dad came to, he said, to ask for forgiveness. He said that the night I often yelled when the fine was that it gave the health that I was born. I, without hesitation, went, said the type of excuse, and all the rules were. Why did I do that? Because my Dad - Great Man. He is a genius idea, know the result beforehand, has a bunch of knowledge, can do everything, there is advice on every occasion of life, unravels mnogohodovochki. In general - this is my ideal, whom I have all the same guidance in their life. And I thought all the same that if you do not apologize, the mother of the pope is to fuck the brains, and this is the only reason why he asked me to apologize.
Story 4.5 (remembered at the end, so I write here). Story about the size of the trade http://a2ch.ru/2016/04/11/oh-anony-sejchas-budet-veselo-mamka-prishla-domoj-buhaia-ia-sprosil-u-nejo-123024347.html
Story 5. Today. We have a habit of Nurse if planned trip, business trip, she fuck the brains and spoils the mood. She cooked us breakfast, we ate, began to collect things. Comes she says, "though one said ... thank you." This is her standard expression, instead of the original pause is the word "bastard". I said nothing.
Let's go to the barbecue, all put together, I began to cook barbecue on the plug (for the skewer stayed at home), and she came up and said, "Give to try." I say do not give .chto and eat. Then came skewers and I had to help me to spread the meat. I asked Mom, help me to spread the meat. She says she will not, because I did not let her Majas. I said that "there was no need to call names bastard," she said that it was not. What Dad zatsitiroval her morning ice (just fished close). I sat on her chair, she began to crow, to tears. I do not get down. On the back was hanging her jacket. She vzbugurtnula and abruptly pulled his hand so much so that my head hurt. In fact, the rules got hit. I for the life of a man of peace and do not know any curse or fight back. Can more accurately, but his legs give way, but I kind of like perebaryvat themselves and until the rules. And she went to the side of the car, and I overcame myself, and threw it in a poker. (Easy, even a bruise will not be 100%), fell by lyahe relish. She called me "asshole" and Bata said, "did you see what he did? OH, I threw in." Dad said nothing, mother was sitting in the car, chatting with friends whores. Then he sat eating kebabs, Dad talked rules Nurse friend came, they talked, mother was sad.
Came home, and then I hear "until he apologizes, coco (not heard)." And then I burst. I thought that she might feel guilty that you can not family members hitting \ call, so no. Then I turned on the Berserker, poobzyval it as far as the infantile fantasy of my (shit, creature). She went to complain to Bata. He did not say anything. And now she is sleeping in the next room, and Dad like they do not say anything.
ps: I live by the principle to apply to others as they are to you. Knowing that it can be directed at me, I will never allow myself to do first what I think bad.

So you got to the end of this scribbling. Anonchiki, a number of questions:
1) How to overcome the fear of abuse. Rocking helps? (Anon other advice)
2) as counter argument to the parents "that has become an adult?". I am ready to dash off a paragraph of its absurdity, but anon can say that they are right?
3) I want to this day refer to it in the "shit-whore", since she considers family insults normal. But I know it's not the words of 22-year-old man.

INFA 100% that if a man fuck your brains out or offended, he does not want it followed him in reply (it is checked on the girl).
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:21:32 #256 №126054593 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:21:40 #257 №126054607 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:21:51 #258 №126054622 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:22:00 #259 №126054633 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:22:11 #260 №126054653 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:22:21 #261 №126054670 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:22:43 #262 №126054704 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:23:00 #263 №126054725 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:23:19 #264 №126054764 
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:23:45 #265 №126054795 
все правильно ты делал.у меня отчим такой же гfндон. Дрался с ним постоянно. Совет - съезжай как можно раньше. У тебя мать ебанутая и злая. Может недоеб.
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:24:27 #266 №126054860 
когда все аноны говорят сваливать, это ободряет
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:24:56 #267 №126054889 
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:26:28 #268 №126055004 
Съезжай от мамки, делов то. Выглядит так, будто ты поиздеваться зашел. Тут ни у кого тян-то никогда не было, а у тебя такие проблемы.
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:29:27 #269 №126055238 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:29:55 #270 №126055273 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:30:23 #271 №126055309 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:30:39 #272 №126055337 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:32:32 #273 №126055478 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:32:57 #274 №126055500 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:34:56 #275 №126055643 
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:35:43 #276 №126055701 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:36:02 #277 №126055726 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:36:24 #278 №126055754 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:36:45 #279 №126055786 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:38:39 #280 №126055915 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:38:52 #281 №126055933 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:39:21 #282 №126055973 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:39:38 #283 №126055994 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:42:35 #284 №126056215 
Аноним OP 10/05/16 Втр 00:42:51 #285 №126056237 
ок, я спать, оставил тред на автообновление
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:43:10 #286 №126056266 
sageАноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:43:36 #287 №126056296 
Спокойной ночи.
Аноним 10/05/16 Втр 00:55:42 #288 №126057207 
>>126046577 (OP)
К чему акцентировать столько деталей: девушка, машины? Тебе УЖЕ 22, а ведешь себя как на 16. Придирки с родителями. Какие-то нелепые казусы с обзыванием. Серьезно?
Какой тебе совет дать после этих пяти случаев, которые "для тебя важны"
Сука, не страдай по хуйне. Просто какой-то немыслимый бред несовершеннолетнего. Есть куда съезжать - уебывай. Чем дальше - тем лучше. Все твои проблемы СРАЗУ исчезнут.
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