Сохранен 67
24 декабря Архивач восстановлен после серьёзной аварии. К сожалению, значительная часть сохранённых изображений и видео была потеряна. Подробности случившегося. Мы призываем всех неравнодушных помочь нам с восстановлением утраченного контента!

first official 2ch/int/ muslim thread roll in, ikwan ヾ(`ェ´)ノ have

 Anonymous  28/10/17 Суб 04:19:40 #1 №24899 
first official 2ch/int/ muslim thread
roll in, ikwan ヾ(`ェ´)ノ

have fun ya mu'minum and keep rolling the discussion and so on
special regards for our brothers who have performed hajj this year
and the worst nightmares for those who insult islam ^_^
Anonymous  28/10/17 Суб 04:21:32 #2 №24900 
Mash'Allah, brother
Anonymous  28/10/17 Суб 04:58:03 #3 №24903 
I'm thinking of conversion to Islam since a lotta time. It's the only major religion that still has some internal fire, plus it's easy to find a traditional Muslim community and even Sufi tarikats in Bulgaria (I only have to move south and up in the mountains to Pomak land). I'm still bound to my village and community though, I literally depend on breeding and selling pigs to sustain my family, and I'm a drunkard on top of that. (and my family will disown me if I become Muslim, but that's the least of my problems). Those two things are not compatible with Muslim lifestyle. Help. Shall I continue my pig business and drink all day everyday like a son of a bitch, until all my relatives die, or shall I follow my heart, become a Muslim and move the hell out of here?
Anonymous  28/10/17 Суб 20:23:08 #4 №24935 
>>24899 (OP)
>year 5778
>worshiping a cunt
Anonymous  28/10/17 Суб 20:26:59 #5 №24937 
>muslims worship a pussy on a black box
>their prayers never reach the box, because the earth is round and their prayers fly to space.
Anonymous  28/10/17 Суб 20:34:35 #6 №24939 
astagfirullah brother... this is not exactly what's supposed to be posted in this thread. i will pray for your guidance so you'll never be a companion of the hellfire. sorry if islam offends you :( HATERS GET OUT!
Anonymous  28/10/17 Суб 20:35:03 #7 №24940 
>I literally depend on breeding and selling pigs to sustain my family, and I'm a drunkard on top of that.

i have muslims in family and they pigbreeders aswell, they drink sometimes. you can become anything and do what you want in russia. nobody gives a fuck.

your reward in islamic "heaven" will be rivers of wine.

what a shitty reward tbh. only a human mind could make up such reward.
Anonymous  28/10/17 Суб 20:37:00 #8 №24941 
> sorry if islam offends you :(

no i like islam, no hate here. i just like to expose lies and hurt people with truth.

you understand Al-Arabya ?
Anonymous  28/10/17 Суб 20:41:13 #9 №24942 

Anonymous  28/10/17 Суб 20:50:01 #10 №24944 

MaShallah :D
Anonymous  28/10/17 Суб 21:19:42 #11 №24945 
sun catch up the moon.jpg
"sun catch up the moon." <--- Quran

how the fuck can a gigantic fireball catch up the moon which is small like sand compared to it?

if you see with human eyes of course it looks like the sun and moon orbits and "chase" eachother. mugamed was clever businessmen and creates religion to fool dumbass beduin. but cmon at this day and age you cant believe such nonsense.

i have nothing against religion, i think it is a great way to keep all the animals on the leech. but you seem to be smart enough to understand this. kiddo.
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 21:07:22 #12 №24963 
>>24899 (OP)

"you must submitt"

if you have problems with your wife, just stick your finger in mouth and spit on her face and smack her on the head. that will show her.

is this what Creator of the Universe wants ?
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 22:05:45 #13 №24968 
>is this what Creator of the Universe wants ?
yesss this is so simple how you cannot understand this
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 22:23:53 #14 №24969 
put finger in mouth and hit on head ?

it is stupid and meaningless activity. i know 2ch aswell, but...at least it is funny.
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 22:27:46 #15 №24970 
you're so scared of meaningless activities.... learn to live in this century finally you dweeb
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 22:28:30 #16 №24971 
okay you are azerbajani.
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 22:30:03 #17 №24972 
wtf crazy schmuck. you want people to do useless stuff ? i get at least a reward for making fun at your stupid religion in heaven, you get punished for your retardness :D
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 22:37:16 #18 №24973 
Mention of nationalities is banable in this thread. You're banned. This means that your opinion loses it's worth regardless of the form of expression. Please, don't post before 21:36 KSA, 31/10/2017
Thread superintendent
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 23:04:14 #19 №24974 

Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 23:05:24 #20 №24975 
do azerbajani prefer goat or donkey for sex ? haha

no iam jokin you azerbajani pidaras xD
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 23:21:44 #21 №24976 
azeri slave to turk alphas.jpg
türk babası azerbajan annesini sikiyor
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 23:24:58 #22 №24977 
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 23:27:34 #23 №24978 
this thread escalated pretty well, alhamdullilah.
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 23:36:36 #24 №24979 
who's escalated, tankie?

take this good bottle of good old vinho verde and chill
repeat every time you want to write on 2ch/int/
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 23:38:18 #25 №24980 
Mention of alcohol is banable in this thread. You're banned. This means that your opinion loses it's worth regardless of the form of expression. Please, don't post before 00:38 KSA, 02/11/2017
Thread superintendent
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 23:46:33 #26 №24981 
What if it is famous Shirazi wine?
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 23:47:04 #27 №24982 
Stop replying to yourself, schizosemyon.
Anonymous  29/10/17 Вск 23:56:03 #28 №24986 
>drink vinho
dude i dont drink alcohol. irl.
Anonymous  31/10/17 Втр 06:24:45 #29 №25012 

tell me my mentally handicapped brothers why did your almighty AND benevolent god create a universe filled with suffering? really makes you think
Anonymous  31/10/17 Втр 10:30:20 #30 №25016 
suffering is a signal that you make or did something wrong. now the almighty have to punish you because he created this world with surrten rules writen in the Torah which translates as instruction. and you disobey this rules now you must correct yourself and pain is a sign for that.

why does russia suffer so much(not all of course) ? they are worshiping idols.
Exodus 20:4
>"You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

Orthodox have lots of this images, called ikona. christians in general. and it is hidden sunworships that why you see this "halo" in the background.

western world is filled with idolworshipping such as chrismaus tree. it is placed each year, now the Allmighty have to punish russia.

but of course not ALL russia and this is why you have extremly rich and successfull people, who dont do this idoecy and the majority of people who do this lunacy like worshiping a tree are usually the poor and cursed ones. the ruling class know this tricks, and keep populus occupied with this bullshit and majority is suffering and they get the blessing because they dont do it.
Anonymous  31/10/17 Втр 10:41:33 #31 №25018 
now why was commies so successfull ? they banned all kinds of religions, which made the idolworshipping to stop majorly and the blessing came. thats why it was so powerfull
Anonymous  31/10/17 Втр 11:10:44 #32 №25021 
>>24899 (OP)
Narrated Anas:Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine Sahih Bukhari 8:82:794

"drink camel piss" t: mugamed
lel ebin :D
Anonymous  31/10/17 Втр 13:40:38 #33 №25022 
german boypussy.jpg
it is real.
Anonymous  31/10/17 Втр 16:57:17 #34 №25024 
Anonymous  31/10/17 Втр 17:12:20 #35 №25028 

dis is not me, the rest, yep
Anonymous  31/10/17 Втр 17:58:53 #36 №25030 
so why does he allow you to do bad things in the first place? is he not benevolent? or maybe he isn't almighty...
so russia is off worse because they worship christmas trees and idols? by your logic the japanese should be equally fucked because of their waifus and pop idols. also americans and the west have christmas trees and crucifices all over the place too, still got premium life
Anonymous  31/10/17 Втр 18:02:30 #37 №25031 
soviets had no idols? bwahahaha just look at how everyone had pictures of prominent communists, there were statues and posters and whatnot.

also there are superb countries without idol worship such as all islamic shithole countries in which life is sooo much better...
Anonymous  31/10/17 Втр 18:22:52 #38 №25033 
even if your life is shit now, you need to understand that drinking to escape it only makes it worse. please seek some sort of help with that because it is near impossible to get away from that alone (i'm serious)

look, i don't know about your relation to your family but it is important that you can rely on someone. if you want to throw that away for an expansionist warlike repressing religious cult, you will soon see that they exploit you to keep their institution running.

they promise you salvation and good traditional life, but it is a scheme to attract people who seek stability in their lives.
they cannot give you salvation, for they are mere humans.
they also cannot give you stability but only indoctrination and pointless strict rules to keep you busy

you see how these people are the same that radicalize you and send you to die for allah (more land/ slaves/ profits for some few leaders)
Anonymous  31/10/17 Втр 18:25:07 #39 №25034 
every religion claims that it is right, so why believe any of these liars?
Anonymous  31/10/17 Втр 19:13:56 #40 №25035 
The Choice of Life or Death
…14"But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may observe it. 15"See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity; 16in that I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments, that you may live and multiply, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land where you are entering to possess it.…

Anonymous  31/10/17 Втр 19:17:09 #41 №25036 
>by your logic the japanese should be equally fucked because of their waifus and pop idols.
gooks will die, dont follow the news ? they had nuclear bombed, tsunamis, earthquake and all kind of shit happend to them as punishment.
yes, thats why it crashed
but only judaism is right tho.
 31/10/17 Втр 21:41:26 #42 №25039 
is thread literally ENDS The Tankie German
Anonymous  31/10/17 Втр 23:53:48 #43 №25040 
not even an argument

>gooks will die, dont follow the news ? they had nuclear bombed, tsunamis, earthquake and all kind of shit happend to them as punishment.

atom bomb was way before that retard and they always had tsunamis and earthquakes because they live near a tectonic plate gang bang trailerpark not because magical space daddy is angry

>yes, thats why it crashed
why didn't north korea crash yet?
then travel to your promised land and get crippled because you ate pork or some stupid shit no one in the civilised world cares about
>but only judaism is right tho.
before judaism they had many gods, why were they more wrong than monotheists?
Anonymous  01/11/17 Срд 00:20:12 #44 №25042 
>not even an argument
you said "so why does he allow you to do bad things in the first place?"

The Choice of Life or Death
…14"But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may observe it. 15"See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity; 16in that I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments, that you may live and multiply, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land where you are entering to possess it.…

>"See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity;
>"See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity;

he did it basicly, but you have to choose and he recommend to take the life, meaning eternal life in heaven.

>why didn't north korea crash yet?
i like it, it is funny to me so i keep it.
>then travel to your promised land and get crippled because you ate pork or some stupid shit no one in the civilised world cares about
what ? wtf
>before judaism they had many gods, why were they more wrong than monotheists?
because worshiping some stones or statues is retarded ? dont you agree ? and judaism is the only religion which say it is retarded. thats why it is true religion.

Anonymous  01/11/17 Срд 00:30:57 #45 №25044 
we can talk all day, but lets use some simple mathematics. without believes or religion.

we have 3 leaders, moses, jesus, mugamed(pbüh).

so we ask muslims first: muslims do you believe in moses, jesus and mugamed ? they say yes, yes and yes(pbuh)

moses(1)jesus(1)mugamed(1) first round.

So we asks christians second: christians do you believe in moses, jesus and mugamed ? they say yes yes and no(pbuh)


So we asks jewish last: hey kikes do you believe in moses, jesus and mugamed ? they say yes, no and no(pbuh)


so our conclusion is that jesus fans and mugamad fans give jews points without jews asking them and or paying them.

that means only judaism can be true monotheistic religions and all others are fake.
Anonymous  01/11/17 Срд 00:38:35 #46 №25045 
krautchannerugerman I vs. krautchannerugerman II
guess who wins
Anonymous  01/11/17 Срд 03:34:16 #47 №25049 
>>24899 (OP)
kill yourself
Anonymous  01/11/17 Срд 05:13:07 #48 №25050 
let me rephrase: why does he give you the possibility of doing bad things such as dying when he could just have you doing good things such as living (which then just would be 'things')

>because worshiping some stones or statues is retarded ? dont you agree ? and judaism is the only religion which say it is retarded. thats why it is true religion.

and worshipping some ghost dad on a cloud is less retarded?
also that is some brain damage tier logic as well as >>25044
Anonymous  01/11/17 Срд 09:57:01 #49 №25051 
>ghost dad on a cloud
this is what atheist believe.

Hes not on a cloud but he is everywhere.
Anonymous  01/11/17 Срд 16:10:57 #50 №25054 
for centuries he was thought to be outside the earth plane on his throne, until this was disproven by human advancement, now you say he is everywhere, what is he, matter, energy? can't find him so you are going to say he cannot be found because magic? mystics of all centuries would call you a coward and tell you that you weren't looking well enough

also why don't you adress the other things i've said? i assume we agree?
Anonymous  01/11/17 Срд 17:14:18 #51 №25055 
yes agreed
Anonymous  01/11/17 Срд 20:53:19 #52 №25057 
bible talk language which every people can understand of course their is no "throne".

>let me rephrase: why does he give you the possibility of doing bad things such as dying when he could just have you doing good things such as living (which then just would be 'things')

you mean this ? i told you he give you good and bad. and he told you to take good, but you can take bad aswell.
Anonymous  02/11/17 Чтв 00:19:14 #53 №25063 
Thanks for the kind words, bro.
Tbh I only really think of converting to Islam when I'm really drunk, ironically. Additionally, the only real option here as far as communities go, is Sunni (besides the mentioned Sufis, who are neither here nor there and, generally, don't accept random people as far as I know), and I don't like them. But yeah, it's mostly an escapist fantasy. I can't even take monotheism seriously to start with, lol.
Anonymous  02/11/17 Чтв 00:32:19 #54 №25064 
islam is fake dude. just stop drinking. drinking makes you connect to demons and they whisper you to join their cult(islam)
Anonymous  02/11/17 Чтв 00:43:44 #55 №25065 
In any case it wouldn't really count if I say the shahadah while intoxicated, so...

>drinking makes you connect to demons and they whisper you to join their cult(islam)
Lol. But seriously, I'm really tame last couple of years, I get shitfaced once a week or so; I used to be constantly under the table for seven years before that.
Anonymous  02/11/17 Чтв 02:39:35 #56 №25070 
yeah why did he give you these options if he loves you? if you love your child, do you put knives, lighters, cocaine and vodka in its room but tell it not to play with knives and so on?
Anonymous  02/11/17 Чтв 02:50:20 #57 №25071 
glad to hear that m8
keep it up and do your thing
but don't forget that escapist fantasies can turn real if the situation allows it
Anonymous  02/11/17 Чтв 03:04:57 #58 №25072 
He gives you free will, which means access to all possible opportunities.

This is the big failure of all Abrahamic religions (plus typologically similar "crisis cults" in general) in my opinion - they replace the cosmology and ritualism of "natural" religions with ethics and personal faith/practice, and then they fail to explain the non-moral and indifferent universe that any creature with self-awareness experiences, which leads to religious speculation and endless arguments of the sort you two have.

But it's not internally inconsistent. You have free will, you can do whatever you want, there's only one way to do it right, but still, you can do whatever you want, because depriving you of choice would be morally wrong, and God is morally perfect. For a religion focused on ethics this is the only rational outcome, after all things are considered.
Anonymous  02/11/17 Чтв 03:36:03 #59 №25073 
Thanks. Well, Allaahu ʾaʿlam.
Anonymous  02/11/17 Чтв 09:43:37 #60 №25080 
>yeah why did he give you these options if he loves you? if you love your child, do you put knives, lighters, cocaine and vodka in its room but tell it not to play with knives and so on?

much much worse, he gives you tanks, rockets and atomic bombs. but you still have the brain not to use them ?

the whole point of this is to reward you, hes like a trillionair who have no kids, so he created us to reward us. but only if we play by the rules if not, we get punished-
Anonymous  09/11/17 Чтв 00:35:06 #61 №25250 

Rumda Acemde âşık olduğum,    Yemen illerinde Veysel Karanî
Hak peygamber sevdi ve dostum dedi     Yemen illerinde Veysel Karanî

Elinde asası hurma dalından     Eyninde hırkası deve yününden
Asla hata gelmez onun dilinden     Yemen illerinde Veysel Karanî

Anasından doğdu dünyaya geldi    melekler kanadın altına serdi
Resulün hırkasın tacın giydi     Yemen illerinde Veysel Karanî

Sabah namazını kılıp giderdi     Gizlice Rabbine niyaz ederdi
Anın işi güçü deve güderdi      Yemen illerinde Veysel Karanî

Allah Alla deyu deve güderdi      Yemen illerinde Veysel Karani

Bin deveyi bir akceye güderdi      Onun da nısfını zekat ederdi
Develer bileşince tevhid ederdi     Yemen illerinde Veysel Karanî

Yastığı taş idi döşek postu     cennetlik eylemek ümmeti kastı
Hakkın sevgilisi habibin dostu     Yemen illerinde Veysel Karanî

Anasından destur aldı durmadı,     Kâbe yollarını geçti boyladı
Geldi o Resulu evde bulmadı     Yemen illerinde Veysel Karanî

Peygamber mescidden evine geldi     veysin nurunu kapıda gördü
sordu aişeye eve kim geldi     Yemen illerinde Veysel Karanî

Yunus eydür gelin biz de varalım     ayağın tozuna yüzler süreyim
Hak nasip eylesin komşu olalım     Yemen illerinde Veysel Karanî
Anonymous  09/11/17 Чтв 18:42:12 #62 №25264 
t: armenian who got raped by turk(azerbajan)
Anonymous  09/11/17 Чтв 18:53:16 #63 №25265 
Anonymous  14/11/17 Втр 02:16:58 #64 №25414 
0 page
Anonymous  20/11/17 Пнд 14:15:56 #65 №25683 
islam is gay :D haha
Anonymous  20/11/17 Пнд 20:15:37 #66 №25694 
no voi :(
Anonymous  22/11/17 Срд 12:04:13 #67 №25753 
>>24899 (OP)

LOL good video
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